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Several examples of progenetic species among Mesozoic ammonites are investigated. The ammonites are Middle Jurassic kosmoceratids, Upper Jurassic oppeliids, and Upper Cretaceous scaphites. As assessed through outgroup comparison, the progenetic species in each of these examples is characterized by small size at maturity and the presence of morphological features typical of those of the juveniles of more primitive species. However, in none of these examples is the progenetic species a duplicate form of the juvenile stage of more primitive species. There are at least three kinds of features of progenetic species that differ from those of the juveniles of more primitive species: (1) symplesiomorphous features associated with maturation, (2) unique features whose presence is not clearly related to progenetic processes, and (3) unique features that may represent epigenetic outgrowths of juvenile morphology. This novel combination of juvenile. adult. and unique features may endow progenetic species with the evolutionary potential to play a role in the origin of higher taxa. □ Progenesis, heterochrony, Ammon-oidea. Jurassic, Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Plant defences vary in space and time, which may translate into specific herbivore‐foraging patterns and feeding niche differentiation. To date, little is known about the effect of secondary metabolite patterning on within‐plant herbivore foraging. We investigated how variation in the major maize secondary metabolites, 1,4‐benzoxazin‐3‐one derivatives (BXDs), affects the foraging behaviour of two leaf‐chewing herbivores. BXD levels varied substantially within plants. Older leaves had higher levels of constitutive BXDs while younger leaves were consistently more inducible. These differences were observed independently of plant age, even though the concentrations of most BXDs declined markedly in older plants. Larvae of the well‐adapted maize pest Spodoptera frugiperda preferred and grew better on young inducible leaves irrespective of plant age, while larvae of the generalist Spodoptera littoralis preferred and tended to grow better on old leaves. In BXD‐free mutants, the differences in herbivore weight gain between old and young leaves were absent for both species, and leaf preferences of S. frugiperda were attenuated. In contrast, S. littoralis foraging patterns were not affected. In summary, our study shows that plant secondary metabolites differentially affect performance and foraging of adapted and non‐adapted herbivores and thereby likely contribute to feeding niche differentiation.  相似文献   
We use an integrative taxonomic approach to revise the genus Anisopteromalus. In particular, we apply multivariate ratio analysis (MRA), a rather new statistical method based on principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), to numerous body measurements and combine the data with those from our molecular analysis of Cytb and ITS2 genetic markers (on a subset of species) and all available published data on morphology, karyology, behaviour, host associations and geographic distribution. We demonstrate that the analysis of quantitative characters using MRA plays a major role for the integration of name‐bearing types and thus for the association of taxa with names. Six species are recognized, of which two are new: A. cornis Baur sp.n. and A. quinarius Gokhman & Baur sp.n. For Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard), a well‐known, cosmopolitan parasitoid of stored‐product pests, we have selected a neotype to foster continuity and stability in the application of this important name. The species was sometimes confused with the related A. quinarius sp.n. , another cosmopolitan species that is frequently encountered in similar environments. We also show that several species originally described or later put under Anisopteromalus actually belong to different genera: Cyrtoptyx camerunus (Risbec) comb.n. ; Meraporus glaber (Szelényi) comb.n. ; Dinarmus schwenkei (Roomi, Khan & Khan) comb.n. Neocatolaccus indicus Ayyar & Mani is confirmed as a junior synonym of Oxysychus sphenopterae (Ferrière) syn.n. and Anisopteromalus calandrae brasiliensis (Domenichini) stat.rev. must be considered as a valid but doubtful taxon. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BDFE96D3‐D0F4‐4012‐90F5‐9A087F7F5864 .  相似文献   
Leaf gas‐exchange regulation plays a central role in the ability of trees to survive drought, but forecasting the future response of gas exchange to prolonged drought is hampered by our lack of knowledge regarding potential acclimation. To investigate whether leaf gas‐exchange rates and sensitivity to drought acclimate to precipitation regimes, we measured the seasonal variations of leaf gas exchange in a mature piñon–juniper Pinus edulisJuniperus monosperma woodland after 3 years of precipitation manipulation. We compared trees receiving ambient precipitation with those in an irrigated treatment (+30% of ambient precipitation) and a partial rainfall exclusion (?45%). Treatments significantly affected leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis for both isohydric piñon and anisohydric juniper. Leaf gas exchange acclimated to the precipitation regimes in both species. Maximum gas‐exchange rates under well‐watered conditions, leaf‐specific hydraulic conductance and leaf water potential at zero photosynthetic assimilation all decreased with decreasing precipitation. Despite their distinct drought resistance and stomatal regulation strategies, both species experienced hydraulic limitation on leaf gas exchange when precipitation decreased, leading to an intraspecific trade‐off between maximum photosynthetic assimilation and resistance of photosynthesis to drought. This response will be most detrimental to the carbon balance of piñon under predicted increases in aridity in the southwestern USA.  相似文献   
We studied the effects on the phenology, growth and reproduction of 19 Mediterranean species, of elevating the atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) to twice-ambient. Intact monoliths were taken from an old-field and put, during a six month growing season, into growth chambers in which external climatic conditions were mimicked and [CO2] was regulated. Fruit set time was significantly changed in six species under elevated [CO2] and leaf and branch senescence accelerated in most species. Grasses had fewer leaves and legumes were more branched at peak production under elevated [CO2] than under ambient. Plant seed number was not significantly changed under elevated [CO2], whereas the reproductive effort of grasses was significantly depressed. Reproductive and vegetative characteristics showed related responses to [CO2], as species with enhanced biomass had a hastened fruit set time, a higher number of fruits per plant and a higher reproductive biomass under elevated [CO2] than under ambient conditions, while species with depressed biomass had a delayed fruit set time, a lower number of fruits per plant and a lower reproductive biomass. Our results also show a high interspecific variability in [CO2] response, but some trends emerged at the family level: the production of vegetative and reproductive modules were depressed in grasses and slightly stimulated in legumes.  相似文献   
Estimates of carbon leaching losses from different land use systems are few and their contribution to the net ecosystem carbon balance is uncertain. We investigated leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and dissolved methane (CH4), at forests, grasslands, and croplands across Europe. Biogenic contributions to DIC were estimated by means of its δ13C signature. Leaching of biogenic DIC was 8.3±4.9 g m?2 yr?1 for forests, 24.1±7.2 g m?2 yr?1 for grasslands, and 14.6±4.8 g m?2 yr?1 for croplands. DOC leaching equalled 3.5±1.3 g m?2 yr?1 for forests, 5.3±2.0 g m?2 yr?1 for grasslands, and 4.1±1.3 g m?2 yr?1 for croplands. The average flux of total biogenic carbon across land use systems was 19.4±4.0 g C m?2 yr?1. Production of DOC in topsoils was positively related to their C/N ratio and DOC retention in subsoils was inversely related to the ratio of organic carbon to iron plus aluminium (hydr)oxides. Partial pressures of CO2 in soil air and soil pH determined DIC concentrations and fluxes, but soil solutions were often supersaturated with DIC relative to soil air CO2. Leaching losses of biogenic carbon (DOC plus biogenic DIC) from grasslands equalled 5–98% (median: 22%) of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) plus carbon inputs with fertilization minus carbon removal with harvest. Carbon leaching increased the net losses from cropland soils by 24–105% (median: 25%). For the majority of forest sites, leaching hardly affected actual net ecosystem carbon balances because of the small solubility of CO2 in acidic forest soil solutions and large NEE. Leaching of CH4 proved to be insignificant compared with other fluxes of carbon. Overall, our results show that leaching losses are particularly important for the carbon balance of agricultural systems.  相似文献   
Species‐specific microsatellite markers were obtained for the unambiguous recognition of five poplar species of ecological and commercial importance to eastern North America: the native species Populus balsamifera and Populus deltoides, the exotic species Populus maximowiczii, Populus nigra, Populus trichocarpa and their interspecific hybrids. Forty‐four of 71 tested primer pairs amplified simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci for all five taxa. Six of these loci showed non‐overlapping allelic diversity between species, including fixed differences. Together, they were useful to identify unambiguously the five taxa and to validate parental contributions in a group of hybrid progeny. These markers will be invaluable to detect gene flow from plantations of exotic poplar into adjacent stands of native species and between the two potentially hybridizing native species P. balsamifera and P. deltoides.  相似文献   
In starfish, the activity of a major Ca2+-and cyclic nuleotide-independent protein kinase has been shown to fluctuate in phase with that of MPF along meiotic and mitotic cell cycle (23, 25). Microinjection of α-naphthylphosphate (α-NP), a potent phosphatase inhibitor, increased considerably (from 15 to 546 picomoles/min/mg protein) the activity of this major cycling kinase in homogenates. Although this result supported the view that kinase phosphorylation might induce its own activation, this hypothesis was eliminated because injection of cytoplasm from hormone-stimulated enucleated oocytes, which contained the fully activated kinase but no MPF, failed to trigger kinase activation in recipient oocytes. In contrast, kinase activation was induced in recipient oocytes injected with either cytoplasm taken from nucleated maturing oocytes, which contained high MPF and kinase activities, or cytoplasm taken later from hormone-stimulated and ATP-γ-S-injected oocytes which contained high MPF but low kinase activites. These results indicate that inhibiting dephosphorylation of some regulatory protein activates the M-phase-specific protein kinase. The possibility that the M-phase or maturation-promoting factor (MPF) might be this regulatory protein is discussed.  相似文献   
The interaction of environmental and genetic variation in hazelnut (Corylus avellana) shoot development and the behaviour, survival, and colonisation of eriophyid bud mites (Phytoptus avellanae and Cecidophyopsis vermiformis) were studied. The distribution of galled buds on shoots indicated that mites colonised only those buds formed during the mite migration period. The point of entry is probably the growing shoot tip. Once within this structure, as the shoot develops the mites have access to a succession of newly-formed, bud primordia that are unprotected by bud scales. The relative accessibility of the apical meristem and bud primordia may affect host susceptibility.  相似文献   
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