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ABSTRACT This report serves to introduce the symposium on food chains and food webs that is jointly sponsored by the Society of Protozoologists and the Phycological Society of America. A brief history of the field of aquatic microbial ecology is presented with an emphasis on the development of theoretical models that have directed the course of research — research that has shaped the development of new and more complex models of the present. the paper aims to provide historical background for all symposium participants and an introduction to the specific presentations of the four guest speakers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trachelolophos gigas n. g., n. sp. and T. filum (Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) n. comb. (basionym: Tracheloraphis filum) were discovered in the mesopsammon of the French Atlantic coast at Roscoff. Their morphology and infraciliature were studied in live and protargol impregnated specimens. The new genus, Trachelolophos, belongs to the family Trachelocercidae and is unique in having a conspicuous ciliary tuft, which is very likely a highly modified brosse, in the oral cavity. The two species investigated have a very similar infraciliature, differing only in morphometric characteristics and in the nuclear configuration. The entire somatic and oral infraciliature consists of dikinetids which have both basal bodies ciliated or only the anterior or posterior ones, depending on the region of the cell. The right side is densely and uniformly ciliated. Its kineties extend onto the left side to the glabrous stripe, where an anterior and posterior secant system are formed, reducing the number of kineties in the narrowed neck and tail region. The left side bears a narrow glabrous stripe bordered by slightly irregularly arranged dikinetids having rather stiff cilia (bristles), possibly forming an uninterrupted, prolate ellipsoidal (bristle) kinety as indicated by their ciliation. The bristle kinety commences subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, extends posteriorly, then anteriorly at the left, to end up at the right margin again. The dikinetids of the right posterior portion of the bristle kinety have the posterior basal bodies ciliated, whereas the anterior basal bodies are ciliated in its left and right anterior portion. The ends of the bristle kinety meet distinctly subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, as indicated by the diametrically opposed ciliation of the dikinetids. The anterior region (head) of the cell bears a distinct circumoral kinety composed of very regularly arranged dikinetids, associated with nematodesmata forming an oral basket together with the nematodesmal bundles originating from the oralized somatic dikinetids at the anterior end of the somatic kineties. The systematics of trachelocercid ciliates are briefly reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   
Opabinia regalis Walcott is an enigmatic fossil from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of uncertain affinities. Recent suggestions place it in a clade with Anomalocaris Whiteaves from the Burgess Shale and Kerygmachela Budd from the Greenlandic Sirius Passet Fauna; these taxa have been interpreted as 'lobopods'. Consideration of available Opabinia specimens demonstrates that reflective extensions from the axial region, previously thought to be either gut diverticula or musculature, can be accommodated in neither the trunk nor the lateral lobes that arise from it. They must therefore be external structures independent of the lateral lobes. On the basis of their sub-triangular appearance, size and taphonomy, they are considered here to represent lobopod limbs. Some evidence for the existence of terminal claws is also presented. The question of whether Kerygmachela, Opabinia and Anomalocaris constitute a monophyletic or paraphyletic grouping is considered. While they share several characters, most of these are plesiomorphies. Further, Opabinia and Anomalocaris share several arthropod-like characters not possessed by Kerygmachela. It is concluded that these three taxa probably form a paraphyletic grouping at the base of the arthropods. Retention of lobopod-like characters within the group provides important documentation of the lobopod-arthropod transition. A proper understanding of Opabinia and its close relatives, which may include the tardigrades, opens the way for a reconstruction of the arthropod stem-group. This in turn allows the construction of a speculative but satisfying scenario for the evolution of major arthropod features, including the origin of the biramous limb, tergites and arthropod segmentation. 'Arthropodization' may thus be seen not to be a single event but a series of adaptive innovations. OPABINIA, ANOMALOCARIS, KERYGMACHELA, Burgess Shale, problematica, Lobopodia, Arthropoda.  相似文献   
Multiplicative error accounts for much of the size-scaling and leptokurtosis in fluctuating asymmetry. It arises when growth involves the addition of tissue to that which is already present. Such errors are lognormally distributed. The distribution of the difference between two lognormal variates is leptokurtic. If those two variates are correlated, then the asymmetry variance will scale with size. Inert tissues typically exhibit additive error and have a gamma distribution. Although their asymmetry variance does not exhibit size-scaling, the distribution of the difference between two gamma variates is nevertheless leptokurtic. Measurement error is also additive, but has a normal distribution. Thus, the measurement of fluctuating asymmetry may involve the mixing of additive and multiplicative error. When errors are multiplicative, we recommend computing log  E ( l ) − log  E ( r ), the difference between the logarithms of the expected values of left and right sides, even when size-scaling is not obvious. If l and r are lognormally distributed, and measurement error is nil, the resulting distribution will be normal, and multiplicative error will not confound size-related changes in asymmetry. When errors are additive, such a transformation to remove size-scaling is unnecessary. Nevertheless, the distribution of l  −  r may still be leptokurtic.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80, 57–65.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Abundant well-preserved jellyfish impressions are described from the Cerin Lagerstätte (Ain, eastern France). The enclosing sediments are lithographic limestones deposited in a Late Kimmeridgian lagoon lying on an emergent reef complex. Two new taxa of Scyphozoa are proposed: Paraurelia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (abundant) and Paraurelia sp. A (rare), and two new taxa of Cubozoa: Bipedalia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (rare) and Paracarybdea lithographica gen. et sp. nov. (very rare). Rapid covering by a microbial mat helped the preservation of the animals. Many specimens of Paraurelia cerinensis are deformed by slippage down the palaeoslope, which characterizes the margin of the lagoon. Their resultant morphology and their orientation clearly indicate the downslope direction. Tentacles of Bipedalia cerinensis and Paracarybdea lithographica are also orientated according to the palaeoslope. The jellyfish were probably dead individuals occasionally introduced into the Cerin lagoon. However, another hypothesis may be considered with reference to the model of the present-day jellyfish lakes in Palau (Caroline Islands, Western Pacific). Jellyfish could have lived in the more oxygenated upper layer of water of the Cerin lagoon that allowed pelagic life. This situation could have corresponded to short periods of easier communication between the open sea and the lagoon. Jellyfish are only found in the lower beds of the lithographic limestones and their distribution illustrates the supposed evolution of the Cerin lagoon. Initially, it was deep, mainly flooded, with possibly autochthonous jellyfish and allochthonous animals indicating clear marine influence. Later, the lagoon shallowed and its sediments often emerged with marginal marine burrows and plants indicating increasing terrestrial influence.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Well-preserved arthropod trackways are described from the laminated limestones of the Crayssac Lagerstätte (south-west France, Lower Tithonian). They occur in sediments deposited in the temporary coastal mudflats of intertidal to supratidal zones. The trackways are referred to Pterichnus isopodicus isp. nov., and are interpreted as the locomotion traces of isopods. Different trackway morphotypes are recognized and clearly resulted from variations in the original consistency of the sediment. Sinuous trackways may correspond to vagrant activity on wet mud whereas numerous straight ones indicate a more rapid crawling on a soft-to-firm substratum (e.g. tidal flat during emersion). The preferred orientation of trackways indicates that isopods were crawling in a direction perpendicular to shoreline as a result of possible taxis induced by sediment wetness and/or by a migratory behaviour controlled by tidal rhythm. Unusually long emergence of the sediments may have favoured the preservation of dense networks of trackways. An isopod identity is supported by the general morphology of the tracks and the association of trackways with isopod body fossils. Archaeoniscus , which occurs abundantly in Late Jurassic deposits of England and France, was probably the trace-maker.  相似文献   
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