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The present study analyzed 42 organic solvent extracts of scent mark pools from five dominant female common marmosets by gas chromatography (GC) and combined GC and mass spectrometry. We determined whether there were qualitative or quantitative differences between the chemical composition of scent marks from individual females. Gas chromatography and mass spectral analysis detected the same 162 chemicals in 86% (36/42) of scent mark pools from five dominant females. This near identical chemical composition of scent marks suggested there were few, if any, qualitative differences between the chemical composition of scent marks from individual females. Instead, quantitative differences in scent may provide the key factor distinguishing individual females. Using the relative concentration of highly volatile chemicals detected by GC in scent marks, linear discriminant analysis classified scent mark pools to their correct donor approximately 91% of the time. Such highly reliable statistical matching of scent to donor suggested that each individual female common marmoset has a unique ratio of highly volatile chemicals in their scent marks which may permit individual identification of females from odors in their scent alone.  相似文献   
J Pizzonia 《BioTechniques》2001,30(6):1316-1320
The present article reports on the performance of the KODAK 1D Image Analysis Software for the acquisition of information from electrophoresis experiments and highlights the utility of several mathematical functions for subsequent image processing, analysis, and presentation. Digital images of Coomassie-stained polyacrylamide protein gels containing molecular weight standards and ethidium bromide stained agarose gels containing DNA mass standards are acquired using the KODAK Electrophoresis Documentation and Analysis System 290 (EDAS 290). The KODAK 1D software is used to optimize lane and band identification using features such as isomolecular weight lines. Mathematical functions for mass standard representation are presented, and two methods for estimation of unknown band mass are compared. Given the progressive transition of electrophoresis data acquisition and daily reporting in peer-reviewed journals to digital formats ranging from 8-bit systems such as EDAS 290 to more expensive 16-bit systems, the utility of algorithms such as Gaussian modeling, which can correct geometric aberrations such as clipping due to signal saturation common at lower bit depth levels, is discussed. Finally, image-processing tools that can facilitate image preparation for presentation are demonstrated.  相似文献   
The fraction of free fatty acids (FFA) is present in skeletal muscles. However, there is almost no data regarding regulation in the content of this intramuscular lipid pool. We took advantage of the isolated muscle preparation to examine whether: a) increasing exogenous concentration of FFA (500microM or 700microM, 30min) b) insulin (10.00 I.U./L, 30min), c) adrenalin (4.4 nM, 30 min), or d) contractions (200ms, tetani, 1Hz, 30min), affect the FFA content inside myocytes. Incubation of soleus (S) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) with increasing concentrations of exogenous FFA (from 500microM to 700microM) resulted in an increase in the total FFA fraction in both muscles studied (by 280.2% and 259.1%, respectively). In contracting muscles FFA pool was significantly reduced both in S (by 73.1%) and in EDL (by 31.1%). Neither stimulation by adrenalin nor insulin affected the total content of FFA fraction in the muscles examined. We conclude that a) increased availability of exogenous FFA at the sarcolemma level results in an increase in the size of intramuscular FFA fraction b) the intracellular FFA fraction is utilized by contracting muscles with regard to the fiber composition and to a greater extent in more oxidative muscles, c) FFA fraction remains stable upon stimulation by insulin or adrenalin.  相似文献   
Abstract. The ratio of the concentration of honeydew total amino acids to total sugars in the honeydew of eight species of aphids, all feeding on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (L.), was determined and correlated with honeydew production and ant‐attendance. The honeydew of the five ant‐attended aphid species [Metopeurum fuscoviride (Stroyan), Trama troglodytes (v. Hayd), Aphis vandergooti (Börner), Brachycardus cardui (L.), Aphis fabae (Scopoli)] was rich in total amino acids, ranging from 12.9 to 20.8 nmol µL?1 compared with the unattended aphid Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kalt.) with only 3 nmol µL?1. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid and serine (all nonessential amino acids) were the predominant amino acids in the honeydew of all species. The total concentration of amino acids in the phloem sap of tansy was much higher (78.7 nmol µL?1) then in the honeydew samples, and the predominant amino acids were glutamate (34.3%) and threonine (17.7%). A somewhat unexpected result was the finding that those aphid species with the highest total amino acid concentration in the honeydew always had the highest concentration of sugars. The lowest amino acid–sugar combined value was 104–28.8 nmol µL?1 in the non ant‐attended species M. tanacetaria, and the highest value was an average of 270–89.9 nmol µL?1 for the three most intensely attended aphid species M. fuscoviride, A. vandergooti and T. troglodytes. There is no evidence that any single amino acid or group of amino acids in the honeydew acted as an attractant for ant‐attendance in these eight aphid species. The richness of the honeydew (rate of secretion × total concentration of sugars), along with the presence of the attractant sugar melezitose, comprised the critical factors determining the extent of ant‐attendance of the aphids feeding on T. vulgare. The high total amino acid concentration in sugar‐rich honeydews can be explained by the high flow‐through of nutrients in aphids that are particularly well attended by ants.  相似文献   
To cope with changes in the environment, organisms not only show behavioural but also phenotypic adjustments. This is well established for the digestive tract. Here we present a first case of birds adjusting their flight machinery in response to predation risk. In an indoor experiment, ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres were subjected to an unpredictable daily appearance of either a raptor or a small gull (as a control). Ruddy turnstones experiencing threat induced by a flying raptor model, longer than after similar passage by the gull model, refrained from feeding after this disturbance. Pectoral muscle mass, but not lean mass, responded in a course of a few days to changes in the perceived threat of predation. Pectoral muscle mass increased after raptor scares. Taking the small increases in body mass into account, pectoral muscle mass was 3.6% higher than aerodynamically predicted for constant flight performance. This demonstrates that perceived risk factors may directly affect organ size.  相似文献   
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