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Blom-Zandstra, M. and Lampe, J. E. M., 1985. The role of nitratein the osmoregulation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown atdifferent light intensities.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1043–1052. The effect of different light intensities on the nitrate accumulationvis-à-vis the concentration of other solutes in plantsap expressed from lettuce leaves was studied. After growinglettuce plants under constant environmental conditions for 52d, they were transferred to different light intensities andharvested periodically. A quantitative analysis of componentsin solution in the expressed plant sap showed a decrease innitrate concentration and an increase in the organic acids (mainlymalate) and sugars (mainly glucose) with increasing light intensity.The light intensity only slightly increased the osmolarity ofthe expressed plant sap. The measured osmolarity correspondedvery well with the value estimated from the quantitative analysesimplying that all osmotically active compounds had been accountedfor. The decrease in nitrate concentration in the expressedplant sap was fully compensated for by an increase in the dissociatedorganic acids that partly dissociate twofold to sustain electroneutralityand by an increase in both organic acids and sugars to maintainthe osmolarity. The suggestion is supported that nitrate mayserve as osmoticum at low light conditions to compensate forthe shortage of carbohydrates resulting from suboptimal photosynthesis. Key words: Nitrate accumulation, osmoregulation, Lactuca saliva L.  相似文献   
Abstract We tested the hypothesis that electrogenic ion pumps, working at the parenchyma symplast/xylem interface of pea hypocotyls, provide the driving force for K+ uptake from the xylem. Solutions of known composition were perfused through a hypocotyl segment. The K+ activity of the solution flowing out of the xylem (K+out) increased (i.e. K+ uptake decreased) when aerobic respiration was inhibited by lack of O2, and this was preceded by a decrease in Vpx (electrical potential difference between parenchyma symplast and xylem). Perfusion with auxin (1AA) and fusicoccin (FC) stimulated the electrogenic activity of the ‘xylem pumps’ (111 and 205% respectively) and stimulated uptake of K + from the xylem (with 71% and 29% respectively). The close correlation between xylem pump activity and K+ uptake corroborated the aforementioned hypothesis. Interestingly, inhibition of pump activity by anoxia was incomplete in the presence of FC. It is thought that FC increases the affinity of the ATP-requiring xylem pump for ATP, thus ensuring that ATP production during fermentation is sufficient to fuel the pump in the absence of O2.  相似文献   
Eight isolates of Naegleria australiensis were obtained from a small lake in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The eight strains were isolated during the hot summer months of July through September, when water temperatures ranged from 27 to 33°C. All eight isolates were pathogenic for mice. The mean time to death for mice was 10 days (range 6–13 days). This pathogenic free-living ameba has not before been reported from the United States or the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   
An imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide solution was used to visualize lipids at the ultrastructural level in the following members of the family Trypanosomatidae: Trypanosoma cruzi, T. dionisii, T. vespertilionis, T. rangeli, Crithidia deanei, C. fasciculata, C. oncopelti, and Blastocrithidia culicis. Electron-dense material was seen in various lipid droplets found in all parasites and in the multivesicular structure of members of the sub-genus Schizotrypanum. High contrast of some membranes, mainly those which enclose the mitochondrion, the nucleus, and the endoplasmic reticulum, was observed even in unstained sections. X-ray microanalysis confirmed that the electron density of lipid droplets of B. culicis and membrane-bounded dense granules of C. oncopelti was due to the presence of osmium.  相似文献   
Vibration and sound communication in solitary bees and wasps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Females of solitary bees ( Colletes cunicularius L.) and of digger wasps ( Bembix rostrata L.) produce buzzing sounds and are known to secrete volatile odours when digging their way from the subterranean nests to the soil surface. The odours allow patrolling males to determine the approximate position of the digging virgin female. The buzzes are measured as substrate-borne sound (soil buzz vibrations) and as air-borne sound (soil buzz sounds). Play-back experiments suggest that the soil buzzes are used by the males as additional cues for localization. Faint buzz sounds are emitted regularly by the male during genital contact in copulation. They may serve to change the receptivity of the female. Intense and broadband buzz sounds are produced by bees of either sex, if restrained from moving, perhaps serving to deter predators.  相似文献   
SYNTHETIC polycarboxylates have been reported to impart resistance to viral infection to experimental animals1–8. Injection of these polyanions induces interferon1–3,5–9, to which it therefore seemed logical to attribute the antiviral effect. The high degree and long duration of protection, however, are not in accord with the low and transitory levels of interferon induced, suggesting that mechanisms other than interferon are involved. Certain polyanions have been found directly to inactivate virus or to inhibit its adsorption to cells10in vitro. This may delay the development of viral infection in vivo. Stimulation of reticuloendothelial cell activity, as demonstrated by increased phagocytosis induced by pyran copolymer11, may deviate virus from its target cells.  相似文献   
The morphology and function of the exite (the pre-epipodite of Stormer) of the trilobite appendage is discussed. After a review of past work, the morphology is found to be considerably less uniform than previously thought. By an analysis of the morphological variation and by analogy with conditions in recent arthropods, function is thought to have been concerned with different activities such as filtering, swimming, or gill ventilation. Gills may have been present on the ventral side of the body, lateral to the appendages.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Two hundred and fifty-nine specimens of the sea urchins Echinometra lucunter (201), Diadema antillarum (52), Tripneustes ventricosus (5) and Eucidaris tribuloides (1), collected on the littoral of the Federal District of Venezuela, were examined for intestinal ciliates.
Iron hematoxylin and silver-impregnation staining technics permitted determination of eight of the nine ciliates found: Anophrys aglycus, A. elongata, Cohnilembus caeci, Biggaria bermudensis, B. echinometris, Cyclidium rhabdotectum, Metopus circumlabens and M. rotundus . An unidentified species of Euplotes was also found.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Structure and morphogenesis, and cytochemical data on Cochlodinium heterolobatum, a new species of unarmored dinoflagellate, were derived from living and fixed material from culture. C. heterolobatum is characterized by the torsion of the girdle which descends in a left-hand spiral 1.8 turns; the sulcus having a torsion of 0.8 turn; a sulcus loop in the epicone; a tongue-shaped lobe in the right hypocone; nucleus in the epicone; and a stigma in the left epicone. Trichocysts and behavior of the nucleus during typical and atypical divisions are described in cells from cultures of different ages. A small form with the specific characters was found. Intracellular bacteria were seen and their growth followed in individuals from cultures of different ages. A possible relationship between those bacteria and the accumulation of metabolites inside old cells is discussed.  相似文献   
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