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The effects of forest fragmentation on ecological interactions and particularly on food webs have scarcely been analysed. There is usually less herbivory in forest fragments than in continuous forests. Here we hypothesize that forest fragmentation enhances top‐down control of herbivory through an increase in insectivorous birds and a decrease in herbivorous insects, with a consequent decrease in plant reproductive success in small forest fragments. In the Maulino forest in central Chile, we experimentally excluded birds from Aristotelia chilensis (Elaeocarpaceae) trees in both forest fragments and continuous forest, and analysed herbivore insect abundance, herbivory and plant reproductive success during two consecutive growing seasons. We expected that insect abundance and herbivory would increase, and reproductive success would decrease in A. chilensis from which birds have been excluded, particularly in forest fragments where bird abundance and predation pressure on insects is higher. The abundance of herbivorous insects was lower in the forest fragments than in the continuous forest only in the first season, and herbivory was lower in forest fragments than in the continuous forest throughout the study. Moreover, during the second growing season herbivory was greater in the excluded trees than in the control trees, and as expected, there was a greater difference in the fragments than in the continuous forest, but this was not statistically significant. Exclusion of birds did not affect the reproductive success of A. chilensis. Our results, after 2 years of study, demonstrate that birds affect the levels of herbivory on A. chilensis in the Maulino forest, but do not support our hypothesis of enhanced top‐down control in fragmented forests, as the strength of the effect of excluding birds did not vary with fragmentation.  相似文献   
Although a wealth of information is available on the induction of one or several drought‐related responses in different species, little is known of how their timing, modulation and crucially integration influence drought tolerance. Based upon metabolomic changes in oat (Avena sativa L.), we have defined key processes involved in drought tolerance. During a time course of increasing water deficit, metabolites from leaf samples were profiled using direct infusion–electrospray mass spectroscopy (DI‐ESI‐MS) and high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ESI‐MS/MS and analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA). The involvement of metabolite pathways was confirmed through targeted assays of key metabolites and physiological experiments. We demonstrate an early accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) influencing stomatal opening, photorespiration and antioxidant defences before any change in the relative water content. These changes are likely to maintain plant water status, with any photoinhibitory effect being counteracted by an efficient antioxidant capacity, thereby representing an integrated mechanism of drought tolerance in oats. We also discuss these changes in relation to those engaged at later points, consequence of the different water status in susceptible and resistant genotypes.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Agua del Choique is a new Late Cretaceous sauropod track site from Mendoza Province, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. It is situated in the Loncoche Formation, late Campanian – early Maastrichthian in age, and is one of the youngest sauropod tracks site recorded in the world. Agua del Choique represents a lake setting and river-dominated delta deposits, and comprises at least 160 well-preserved tracks, located on a calcareous sandstone bed. A new ichnotaxon, Titanopodus  mendozensis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., is erected for the footprints of this track site. Titanopodus  mendozensis exhibits the following association of features: (1) wide-gauge trackway (manus and pes trackway ratios of 18–22 and 26–31 per cent respectively), (2) pronounced heteropody (manus-pes area ratio of 1:3), (3) outer limits of trackway defined, in some cases, by the manus tracks, and (4) manus impression with an asymmetrical crescent contour and acuminate external border. Titanopodus  mendozensis is an excellent case study of the wide-gauge style of locomotion produced by Late Cretaceous derived titanosaurs that have no impression of manual phalanges. These features, and the fossil record from the Loncoche Formation, suggest that the trackmakers were, probably, middle size saltasaurine or aeolosaurine titanosaurs (14–16 m long).  相似文献   
Double-nesting behaviour, a rare breeding system in which females lay in two nests, one incubated by herself and the other one by her mate, could be considered an intermediate stage in the evolutionary trend from biparental to uniparental care of single clutches. We examined the occurrence and success of double-nesting behaviour in Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in Central Spain. Clutch size and hatching success were recorded, as well as the variation in these between years and between incubating sexes. Participation in incubation was higher for females (94.76%) than males (41.0%), and the proportion of incubating males varied markedly between years, with no incubating males in one dry year and approximately 50% of males incubating in other years. There was significant variation among years and between sexes in laying date, clutch size and hatching success. Clutch size decreased with later laying date in males and females. The probability of clutch loss to predation differed between sexes, being much higher for nests incubated by females. Our results suggest that both rainfall and predation influence the occurrence and success of double-nesting.  相似文献   
Phytochrome B (phyB) can adjust morphological and physiological responses according to changes in the red : far‐red (R:FR) ratio. phyB‐driven acclimation of plants to open environments (high R:FR ratio) increases carbon gain at the expense of increased water loss. This behaviour alleviates stressful conditions generated by an excess of light, but increases the chances of desiccation. Here we evaluated how phyB modulates this drought‐tolerance response by comparing wild‐type Arabidopsis thaliana adult plants to the null phyB in response to water shortage. phyB wilted before the wild type, and this was due to phyB maintaining open stomata under a reduction in soil water availability. Although phyB presented enhanced ABA levels under well‐watered conditions, this mutant was less sensitive than the wild type in diminishing stomatal conductance in response to exogenous ABA application. Reduced sensitivity to ABA in phyB correlated with a lower expression of ABCG22, which encodes a putative ABA influx transporter, and PYL5, which encodes a soluble ABA receptor. Furthermore, the expression of RAB18 and RD29A, both typical ABA‐induced genes, was lower in phyB than the wild type after ABA treatment. We propose that phyB contributes to the acclimation of plants to open environments by enhancing ABA sensitivity when soil water becomes limiting.  相似文献   
Water stress (WS) slows growth and photosynthesis (An), but most knowledge comes from short‐time studies that do not account for longer term acclimation processes that are especially relevant in tree species. Using two Eucalyptus species that contrast in drought tolerance, we induced moderate and severe water deficits by withholding water until stomatal conductance (gsw) decreased to two pre‐defined values for 24 d, WS was maintained at the target gsw for 29 d and then plants were re‐watered. Additionally, we developed new equations to simulate the effect on mesophyll conductance (gm) of accounting for the resistance to refixation of CO2. The diffusive limitations to CO2, dominated by the stomata, were the most important constraints to An. Full recovery of An was reached after re‐watering, characterized by quick recovery of gm and even higher biochemical capacity, in contrast to the slower recovery of gsw. The acclimation to long‐term WS led to decreased mesophyll and biochemical limitations, in contrast to studies in which stress was imposed more rapidly. Finally, we provide evidence that higher gm under WS contributes to higher intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) and reduces the leaf oxidative stress, highlighting the importance of gm as a target for breeding/genetic engineering.  相似文献   
Morphological and genetic variation is evaluated among populations of the bat, Eidolon helvum , in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea (Central Africa). The populations from the islands of Bioko, Principe, and Sao Tome do not show significant phenetic differentiation, although a trend towards a reduction of size is found in the latter two islands. The low genetic distances between populations, as well as their values of Wright's fixation indexes, suggest that gene flow has hampered differentiation on these islands. In contrast, the population from Annobon, the smallest and farthermost island, shows remarkable morphological and genetic differentiation. On the mainland, E. helvum displays unique migratory and dispersal behaviours, but migratory behaviour was not found in any of the island populations. The combination of selective forces in harsher oceanic environments and restricted gene flow among populations appears to have favoured the high degree of morphological differentiation of E. helvum on Annobon. Due to the extended length of the dry season in Annobon, an earlier achievement of sexual maturity–and consequently smaller size—may be advantageous in the absence of migration. The differentiation is more marked among females, which also suggests that selection may be linked to the reproductive pattern. The population of the island of Annobon is herein described as a new subspecies, Eidolon helvum annobonensis subsp. nov.  相似文献   
The name Cytisus proliferus L.f. is here considered perfectly acceptable and should not be replaced by Cytisus prolifer L.f. One specimen from The Natural History Museum, London is confirmed as the lectotype of Cytisus proliferus L.f. Two specimens from the collection of the Swiss botanist Hermann Christ from the Main Herbarium of the Zurich Botanical Garden were selected as lectotypes for Cytisus proliferus L.f. var. canariae H. Christ and Cytisus proliferus L.f. var. palmensis H. Christ. The name Cytisus proliferus Kit. is typified and a specimen from Paul Kitaibel's collection at the Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum is assigned as its lectotype.  相似文献   
Phaedranassa tunguraguae is an endangered species endemic to Ecuador. Eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched genomic library for this species. Levels of polymorphism were evaluated using a total of 31 individuals from a single natural population. An average of 14.1 alleles per locus was detected, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.387 to 0.903. All but one locus depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These loci are the first microsatellite primers isolated for Amaryllidaceae and will be utilized to investigate patterns of genetic variation of P. tunguraguae, which will contribute data relevant to the conservation of the species.  相似文献   
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