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The distribution and percent frequency of the 13 species and one variety of Danthonia recorded on the New England Tablelands were examined in a survey of 110 predominantly pastoral sites. The relationships between site factors and the presence and percent frequency of the different Danthonia species were subjected to canonical correlation analysis. Individual species were found to have particular sets of environmental factors associated with their distribution and percent frequency; a fact not well recognized in the past. The most common factor associated with the abundance of Danthonia was either a long time since the last cultivation or no cultivation at all. Other factors such as altitude, drainage, soil parent material, soil texture and total soil phosphorus status were also of some importance. The six species most commonly recorded throughout the New England Tablelands were D. racemosa RBr, D. pilosa RBr, D. laevis J. Vickery, D. linkii Kunth., D. richardsonii Cashmore and D. tenuior (Steud.) Conert. Of these the first three are ecologically wide species. The first two can coexist with other naturalized species under grazing while D. laevis tends to disappear with disturbance. D. linkii and D. richardsonii require fairly narrow habitat conditions but these conditions and consequently these species are common. Both species respond positively to disturbance. Danthonia linkii increases with cultivation and D. richardsonii colonizes eroded soil surfaces. Danthonia tenuior has more restricted requirements and is not so frequent The other seven species and one variety did not occur often enough for detailed study and the occurrence of two of these species, D. carphoides and D. caespitosa must be considered as rare.  相似文献   
DISTANCE DATA REVISITED   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Objections to my earlier demonstration, that the branch lengths of trees fitted to distance matrices have no physical interpretation, are shown to be ill-founded. In particular the contention of Felsenstein, that fitted lengths estimate expectations of amounts of change, is shown to lead to a paradox. A method is introduced for constructing multiple trees of optimal or near-optimal fit to distance data, and this is found to give better performance than previous methods. Most published trees based on distances have been poorly chosen. Consensus trees of several trees with near-optimal fit are found to be quite poorly resolved, and it appears that molecular distances seldom provide much useful information on phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   
The euryhaline unicellular green alga Dunaliella tertiolectalost intracellular glycerol when subjected to a decrease inexternal salinity. After the salinity was decreased, photosynthesiswas inhibited for at least the first 100 min, but dark oxygenuptake was transiently stimulated. The extent of the 519 nmfield-indicating absorption change induced by photosystem Ialone was inhibited by decreasing the salinity, but other photosyntheticparameters were largely unaffected. A comparison of these resultswith hypertonic stress indicated that although both stressesinhibit the overall process of photosynthesis, they do so bydifferent mechanisms. Resuspending the algal cells in distilledwater resulted in an inhibition of all the photosynthetic parametersmeasured. Key words: Dunaliella, Photosynthesis, Hypotonicity  相似文献   
Shell shape and growth of two unionacean species, Villosa villosaand Elliptio icterina, are analyzed with univariate and multivariatetechniques. The relationship of shape variables to size variablesis examined. Under the lognormal assumption, parametric testsof these allometric relationships are valid. Variables describingthe ventro-posterior region of the shell are shown to be thebest of those tested for discriminating between the sexes ofboth species regardless of statistical method. Neither speciesexhibits size sexual dimorphism. Shape sexual dimorphism ofV. villosa is constant during adult growth, but the more subtledimorphism of E. icterina changes as adults continue to grow. (Received 20 January 1986;  相似文献   
Abstract. Phylogenetic relationships of the subfamilies and tribes of the Vespoidea (= Diploptera) are investigated using cladistic methods. A natural classification is proposed, sequencing seven tribes in six subfamilies within the single family Vespidae. Euparagia is the sister-group of the rest of the Vespidae. The Gayellinae and Masarinae are sister-groups, and are reduced in rank to tribes within the subfamily Masarinae. This is the sister-group of the Eumeninae + Stenogastrinae + Polistinae + Vespinae. The Zethinae is a paraphyletic group; both it and the Raphiglossinae are deleted and included in the Eumeninae. The Stenogastrinae is regarded as the sister-group of the Vespinae + Polistinae.  相似文献   
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