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1. Owing to intensive human use, freshwaters are among the most seriously threatened and modified environments on the planet. Their poor condition and the risk to services that humans need from these ecosystems make their rehabilitation a priority. However, many previous studies have reported the poor performance of many rehabilitation activities. 2. Here, we analyse reasons for this poor performance, focussing on the planning of rehabilitation activities, and propose a new approach. We argue that the failure to include driving factors at a scale adequate to capture the ecological processes involved, together with an insufficient incorporation of socio‐economic aspects, is a key factor leading the poor performance of many rehabilitation activities. 3. We propose a new approach, ‘systematic rehabilitation planning’, that brings together advances made in conservation planning (cost‐effectiveness analysis) and ecosystem science (understanding the complexity of ecosystem processes). This enables planning to be done at the catchment scale, and the trade‐offs between various rehabilitation actions to be integrated and prioritised. 4. Finally, it is important, given the constraints imposed by a lack of knowledge, that the planning process is part of an adaptive cycle where it can benefit from and consolidate the experience gained during the implementation and monitoring stages.  相似文献   
1. Sources of atmospheric CH4 are both naturally occurring and anthropogenic. In fact, some anthropogenic activities may influence the production of CH4 from natural sources, such as lakes. 2. Ongoing changes in the catchment of lakes, including eutrophication and increased terrestrial organic carbon export, may affect CH4 production rates as well as shape methanogen abundance and community structure. Therefore, inputs from catchments to lakes should be examined for their effects on CH4 production. 3. We added algal and terrestrial carbon separately to lake sediment cores and measured CH4 production. We also used quantitative polymerase chain reaction and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism to determine the effects of these carbon additions on methanogen abundance and community composition. 4. Our results indicate that CH4 production rates were significantly elevated following the addition of algal biomass. Terrestrial carbon addition also appeared to increase methanogenesis rates; however, the observed increase was not statistically significant. 5. Interestingly, increased CH4 production rates resulted from increases in per‐cell activity rather than an increase in methanogen abundance or community compositional shifts, as indicated by our molecular analyses. 6. Overall, anthropogenic impacts on aquatic ecosystems can influence methanogenesis rates and should be considered in models of global methane cycling and climate.  相似文献   
1. The effects of omnivorous exotic species on native communities are often difficult to predict because of the broad diets and behavioural flexibility of the omnivore, and the diverse abiotic and biotic characteristics of invaded systems. We investigated experimentally the effects of a gradient of density of the introduced, omnivorous red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) on two stream communities in southern California, U.S.A. 2. The Ventura River is a clear, flowing stream with a cobble substratum, with abundant algae but low densities of large invertebrates, small herbivores and snails. The Santa Ynez River at the time of the study consisted of a series of drying pools underlain by sand, with abundant charophytes, large predatory invertebrates and herbivores, including snails. 3. In the Ventura River, periphyton biomass and inorganic sediment decreased with increasing crayfish abundance, but in the Santa Ynez River, periphyton and sediment were unrelated to crayfish densities. 4. In the Ventura River, the biomass and density of all benthic invertebrates combined, chironomids, micropredators, the meiofauna (chydorid cladocerans, copepods and ostracods), and specific predatory and herbivorous taxa, as well as taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. In the Santa Ynez River, the biomass and average body size of benthic invertebrates, predatory invertebrates, herbivores and chironomids, but not total invertebrate density or taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. 5. Fewer large predatory invertebrates and snails (Physella gyrina) in both streams, and baetid mayflies in the Ventura River, were visible at night in channels where crayfish were abundant. Snails responded to crayfish by moving above the water line in the Santa Ynez River, but not in the Ventura River. 6. We suggest that the same omnivore had different effects on these neighbouring streams because of crayfish predation on large invertebrates in the Santa Ynez River and the scarcity of such prey in the Ventura River, leading to increased crayfish grazing on periphyton, and reductions in periphyton‐associated invertebrates, in the Ventura River.  相似文献   
Abstract Complex sociality is widespread in lizards, but the difficulties of directly observing social interactions in free‐ranging snakes have precluded such studies for most snake species. However, a type of data already available from mark‐recapture studies (dates of capture and recapture of individually marked animals) can reveal social substructure within snake populations. If individuals associate with each other in social groups, we expect synchrony in the dates of capture and recapture of those animals. A field study of turtle‐headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia reveals exactly this phenomenon. For example, animals that were captured on the same day in one year often were recaptured on the same day the following year. Analysis rejects non‐social interpretations of these data (such as spatial‐temporal confounding in sampling, intrapopulation heterogeneity in cues for activity), suggesting instead that many individual sea snakes belong to ‘social’ groups that consistently move about together. The phenomenon of capture synchrony during mark‐recapture studies can provide new insights into the occurrence and correlates of cryptic social aggregations.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Properties and cellular location of acid phosphatase in Trypanosoma gambiense were studied. Activity was found in both the sediment (32,000 ×g) and the supernatant of homogenates. Cenrifugation in 0.3 M sucrose showed activity principally in the lowspeed fraction (4,000 ×g). One min of sonication released most of this activity. Several phosphomonoesters were hydrolyzed at acid H's. Enzymatic activity was relatively specific for pyrophosphate and p-nitrophenylphosphate at pH 3.6. At pH 5.2, purine and pyimidine nucleotide 5′-triphosphates as well as adenosine di- and ono-5′-phosphates were hydrolyzed nonspecifically. Activity with yrophosphate at pH 3.6 had a temperature optimum of 60-70 C while that for adenosine 5′-triphosphate (pH 5.2) was 50 C. These ctivities of the sediment required no metal co-factors and were inibited by Fe++, inhibition at the lower pH being greater. Glucose 6-phosphate was hydrolyzed by the supernatant with maximum activity between pH 6.0 and 7.2 and a temperature optimum of 50 C. This pH range showed a broad plateau with 2 or 3 minor peaks. The hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate showed a similar pH curve. In glucose 6-phosphate hydrolysis, Mg++ was a required co-factor but could be replaced by Ni++ or Co++. Ammonium sulfate fractionation precipitated most of the supernatant activity between 50 and 75% saturation. A modified Gomori technic produced spherical deposits of PbS thruout the cytoplasm of the intact cell. With the electron microscope, Pb phosphate deposition was observed in membrane-bound vesicles (i.e., lysosomes) approximately 100-150 mμ in diameter. These organelles were common in the region of the reservoir at the base of the flagellum. Acid phosphatase activity specific for glucose 6-phosphate as substrate was localized within this basal pocket.  相似文献   
The 128 known native Hawaiian species of the tribe Platynini are analysed cladistically. Cladistic analysis is based on 206 unit-coded morphological characters, and also includes forty-one outgroup taxa from around the Pacific Rim. Strict consensus of the multiple equally parsimonious cladograms supports the monophyly of the entire species swarm. The closest outgroup appears to be the south-east Asian-Pacific genus Lorostema Motschulsky, whose species are distributed from India and Sri Lanka to Tahiti, supporting derivation of the Hawaiian platynines from a source in the western or south-western Pacific. The biogeographic relationships of the Hawaiian taxa are analysed using tree mapping, wherein items of error are minimized. The area cladogram found to be most congruent with the phylogenetic relationships, and most defensible based on underlying character data is {Kauai[Oahu(Hawaii{Lanai[East Maui(West Maui + Molokai)]})]}. This progressive vicariant pattern incorporates progressive colonization from Kauai, and vicariance of the former Maui Nui into the present islands of Molokai, Lanai, West Maui and East Maui. The evolution of flightlessness, tarsal structure, pronotal setation and bursal asymmetry are evaluated in the context of the cladogram. Brachyptery is a derived condition for which reversal is not mandated by the cladogram, although repeated evolution of reduced flight wings is required. Tarsal structure supports Sharp's (1903) recognition of Division 1 as a monophyletic assemblage, but exposes his Division 2 as a paraphyletic group requiring removal of the genus Colpocaccus Sharp. Pronotal setation is exceedingly homoplastic, and is not useful for delimiting natural groups. Left-right asymmetry of the bursa copulatrix reversed twice independently, resulting in mirror-image bursal configurations in B. rupicola and Prodisenochus terebratus of East Maui. The amount of character divergence is greater among species comprising Division 1 than among species of its sister group, the redefined Division 2. Based on superior fit of Division 1 relationships to the general biogeographic pattern, a greater speciation rate coupled with more extensive extinction is rejected as the cause for this greater divergence. Intrinsic differentiation in the processes underlying cuticular evolution appears to be more consistent with the observed biogeographic and morphological patterns.  相似文献   
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