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Spider orb-webs contain sticky prey capture threads and non-sticky support threads. Primitive orb-weavers of the Deinopoidea produce dry cribellar threads made of thousands of silk fibrils that surround supporting axial fibres, whereas the viscous threads of modern Araneoidea orb-weavers produce adhesive threads with an aqueous solution that coalesces as droplets around the axial fibres. We have previously shown that the greater diversity of the Araneoidea is phylogenetically significant and attributed this disparity to a number of advantages, considered key innovations, that adhesive thread has over cribellar thread. An important putative advantage of adhesive thread demonstrated by Kohler and Vollrath in their 1995 study is its greater extensibility, a feature that better adapts it to absorb the kinetic energy of a prey strike. However, this conclusion is based on a two-species comparison that does not take advantage of the modern comparative method that requires hypotheses to be tested in a phylogenetic context. Using a transformational analysis to examine threads produced by nine species, our study finds no support for the punctuated explanation that adhesive thread has a greater extensibility than cribellar thread. Instead, it strongly supports the associative null hypothesis that capture thread extensibility is tuned to spider mass and to architectural features of the web, including its capture area, capture spiral spacing, and capture area per radius.  相似文献   
One of the most important changes in high‐latitude ecosystems in response to climatic warming may be the thawing of permafrost soil. In upland tundra, the thawing of ice‐rich permafrost can create localized surface subsidence called thermokarst, which may change the soil environment and influence ecosystem carbon release and uptake. We established an intermediate scale (a scale in between point chamber measurements and eddy covariance footprint) ecosystem carbon flux study in Alaskan tundra where permafrost thaw and thermokarst development had been occurring for several decades. The main goal of our study was to examine how dynamic ecosystem carbon fluxes [gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Reco), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] relate to ecosystem variables that incorporate the structural and edaphic changes that co‐occur with permafrost thaw and thermokarst development. We then examined how these measured ecosystem carbon fluxes responded to upscaling. For both spatially extensive measurements made intermittently during the peak growing season and intensive measurements made over the entire growing season, ecosystem variables including degree of surface subsidence, thaw depth, and aboveground biomass were selected in a mixed model selection procedure as the ‘best’ predictors of GPP, Reco, and NEE. Variables left out of the model (often as a result of autocorrelation) included soil temperature, moisture, and normalized difference vegetation index. These results suggest that the structural changes (surface subsidence, thaw depth, aboveground biomass) that integrate multiple effects of permafrost thaw can be useful components of models used to estimate ecosystem carbon exchange across thermokarst affected landscapes.  相似文献   
Schoenoplectus americanus is a model organism for studying ecological and ecosystem responses of salt marsh plant communities to global climate change. Here we characterize 16 microsatellite loci in S. americanus to facilitate studies on the genetic basis of phenotypic responses to changing climate conditions such as elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. Most loci also amplified in the morphologically similar sister species, Schoenoplectus pungens. Five loci exhibited species‐specific alleles or distinct allelic size distributions that discriminate S. americanus from S. pungens.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Accurately estimating large mammal populations is a difficult challenge because species of interest often occupy vast areas and exhibit low and heterogeneous visibility. Population estimation techniques using aerial surveys and statistical design and analysis methods provide a means for meeting this challenge, yet they have only rarely been validated because wild populations of known size suitable for field tests are rare. Our study presents field validations of a photographic aerial mark-recapture technique that takes advantage of the recognizable natural markings on free-roaming feral horses (Equus caballus) to accurately identify individual animals and groups of animals sighted on multiple occasions. The 3 small populations of feral horses (<400 animals each) in the western United States used in the study were all closely monitored on a weekly basis by local researchers, thus providing test populations of known size. We were able to accurately estimate these population sizes with aerial surveys, despite rugged terrain and dense vegetation that created substantial heterogeneity of sighting probability among horse groups. Our best estimates at the 3 sites were within −6.7%, 2.6%, and −8.6% of known truth (-4.2% mean error, 6.0% mean absolute error). In contrast, we found undercount bias as large as 32% before any statistical corrections. The necessary corrections varied both temporally and spatially, in response to previous sighting history (behavioral response), and by the number of horses in a group. Despite modeling some of the differences in horse-group visibility with sighting covariates, we found substantial residual unmodeled heterogeneity that contributed to underestimation of the true population by as much as 22.7% when we used models that did not fully account for these unmeasured sources. We also found that the cost of the accurate and validated methods presented here is comparable to that of raw count (so called, census) methods commonly employed across feral horse ranges in 10 western states. We believe this technique can assist managers in accurately estimating many feral horse populations and could be applied to other species with sufficiently diverse and distinguishable visible markings.  相似文献   
The functional morphology of the genital appendages, horn organs and modified prosomal limb III of the Silurian eurypterid, Baltoeurypterus tetragonophthalmus (Fischer, 1839) (Chelieerata: Eurypterida) is investigated. The longer type A genital appendage, interpreted as a female structure, is associated with a pair of horn organs, regarded as spermathecae. The shorter type B appendage, interpreted as male, is associated with scimitar lobes on prosomal limb III, regarded as clasping structures. A mechanism is proposed by which the type A appendage was lowered through flexure of the genital operculum acting along sutures in the cuticle. A model of mating is suggested, involving the male depositing an unstalked spermatophorc on the substrate and the female retrieving it for storage in the spermathecae. This model is more arachnid-like than mating in Limutus (an extant aquatic chclicerate), and suggests that sperm transfer using spcrmatophores and storage of sperm in spermathecae, allowed the timing of egg production in curyptcrids to be controlled.  相似文献   
A new spionid polychaete, Polydora robi, is described from intertidal and shallow subtidal areas in the Philippine Islands and Bali, Indonesia. Polydora robi belongs to the Polydora ciliata/ websteri species group and is characterized by a rounded prostomium, triangular occipital tentacle, needlelike posterior notosetae, and a pygidium with digitiform composite cirri surrounding the anus. Adults burrow into empty gastropod shells inhabited by hermit crabs. The burrows of the worms typically extend from an external opening in the apex of the shells to an opening in the central body whorls along the columella. The species was found to ingest the fertilized eggs and developing embryos attached to the pleopods of host hermit crabs. The occurrence of egg predation and the symbiotic relationship between polydorids and hermit crabs is discussed. Known egg predators of hermit crabs are reviewed.  相似文献   
Adult butterflies are known to visit a wide variety of food substrates, but, with the exception of flower visitation, little is known about what substances are being sought or what determines substrate choice. This is especially true for the Riodinidae, a large family [c. 1300 spp.) of almost exclusively Neotropical butterflies. We present adult male feeding records for 124 species in 41 genera of Riodinidae (out of a total of 441 species in 85 genera collected in the study), based on ten months sampling in Ecuador. Records of food substrates visited in this study include flowers, damp sand or mud (‘puddling’) and rotting carrion. Rotting carrion placed in traps was the most frequently recorded food source in terms of numbers of individuals and taxa, attracting 89 species from 32 genera. A correlation is found between food substrate choice and morphology, specifically wing area to thoracic volume ratio (WA: TV ratio). Our data suggest the possible existence of two adaptive syndromes whose species have significantly different mean WA:TV ratios and differing suites of accompanying ecological traits, with lower ratios being significantiy correlated with species that were recorded feeding. Among species recorded feeding, carrion feeders and puddlers have significantly lower mean WA:TV ratios than flower nectarers, and carrion feeders have a lower mean WA:TV ratio than species not recorded on this food source, a correlation that is significant across all tribes and within some tribes (Riodinini and Saratoni). We reanalyse previously published data on flight and morphology for species in other butterfly and moth families and show mat the ratio of wing area to thoracic mass is significantly negatively correlated with flight speed and oxygen consumption (a direct indicator of metabolic rate). We suggest that adult male riodinids may puddle and feed at rotting carrion to supplement nutrient stores from larval feeding, not only to increase reproductive success, but also to provide the necessary nutrients to maintain high metabolic rates during rapid flight.  相似文献   
The spittlebug superfamily Cercopoidea (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) comprises approximately 3000 phytophagous species (including some economically important pests of grass crops) classified among the families Cercopidae, Aphrophoridae, Epipygidae, Clastopteridae and Machaerotidae. However, the monophyly of these taxa has never been tested and the evolutionary relationships among these major lineages are unknown. Presented here are the results of the first ever phylogenetic investigation of the higher‐level relationships within Cercopoidea, based on DNA nucleotide sequence data from six loci (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, histone 3, wingless, cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome oxidase II) generated from exemplars of 109 spittlebug species representing all five described families, seven of eight subfamilies and 61 genera (eight additional exemplars, representing a selection of other Auchenorrhyncha taxa, were included as outgroups). The resulting topologies are used to evaluate the monophyly of each cercopoid family, and further to calculate divergence date estimates to examine the chronological origins and historical diversification of Cercopoidea. The results of this investigation suggest that: (i) four of the five described families are monophyletic; Epipygidae was recovered consistently as originating within Aphrophoridae; (ii) the exclusively Old World Machaerotidae is the most anciently diversified family of extant spittlebugs; (iii) New World Cercopidae (i.e. Ischnorhininae) constitute a derived monophyletic lineage; (iv) the genus Microsargane Fowler, classified currently within Aphrophoridae, actually belongs within Cercopidae; and (v) the origins of the major spittlebug lineages probably coincided with the breakup of Pangaea and, subsequently, Gondwana, as well as major floristic diversification such as the rise of angiosperms.  相似文献   
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