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Summary Leaves of birch (Betula pendula Roth) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) were initiated and grown either in a simulated shadelight (80 mol m-2 s-1, R/FR ratio 0.28)/dark photoenvironment or a white light (250 mol m-2 s-1, R/FR>1)/dark photoenvironment. Until the leaves were more than 50% expanded, growth rates (measured every 24 h) were the same for both species in both environments. After this time, growth rate slowed and this correlated well with a decrease in wall extensibility (WEX). Birch leaves in shadelight showed reduced surface acidification and were the first to show reduced growth. WEX under these conditions was particularly low.Daily patterns of leaf growth of the two species were very different. Sycamore leaves showed a slightly higher growth rate in the dark than in shadelight, while birch leaves grew more rapidly in shadelight than in the dark. Limitation of growth of sycamore leaves in light may be explained by a very high yield threshold turgor for growth (Y). The daily pattern of leaf growth shown by birch is more difficult to explain but the importance of a possible limitation of growth by solute availability and a diurnal variation in Y are discussed.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the rat apolipoprotein (apo-) A-IV gene and analyzed its structural and evolutionary relationships to the human apolipoprotein A-I, E, and C-III genes. The rat A-IV gene is 2.4 kilobases in size and consists of three exons (142, 126, and 1157 base pairs) interrupted by two introns (277 and 673 base pairs). The 5'-nontranslated region and most of the signal peptide are encoded by the first exon. Thus, the apo-A-IV gene lacks an intron in the 5'-nontranslated region of its mRNA in contrast to all other known apolipoprotein genes. Sequences coding for amphipathic docosapeptides span both the second and third exons of the rat A-IV gene. We demonstrate that this is also true for the human apolipoprotein genes. This gene family seems to have evolved by the duplication of an ancestral minigene that resulted in the formation of two exons. Thereafter, evolution of these sequences was dominated by intraexonic amplification of repeating units coding for amphipathic peptides. Sequence divergence of these repeats resulted in the functional differentiation of the apolipoproteins. However, conservation of the fundamental amphipathic pattern allowed members of this protein family to retain their lipid-binding properties.  相似文献   
Probing the structure of cytoplasm   总被引:39,自引:19,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
We have used size-fractionated, fluorescent dextrans to probe the structure of the cytoplasmic ground substance of living Swiss 3T3 cells by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and video image processing. The data indicate that the cytoplasm of living cells has a fluid phase viscosity four times greater than water and contains structural barriers that restrict free diffusion of dissolved macromolecules in a size-dependent manner. Assuming these structural barriers comprise a filamentous meshwork, the combined fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and imaging data suggest that the average pore size of the meshwork is in the range of 300 to 400 A, but may be as small as 200 A in some cytoplasmic domains.  相似文献   
In intact goldfish xanthophores, the phosphorylation of a pigment organelle (carotenoid droplet) protein, p57, appears to play an important role in adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)- or cAMP-induced pigment organelle dispersion while the dephosphorylation of this protein upon withdrawal of ACTH or cAMP is implicated in pigment aggregation. In this paper, we report the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of this protein in cell-free extracts of xanthophores as determined by the incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP. As is the case in intact cells, p57 is the predominant protein phosphorylated in the presence of cAMP. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase which phosphorylates p57 is not bound to the isolated organelles but is found in the soluble portion of the cell extracts. Hence, the phosphorylation of p57 requires the carotenoid droplets bearing the substrate, soluble extract containing the kinase, cAMP (half-maximal activation at 0.5 microM), and Mg2+ (optimal at 5 mM or higher). The presence of protein phosphatase(s) in these extracts was shown indirectly by the stimulation of phosphorylation by fluoride. The phosphorylation of p57 does not appear to require a cell-specific kinase as soluble extracts of goldfish dermal nonpigment cells also phosphorylate p57 associated with isolated carotenoid droplets. Furthermore, using a constant amount of carotenoid droplets, a linear relationship was demonstrated between the rate of p57 phosphorylation and the amount of extract present in the assays. These results suggest that p57 is phosphorylated directly by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase and that the activity of this enzyme is important in regulating the intracellular movement of the pigment organelles of the xanthophore.  相似文献   
Chloramphenicol resistance in Salmonella typhi is medicated by plasmids of the incompatibility group H, subgroup 1 (IncHI1). Eight IncHI1 plasmids from S. typhi strains originating in Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, and India were examined by restriction enzyme digestion. The restriction enzymes, Apal, Xbal, and PstI were found to be most useful for comparison of plasmid DNAs. Four plasmids from S. typhi isolated in Mexico, Vietnam, and Thailand between 1972 and 1974 had identical restriction patterns with all three enzymes. The other IncHI1 plasmids showed only minor differences. However, some significant differences were noted between these IncHI1 plasmids and the prototype IncHI1 plasmid R27, which was isolated from S. typhimurium in 1961 and for which a restriction map has been constructed. Southern transfer hybridization with a nick-translated HI1 plasmid as a probe confirmed that there is a great deal of sequence homology among the IncHI1 plasmids. DNA probes were used to locate DNA sequences for ampicillin resistance (Tn3), chloramphenicol resistance (Tn9), tetracycline resistance (Tn10), and the one-way incompatibility between IncHI1 plasmids and the F factor, a characteristic property of IncHI1 plasmids. The results demonstrate that IncHI1 plasmids isolated from S. typhi from widely different geographic sources are very similar. Comparisons between the S. typhi plasmids and R27 indicated that conserved regions of DNA were those involved in conjugative transfer.  相似文献   
A histamine-producing strain of Lactobacillus buchneri was isolated from Swiss cheese that had been implicated in an outbreak of histamine poisoning. It produced up to 4,070 nmol of histamine per ml in MRS broth supplemented with 0.1% histidine. The identification of this isolate was based on its biochemical, bacteriological, and DNA characterizations.  相似文献   
Behavior of a fluorescent analogue of calmodulin in living 3T3 cells   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
We have prepared and partially characterized a lissamine-rhodamine B fluorescent analogue of calmodulin, LRB-CM. The analogue had a dye/protein ratio of approximately 1.0 and contained no free dye or contaminating labeled proteins. LRB-CM was indistinguishable from native calmodulin upon SDS PAGE and in assays of phosphodiesterase and myosin light chain kinase. The emission spectrum of LRB-CM was insensitive to changes in pH, ionic strength, and temperature over the physiological range, but the apparent quantum yield was influenced somewhat by divalent cation concentration. LRB-CM injected into living Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts became associated with nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin staining stress fibers in some interphase cells. LRB-CM and acetamidofluorescein-labeled actin co-injected into the same cell both became associated with fibers in some cells, but in most cases association of the two analogues with fibers was mutually exclusive. This suggests that calmodulin may differ from actin in the timing of incorporation into stress fibers or that we have distinguished distinct populations of stress fibers. We were able to detect no direct interaction of LRB-CM with actin by fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FRAP) of aqueous solutions. Interaction of LRB-CM with myosin light chain kinase also was not detected by FRAP. This suggests that the mean lifetime of the calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase complex is too short to affect the diffusion coefficient of calmodulin. We examined various fluorescent derivatives of proteins and dextrans as suitable control molecules for quantitative fluorescent analogue cytochemistry in living cells. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextrans were found to be preferable to all the proteins tested, since their mobilities in cytoplasm were inversely dependent on molecular size and there was no evidence of binding to intracellular components. In contrast, FRAP of LRB-CM in the cytoplasm of living 3T3 cells suggested that the analogue interacts with intracellular components with a range of affinities. The mobility of LRB-CM in the cytoplasm was sensitive to treatment of the cells with trifluoperazine, which suggests that at least some of the intracellular binding sites are specific for calmodulin in the calcium-bound form. FRAP of LRB-CM in the nuclei of living 3T3 cells indicated that the analogue was highly mobile within the nucleus but entered the nucleus from the cytoplasm much more slowly than fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran of comparable molecular size and much more slowly than predicted from its mobility in cytoplasm.  相似文献   
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) induces de novo biosynthesis of a specific calcium-binding protein (CaBP) in embryonic chick duodenum in organ culture. Using a highly sensitive and specific, peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure, 1,25(OH)2D3-induced CaBP in the organ-cultured duodenum was found only in the cytoplasm of absorptive cells, corresponding to its localization in rachitic chick duodenal cells after a single injection of 1,25(OH)2D3 in vivo. This observation, along with evidence correlating CaBP with calcium transport, strongly supports the use of the embryonic chick duodenal organ culture system as a physiologically relevant model of the vitamin D-dependent calcium absorptive mechanism.  相似文献   
As-1 is the putative structural locus for murine arylsulfatase B, and Lth-1 determines the presence or absence of a 35 000 dalton acidic liver protein. As-1 and Lth-1 were found to be closely linked using recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Both loci were found to have been cotransferred with the pearl (pe) coat color mutation (chromosome 13) in the B6.C3H pe/pe congenic strain. The linkage relationships between pe, Lth-1, and As-1 were further defined in a backcross. On the basis of the RI data, the congenic strain result, and the backcross data, the following genetic distances were estimated: pe--As-1, 7.1 +/- 4.0 cM; As-1--Lth-1, 2.5 +/- 1.0 cM; and pe--Lth-1, less than 6.9 cM. As-1 and Lth-1 are the first biochemically defined loci to be added to the chromosome 13 linkage map.  相似文献   
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