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Unstimulated mouse peritoneal exudate cells were cultured on coverslips in Medium 199 containing 10% (v/v) calf serum. Cytochalasin B dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and diluted in Medium 199 was added to cultures to give final concentrations of 1, 5 and 10 μg/ml. Equal numbers of Leishmania mexicana promastigotes, Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and sheep red cells were added to 24 hr cultures incubated at 37 C. The macrophage monolayers were fixed and stained at various time intervals. L. mexicana promastigotes and sheep red blood cells were found to attach to macrophages in the presence of the drug but did not enter the cells. When the medium containing the Cytochalasin was replaced with normal medium phagocytosis of the adherent parasites and red cells followed rapidly. T. cruzi epimastigotes were found inside macrophages in both drug-treated and drug-free cultures although the number found to be intracellular in the latter was significantly greater. This study suggests that L. mexicana promastigotes enter macrophages by being phagocytosed, whereas T. cruzi epimastigotes can actively penetrate these cells.  相似文献   
In the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), thymic lymphocytes do notoriginate from blood-borne stem cells that migrate into thethymus anlage; rather they arise in situ from elements in thethymic rudiment itself. After thymic differentiation, the lymphocytes(or their descendants) leave the thymus and extensively seedthe peripheral lymphoid organs. Indeed, virtually all the lymphocytesin the spleen, kidney, and bone marrow are ontogenically derivedfrom thymic cells. In postmetamorphic life, the thymus representsan organ in which lymphopoiesis is genuinely self-sustaining.Throughout the juvenile life of the frog, there is no indicationof an inward afferent stream of cells entering the intact thymus.  相似文献   
1. Discharge patterns of streams and rivers may be substantially affected by changes in water management, land use, or climate. Such hydrological alterations are likely to influence biotic processes, including overall ecosystem metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration). One regulator of aquatic ecosystem metabolism directly tied to hydrology is movement of bed sediments. 2. We propose that ecosystem metabolism can be reconstructed or predicted for any suite of hydrological conditions through the use of quantitative relationships between discharge, bed movement and metabolism. We tested this concept on a plains reach of the South Platte River in Colorado. 3. Movement of bed sediments was predicted from river discharge and the Shields stress, a ratio of velocity‐induced stress to sediment grain size. Quantitative relationships were established empirically between metabolic response to bed movement and recovery from bed movement, thus linking metabolism to hydrology. 4. The linkage of metabolism to hydrology allowed us to reconstruct daily photosynthesis and respiration over the 70‐year period for which discharge is known at our study site on the South Platte River. The reconstruction shows major ecological change caused by hydrological manipulation: the river has lost two‐thirds of its photosynthetic potential, and the ratio of photosynthesis to respiration is now much lower than it was prior to 1960. 5. The same approach could be used to anticipate ecological responses to proposed hydrological manipulations, to quantify benefits of hydrological restoration, or to illustrate potential effects of change in climate or land use on flowing‐water ecosystems.  相似文献   
Barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Mazurka) were grown inaerated solution cultures with 2 mM or 8 mM inorganic nitrogensupplied as nitrate alone, ammonium alone or 1:1 nitrate+ammonium.Activities of the principal inorganic nitrogen assimilatoryenzymes and nitrogen transport were measured. Activities ofnitrate and nitrite reductases, glutamine synthetase and glutamatesynthase were greater in leaves than in roots but glutamatedehydrogenase was most active in roots. Only nitrate and nitritereductases changed notably (4–10 times) in response tothe different nitrogen treatments. Nitrate reductase appearedto be rate-limiting for nitrate assimilation to glutamate inroots and also in leaves, where its total in vitro activitywas closely related to nitrate flux in the xylem sap and wasslightly in excess of that needed to reduce the transportednitrate. Xylem nitrate concentration was 13 times greater thanthat in the nutrient solution. Ammonium nitrogen was assimilatedalmost completely in the roots and the small amount releasedinto the xylem sap was similar for the nitrate and the ammoniumtreatments. The presence of ammonium in the nutrient decreasedboth export of nitrate to the xylem and its accumulation inleaves and roots. Nitrate was stored in stem bases and was releasedto the xylem and thence to the leaves during nitrogen starvation.In these experiments, ammonium was assimilated principally inthe roots and nitrate in the leaves. Any advantage of this divisionof function may depend partly on total conversion of inorganicnitrogen to amino acids when nitrate and ammonium are givenin optimal concentrations. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, nitrate, ammonium, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, glutamate dehydrogenase, nitrogen transport  相似文献   
As the history of science has developed as a professional intellectualdiscipline, it has had and will continue to have an importantrole in defining science and its place in our culture. Suchdefinitions should be based on as much information as possible.Scientists can help supply some of this information throughparticipation in symposia on the history of science. In addition,scientists can learn much about the nature of their disciplineby becoming aware of the concepts of science which are derivedfrom the careful analysis of its history. Efforts should bemade to bring historians of science and scientists togetherfor their mutual benefit.  相似文献   
Analysis of growth during phototropic curvature of cress hypocotyls   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract. Growth rates throughout an organ curving phototropically under continuous, unilateral while light were monitored by lime-lapse photography of cress hypocotyls marked into 1 mm sections by two rows of ion-exchange beads. Curvature resulted from an integrated sequence of changes in growth rate on each side of the organ, but the actual patterns of change and, therefore rales of curvature, differed within even this one species, depending upon the immediate pretreatment of the seedlings. Transference of seedlings from darkness to unilateral irradiation gave immediate growth inhibition on both sides of the organ. Curvature resulted from differential recovery of growth rate, being seen first on the shaded side, most prominently in the apical regions; only 2h after initial exposure to light did growth recover on the lit (lower) side. On the other hand, transfer of seedlings from omnilateral to unilateral irradiation of the same intensity resulted in simultaneous growth inhibition on the irradiated side and stimulated growth on the shaded side: this growth stimulation of the shaded side was greater than occurred in totally darkened control plants.  相似文献   
1. In situ measurements of nitrogen fixation rates for Aphanizomenon in fertile Colorado lakes with low inorganic nitrogen concentrations demonstrated high efficiency of nitrogen fixation at low irradiance. 2. For study populations, rates of N2 fixation in darkness and with alternating exposure to light and darkness were a higher percentage of light‐saturated rates for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena, suggesting storage of reduced metabolites at high irradiance that are used subsequently by Aphanizomenon when cells are forced by mixing into zones of low irradiance. Also, saturation of N2 fixation occurred over a lower range of irradiance for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena. 3. High efficiency of N2 fixation in Aphanizomenon at low or fluctuating irradiance is complementary to its previously demonstrated high efficiency of photosynthesis at low irradiance. Nitrogen fixation rate was also strongly related to DIN concentration; fixation was highest at low DIN (maximum < 5 μg L?1) but was also most vulnerable to photoinhibition under such conditions. 4. The fixation capabilities of Aphanizomenon under weak or varying irradiance could explain its commonly observed domination over Anabaena when transparency is low and available nitrogen is scarce.  相似文献   
The anatomy of the adventitious roots of Musa acuminata cv.Gros Michel is described. Interesting anatomical features arethe occurrence of lysigenous lacunae in the cortex and the presenceof very large metaxylem vessels and internal phloem strandsin the stele. The organization of the root meristem is consideredin terms of present concepts. Histological preparations andautoradiographs suggest the existence of an area of relativequiescence in the meristem. The use of modified histogen terminologyin describing the apex is recommended. The development of thetissue systems is also described with emphasis on the differentiationof the vascular tissue.  相似文献   
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