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The ribosomal fraction of cabbage roots contains IAA-oxidase and peroxidase activity. EDTA dissociates these enzymes from the ribosomal RNA. The IAA-oxidase of intact ribosomes shows allosteric, whereas that of EDTA disintegrated shows conventional kinetics. Gel electrophoresis separated three peroxidases from the ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   
This study describes an approach to cultivation of Pneumocystis carinii (I c) on 2 cell lines derived from lung (A549, human and L2, rat) with emphasis on the organisms which adhered to the cells. Immunofluorcsccnt staining was used for growth assays.  相似文献   
The ascomycete Claviceps purpurea (ergot) is a biotrophic flower pathogen of rye and other grasses. The deleterious toxic effects of infected rye seeds on humans and grazing animals have been known since the Middle Ages. To gain further insight into the molecular basis of this disease, we generated about 10 000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs)—about 25% originating from axenic fungal culture and about 75% from tissues collected 6–20 days after infection of rye spikes. The pattern of axenic vs. in planta gene expression was compared. About 200 putative plant genes were identified within the in planta library. A high percentage of these were predicted to function in plant defence against the ergot fungus and other pathogens, for example pathogenesis-related proteins. Potential fungal pathogenicity and virulence genes were found via comparison with the pathogen–host interaction database (PHI-base; http://www.phi-base.org ) and with genes known to be highly expressed in the haustoria of the bean rust fungus. Comparative analysis of Claviceps and two other fungal flower pathogens (necrotrophic Fusarium graminearum and biotrophic Ustilago maydis ) highlighted similarities and differences in their lifestyles, for example all three fungi have signalling components and cell wall-degrading enzymes in their arsenal. In summary, the analysis of axenic and in planta ESTs yielded a collection of candidate genes to be evaluated for functional roles in this plant–microbe interaction.  相似文献   
Most studies of insect dietary evolution suffer from limited information on the history of host use patterns; historical patterns can only be inferred from modern patterns. We examine the ecology of a recent diet breadth expansion onto an introduced host by the seed beetle, Stator limbatus, to (1) determine if pre-existing variation for survival on Chloroleucon ebano is present in natural populations of S. limbatus, and (2) test whether natural selection has resulted in local adaptation to C. ebano in a population where this host is used. Our results indicate that variation in survival on C. ebano does exist in natural populations of S. limbatus that have historically never encountered this host, providing the variation necessary for adaptation to this host. However, we found no evidence that S. limbatus have locally adapted to C. ebano. Our most interesting discovery, however, was that the use of C. ebano by S. limbatus is facilitated by non-genetic effects of parental host plant on progeny survival; parents reared on Cercidium floridum produce progeny with substantially higher survivorship on C. ebano than parents reared on Acacia greggii due to an environmentally based parental effect. We argue that such host-plant-mediated maternal effects are likely to be common and thus important for our understanding of herbivorous insect evolution and population dynamics. This paper provides one example of how an understanding of environmentally based maternal effects can provide important information on the evolution of life-history patterns observed in nature.  相似文献   
In recent literature on Gramineae species, leaf and tiller numberdynamics have been studied by analysing site filling and thephyllochron of the mainstem. However, site filling is influencedby three components: (1) the phyllochron of the mainstem anddaughter tillers; (2) specific site usage (i.e. fraction ofbuds that ultimately develop into a visible tiller at a specificsite); and (3) HS-delay (i.e. difference in Haun Stage (HS)between the parent tiller and daughter tiller above the pointwhere the daughter tiller appears). These three morphologicalcomponents affecting site filling were studied under differentenvironmental conditions in a growth chamber experiment withspring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Treatments weretemperature (daily average 10.5, 15.5 or 20.5 °C) and lightintensity (111, 191 or 286 µmol m-2s-1). Effects of temperatureand light intensity on phyllochron were well described by equationsalready reported in the literature. Specific site usage washigher at cooler temperatures and greater light intensitiesand was related to tiller position. It is proposed that theseeffects on specific site usage reflect differences in availabilityof local assimilate for tiller appearance. HS-delay of a tillerwas shorter if the expected tiller appearance was later andwas only slightly affected by light intensity or temperature.This new concept, combining HS-delay and specific site usage,can be useful in constructing more general models of the effectsof environmental factors on the dynamics of leaf number andleaf area ofGramineaespecies.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Triticum aestivum; wheat; phyllochron; temperature; light intensity; leaf number; tillering; site filling; site usage.  相似文献   
Odor perception within olfactory neuroepithelium and pigment translocation within melanophores both seem to rely on a cAMP-based second messenger system. From studies on cultured frog melanophores, Lerner et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:261-264, 1988) suggested that some aspect of odor perception may be mediated by a nonspecific mechanism whose signal is transduced by a cAMP-based second messenger system. In the present study, odorants (β-ionone, benzylaldehyde, cineole, cinnamaldehyde, and octanol), which previously have been shown to stimulate formation of cAMP in the olfactory neuroepithelium, were investigated for possible pigment dispersing and cAMP-increasing effects. Pretreatment of fish melanophores with the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin (1 μM) resulted in an approximately 300% increase in cAMP and an almost complete blockage of noradrenaline-induced pigment aggregation. However, none of the tested odorants were able to increase the cAMP level and only cinnaldehyde and β-ionone were found to have any pigment dispersing activity.  相似文献   
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