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  • 1 In cassava fields in Africa, population sex ratios of Epidinocarsis fopezi vaned from 0.44 (males to total parasitoids) at low host densities to highly male-biased ratios of 0.70 at high host densities.
  • 2 This variability is caused by the difference in allocation of sons and daughters to hosts of different sizes, through the following mechanisms: (a) small, i.e. second instar, hosts are mainly used for the production of male offspring, whereas in large, i.e. third instar, hosts a variable, female-biased sex ratio is produced; (b) E.fopezi does not selectively oviposit into large hosts but always accepts both small and large hosts for oviposition upon encountering; (c) in the field, this parasitoid is time-limited, and not egg-limited. On the basis of an optimal diet model, such general host acceptance is shown to be the best strategy.
  • 3 Thus, sex ratio increases with host density for three reasons: the proportion of small hosts encountered in the field increases with increasing host density, small hosts are used for male production, and hosts are always accepted when encountered.
NORMAL and neoplastic mammalian cells cultivated in vitro retain a number of functions that characterize their cellular origin, even after extensive passage1. It therefore seems reasonable to expect that cell products such as tumour-associated antigens could, if present from the outset, be retained in a demonstrable state when the tumour cells are cultivated outside the original host organism. The discovery by Gold and Freedman2 of an antigenic substance specific for entodermally-derived cancers of the digestive system, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), provides a suitable candidate for studying one such property related to a particular type of human cancer. It has been proposed, however, that tumour-specific antigens such as CEA are not indigenous to the tumours, but are glycoproteins produced elsewhere in the body and coating the tumour cells secondarily3. If this were the case, then human colonic cancer cells in long-term propagation in vitro should not synthesize this material. We now present evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   
IDIOTYPIC specificities are antigenic specificities each of which seems to be peculiar to antibodies of one given individual (or perhaps of one group of individuals) against one given antigen1,2. They are detected by reactions—usually of specific precipitation-using anti-idiotypic sera3. We have used anti-Salmonella abortus-equi (SAE) sera of two rabbits to agglutinate bacteria which were injected into two series of six rabbits; three rabbits of each series gave precipitating anti-idiotypic sera.  相似文献   
We have previously reported the identification of cell surface glycoproteins in Pleurodeles waltlii gastrulae. In an attempt to study the expression of three of these cell surface glycoproteins (proteins referred to 1, 11 and 14), we have produced monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with the spots of the three selected glycoproteins excised from 2D-gels. Expression of the three glycoproteins was detected on the surfaces of all cells during embryonic development. Before hatching, proteins 1, 11 and 14 become expressed in a limited number of tissues.  相似文献   
Abstract. An acid phosphatase is isolated and purified to homogeneity from sycamore cell walls. The enzyme, which has a molecular weight close to 100,000, is a glycoprotein and is most probably made up of one polypeptide chain only. Its amino acid composition has been determined. Although homogeneous to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, the enzyme preparation still contains protease traces that tend to split polypeptide chain in two fragments.  相似文献   
1. In primary parasitoids, significant differences in life history and reproductive traits are observed among parasitoids attacking different stages of the same host species. Much less is known about hyperparasitoids, which attack different stages of primary parasitoids. 2. Parasitoids exploit hosts in two different ways. Koinobionts attack hosts that continue feeding and growing during parasitism, whereas idiobionts paralyse hosts before oviposition or attack non‐growing host stages, e.g. eggs or pupae. 3. Koino‐/idiobiosis in primary parasitoids are often associated with different expression of life history trade‐offs, e.g. endo‐ versus ectoparasitism, high versus low fecundity and short versus long life span. 4. In the present study, life history parameters of two koinobiont endoparasitic species (Alloxysta victrix; Syrphophagus aphidivorus), and two idiobiont ectoparasitic species (Asaphes suspensus; Dendrocerus carpenteri) of aphid hyperparasitoids were compared. These hyperparasitoids attack either the parasitoid larva in the aphid before it is killed and mummified by the primary parasitoid or the parasitoid prepupa or pupa in the dead aphid mummy. 5. There was considerable variation in reproductive success and longevity in the four species. The idiobiont A. suspensus produced the most progeny by far and had the longest lifespan. In contrast, the koinobiont A. victrix had the lowest fecundity. Other developments and life history parameters in the different species were variable. 6. The present results reveal that there was significant overlap in life history and reproductive traits among hyperparasitoid koinobionts and idiobionts, even when attacking the same host species, suggesting that selection for expression of these traits is largely association specific.  相似文献   
A Fourier analysis was used to study the marked variations inthe rate of shoot elongation and branch formation of young Terminaliasuperba plants. The growth of aerial parts of 3-month-old Terminaliaseedlings was measured daily during the following 7 months ofgrowth, and then weekly over a 15-month period of study. Measurementswere carried out in a controlled glasshouse at 27 °C and16 h photoperiod. The Fourier method clearly demonstrated thatthe main axis of young T. superba showed periodical regularvariations, with rest periods. This study revealed that theplagiotropic branch formation by apposition and elongation ofaxillary units was equally rhythmic and directly related tothe main shoot growth rhythm. However, the dates of outbreakof these new units on branches seemed relatively independentfrom variations in shoot growth rate. This developmental patternended in a characteristic and particular stratified branch systemin young Terminalia superba, comparable to the system shownby adult plants in their natural environment. Terminalia superba, Fourier analysis, growth rhythms  相似文献   
Long-day conditions increase internode length, leaf area, anddry weight and reduce the interval between the appearance ofsuccessive leaf pairs in S. rebaudiana as compared with shortdays. Total soluble leaf sugars, protein, and stevioside contentare also augmented in both absolute and relative terms and thebiosynthesis of steviol, the aglucone present in stevioside,is increased by 45%. The interaction between dry matter, steviosidecontent, and day length is discussed and a theory for the biologicalrole of stevioside as a possible defence mechanism against insectherbivory is proposed: as such this is the first known caseof a tetracyclic diterpene glycoside assuming this function.  相似文献   
Variability in responses to thermal stress in parasitoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. To study phenotypic effects of stress, a stress is applied to cohorts of organisms with an increasing intensity. In the absence of mortality the response of traits will be a decreasing function of stress intensity because of increasing physiological costs. We call such decreasing functions type A responses. 2. However, when stress caused mortality, some studies have found that for high stress intensities, survivors performed as well as control individuals (type B responses). We proposed that type A responses are caused by the physiological cost of stress whereas type B responses are caused by a mixture of physiological costs and selection. 3. The present study exposed Aphidius picipes wasps to an increasing duration of cold storage (cold stress), and obtained variable responses as predicted when both physiological costs and selection of resistant individuals determine the outcome. 4. When cold storage of parasitoids for biological control is desirable, research should be carried out to find (i) the temperature regime and duration of storage and (ii) the least sensitive stage for storage to minimise losses from mortality and reduction of fitness of survivors. 5. Selection by cold stress as observed in the present study could result in rapid adaptation of populations exposed to such stress.  相似文献   
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