Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 are digenean parasites of birds and mammals that are characteristic by their cup-shaped forebody and bilobed holdfast organ. Despite that the family is taxonomically unsettled, particularly due to a very limited number of visible autapomorphic identification features, molecular phylogenetics have never been applied to analyze the relationships among European members of Strigeidae except for the genus Ichthyocotylurus. Here, we analyze the Strigeidae found during the examination of Czech birds performed from 1962 to 2017, and we provide comparative measurements and host spectra, including prevalence and intensity; we also provide and analyze sequences of four DNA loci of 12 of the Strigeidae species. We suggest the reclassification of Parastrigea robusta Szidat, 1928 as Strigea robusta (Szidat, 1928) Heneberg and Sitko, 2018 comb. n. The genera Strigea Abildgaard, 1790 and Parastrigea Szidat, 1928 appear paraphyletic, and morphological diagnostic features of genera within Strigeini Dubois, 1936 are invalid. The mute swan Cygnus olor hosts two Cotylurus spp., Cotylurus syrius Dubois, 1934 and a second species with molecular identification features shared in part with Cotylurus cornutus (Rudolphi, 1808) and Cotylurus gallinulae Lutz, 1928. New host records are provided for seven species. Analyses of non-European genera of the Strigeidae are needed to provide an updated key to Strigeini. 相似文献
Planktivorous silver carp and bighead carp (collectively, the bigheaded carps) have been stocked worldwide and their invasion has caused severe impacts on many freshwater ecosystems. Exploiting the chance provided by the specific hybrid bigheaded carp stock in Lake Balaton (Hungary) covering the entire morphological range between the two species (including gill raker morphology), we implemented a comprehensive study (1) to reveal the feeding habits of hybrid bigheaded carps living in a mesotrophic, lacustrine habitat and (2) to assess how biotic and abiotic environmental factors and gill raker morphology affect diet composition. We found that all bigheaded carps utilized primarily zooplankton and neglected the scarce and inefficiently digestible phytoplankton, irrespective of gill raker morphology. Moreover, we observed strikingly high levels of inorganic debris consumption, but the proportion of inorganic matter in the guts was not associated directly with the concentration of suspended inorganic particles. Variance in the diet composition of bigheaded carps was related mostly to environmental factors, including the wind-induced resuspension of inorganic particles and seasonally variable availability of food resources. In conclusion, the effects of abiotic environmental factors and available food resources could overwhelm the effect of gill raker morphology in shaping the feeding habits of bigheaded carps.
The study aimed to determine whether hereditary ovarian cancers that are not caused by BRCA1/BRCA2 constitutional mutations are associated with a predisposition to cystadenoma. The study consisted of two parts. Part one concerned the incidence of ovarian cystadenoma in females from families with hereditary ovarian cancer unassociated with BRCA1 mutations. The study group included 62 female patients from 29 families, without any previously diagnosed malignancy, with no proven constitutional mutation of the BRCA1 gene. The first control group was composed of 62 female patients from 53 families, without any previously diagnosed malignancy, with an identified constitutional mutation of the BRCA1 gene. The second control group comprised 124 female patients for whom the only reason for the examination was a prophylactic check-up. All studied women were subjected to intravaginal ultra- sonographic investigations. In 8 patients with benign and/or borderline ovarian cystadenoma, a complete sequencing of coding fragments of the BRCA2 gene from the peripheral blood DNA was performed. Part two of this study concerned the incidence and pattern of malignant tumors in the families of female patients with ovarian cystadenoma. The final study group included 117 patients who had 726 I0 relatives (359 females and 367 males). We concluded that cystadenoma is likely to be a characteristic feature of the subgroup of families with hereditary ovarian cancers unassociated with BRCA1/BRCA2 constitutional mutations. 相似文献
Using the unregulated, eutrophic Some? River (Romania/Hungary), a tributary of the Upper Tisza River as a model system, we related phytoplankton growth to the structure of river network modified by human intervention.
The Time‐Averaged Phytoplankton Increase in Rivers (TAPIR) model was developed by adding two new modules (nitrogen emission and phytoplankton growth) to the PHOSFATE model. The latter was a raster‐based, long‐term average GIS tool that computed the flow tree, mean hydrology and phosphorus concentration at fine spatial resolution in the entire catchment. Long‐term monitoring data at the outflow and phytoplankton profiles obtained along the Some? River in 2012 were used to calibrate the models.
In summer 2012, a few centric diatom species dominated the phytoplankton, with mean apparent net growth rate of 2.5 day?1 along a ?100‐km‐long upstream section of the Some? River. This high growth rate was explained by enhanced benthic retention of meroplanktonic diatoms, while further downstream mean algal biomass varied between 80 and 100 mg Chl m?3.
The TAPIR model realistically reproduced observed mean biomass profiles of phytoplankton in the Some? River. According to modelling results, P‐determined biomass capacity prevented further growth of algae along the lower two‐thirds of the river.
Channel slope and form were important reach‐scale determinants of phytoplankton recruitment, while the absence of large tributaries along the Some? River resulted in marginal longitudinal changes in dilution and light availability. Therefore, phytoplankton might achieve high biomass in a wide range of instantaneous net growth rates realised under strongly fluctuating environmental conditions, which combined with the abundant nutrients from urban areas underpins advanced eutrophication. Large montane reservoirs on tributaries increased mean water age at the outflow of the Some? catchment by an order of magnitude compared with pristine conditions, but had a negligible overall impact on the phytoplankton of the Some? River.
Growth of river phytoplankton is intrinsically linked with network topology, including spatial distribution of nutrient inputs. Stochastic variability in discharge tends to destabilise, while specific network properties may stabilise phytoplankton growth in large rivers. Shallow rivers support meroplanktonic diatoms that, depending on discharge, may have adequate time to develop summer blooms, making shallow rivers particularly susceptible to eutrophication.
Thyroglossal duct remnants (TGDR), most often cysts, are the most common type of developmental abnormalities of the thyroid gland. In about 1 to 2% of TGDR neoplastic transformation occurs. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid may be encountered in over 90% of such cases. Two cases of primary papillary carcinoma of the thyroid in TGDR in young girls are presented. The diagnostic and therapeutic problems are shared, and up-to-date management guidelines in similar cases are discussed. 相似文献
Several data indicate that the dysfunction of some neuropeptide function may play a role in the pathogenesis of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Therefore, the authors decide to determine a concentration of one of them in CSF, namely calcitonin. Calcitonin is widely distributed in CNS, including both anterior and posterior horns of the spinal cord. It was confirmed with immunohistochemical assays and an examination of the human CSF. Calcitonin concentration in CSF has been assayed in 12 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and in 12 patients of the control group. Calcitonin concentrations in CSF have been measured with RIA technique, using appropriate kits manufactured by Mallinckrodt Dgn. Mean calcitonin CSF concentration in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was 448. +/- 74.3 pg/ml, and was lowered in comparison with that in the control group, i.e. 613.9 +/- 147.2 pg/ml. The results confirm the authors' previous reports on the reduced content of some neuropeptides in CSF of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and suggest a possible calcitonin role in the pathogenesis of this disease. 相似文献
Diosgenin (Dio) has shown many treatment properties, but the most important property is cytotoxic activity in cancer cells. In this study, we investigated monolayers of Dio, cholesterol (Ch), and phosphatidylcholine (PC) at the air/water interface. The measurements were carried with a Langmuir Teflon trough and a Nima 9000 tensiometer program. The surface tension values of pure and mixed monolayers were used to calculate π–A isotherms and determine molecular surface areas. We were able to demonstrate the formation of complexes between Dio and PC and Dio and Ch molecules also. We considered the equilibrium between individual components and the formed complexes. In addition, we established that diosgenin and the lipids formed highly stable 1:1 complexes. 相似文献
INTRODUCTION: The aim of study was to establish the effectiveness of radioiodine therapy using 131I in the group of patients with multinodular large non-toxic goiter. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Therapy was undertaken in female patients disqualified from surgery due to high risk and these patients who didn't agree to surgery. Studies were performed in 7 women (age range: 62-82 yrs) with large goiters (2nd degree according to WHO classification and goiter volume assessed by USG over 100 cm(3)). Serum TSH, fT4, fT3, antithyroid antibodies (TPOAb, TgAb, TRAb) levels, urinary iodine concentration (UIE) were estimated in all patients parallel with radioiodine uptake test (after 5 and 24 hours), 131I thyroid scintigraphy and fine needle biopsy to exclude neoplasmatic transformation. These studies and therapy with 22 mCi 131I were repeated every 3 months. RESULTS: Before therapy median thyroid volume was approximately 145 cm(3) and during therapy gradually decreased to 76 cm(3) after 6 months and to 65 cm(3) after 12 months. Increase of TRAb can be a inhibiting factor of thyroid volume reduction. Other antithyroid antibodies showed marked tendency to rise but without significant correlation with radioiodine uptake and goiter reduction. After 12 months we found 2 patients with clinical and laboratory hypothyroidism. CONCLUSIONS: In some cases of multinodular large non-toxic goiter, the radioiodine therapy can be the best alternative way for L-thyroxine treatment or surgery therapy. The fractionated radioiodine therapy of multinodular large non-toxic goiter is safe and effective method but continuation of nodules observation is necessary. 相似文献