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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has high replication and mutation rates that generate large census populations and high levels of genetic variation. We examined the roles of natural selection, population growth, random genetic drift, and recombination in shaping the variation in 1509 C2-V5 env sequences derived from nine men with chronic HIV-1 infection. These sequences were obtained from clinical visits that reflect the first 6-13.7 years of infection. Pairwise comparisons of nonsynonymous and synonymous distances, Tajima's D test, Fu and Li's D* test, and a test of recurrent mutation revealed evidence for episodes of nonneutral evolution in a total of 22 out of 145 blood samples, representing six of the nine individuals. Using three coalescent-based maximum-likelihood estimators, we found viral effective population sizes in all nine individuals to be approximately 10(3). We also show that a previous estimate of the effective population size of approximately 10(5) based on rare haplotype frequencies decreases to approximately 10(3) upon correcting a biased sampling procedure. We conclude that the genetic variation in these data sets can be explained by a predominance of random genetic drift of neutral mutations with brief episodes of natural selection that were frequently masked by recombination.  相似文献   
Na+ currents were measured during 0.4-s depolarizing pulses using the cell-attached variation of the patch-clamp technique. Patches on Cs-dialyzed segments of sartorius muscle of Rana pipiens contained an estimated 25-500 Na+ channels. Three distinct types of current were observed after the pulse onset: a large initial surge of inward current that decayed within 10 ms (early currents), a steady "drizzle" of isolated, brief, inward unitary currents (background currents), and occasional "cloudbursts" of tens to hundreds of sequential unitary inward currents (bursts). Average late currents (background plus bursts) were 0.12% of peak early current amplitude at -20 mV. 85% of the late currents were carried by bursting channels. The unit current amplitude was the same for all three types of current, with a conductance of 10.5 pS and a reversal potential of +74 mV. The magnitudes of the three current components were correlated from patch to patch, and all were eliminated by slow inactivation. We conclude that all three components were due to Na+ channel activity. The mean open time of the background currents was approximately 0.25 ms, and the channels averaged 1.2 openings for each event. Neither the open time nor the number of openings of background currents was strongly sensitive to membrane potential. We estimated that background openings occurred at a rate of 0.25 Hz for each channel. Bursts occurred once each 2,000 pulses for each channel (assuming identical channels). The open time during bursts increased with depolarization to 1-2 ms at -20 mV, whereas the closed time decreased to less than 20 ms. The fractional open time during bursts was fitted with m infinity 3 using standard Na+ channel models. We conclude that background currents are caused by a return of normal Na+ channels from inactivation, while bursts are instances where the channel's inactivation gate spontaneously loses its function for prolonged periods.  相似文献   
Kinetics of veratridine action on Na channels of skeletal muscle   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Veratridine bath-applied to frog muscle makes inactivation of INa incomplete during a depolarizing voltage-clamp pulse and leads to a persistent veratridine-induced Na tail current. During repetitive depolarizations, the size of successive tail currents grows to a plateau and then gradually decreases. When pulsing is stopped, the tail current declines to zero with a time constant of approximately 3 s. Higher rates of stimulation result in a faster build-up of the tail current and a larger maximum value. I propose that veratridine binds only to open channels and, when bound, prevents normal fast inactivation and rapid shutting of the channel on return to rest. Veratridine-modified channels are also subject to a "slow" inactivation during long depolarizations or extended pulse trains. At rest, veratridine unbinds with a time constant of approximately 3 s. Three tests confirm these hypotheses: (a) the time course of the development of veratridine-induced tail currents parallels a running time integral of gNa during the pulse; (b) inactivating prepulses reduce the ability to evoke tails, and the voltage dependence of this reduction parallels the voltage dependence of h infinity; (c) chloramine-T, N-bromoacetamide, and scorpion toxin, agents that decrease inactivation in Na channels, each greatly enhance the tail currents and alter the time course of the appearance of the tails as predicted by the hypothesis. Veratridine-modified channels shut during hyperpolarizations from -90 mV and reopen on repolarization to -90 mV, a process that resembles normal activation gating. Veratridine appears to bind more rapidly during larger depolarizations.  相似文献   
Unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with angiocentric T cell immunoproliferative disorders and concanavalin A-stimulated normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells secrete a phagocytosis-inducing factor (PIF) that induces a fivefold to 50-fold enhancement of phagocytosis of IgG-coated ox red blood cells by U937 cells. We investigated the identity, production, and mechanism of the action of PIF. PIF activity was demonstrated in supernatants from nine of 44 phytohemagglutinin-stimulated interleukin 2 (IL 2)-dependent T cell lines and clones derived from purified T4+ cells, but was not found in supernatants from 26 lines and clones derived from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated T8+ cells. In addition, PIF was produced by four of four antigen-specific T cell lines and clones after stimulation with the appropriate antigen and antigen-presenting cells, and by HUT-102, a human T cell lymphotropic virus type I-transformed T cell line. PIF from all of these sources caused significant inhibition of U937 proliferation. This proliferation-inhibiting activity co-purified with phagocytosis-enhancing activity in sizing procedures and isoelectric focusing, which yielded an estimated m.w. of 35,000 to 55,000 and an estimated isoelectric point of 5.0 to 6.0 for PIF. In contrast, IL 2, recombinant interferon-alpha, and recombinant interferon-gamma had no effect on phagocytosis by U937 cells, and antibodies to interferon-alpha and interferon-gamma did not block the phagocytosis-inducing activity of PIF-containing supernatants. PIF appears to be a distinct lymphokine produced by a subset of T4+ lymphocytes, possibly those that proliferate in response to antigen. PIF may be important in the induction of erythrophagocytosis, which is associated with certain T cell immunoproliferative disorders.  相似文献   
Permanent mounting of fourth instar mosquito larvae is essential for identifying Aedes spp. This procedure requires extensive exposure to xylene, a clearing agent in the mounting process. We investigated wintergreen oil as a substitute for xylene. Five hundred larvae were mounted on slides to evaluate shrinkage or expansion of specimens after clearing using xylene or wintergreen oil. We examined the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts for species identification and for preservation of morphological characteristics after clearing specimens in xylene or wintergreen oil. Shrinkage of the length of whole larvae and width of the head, thorax and abdomen after mounting was significantly greater after clearing with xylene than with wintergreen oil. The length of the comb scale nearest the ventral brush was similar for both clearing agents. The clarity of the specimens after mounting was improved by clearing with wintergreen oil, but the integrity of the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts were similar for both clearing agents.  相似文献   
Jailing of a side-branch is a known complication of stent implantation, and makes access to the side-branch difficult, especially if the stent is of the self-expanding type. Although plain balloon angioplasty is feasible for the jailed side-branches, the use of newer devices (a stent, Rotablation or atherectomy) has not been described. We describe a novel way of treating a side-branch jailed by a self-expanding stent by using stent implantation through the strut of a self-expanding stent.  相似文献   


Female genital tuberculosis is an uncommon disease that is rarely diagnosed in developed countries.

Case presentation

A 61-year-old postmenopausal woman who had undergone surgery and treated with adjuvant chemotherapy for infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast five years ago, presented with bloody vaginal discharge, fatigue, weight loss, and low grade fevers at night for two months. Histological examination of the endometrium, done based on the suspicion of a second primary cancer due to the tamoxifen therapy, revealed a granulomatous reaction. Liquid and solid mycobacterial cultures of the tissues were performed. Although the acid fast staining was negative, the liquid culture was positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Involvement of other systems was not detected. The patient was treated with a three-drug antituberculosis regimen for 9 months and recovered fully.


Female genital tuberculosis is a rare but curable disease that should be included in the differential diagnosis of women with menstrual problems. Early diagnosis is important and may prevent unnecessary invasive procedures for the patient.  相似文献   
The maintenance of T cell memory is critical for the development of rapid recall responses to pathogens, but may also have the undesired side effect of clonal expansion of T effector memory (T(EM)) cells in chronic autoimmune diseases. The mechanisms by which lineage differentiation of T cells is controlled have been investigated, but are not completely understood. Our previous work demonstrated a role of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 in effector T cell function in autoimmune disease. In the present study, we have identified a mechanism by which Kv1.3 regulates the conversion of T central memory cells (T(CM)) into T(EM). Using a lentiviral-dominant negative approach, we show that loss of function of Kv1.3 mediates reversion of T(EM) into T(CM), via a delay in cell cycle progression at the G2/M stage. The inhibition of Kv1.3 signaling caused an up-regulation of SMAD3 phosphorylation and induction of nuclear p21(cip1) with resulting suppression of Cdk1 and cyclin B1. These data highlight a novel role for Kv1.3 in T cell differentiation and memory responses, and provide further support for the therapeutic potential of Kv1.3 specific channel blockers in T(EM)-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
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