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Xie DX  Yao J  Zhang P  Li XL  Feng YD  Wu JH  Tao DD  Hu JB  Gong JP 《Cell proliferation》2008,41(2):265-278
Abstract.   Objectives : Based on studies of unicellular organisms or cultured mammalian cells, the generally accepted model of cell-cycle regulation has been developed in which sequential (scheduled) expression of cyclins D, E, A and B and activation of Cdk2 and Cdk1 takes place. It is assumed that the same model is applicable both in vivo and in vitro. Materials and methods : In the present study, we compared proliferating marrow cells freshly isolated from healthy individuals with proliferating lymphocytes in cultures. Results : We demonstrate that during progression of freshly collected human bone marrow cells through G1, S and G2/M, only Cdk1 combined with cyclins A and B1 was distinctly present and active, and its activity gradually increased. In contrast, in vitro growing mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes had perfectly scheduled sequential expression of all four cyclins and Cdk1 and Cdk2 activities. Conclusion : Our findings demonstrate that the pattern of cyclin expression and Cdk activity in bone marrow in vivo is distinctly different from the one observed for normal cells in vitro . Because proliferating bone marrow cells are predominantly expanding populations of committed progenitors, it is likely that during the expansion phase their cell-cycle progression is pre-programmed, being driven solely by Cdk1 combined either with cyclin A or with cyclin B1. Expansion of progenitor cells thus may not require the early steps of cell-cycle regulation, associated with triggering progression by availability of growth factors and mitogens.  相似文献   
Process-based modelling of isoprene emission by oak leaves   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
The emission rate of the volatile reactive compound isoprene, emitted predominantly by trees, must be known before the level of photo‐oxidants produced during summer smog can be predicted reliably. The emission is dependent on plant species and local conditions, and these dependencies must be quantified to be included in any empirical algorithm for the calculation of isoprene production. Experimental measurements of isoprene emission rates are expensive, however, and existing data are scarce and fragmentary. To overcome these difficulties, it is promising to develop a numerical model capable of precisely calculating the isoprene emission by trees for diverse ecosystems, even under changing environmental conditions. A basic process‐based biochemical isoprene emission model (BIM) has therefore been developed, which describes the enzymatic reactions in leaf chloroplasts leading to the formation of isoprene under varying environmental conditions (e.g. light intensity, temperature). Concentrations of the precursors of isoprene formation, 3‐phosphoglyceric acid and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate, are provided by a published light fleck photosynthesis model. Specific leaf and enzyme parameters were determined for the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), so that the BIM is capable of calculating oak‐specific isoprene emission rates as influenced by the leaf temperature and light intensity. High correlation was observed between isoprene emission rates calculated by the BIM and the diurnal isoprene emission rates of leaves measured under controlled environmental conditions. The BIM was even capable of describing changes in isoprene emission caused by midday depression of net photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors play important roles in numerous cognitive processes as well as in several debilitating central nervous system (CNS) disorders. In order to fully elucidate the diverse roles of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in CNS function and dysfunction, a detailed knowledge of their cellular and subcellular localizations is essential. To date, methods to precisely localize nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the CNS have predominantly relied on the use of anti-receptor subunit antibodies. Although data obtained by immunohistology and immunoblotting are generally in accordance with ligand binding studies, some discrepancies remain, in particular with electrophysiological findings. In this context, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit-deficient mice should be ideal tools for testing the specificity of subunit-directed antibodies. Here, we used standard protocols for immunohistochemistry and western blotting to examine the antibodies raised against the alpha3-, alpha4-, alpha7-, beta2-, and beta4-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits on brain tissues of the respective knock-out mice. Unexpectedly, for each of the antibodies tested, immunoreactivity was the same in wild-type and knock-out mice. These data imply that, under commonly used conditions, these antibodies are not suited for immunolocalization. Thus, particular caution should be exerted with regards to the experimental approach used to visualize nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain.  相似文献   
Gramicidin S (GS) is a 10-residue cyclic beta-sheet peptide with lytic activity against the membranes of both microbial and human cells, i.e. it possesses little to no biologic specificity for either cell type. Structure-activity studies of de novo-designed 14-residue cyclic peptides based on GS have previously shown that higher specificity against microbial membranes, i.e. a high therapeutic index (TI), can be achieved by the replacement of a single L-amino acid with its corresponding D-enantiomer [Kondejewski, L.H. et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13181]. The diastereomer with a D-Lys substituted at position 4 caused the greatest improvement in specificity vs. other L to D substitutions within the cyclic 14-residue peptide GS14, through a combination of decreased peptide amphipathicity and disrupted beta-sheet structure in aqueous conditions [McInnes, C. et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 14287]. Based on this information, we have created a series of peptide diastereomers substituted only at position 4 by a D- or L-amino acid (Leu, Phe, Tyr, Asn, Lys, and achiral Gly). The amino acids chosen in this study represent a range of hydrophobicities/hydrophilicities as a subset of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids. While the D- and L-substitutions of Leu, Phe, and Tyr all resulted in strong hemolytic activity, the substitutions of hydrophilic D-amino acids D-Lys and D-Asn in GS14 at position 4 resulted in weaker hemolytic activity than in the L-diastereomers, which demonstrated strong hemolysis. All of the L-substitutions also resulted in poor antimicrobial activity and an extremely low TI, while the antimicrobial activity of the D-substituted peptides tended to improve based on the hydrophilicity of the residue. D-Lys was the most polar and most efficacious substitution, resulting in the highest TI. Interestingly, the hydrophobic D-amino acid substitutions had superior antimicrobial activity vs. the L-enantiomers although substitution of a hydrophobic D-amino acid increases the nonpolar face hydrophobicity. These results further support the role of hydrophobicity of the nonpolar face as a major influence on microbial specificity, but also highlights the importance of a disrupted beta-sheet structure on antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   
The NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase encoded by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a key component of the viral replicase. Reported here is the three-dimensional structure of HCV NS5B polymerase, with the highlight on its C-terminal folding, determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.1-A resolution. Structural analysis revealed that a stretch of C-terminal residues of HCV NS5B inserted into the putative RNA binding cleft, where they formed a hydrophobic pocket and interacted with several important structural elements. This region was found to be conserved and unique to the RNA polymerases encoded by HCV and related viruses. Through biochemical analyses, we confirmed that this region interfered with the binding of HCV NS5B to RNA. Deletion of this fragment from HCV NS5B enhanced the RNA synthesis rate up to approximately 50-fold. These results provide not only direct experimental insights into the role of the C-terminal tail of HCV NS5B polymerase but also a working model for the RNA synthesis mechanism employed by HCV and related viruses.  相似文献   
A plausible case of allochronic differentiation, where barrier to gene flow is primarily attributable to a phenological shift, was recently discovered in Portugal for the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Previous results suggested that the observed 'summer population' (SP) originated from the sympatric winter population (WP). Our objectives were to finely analyse these patterns and test their stability in time, through field monitoring and genetic analyses of larvae and adults across different years. Reproductive activity never overlapped between SP and WP. Microsatellites showed a clear differentiation of the SP, consistent with a strong reduction in gene flow owing to the phenological shift. Assignment tests suggested that some individuals shift from the SP to the WP phenology, causing some hybridization. We discuss these patterns and their maintenance over time. This could be a first stage of allochronic speciation, and SP should be considered as a distinct phenological race.  相似文献   
AIMS: This study describes the different stages of optimization in an original drying process for yeasts, which allows the retrieval of dried samples of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 1171 with maximum viability. METHODS AND RESULTS: The process involves the addition of wheat flour to yeast pellets, followed by mixing and then air-drying in a fluidized bed dryer. The sensitivity to the osmotic stress was first studied in a water-glycerol solution and the observed results were then applied to the drying process. This study have shown that the yeast was quite resistant to osmotic stress and pointed out the existence of zones of sensitivity where viability dramatically decrease as function of final osmotic pressure and temperature of the treatment. Thus, for dehydration until low osmotic pressure (133 MPa, i.e. a(w) = 0.38) results have shown that viability was better when temperature of the treatment was less than 8 degrees C or higher than 25 degrees C. Moreover, kinetic of dehydration was found to greatly influence cells recovery. CONCLUSIONS: These observations allowed the choice of parameters of dehydration of yeasts with an original drying process which involve the mix of the yeasts with wheat flour and then drying in a fluidized bed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This process dried rapidly the yeasts to less than 220 MPa (aw < or = 0.2) with whole cell recovery and good fermentative capabilities.  相似文献   
In order to improve IPM programs in carrot, 7 fungicides, 12 herbicides and 9 insecticides commonly used in Belgium were tested for their toxicity towards five beneficial arthropods representative of most important natural enemies encountered in carrot: parasitic wasps - Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), ladybirds - Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae), hoverfly - Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt.. Syrphidae), rove beetle - Aleochara bilineata (Col., Staphylinidae) and carabid beetle - Bembidion lampros (Col., Carabidae). Initialy, all plant protection products were tested on inert substrate glass plates or sand according to the insect. Products with a corrected mortality (CM) or a parasitism reduction (PR) lower than 30% were kept for the constitution of positive list (green list). The other compounds were further tested on plant for A. rhopalosiphi, A. bipunctata, E. balteatus and soil for B. lampros and A. bilineata. With these extended laboratory tests results, products were listed in toxicity class: green category [CM or PR < or = 30%], yellow category [30% < CM or PR < or = 60%] and orange category [60% < CM or PR < or = 80%]. Products with toxicity higher than 80% on plants or that reduce parasitism more than 80% on soil were put in red category and are not recommended to Integrated Pest Management programs in carrot. Results showed that all fungicides tested were harmless to beneficials except Tebuconazole, which was slightly harmful for A. bipunctata. Herbicides were also harmless for soil beneficials, except Chlorpropham. This product was very toxic on sand towards A. bilineata and must be tested on soil. All soil insecticides tested were very toxic for ground beneficials and considered as non-selective. Their use in IPM is subject to questioning in view of negative impacts on beneficials. Among foliar insecticides, Dimethoate and Deltamethrin are not recommended for IPM because their high toxicity for all beneficials. The other foliar insecticides were more selective; any of them were harmless for all species tested.  相似文献   
Biological clock components have been detected in many epithelial tissues of the digestive tract of mammals (oral mucosa, pancreas, and liver), suggesting the existence of peripheral circadian clocks that may be entrainable by food. Our aim was to investigate the expression of main peripheral clock genes in colonocytes of healthy humans and in human colon carcinoma cell lines. The presence of clock components was investigated in single intact colonic crypts isolated by chelation from the biopsies of 25 patients (free of any sign of colonic lesions) undergoing routine colonoscopy and in cell lines of human colon carcinoma (Caco2 and HT29 clone 19A). Per-1, per-2, and clock mRNA were detected by real-time RT-PCR. The three-dimensional distributions of PER-1, PER-2, CLOCK, and BMAL1 proteins were recorded along colonic crypts by immunofluorescent confocal imaging. We demonstrate the presence of per-1, per-2, and clock mRNA in samples prepared from colonic crypts of 5 patients and in all cell lines. We also demonstrate the presence of two circadian clock proteins, PER-1 and CLOCK, in human colonocytes on crypts isolated from 20 patients (15 patients for PER-1 and 6 for CLOCK) and in colon carcinoma cells. Establishing the presence of clock proteins in human colonic crypts is the first step toward the study of the regulation of the intestinal circadian clock by nutrients and feeding rhythms.  相似文献   
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