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Using a cost-benefit model, the leaf nitrogen concentrationand root : shoot ratio that maximize whole-plant relative growthrate are determined as a function of the above-ground environment(integrated daily photon flux density and the concentrationof carbon dioxide at the site of fixation within the leaf).The major advantage of this approach is that it determines theadaptive significance of leaf physiology by considering thefunctional integration of leaves and roots. The predicted responseto increasing daily photon flux densities is an increase inoptimal leaf N concentration (Nopt) and a concomitant increasein root: shoot ratio. Increased carbon dioxide concentrations,on the other hand, reduce Nopt and only slightly change root:shoot ratio. The observed increase in leaf nitrogen concentrationfound in plants growing at high altitudes (low CO2 partial pressure)is also predicted. Since these responses to light and CO2 maximizethe whole-plant relative growth rate, the observed adjustmentsthat plants make to light and carbon dioxide concentration appearto be adaptive. We show that the relationship between photosynthesis and leafnitrogen concentration is complex and depends on the light andCO2 levels at which photosynthesis is measured. The shape ofthis function is important in determining Nopt and the oppositeresponse of leaf nitrogen to light and carbon dioxide is shownto be the result of the different effects of light and CO2 onthe photosynthesis-leaf nitrogen curve. Plant growth, photosynthesis, leaf nitrogen, biomass allocation, optimization, carbon dioxide light  相似文献   
Adventitious shoots were regenerated from fragmented flowerbuds, individual petals and receptacles in a number of differentcarnation cultivars. The major site of shoot formation was thesubepidermal cells at the proximal end of the petals. The yieldof shoots from a single flower bud was high, ranging between70 and 275, for the 11 cultivars tested. The regeneration mediumcontained Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with4–8 µm -naphthaleneacetic acid and 4–8 µmbenzyladenine. The preferred regeneration protocol appears highlysuited to the development of gene transfer systems. Adventitious shoots, Dianthus caryophyllus L., tissue culture, explant, auxin, cytokinin, cut flowers, floriculture, organogenesis  相似文献   
Ruta graveotens subshrubs, known to contain a large fractionof their furanocoumarins on the leaf surface, were used forinvestigation of salt and acid rain effects on the plant surfaceand substances occurring there. Groups of shoots on each plantcovered by plastic bags were sprayed with either sulphuric acid,pII 2.5, saturated sodium chloride solution, or a distilledwater control. Uncovered shoots, an additional control, hadthe highest concentrations of furanocoumarins both on the surfaceand in the whole leaf. The upper leaves contained less furanocoumarinsin absolute amounts but were similar to the lower leaves ona percentage basis. Spraying caused a decrease in total furanocoumarinconcentrations, slight in the case of distilled water and greaterfor acid and salt, but the percentage on the surface after sprayingincreased. The upper and lower leaves reacted differently tosalt than to sulphuric acid and water: with salt, the percentagesof furanocoumarins on the surface of both kinds of leaves showedsimilar increases; with the other two sprays, upper leaves showeda similar increase, but the lower leaves had a much higher percentageon the surface owing to a high rate of extrusion. Simulated acid rain, salt sprays, plant surface, furanocoumarins, Ruta graveolens  相似文献   
DICK, M. VV., 1986. A new family and a new genus for two taxa previously assigned to Apodachlyella completa (J. E. Humphrey) H. Indoh (Peronosporomycetidae: Leptomitales) . At present two distinct taxa are referrable to Apodachlyella completa. New genus and species names (I'lerogone helodes M. W. Dick genus & sp. nov.) are necessary for the taxon reported from the British Isles. Confirmation of the unique wall membranes in the antheridia and oogonia is used to justify the placement of A. completa in a new, monotypic family of the Leptomitales (Apodachlyellaceae M. W. Dick fam. nova). Plerogone is placed provisionally in the Leptomitaceae.  相似文献   
Seven monoclonal antibodies specific for mammalian β-tubulin demonstrate the microtubule cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania donovani by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunoblots of T. gondii and L. donovani proteins separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirm the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies for tubulin. Differential staining of flagellar and subpellicular microtubule populations was not seen in L. donovani with these antibodies. All seven antibodies also detected the subpellicular microtubules of T. gondii, but the polar ring and conoid of this organism was not visualized by any of them. This technique provides a rapid and specific way to assess microtubular organization in whole organisms.  相似文献   
Antigenic similarities between Plasmodium and Babesia parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa have been previously demonstrated primarily by the serological cross reactivity observed in the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. We have now studied the antigenic relationship between the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, and the hemoparasitic agent of cattle, Babesia bovis, using rabbit monospecific antibodies produced against individual culture-derived P. falciparum polypeptides and bovine polyspecific antibodies to B. bovis exoantigens. These respective antibodies were found to be distinctly cross reactive in the IFA test using infected erythrocytes (squirrel monkey—P. falciparum; bovine—B. bovis) as antigen substrates. Immunofluorescence was shown to be highly specific for parasite surfaces. Additionally, the degree of reactivity with soluble exoantigens contained in Plasmodium and Babesia culture supernatants was monitored by a two-site enzyme immunoassay employing the cross-reactive antibodies. Further evidence for antigenic cross reactivity between P. falciparum and B. bovis parasites was shown with the in vitro inhibition assay. Antibodies to P. falciparum and B. bovis were found to be highly inhibitory for the in vitro growth of P. falciparum in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   
Flooding the soil for 5–7 d caused partial desiccationin leaves of pea plants (Pisum sativum. L. cv. ‘Sprite’).The injury was associated with anaerobiosis in the soil, a largeincrease in the permeability of leaf tissue to electrolytesand other substances, a low leaf water content and an increasedwater saturation deficit (WSD). Desiccating leaves also lackedthe capacity to rehydrate in humid atmospheres, a disabilityexpressed as a water resaturation deficit (WRSD). This irreversibleinjury was preceded during the first 4–5 d of floodingby closure of stomata within 24 h, decreased transpiration,an unusually large leaf water content and small WSD. Leaf waterpotentials were higher than those in well-drained controls.Also, there was no appreciable WRSD. Leaflets detached fromflooded plants during this early phase retained their watermore effectively than those from controls when left exposedto the atmosphere for 5 min. Stomatal closure and the associated increase in leaf hydrationcould be simulated by excising leaves and incubating them withtheir petioles in open vials of water. Thus, such changes inflooded plants possibly represented a response to a deficiencyin the supply of substances that would usually be transportedfrom roots to leaves in healthy plants (negative message). Ionleakage and the associated loss of leaf hydration that occurswhen flooding is extended for more than 5 d could not be simulatedby isolating the leaves from the roots. Appearance of this symptomdepended on leaves remaining attached to flooded root systems,implying that the damage is caused by injurious substances passingupwards (positive message). Both ethylene and ethanol have beeneliminated as likely causes, but flooding increased phosphorusin the leaves to concentrations that may be toxic. Key words: Pisum sativum, Flooding, Foliar desiccation, Stomata, Ethylene  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Kudoa branchiata sp. n. (Myxosporidea: Chloromyxidae) is described from the gills of the marine sciaenid fish, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède, from Clear Lake, Texas. Twelve of the 429 hosts examined from 10 September 1970 to 28 April 1971, were infected. Eight of the 12 infected fish were collected in February and March 1971—a period during which only 13% of the total host sample was taken. The mean total length of infected hosts was 149 mm, with a range of 112–185 mm. The mean number of myxosporidean cysts per infected host was 3.5, with a range of 1–11.  相似文献   
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase was a predominantly soluble enzymein lily pollen (Lilium longiflorum, var. Ace), and very littleenzyme activity was associated with the mitochondrial fraction.GTP was the preferred substrate when ADP was the second substrate.The enzyme was purified 18-fold to a specific activity of 7µmoles/min/mg protein. 1This study was supported by grant GB-8764 from the U.S. NationalScience Foundation. (Received October 5, 1970; )  相似文献   
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