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Fremont cottonwood seedlings are vulnerable to water stress from rapid water‐table decline during river recession in spring. Water stress is usually cited as the reason for reduced establishment, but interactions of water stress with microclimate extremes are more likely the causes of mortality. We assessed photosynthetic responses of Fremont cottonwood seedlings to water, light and heat stresses, which commonly co‐occur in habitats where seedlings establish. Under moderate temperature and light conditions, water stress did not affect photosynthetic function. However, stomatal closure during water stress predisposed Fremont cottonwood leaves to light and heat stress, resulting in greatly reduced photosynthesis beginning at 31 °C versus at 41 °C for well‐watered plants. Ontogenetic shifts in leaf orientation from horizontal to vertical, which occur as seedlings mature, reduce heat and light stress, especially during water stress. When compared with naturally occurring microclimate extremes, seedling stress responses suggest that reduced assimilation and photoprotection are common for Fremont cottonwood seedlings on exposed point bars where they establish. These reductions in photosynthesis likely have negative impacts on growth and may predispose young (<90‐day‐old) seedlings to early mortality during rapid water‐table declines. Interactions with heat and light stress are more important in these effects than water stress alone.  相似文献   
1. Adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) transport marine nutrients to fresh waters and disturb sediments during spawning. The relative importance of nutrient fertilisation and benthic disturbance by salmon spawners can be modulated by environmental conditions (e.g. biological, chemical and physical conditions in the catchment, including human land use). 2. To determine the importance of the environmental context in modifying the uptake and incorporation of salmon‐derived material into stream biota, we measured the nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic composition of benthic algae (i.e. epilithon) and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in seven streams across a timber‐harvest gradient (8–69% catchment area harvested), both before and during the salmon run. Conditional bootstrap modelling simulations were used to assess variability in the response of epilithon and juvenile coho salmon to spawning salmon. 3. In response to spawning salmon, epilithon exhibited enrichment in both δ15N (mean: 1.5‰) and δ13C (2.3‰). Juvenile coho were also enriched in both δ15N (0.7‰) and δ13C (1.4‰). Conditional bootstrap models indicate decreased variation in data as spatial replication increases, suggesting that the number of study sites can influence the results of Pacific salmon isotope studies. 4. Epilithon isotopic enrichment was predicted by environmental conditions, with δ15N enrichment predicted by stream temperature and timber harvest (R2 = 0.87) and δ13C enrichment by discharge, sediment size, timber harvest and spawner density (R2 = 0.96). Furthermore, we found evidence for a legacy effect of salmon spawners, with pre‐spawner δ15N and δ13C of both epilithon and juvenile coho predicted by salmon run size in the previous year. 5. Our results show that the degree of incorporation of salmon‐derived nitrogen and carbon differs among streams. Furthermore, the environmental context, including putative legacy effects of spawning salmon, can influence background isotopic concentrations and utilisation of salmon‐derived materials in southeast Alaska salmon streams. Future studies should consider the variation in isotopic composition of stream biota when deciding on the number of study sites and samples needed to generate meaningful results.  相似文献   

Calls produced by hybrids resulting from laboratory crosses of tetraploid Hyla versicolor females and either diploid Hyla chrysoscelis (type I) or Hyla arborea (type II) males were induced through manipulation of environmental conditions. Type I hybrids produced trilled calls similar in note repetition to H. versicolor, but more similar in dominant frequency to H. chrysoscelis. Mean duration was shorter than in both parent calls. Type II hybrids produced calls which were longer in duration and lower in note repetition rate than H. versicolor, but shorter in duration and higher in note repetition rate than H. arborea. Dominant frequency of type II hybrids was lower than in H. arborea but not significantly different than in H. versicolor. Hybrid calls were not strictly intermediate, and may provide information regarding parental relationships.  相似文献   
  • 1 A study of the distribution, biomass and production of the freshwater mussel Hyridella menziesi (Gray) was carried out at six sites in Tapuaeharuru Bay, Lake Taupo, New Zealand.
  • 21 H. menziesi is common in the littoral zone, with clean sand and angle of slope being the most important environmental variables measured which are positively associated with mussel density. These variables are related to the accumulation of fine material which can clog the filtering mechanism of mussels. The angle of slope may also influence the movement and supply of food.
  • 3 Density (5.6 m-2), biomass (2.8 g dry weight shell free tissue m-2) and potential production (0.50 g dry weight shell free tissue m-2 yr-1) are high compared to values found for mussels from other oligotrophic lakes.
  • 4 The age structure of Hyridella suggests recruitment has declined in recent years. A periodicity in generations is proposed.
1. Parasitoids are a valuable group for conservation biological control. In their role as regulators of aphid pests, it is critical that their lifecycle is synchronised with their hosts in both space and time. This is because a synchronised parasitoid community is more likely to strengthen the overall conservation biological control effect, thus damping aphid numbers and preventing potential outbreaks. One component of this host–parasitoid system was examined, that of migration, and the hypothesis that peak summer parasitoid and host migrations are synchronised in time was tested. 2. Sitobion avenae Fabricius and six associated parasitoids were sampled from 1976 to 2013 using 12.2‐m suction‐traps from two sites in Southern England. The relationship between peak weekly S. avenae counts and their parasitoids was quantified. 3. Simple regression models showed that the response of the peak parasitoids to the host was positive: generally, more parasitoids migrated with increasing numbers of aphids. Further, when averaged over time, the parasitoid migration peak date corresponded with the aphid migration peak. The co‐occurrence of the peaks was between 51% and 64%. However, the summer peak in aphid migration is not steadily shifting forward with time unlike spring first flights of aphids. Cross‐correlation analysis showed that there were no between‐year lagged effects of aphids on parasitoids. 4. These results demonstrate that the peak in migration phenology between host and parasitoid is broadly synchronised within a season. Because the threshold temperature for flight (> 12 °C) was almost always exceeded in summer, the synchronising agent is likely to be crop senescence, not temperature. Studies are needed to assess the effects of climate change on the mismatch potential between parasitoids and their hosts.  相似文献   
Two phylogeographical lineages of arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus , in Siberia are extensively characterized based on both molecular genetic (mtDNA control region sequences) and phenotypic (12 meristic characters) data. One lineage, occurring in the delta region of the Lena River as well as all other Arctic draining rivers sampled, corresponds to the subspecific taxon Thymallus arcticus pallasii , whose type locality is the Kolyma River. This taxon is proposed to be a postglacial colonizer of the Lena delta. The second lineage occurs throughout the rest of the Lena basin and is proposed to have survived in a glacial refugium in the middle reaches of the Lena. These lineages form reciprocally monophyletic groups based on mtDNA sequences (net divergence 3.2%), a relationship that is concordant with phenotypic data, and thus reflects distinct taxa. The upper Lena taxon is given the preliminary name of Thymallus arcticus lenensis . Phylogenetic analysis, together with previously published data from North America, reveals that mtDNA sequences from North American populations group within the diverse clade corresponding to T. a. pallasii in Siberia. Despite the relatively close genetic relationship of most North American haplotypes with those in northern Siberia, inferences of fragmentation between the continents are supported, but bidirectional movements between the two continents are seen as likely. Despite inclusion in the clade representing T. a. pallasii in Siberia, the source of the relatively divergent Nahanni refuge haplotypes in North America is not resolved. Otherwise, inferences of postglacial expansion across several thousand kilometres are well supported within North America, but only smaller-scale colonization events among drainages are supported in Siberia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 511–525.  相似文献   
The initial development and diversity of an in situ subsurface microbial community producing bacteriogenic iron oxides (BIOS) were investigated at the initiation of biofilm growth (2‐month period) and after a 1‐year period of undisturbed growth. Water chemistry data, samples of iron encrusted biofilm material and groundwater were collected from BRIC (BIOS reactor, in situ, continuous flow) apparatuses installed 297 m below sea level at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) in south eastern Sweden. Comparisons between the BIOS BRIC system and an anaerobic control (AC) BRIC revealed that water mixing at the inflow leads to profuse development of BIOS related to a slightly elevated level of O2 (up to 0.3 mg L?1 at the transition zone between BIOS development and non‐development) and elevated Eh (>120 mV) in the first 70 mm of water depth. Decreases in dissolved and particulate iron were connected to the visible appearance of BIOS biofilms. The basic phylogenetic diversity of this site was evaluated using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction enzyme analysis (ARDRA), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. From 67 clones that were positive for 16S rDNA inserts, a total of 42 different ARDRA profiles were recognized, representing four bacterial phyla and 14 different metabolic lifestyles. DGGE profiles indicated that there are differences in the representative bacteria when considering either BIOS biofilms or groundwater. DGGE also indicated that the DNA extraction protocols and any polymerase chain reaction biases were consistent. Bacterial metabolic groups associated with indirect metal adsorption and reduction along with bacteria utilizing many alternative electron acceptors were strongly represented within the clones. This study indicates that the microbial diversity of BIOS is greater than previously thought.  相似文献   
The pale brown colour morph in Cepaea nemoralis appears to be determined by an allele at the C (colour) locus ( C P B). Pale brown is dominant to yellow, codominant with pink and recessive to dark brown. It is linked to the B locus (which controls the presence or absence of banding on the shell), but not to the U locus, which determines whether there is one band or five. In segregations of pale brown and yellow there is a significant deficiency of pale brown, suggesting that there are differences in viability between the morphs.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Albanerpetontidae are salamander-like, Middle Jurassic to Neogene lissamphibians from Laurasia and North Africa. Extensive series of albanerpetontid bones recently identified in collections from the Csarnóta 2 locality, south-central Hungary, extend the temporal range of the clade forward about seven million years from the middle Miocene to the early Pliocene. The Hungarian material is diagnostic for the Euramerican type genus Albanerpeton and pertains to a new species, A. pannonicus sp. nov., which differs from the seven previously reported congeners (Early Cretaceous–Miocene) in a distinctive combination of primitive and derived character states of the jaws and frontals, including a unique ventromedian keel on the azygous frontals. Some of the Hungarian specimens are articulated sets of skull bones, including ones containing the first three-dimensional examples of a nasal and jugals known for albanerpetontids, that help clarify some details of cranial osteology in these amphibians. Cladistic analysis nests A. pannonicus within the robust-snouted clade, as the sister taxon to an unnamed late Palaeocene species from Canada and A. inexpectatum from early–middle Miocene deposits in France, Austria and Germany. This phylogeny and recent reports of diagnostic Albanerpeton material from the Campanian of France and Maastrichtian of Romania suggest the evolutionary history of Albanerpeton was more complex than previously hypothesized, with Europe having played a larger role. The 25 fossiliferous layers at Csarnóta 2 record a shift from forest to grassland palaeoenvironments. Fossils of A. pannonicus are present in all layers, implying that this species was not adversely affected by the change in palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   
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