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Molecular Characterization of a Barley Gene Induced by Cold Treatment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A cDNA library was made from low positive temperature (6 ?C/2?C) grown barley shoot meristems. Several genes which are differentiallyexpressed, as measured by mRNA abundance, were selected fromthe library using a differential screen. This paper reportsan analysis of in vivo expression in several cultivars, theDNA sequence, copy number and chromosomal location of one gene(BLT14). In addition, genomic restriction fragment length polymorphismfor this gene in the 10 most widely UK-grown spring and 9 mostwidely UK-grown winter barley cultivars is analysed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, low temperature, RFLP, differential expression, cDNA sequence  相似文献   
When onion bulbs were stored for 9 months at 2, 7.5, 15 or 25 °C and 70% r.h., the losses due to desiccation increased with temperature but less than 20 % was due to respiration at any of the storage temperatures. Respiration rates of onion bulbs transferred from 2 to 25 °C were higher from February onwards than those of bulbs stored continuously at 25 °C. Conversely, bulbs transferred from 25 to 2 °C respired less from February onwards than those kept at 2 °C. Sprouting, at the final assessment in June, was highest at 15 and 7.5 °C and lowest at 2 °C. Total weight loss was above 45 % in all the storage treatments except at 2 °C (12%). Storage at 7.5 °C is suitable until March but long-term storage until June requires low temperatures.  相似文献   
Species-level phylogeny of the Butterfly tribe Argynnini is established based on 141 characters derived from wing and genitalia morphology of both sexes. The Argynnini can be divided into three subtribes; Yrameina comprising Yramea and Boloria s . l ., Argynnina comprising Prokuekenthaliella , Issoria , Brenthis , and all the 'large fritillary' species joined in the genus Argynnis s . l . and a new subtribe Euptoietina comprising only the genus Euptoieta . The classical genus Issoria s . l . is polyphyletic regarding Yramea and possibly paraphyletic regarding the two Afrotropic species baumanni and hanningtoni ; these two species are tentatively transferred to the old genus/subgenus Prokuekenthaliella . Surprisingly, one Afrotropic species, Issoria smaragdifera is closely related to the East Palaearctic Issoria species. A revised classification of Argynnini is proposed based on the obtained phylogeny. Studies of larval host plants based on the obtained phylogeny suggest that the ancestral Argynnini used Passiflora and Violaceae, but already the ancestor of Yrameina + Argynnina was probably specialized on Violaceae. Whereas the Boloria species have turned to other food plants such as Dryas , Vaccinium and Salix on several occasions, only Brenthis among the Argynnina use other host plants than Viola (mainly Rosaceae). The habit of laying eggs away from the food plant has probably evolved twice within Argynnina.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 627–673.  相似文献   
In order to determine whether the small-scale distribution of immature Ixodes dammini Spielman et al. corresponds closely to the activity patterns of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman), these relationships were examined in a site on Long Island, New York, U.S.A. We first determined the extent and temporal pattern of adult ticks feeding on deer by examining twenty-three resident deer tranquilized during September-December 1985. I. dammini adults infested deer throughout this fall period, most abundantly during October and November. With radio-telemetry collars attached to deer we determined the relative frequency that they occupied 0.25 ha quadrats of the study site. During the following summer, we examined white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), that inhabited these quadrats and removed immature ticks from each. 8975 larval and 163 nymphal I. dammini were removed from 208 mice trapped in forty-three such quadrats. The frequency of deer using these quadrats was positively correlated with both the number of larval and of nymphal ticks per mouse. These results suggest that risk of I. damminiborne zoonotic disease may be decreased by locally reducing deer density in sites that experience intense human activity.  相似文献   
Significant seasonal changes in the concentrations of N, P, K, and Ca were observed in the herb layer vegetation at Nairobi National Park and Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. These changes were related to the alternation of wet and dry seasons. Live forbs typically had the highest concentrations of all nutrients, especially N and Ca, at both locations. Standing dead and litter compartments showed less seasonal variation and had the lowest concentrations of all nutrients except Ca when compared with those of other compartments. Standing stocks of all nutrients were higher at Nairobi National Park than at Masai Mara due to larger litter and standing dead compartments resulting from lower grazing intensity and a lower frequency of fire. Most of the aboveground nutrients at Nairobi National Park appeared to be recycled through the decomposer pathway, while a large proportion of the standing stock at Masai Mara appeared to be recycled through the excreta of large mammalian herbivores and through fires. The crude protein content of the live grass compartment fell below maintenance levels required for ruminants (5% crude protein) during September 1980 and February 1981 at Nairobi National Park and during June and July 1980 at Masai Mara Game Reserve. Thus, herbivore populations in these preserves may be limited by shortages of nutritionally adequate food during dry seasons, as previously reported for other regions in East Africa.  相似文献   
The BULT melanoma originated at Brown University as a spontaneous, small black nodule on the tail of an adult female mouse of the LT/Ch strain. Histological examination of a portion of the tumor indicated that it was intradermal and consisted predominantly of heavily melanized, ovoid to fusiform cells with melanin-laden macrophages scattered among them. The BULT melanoma has been maintained in LT/Ch mice for approximately 5 years by periodic transplantation, at first subcutaneously on the flanks and, more recently, intramuscularly in the hind legs. The shift in transplantation site was made following a marked decline in the growth of subcutaneous grafts. The transplants have retained the uniform deep-black melanization and general histology of the primary melanoma. Numerous melanosomes at all stages of development are found within the melanoma cells. DOPA-positive cytoplasmic vesicles are abundant. Occasional autophagic vacuoles containing clusters of melanosomes are also present. A few metastases from the transplanted melanoma have been observed in lymph nodes and on one occasion in the lungs. When grown in vitro, BULT melanoma cells do not require special growth promoting agents (e.g., TPA; cAMP) in order to proliferate. The BULT melanoma differs in one or more respects from each of the other three transplantable spontaneous mouse melanomas widely used in cancer research. In addition, it arose in a strain of mice characterized by the spontaneous death of melanocytes while the latter are engaged in synthesizing eumelanin within hair follicles. Karyotypic analysis of cultured cells showed a modal chromosome number of 68 with a range of 58–72 chromosomes.  相似文献   
Abstract. Gas exchange measurements were performed to test the hypothesis that failure of stomata to open in senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca is caused by elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in the intercellular spaces of leaf mesophyll tissue (ci). Senescing leaves selected for experiments were completely chlorotic and lacked positive rates of photosynthesis. When stomata in detached epidermis from senescing leaves were illuminated in CO2-free air, they opened to similar apertures as those in detached epidermis from nonsenescing leaves. To compare the effects of changes in ci on stomatal responses of the two leaf types, leaf 'flags' of either nonsenescing or senescing leaves were illuminated at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 500 μmol m−2 s−1 in a gas exchange cuvette. Leaf temperatures were maintained at 23.5 ± 0.5°C, and vapour pressure differences between leaves and the air were maintained between 0.70 and 0.75kPa. Ci was adjusted by changing external concentrations of carbon dioxide in air circulating through the cuvette. Conductances and photosynthetic rates of nonsenescing leaves changed in response to changes in ci, but neither the conductances nor the photosynthetic rates of senescing leaves were affected significantly by changes in q. We conclude that guard cells of senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca do not lose the capacity to respond to changes in carbon dioxide concentration and that increases in ci resulting from declining rates of mesophyll photosynthesis are not the sole cause of maintenance of stomatal closure during leaf senescence. The data suggest that factors external to guard cells may prevent them from responding to changes in carbon dioxide concentrations in intact senescing leaves.  相似文献   
  • 1 New Zealand was colonized by the German wasp, Vespula germanica (F.), in the 1940s and it subsequently became established throughout the country. The common wasp, V.vulgaris (L), colonized in the late 1970s and is still spreading.
  • 2 The common wasp has replaced the German wasp in some habitats in New Zealand. Samples from a nationwide postal survey indicate that the common wasp is now the more abundant species in honeydew beech forests (Nothofagus spp.), and to a lesser extent in other native forests. The German wasp is still the more abundant wasp in rural areas (excluding forest). The two species are at present co-dominant in urban areas, although this may be a transient phase.
  • 3 In honeydew beech forest the two species show different foraging patterns that provide the potential for local coexistence. Although both species are generalist feeders, the German wasp is more commonly found foraging for protein amongst the forest litter, whereas the common wasp forages more on shrubs and tree saplings. Despite this difference, the common wasp can still replace the German wasp in honeydew beech forest within a few years of invasion.
  • 4 In honeydew beech forests in which the German wasp is the more abundant species it dominates honeydew trunks (sugar resource), whereas the common wasp dominates honeydew trunks in areas where it is the more abundant species. The change from German to common wasp domination of honeydew trunks is more rapid than the change in dominance in other microhabitats. Aggressive interactions may be taking place on this high quality, potentially defensible sugar resource.
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