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In this study, four commonly-used sampling devices (vacuum socks, 37 mm 0.8 μm mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filter cassettes, 37 mm 0.3 μm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter cassettes, and 3M™ forensic filters) were comparatively evaluated for their ability to recover surface-associated spores. Aerosolized spores (~ 105 CFU cm− 2) of a Bacillus anthracis surrogate were allowed to settle onto three material types (concrete, carpet, and upholstery). Ten replicate samples were collected using each vacuum method, from each material type. Stainless steel surfaces, inoculated simultaneously with test materials, were sampled with pre-moistened wipes. Wipe recoveries were utilized to normalize vacuum-based recoveries across trials. Recovery (CFU cm− 2) and relative recovery (vacuum recovery/wipe recovery) were determined for each method and material type. Recoveries and relative recoveries ranged from 3.8 × 103 to 7.4 × 104 CFU cm− 2 and 0.035 to 1.242, respectively. ANOVA results indicated that the 37 mm MCE method exhibited higher relative recoveries than the other methods when used for sampling concrete or upholstery. While the vacuum sock resulted in the highest relative recoveries on carpet, no statistically significant difference was detected. The results of this study may be used to guide selection of sampling approaches following biological contamination incidents.  相似文献   
In order to shuttle substrates across the lipid bilayer, membrane proteins undergo a series of conformation changes that are influenced by protein structure, ligands, and the lipid environment. To test the effect of lipid on conformation change of the ABC transporter MolBC, EPR studies were conducted in lipids and detergents of variable composition. In both a detergent and lipid environment, MolBC underwent the same general conformation changes as detected by site-directed EPR spectroscopy. However, differences in activity and the details of the EPR analysis indicate conformational rigidity that is dependent on the lipid environment. From these observations, we conclude that native-like lipid mixtures provide the transporter with greater activity and conformational flexibility as well as technical advantages such as reconstitution efficiency and protein stability.  相似文献   
The autoantigenic polymyositis/scleroderma (PM/Scl) complex was recently shown to be the human homologue of the yeast exosome, which is an RNA-processing complex. Our aim was to assess whether, in addition to targeting the known autoantigens PM/Scl-100 and PM/Scl-75, autoantibodies also target recently identified components of the PM/Scl complex. The prevalence of autoantibodies directed to six novel human exosome components (hRrp4p, hRrp40p, hRrp41p, hRrp42p, hRrp46p, hCsl4p) was determined in sera from patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (n = 48), scleroderma (n = 11), or the PM/Scl overlap syndrome (n = 10). The sera were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and western blotting using the affinity-purified recombinant proteins. Our results show that each human exosome component is recognized by autoantibodies. The hRrp4p and hRrp42p components were most frequently targeted. The presence of autoantibodies directed to the novel components of the human exosome was correlated with the presence of the anti-PM/Scl-100 autoantibody in the sera of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM), as was previously found for the anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibody. Other clear associations between autoantibody activities were not found. These results further support the conception that the autoimmune response may initially be directed to PM/Scl-100, whereas intermolecular epitope spreading may have caused the autoantibody response directed to the associated components.  相似文献   
A characteristic feature of the sperm P1 protamines of eutherian mammals is the constant presence of six to nine cysteine residues per molecule. During spermiogenesis these residues become oxidized to form a three-dimensional network of disulfide bridges between, and within, protamine molecules in the sperm chromatin. This covalent cross linking strongly stabilizes eutherian sperm nuclei. In contrast, protamines sequenced from teleost fish, birds, monotremes, and marsupials all lack cysteine residues and their sperm nuclei, without the stabilizing cross links, are easily decondensed in vitro. We have now found that one genus of tiny, shrewlike dasyurid marsupials, the Planigales, possess P1 protamines containing five to six cysteine residues. These residues appear to have evolved since the divergence of Planigales from other members of the family Dasyuridae, such as the marsupial mouse, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. We believe this constitutes a case of convergent evolution in a subfamily of dasyurid marsupials toward the cysteine-rich eutherian form of sperm protamine P1.   相似文献   
Increasing evidence associates environmental challenges early in life with permanent alterations of physiological functions in adulthood. These changes in fetal environment can trigger physiological adaptations by the fetus, called fetal programming, which may be beneficial before birth but permanently influence the physiology of the organism. In this study, we investigated the potential connection between alcohol-induced decreased maternal thyroid function and the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) function of adult rat offspring. Plasma 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were decreased in alcohol-consuming (E) dams on gestational day 21 compared with ad libitum- (C) and pair-fed (PF) controls. No significant differences were found in HPT function in young offspring (3 wk of age) between diet groups. However, adult fetal alcohol-exposed (FAE) offspring had significantly decreased levels of T(3) along with elevated TSH compared with control offspring. T(4) administration to the mother did not normalize the hypothyroid state of the adult FAE offspring. Interestingly, administration of T(4) to control pregnant dams decreased plasma T(3) of the adult female offspring only, whereas T(4) together with maternal alcohol consumption or pair-feeding led to decreased TSH and T(4) in the adult female offspring. Our results suggest that ethanol consumption and T(4) administration alter maternal HPT function, leading to prenatally programmed permanent alterations in the thyroid function of the adult offspring.  相似文献   
正Diagnosis of mitochondrial DNA(mt DNA)disorders has traditionally been focused on the presence of point mutations and large deletions.However,deviations in mitochondrial abundance or mt DNA copy number can also be associated with many physiological and pathological conditions(Bai and Wong,2005).For example,reduced mt DNA copy number could be a result of defective mt DNA biosynthesis or mt DNA replication and is associated  相似文献   
Glandular trichome heads (the secretory cells), obtained by mechanical homogenization of young floral buds and subtending leaves of Artemisia, were isolated and partially purified in discontinuous and continuous Percoll density gradients. With discontinuous gradients, the mixed-cell suspension was fractionated on four layers of Percoll with increasing densities: 0, 1.048, 1.068, and 1.084 g/ml. Gland heads banded primarily at the 0/1.048 interface, mesophyll cells at the 1.068/1.084 interface, and the hairs and hair fragments pelleted at the bottom of the tube. Twenty to thirty percent of the cells in the 0/1.048 band were intact gland heads, which represented about half of those recovered from the gradient. Hairs were the major contaminant. Over 90% of the gland heads excluded Evan's blue dye and were apparently viable. Similar results were obtained from preliminary experiments using continuous density gradients. The whole procedure for either method requires 3–6 hr, depending on the amount of starting material.  相似文献   
Breakdown of endothelial barrier function is a hallmark event across a variety of pathologies such as inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. It has also been appreciated that steroid hormones impart direct biological activity on endothelial cells at many levels. The purpose of this investigation was to explore the effect of the androgen-like steroid, danazol, on endothelial cell barrier function in vitro. Primary human endothelial cells exposed to 0.01-50 μM danazol were evaluated for changes in permeability. We found that danazol altered endothelial permeability in a biphasic manner in which nanomolar concentrations enhance barrier function while micromolar concentrations are detrimental. Monitoring of trans-endothelial electrical resistance demonstrated that these barrier enhancing effects were rapid (within 5 min) and lasted for over 24h. Analysis of intracellular f-actin organization showed that barrier enhancement also correlated with the formation of a submembranous cortical actin ring. Conversely, at higher danazol concentrations, contractile cell phenotypes were observed, represented by stress fiber formation. Competitive binding studies performed using steroid hormone receptor antagonists proved that this activity is the result of androgen and estrogen receptor ligation. These findings suggest that low dose danazol may provide a therapeutic window for diseases involving vascular leakage.  相似文献   
Colony reproduction in honey bees involves complex interactions between sterile workers and reproductive castes. Although worker–queen interactions have been studied in detail, worker–drone interactions are less well understood. We investigated caste interactions in honey bees by determining the age and behavior of workers that perform vibration signals, trophallaxis, and grooming with drones. Workers of all ages could engage in the different interactions monitored, although workers that performed vibration signals on drones were significantly older than those engaging in trophallaxis and grooming. Only 3–8% of workers engaged in the different behaviors were monitored. Compared with workers that performed vibration signals only on workers (‘worker vibrators’), those that performed signals on both workers and drones (‘drone vibrators’) had greater movement rates inside the nest, higher vibration signaling rates, and were more likely to have an immediate association with foraging. Both worker vibrators and drone vibrators contacted drones of all ages as they moved through the nest. However, drone vibrators contacted drones at higher rates, contacted slightly, but significantly younger drones, and were more likely to engage in trophallaxis and grooming with drones, in addition to vibrating them. Taken together, our results suggest that tiny proportions of workers belonging to separate, but overlapping age groups provide most of the care received by adult drones, and that drone vibrators comprise a subset of signalers within a colony that have an increased tendency to contact and interact with drones. Vibratory, tactile signals are involved in colony reproductive and movement decisions in a number of species of bees, wasps and ants, and may provide valuable tools for investigating caste interactions in many insect societies.  相似文献   
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