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Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the wood‐decay basidiomycete Phlebia centrifuga. The primers were identified using two techniques, based on intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), respectively. The markers were screened on 27 isolates from Europe and North America. Two markers varied only on a worldwide scale, but not within Europe. The other five showed variation on both scales. These markers will now be used to characterize populations of P. centrifuga, which is red‐listed as near‐threatened in its natural habitat due to human disturbance.  相似文献   
1. High water column NO3? concentrations, low light availability and anoxic, muddy sediments are hypothesised to be key factors hampering growth of rooted submerged plants in shallow, eutrophic fresh water systems. In this study, the relative roles and interacting effects of these potential stressors on survival, growth, allocation of biomass and foliar nutrient concentrations of Potamogeton alpinus were determined in a mesocosm experiment using contrasting values of each factor (500 versus 0 μmol L?1 NO3?; low irradiance, corresponding to the eutrophic environment, versus ambient irradiance; and muddy versus sandy sediment). 2. Low irradiance, high NO3? and sandy sediment led to reduced growth. In a muddy sediment, plants had lower root : shoot ratios than in a sandy sediment. 3. Growth at high NO3? and on the sandy sediment resulted in lower foliar N and C concentrations than in the contrasting treatments. The C : N ratio was higher at high NO3? and on the sandy sediment. Foliar P was higher on the muddy than on the sandy sediment but was not affected by irradiance or NO3?. The N : P ratio was lowest at high NO3? on the sandy sediment. 4. Total foliar free amino acid concentration was lowest on sand, low irradiance and high NO3?. Total free amino acid concentration and growth were not correlated. 5. Turbidity and ortho‐PO43? concentration of the water layer were lower at high water column NO3? indicating that the growth reduction was not associated with increased algal growth but that physiological mechanisms were involved. 6. We conclude that high water column NO3? concentrations can significantly reduce the growth of ammonium preferring rooted submerged species such as P. alpinus, particularly on sediments with a relatively low nutrient availability. Further experiments are needed to assess potential negative effects on other species and to further elucidate the underlying physiological mechanisms.  相似文献   
The invasion of liver parenchymal cells by sporozoites of Plasmodium berghei Vincke & Lips, 1948, was studied in vivo using transmission electron microscopy. Livers of Brown Norway rats were examined 30 and 60 min after intraportal injection of 15 million sporozoites each. Sporozoites found after incorporation into vacuoles in hepatocytes were often located near a bile canaliculus at the lateral cell surface, surrounded by hepatocyte lysosomal structures; however, degradation of sporozoites caused by lysosomal digestion inside hepatocytes was never observed. Due to the crescent shape of sporozoites, serial sections were necessary to demonstrate the actual process of invasion of the hepatocyte. The hepatocyte's plasmalemma appeared to invaginate due to the sporozoite's action, thereby creating a parasitophorous vacuole. It was suggested that the sporozoite actively penetrated the hepatocyte; however, no visible depletion of rhoptries and micronemes was observed.  相似文献   
The rate of decarboxylation of DL-tryptophan-carboxyl-14C in homogenates of cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots of sterile and non-sterile cucumber seedlings of 4, 8 and 11 days was measured. Tryptophan decarboxylating activity is highest in hypocotyls, lowest in cotyledons. In all organs the activity decreases with age. This enzyme activity does not parallel the IAA level in the organs during ageing.  相似文献   
The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, is a large, cosmopolitan, coastal species. Females are thought to show philopatry to nursery grounds while males potentially migrate long distances, creating an opportunity for male‐mediated gene flow that may lead to discordance in patterns revealed by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. While this dynamic has been investigated in elasmobranchs over small spatial scales, it has not been examined at a global level. We examined patterns of historical phylogeography and contemporary gene flow by genotyping 329 individuals from nine locations throughout the species’ range at eight nuclear microsatellite markers and sequencing the complete mtDNA control region. Pairwise comparisons often resulted in fixation indices and divergence estimates of greater magnitude using mtDNA sequence data than microsatellite data. In addition, multiple methods of estimation suggested fewer populations based on microsatellite loci than on mtDNA sequence data. Coalescent analyses suggest divergence and restricted migration among Hawaii, Taiwan, eastern and western Australia using mtDNA sequence data and no divergence and high migration rates, between Taiwan and both Australian sites using microsatellite data. Evidence of secondary contact was detected between several localities and appears to be discreet in time rather than continuous. Collectively, these data suggest complex spatial/temporal relationships between shark populations that may feature pulses of female dispersal and more continuous male‐mediated gene flow.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Chromera velia (Chromerida: Alveolata) is a photosynthetic, unicellular organism closely related to parasitic apicomplexa. Diurnal rhythmicity of an immotile–motile transformation has been observed but its role in the life cycle remains largely unknown. Using a multiwell system, we show that salinity and f‐medium concentration significantly affect the percentage of motile C. velia cells. An inverse relationship between salinity and motility in C. velia occurred, and flagellation was also suppressed at high nutrient levels. These results suggest a low salinity environment with relatively low nutrient levels enables flagellate transformation during the diurnal cycle of C. velia.  相似文献   
We studied hybridization between the diploid Centaurea pseudophrygia and the tetraploid C. jacea by performing crossing experiments and screening natural populations using flow cytometry. The experiments confirm that the studied species exhibit strong reproductive isolation. Interspecific hybrids were formed at a low frequency, including triploids (originating from reduced gametes) and tetraploids (involving unreduced gametes of the diploids). In contrast, hybrids were almost absent among seeds and adult plants of natural mixed populations and among the offspring from experimental pollinations with a mixture of pollen of both ploidy levels. We found that mixed pollination is an important mechanism for preventing hybridization between plants of different ploidy levels and sustaining the reproduction of the tetraploids. A mentor effect (induced selfing in the presence of pollen of different ploidy levels) was observed in both diploids and tetraploids, reinforcing the reproductive isolation between cytotypes. Higher ploidy levels (pentaploid, hexaploid) involving unreduced gametes of the tetraploid species were identified. Notably, pentaploids were discovered for the first time in Centaurea sect. Jacea. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 93–106.  相似文献   
The appendages of the Ordovician trilobite Cryptolithus tesselatus are restudied, and particular reference is made to the exite branch. Details formerly borrowed from Triarthrus to complete the reconstruction of the appendages of Cryptolithus are now found in part to be significantly different in the two trilobites. The exite 'filaments' of Cryptolithus evidently are strong spines that pointed ventrally and may have been used to stir up deposited mud. The broadened view of trilobite appendages indicates that some trace fossils (Cruziana semi-plicata type) may be interpreted as being partly made by the exites, while others (C. rugosa type) are perhaps made exclusively by the exites.  相似文献   

In organisms containing sperm storage organs, sperm competition constitutes an important sexual selection factor. Sexual conflicts and unilateral manipulation of the reproductive physiology of the mating partner are common in the copulation behaviour of such organisms. In hermaphrodites, such conflicts escalate even more because of the identical interests of all individuals and the unique possibility to manipulate the degree of “femaleness” of the partner. This often results in bizarre reproductive tactics and mating behaviours. The simultaneous hermaphrodite Lumbricus terrestris uses specialized setae to pierce the partner's skin and inject a gland product during copulation. This happens in addition to, and is spatially distinct from, reciprocal sperm transfer. For the identification of bioactive compounds in the transferred secretion, comparative proteomic studies were performed, applying mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although initially targeting a substance with so-called “allohormone” characteristics, ubiquitin, a highly conserved 76 amino acid protein, could be identified as one of the predominant compounds. This contributes to recent findings concerning general roles of ubiquitin in reproductive events. One possible mechanism proposed, namely, that of labelling sperm for phagocytotic removal, is discussed.  相似文献   
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