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The imposition of the stresses of climate change (higher temperatures and in many regions lower rainfall) on existing stressors, such as habitat loss and degradation, will increase pressures on native fauna already experiencing declines. We focused on assessing how the ‘Big Dry’ (severe drought, 1997–2010) in south‐eastern Australia affected populations of a small marsupial carnivore, the yellow‐footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes), in box‐ironbark forests, which suffer a range of anthropogenic disturbances. Trapping of the mammal was conducted on 136 (0.25 ha) sites in two box‐ironbark forests in 2004, 2005 and 2011 (46 or 64 sites per year). Capture rates of all distinct individuals, males and second‐year females with suckled teats, and the number of suckled teats were positively associated with rainfall in the previous September (time of lactation and deposition of young in nests). Despite differences between forests in capture rates of all individuals, the positive effect of rainfall was evident in both forests. Populations in one forest, Chiltern, were substantially larger than other locations surveyed in 2004 and 2005, yet crashed to small numbers in 2011. This crash was most likely due to low rainfall in the preceding years including the lowest recorded annual rainfall (2006), below‐average annual rainfall (2007, 2008 and 2009) and well‐below‐average rainfall in September (2006, 2007 and 2008). The predicted drying and warming climate in south‐eastern Australia and habitat loss and degradation pose a threat to the viability of the yellow‐footed antechinus in box‐ironbark forests. An integrated approach to small‐mammal management is necessary given that the region may be facing additional losses, especially during droughts, to those already experienced since the early 1800s. Our work emphasizes the need to identify specific effects of stressors on vital demographic characteristics of species.  相似文献   
Fremont cottonwood seedlings are vulnerable to water stress from rapid water‐table decline during river recession in spring. Water stress is usually cited as the reason for reduced establishment, but interactions of water stress with microclimate extremes are more likely the causes of mortality. We assessed photosynthetic responses of Fremont cottonwood seedlings to water, light and heat stresses, which commonly co‐occur in habitats where seedlings establish. Under moderate temperature and light conditions, water stress did not affect photosynthetic function. However, stomatal closure during water stress predisposed Fremont cottonwood leaves to light and heat stress, resulting in greatly reduced photosynthesis beginning at 31 °C versus at 41 °C for well‐watered plants. Ontogenetic shifts in leaf orientation from horizontal to vertical, which occur as seedlings mature, reduce heat and light stress, especially during water stress. When compared with naturally occurring microclimate extremes, seedling stress responses suggest that reduced assimilation and photoprotection are common for Fremont cottonwood seedlings on exposed point bars where they establish. These reductions in photosynthesis likely have negative impacts on growth and may predispose young (<90‐day‐old) seedlings to early mortality during rapid water‐table declines. Interactions with heat and light stress are more important in these effects than water stress alone.  相似文献   

Calls produced by hybrids resulting from laboratory crosses of tetraploid Hyla versicolor females and either diploid Hyla chrysoscelis (type I) or Hyla arborea (type II) males were induced through manipulation of environmental conditions. Type I hybrids produced trilled calls similar in note repetition to H. versicolor, but more similar in dominant frequency to H. chrysoscelis. Mean duration was shorter than in both parent calls. Type II hybrids produced calls which were longer in duration and lower in note repetition rate than H. versicolor, but shorter in duration and higher in note repetition rate than H. arborea. Dominant frequency of type II hybrids was lower than in H. arborea but not significantly different than in H. versicolor. Hybrid calls were not strictly intermediate, and may provide information regarding parental relationships.  相似文献   
Evidence indicates that small heat-shock proteins (Hsps) areinvolved in stress tolerance, but the specific cell componentsor functions that small Hsps protect or repair are mostly unidentified.We recently showed that the chloroplast small Hsps of higherplants (1) are produced in response to many environmental stresses(e.g., heat, oxidative, and high-light stress); and (2) protect(but do not repair) photosynthetic electron transport in vitroduring stress, specifically by interacting with the oxygen-evolving-complexproteins of Photosystem II (PSII) within the thylakoid lumen.However, in vivo evidence of the importance of these Hsps tophotosynthetic stress tolerance is lacking. Here we report positiverelationships between chloroplast small Hsp production and PSIIthermotolerance in (1) a heattolerant genotype of Agrostis palustris(bentgrass) and a heat sensitive genotype which lacks one ormore chloroplast small Hsps produced by the tolerant genotype;(2) ecotypes of Chenopodium album (lambs quarters) from thenorthern vs. southern U.S. (New York vs. Georgia); and (3) nineLycopersicon (tomato) cultivars/species differing in heat tolerance.These in vivo results are consistent with our previous in vitroobservations and indicate that genetic variation in productionof the chloroplast small Hsp is an important determinant ofphotosynthetic and, thereby, whole-plant thermotolerance. Recently,we showed that the mitochondrial small Hsp of plants protectsrespiratory (specifically Complex I) electron transport in vitroduring heat stress, and here we present evidence for previouslyunidentified small Hsps in mitochondria of mammal (rat) cellswhich also protect Complex I during heat stress. These resultssuggest that the mitochondrial small Hsps, like the small chloroplastHsps, are general stress proteins that contribute significantlyto cell and organismal stress tolerance.  相似文献   
Partulid land snails of the genus Samoana inhabiting the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia exist as two distinct types, the 'thick-shelled' and 'thin-shelled' species. The two types differ in size, shell-thickness, pigmentation of the shell and mantle, stickiness of the mucus, and length of the tentacles. A study of variation in allozymes indicates that the species form a monophyletic group, within which the differences between the two types have twice evolved independendy, once in the northern islands and at least once in the south. In the Society Islands the two suites of characters are found in both Partula and Samoana , where there is evidence of at least four other independent derivations of the two types. The thin-shelled species consistendy tend to occur at the higher altitudes (above 200 m). These cases of parallel evolution argue strongly that the complexes of associated characters have arisen through natural selection.  相似文献   
It is proposed that any future revision of the International Stratigraphic Guide should explicitly approve the use of characteristic faunal and floral assemblages in the definition of lithostratigraphical units, providing that the fossils are readily observable and identifiable in the field and assist in the mapping of the rocks.  相似文献   
Large-sample theory for parametric multiple imputation procedures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WANG  NAISYIN; ROBINS  JAMES M. 《Biometrika》1998,85(4):935-948
Cellular differentiation is controlled by a variety of factors including gene methylation, which represses particular genes as cell fate is determined. The incorporation of 5-azacytidine (5azaC) into DNA in vitro prevents methylation and thus can alter cellular differentiation pathways. Human bone marrow fibroblasts and MG63 cells treated with 5azaC were used as models of osteogenic progenitors and of a more mature osteoblast phenotype, respectively. The capacity for differentiation of these cells following treatment with glucocorticoids was investigated. 5azaC treatment led to significant expression of the osteoblastic marker alkaline phosphatase in MG63 osteosarcoma cells, which was further augmented by glucocorticoids; however, in human marrow fibroblasts alkaline phosphatase activity was only observed in glucocorticoid-treated cultures. MG63 cells represent a phenotype late in the osteogenic lineage in which demethylation is sufficient to induce alkaline phosphatase activity. Marrow fibroblasts are at an earlier stage of differentiation and require stimulation with glucocorticoids. In contrast, the expression of osteocalcin, an osteoblastic marker, was unaffected by 5azaC treatment, suggesting that regulation of expression of the osteocalcin gene does not involve methylation. These models provide novel approaches to the study of the control of differentiation in the marrow fibroblastic system.  相似文献   
Variation in visual signalling behaviour in ten different species and subspecies was used re-assess taxonomic affinities within the Loriine parrot genus Trichoglossus. Within the genus, visual signals are derived from a range of non-signalling source movements from which a range of both unritualized and ritualized derivative signals have evolved. This evolution of signal movement can be viewed as occurring in a series of stages, beginning with a number of unritualized primary signals and followed by a succession of increasingly ritualized secondary, tertiary and even quaternary derivatives. By treating each primary signal and its subsequent derivatives as a separate, multi-state, taxonomic character, coefficients of similarity were calculated between each of the different taxa. In general, the results of this analysis confirmed taxonomic affinities derived previously from morphological comparisons. In some cases, however, behavioural resemblances suggested plausible alternatives to existing taxonomic theories. The validity of using culturally inherited behaviour patterns for systematic purposes is discussed.  相似文献   
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