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Studies of sibling competition within brood hierarchies have rarely assessed simultaneously the effects of sex and rank in the brood hierarchy on traits other than offspring mortality and differential growth. We studied the expression of heat-shock proteins (Hsps) to assess the physiological stress response to different combinations of sex and position within competitive brood hierarchies in the black kite Milvus migrans (Bodd.), a sexually dimorphic raptor showing facultative siblicide. Senior males showed higher stress levels than did senior females and younger siblings of each sex as revealed by Hsp60 values. The analysis of Hsp70 levels indicated that nestlings from broods in which the senior chick was a male showed higher stress levels than did nestlings from broods in which the senior chick was a female. In addition, levels of Hsp60 were related negatively to nutritional condition expressed as levels of plasmatic albumin. This suggests that the sex of senior chicks may be key in determining their stress level and that of their siblings, which is probably associated with sibling competition by fighting within brood hierarchies. The comparatively higher stress levels of senior males (and their siblings) may be a consequence of their ability to exploit their potential advantage from being the head start while avoiding a possible competitive disadvantage from being the smaller sex, independent of environmental conditions determining the probability of brood reduction. Differential stress levels depending on sex and rank in the brood hierarchy may be a consequence of parental control of offspring behaviour through differential resource allocation (e.g. yolk androgens) or it may reflect adaptations of particular chicks (senior males) to enhance their competitive ability within brood hierarchies.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 383–390.  相似文献   
The onset of incubation before the end of laying imposes asynchrony at hatching and, therefore, a size hierarchy in the brood. It has been argued that hatching asynchrony might be a strategy to improve reproductive output in terms of quality or quantity of offspring. However, little is known about the mediating effect of hatching asynchrony on offspring quality when brood reduction occurs. Here, we investigate the relationship between phenotypic quality and hatching asynchrony in Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus nestlings in Spain. Hatching asynchrony did not increase breeding success or nestling quality. Furthermore, hatching asynchrony and brood reduction had different effects on nestlings’ phytohaematogglutinin (PHA)‐mediated immune response and nestling growth. In asynchronous and reduced broods (in which at least one nestling died), nestlings showed a stronger PHA‐mediated immune response and tended to have a smaller body size compared with nestlings raised in synchronous and reduced broods. When brood reduction occurred in broods hatched synchronously, there was no effect on nestling size, but nestlings had a relatively poor PHA‐mediated immune response compared with nestlings raised in asynchronous and reduced broods. We suggest that resources for growth can be directed to immune function only in asynchronously hatched broods, resulting in improved nestling quality, as suggested by their immune response. We also found that males produced a greater PHA‐mediated immune response than females only in brood‐reduced nests without any effect on nestling size or condition, suggesting that females may trade off immune activities and body condition, size or weight. Overall, our results suggest that hatching pattern and brood reduction may mediate resource allocation to different fitness traits. They also highlight that the resolution of immune‐related trade‐offs when brood reduction occurs may differ between male and female nestlings.  相似文献   
A well-preserved biota of Lower Cambrian cavity-dwelling organisms is recorded within fissures in Neoproterozoic andesites in Ossa-Morena (southern Spain). The cavities are unique among described Lower Cambrian coelobiontic communities due to the igneous character of the host rock. Coelobiontic habitat was episodically enlarged by synsedimentary tectonic fracturing reflecting polyphase infill of recurrent facies. The pioneer coelobiontic biota was diverse, and consisted of encrusting stromatolites and thromboids (dominated by Epiphyton and Renalcis), attached to walls and ceilings of the cavities, associated with archaeocyaths. Sponge spicules and chancelloriid sclerites occur as dense clusters indicating in situ growth, death and decay of spiculate sponges and coeloscleritophorans. Other organisms, such as echinoderms, trilobites and brachiopods, are also found within the cavities as reworked skeletons, indicating that they were washed in from the overlying, open seafloor. The main feature of the coelobiontic biota is the dominance of a sessile, chemosynthetic and filter-feeding epibenthos, composed of microbial communities, archaeocyaths, spiculate sponges (demosponges and rarer hexactinellides) and coeloscleritophorans.  相似文献   
Occasional observations of Black‐shouldered Kites Elanus caeruleus in Europe date back to the mid‐19th century, but it was only recorded as a breeding species in the early 1960s in Portugal and a few years later in neighbouring Spain. This recent colonization, possibly from Africa where the species is abundant, may be due to climate change, land‐use changes in southern Europe, or both. As a first step to understanding this range expansion process we have developed a habitat selection model using data from the current strongholds of its European distribution. Comparing the proportion of different habitat types around 46 breeding sites and 45 randomly chosen plots, we have found that the area of cultivated parklands known as dehesas in Spain is a strong predictor of the current distribution range of breeding pairs of Black‐shouldered Kites. Specifically, the percentage of dehesas with planted cereal and a low density of trees (i.e. < 7 trees/ha and thus a savannah‐like habitat) within the study plots explained 44.6% of the residual deviance in our model. The minimal adequate model classified 81.3% of breeding sites and random plots correctly. Our results suggest that Black‐shouldered Kites may have taken advantage of the gradual increase of cultivated dehesas in the second half of the 20th century to expand its range in Europe. This particular type of dehesa is structurally similar to the African savannahs where the species thrives and may offer a higher density of rodents than traditional dehesas, which primarily contain pastureland for livestock ranching.  相似文献   
The tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae) has 10 species endemic to the Macaronesian islands, including the three endemic genera Allagopappus, Schizogyne, and Vierea. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA of 47 taxa were performed using all Macaronesian endemics and representative species from 21 of the 36 genera of the Inuleae. The resulting ITS phylogeny reveals that Allagopappus is sister to a large clade that contains all genera with a predominantly Mediterranean distribution. This finding suggests that Allagopappus may represent an ancient lineage that found refuge in the Canary Islands following the major climatic and/or geologic changes in the Mediterranean basin after the Tertiary. The Macaronesian endemic genus Schizogyne is sister to Limbarda from the Mediterranean. The third Macaronesian endemic genus, Vierea, is sister to Perralderia, which is restricted to Morocco and Algeria. Pulicaria canariensis is sister to P. mauritanica, a species endemic to Morocco and Algeria. In contrast, P. diffusa from the Cape Verde Islands is sister to a broadly distributed species, P. crispa, that occurs from North Africa to the Arabian peninsula. Based on the ITS data, the genera Blumea, Inula, and Pulicaria are not monophyletic. The ITS trees suggested that Blumea mollis belongs to the tribe Plucheeae, a finding that is congruent with recent morphological evidence. A possible southern African origin for the core of the Laurasian taxa of the Inuleae is also suggested.  相似文献   
An analysis of the orientation of 182 nest sites of the Black Kite Milvus migrans in two areas in south and central Spain found that orientations toward the east were preferred. In southern Spain an analysis of the relationship between nest orientation and hatching success showed that success was lower among the nests located in non-preferred orientations, with some inter-annual variation. The tendency to orientate nests toward the east was greater among the early nesting pairs and the effect that the orientation had on the hatching success was also greater than in late nesting pairs. The data suggest that rainfall and prevailing winds were the main factors conditioning nest orientation.  相似文献   
We used mitochondrial gene sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among North American snakes of the colubrid tribe Lampropeltini (Arizona, Bogertophis, Cemophora , New World Elaphe, Lampropellis, Pituophis, Rhinocheilus, Senticolis, Stilosoma) , and assessed the implications of our findings for the biogeography and evolution of food habits among these serpents. The maximum likelihood phylogeny identified Rhinocheilus as the sister taxon to all other lampropeltinines, and supported the monophyly of Lampropeltis (including Stilosoma) , New World Elaphe , and Pituophis , but not that of Bogertophis. This phylogeny also suggested a sister group relationship between Cemophora and Lampropeltis , and between New World Elaphe and Pituophis , and strongly supported that Sentkolis belongs within Lampropeltini, thus contradicting previous suggestions that Senticolis is not a lampropeltinine. Using a method for approximating ancestral areas of clades, we determined that western North America was most likely the ancestral area of lampropeltinines. Our survey of published studies, combined with unpublished data, indicated that lampropeltinines as a group feed mainly on mammals, less frequently on lizards, birds, and bird eggs, and only rarely on squamate eggs, snakes, anurans, and insects. Some individual species indeed emphasize mammals in their diets, but others most frequently eat lizards, squamate eggs, bird eggs, or snakes, whereas others take two prey types with similar frequency. Our reconstruction of the evolution of food habits among lampropeltinines suggests that a diet emphasizing lizards is ancestral, and therefore diets that mosdy consist of mammals, squamate and bird eggs, and snakes are derived within the clade. In at least some species, smaller individuals prey mostly on lizards and larger ones add mammals to their diets.  相似文献   
A species distribution may be determined by its responses to patterns of human disturbance as well as by its habitat preferences. Here we investigate the distribution of the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta, which has been historically persecuted by farmers and ranchers in Patagonia because it feeds on crops and pastures and is assumed to compete with sheep for forage. We assess whether its current breeding distribution is shaped by persecution by ranchers or whether it can be better explained by differences in habitat primary productivity and preference for wetlands, or by other anthropogenic disturbances not associated with ranching. We built species distribution models to examine the relative effect of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on the regional distribution of Upland Goose. We performed vehicle surveys in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, in two years, surveying 8000 km of roads and recording 6492 Geese. Generalized additive models were used to model the presence/absence of Geese in 1‐km cells. The models suggested that Upland Goose distribution is not currently affected by rancher control, as the species is more abundant in areas with high sheep stocking levels, but it is positively influenced by primary productivity and negatively influenced by urban areas. Anthropogenic disturbance caused by urban areas and oil extraction camps had a greater impact in limiting the species distribution than sheep ranching.  相似文献   
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