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An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of the "sandwich-type" for sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) has been developed. A rabbit anti-SHBG antibody (RAb) is immobilized to the microtitre plate. After incubation with standards and samples a second monospecific rabbit anti-SHBG antibody, labelled with alkaline phosphatase is added (RAb). Following further washing substrate is added, colour developed and the plate read at 405 nm wavelength on a standard ELISA plate reader. The assay is not influenced by the presence of steroids at the binding site, and shows good agreement to SHBG binding capacity assay and commercially available IRMA. Its sensitivity, specificity and precision allows its use in the routine laboratory. The SHBG ELISA has been used to measure SHBG concentrations in sera of normal men, women, pregnant women, and women receiving high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate as a treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   
The autoradiographic assay developed by Strauss and Albertini (1979) to quantitate human in vivo somatic mutation at the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase locus uses tritiated thymidine to identify mutant cells by their ability to pass through 'S' phase in the presence of 6-thioguanine. An alternative method, based on the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) into the DNA of proliferative cells, followed by differential staining with the fluorescence-plus-Giemsa method, was used to identify 3 classes of lymphocyte nuclei: (a) small darkly stained nuclei, (b) large, reddish-colored nuclei with an apparent nucleolus, and (c) large, bluish-colored nuclei. By double labeling with BrdUrd and tritiated thymidine, it was determined that only the nuclei of the third class had incorporated BrdUrd. These results demonstrate that the technique used for sister-chromatid differentiation can be used to detect putative HGPRT mutants and to determine variant frequencies at the HGPRT locus.  相似文献   
Exposure of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monosa) to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S reduced the relative growth rate by 26, 47 and 60% at 15, 18 and 25°C, respectively. Shoot to root ratio decreased in plants fumigated at 18 and 25°C. Growth of spinach was not affected by a 2-week exposure to 0.10 or 0.25 μl l?1 SO2. Both H2S and SO2 fumigation increased the content of sulfhydryl compounds and sulfate. A 2-week exposure to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl and sulfate content of 250 to 450% and 63 to 248% in the shoots, respectively, depending on growth temperature. Exposure to 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in a 46% increase in sulfate content of the shoots at 0.30 μl l?1 and no detectable increase at 0.15 μl l?1 H2S; the sulfate content of the roots increased by 195 and 145% at 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S, respectively. Fumigation with 0.25 μl l?1 SO2 at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl content and sulfate content in the shoots of 285% and 300 to 1100%. H2S fumigation during the 12 h light period or only during the dark period resulted in identical growth reduction and accumulation of sulfhydryl compounds; they were about 50 and 67% of those observed in continuously exposed plants. H2S- and SO2-exposed plants showed an increased transpiration rate, which was mainly caused by an increased dark-period transpiration. No effect of H2S and SO2 on the water uptake of the plants and the osmotic potential of the leaves was detected. Plants fumigated with 0.25 μl l?1 H2S for 2 weeks were smaller and differed morphologically from the control plants by slightly more abaxially curved leaf margins. Cross sections of the leaves showed smaller cells at the margins and smaller and fewer air spaces. The increased transpiration in the H2S-exposed plants is discussed in relation to the observed morphological changes.  相似文献   
The commissural component of the stria terminalis (S. T.) was studied in Equi-Thesin (92.7 mg/kg) anesthetized rats after their exposure in the caudothalamic surface of both hemispheres. Two types of connection between right and left S. T. across the anterior commissure are described: A "direct" connection set up by fibres that run through the S. T. and join the contralateral S. T., and another "indirect" component, formed by cell axons that receive excitatory synaptic contacts from fibres running in the S. T.  相似文献   
Summary Further data on the inheritance of seed peroxidases of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) have been obtained from the genetic analysis of several progenies of both species. Additional data on the inheritance and the chromosomal location and linkage have been obtained for peroxidases of wheat embryo and rye endosperm. The general presence of null alleles in peroxidase loci has been confirmed in both species. In addition to simple monogenic inheritance, epistatic segregations have been observed in both species. These epistatic segregations again suggest the presence of regulatory genes controlling the expression of individual peroxidases in both species and also the existence of several duplicate homoeologous genes in wheat. Known linkage relationships have been confirmed and new ones are indicated. Loci for embryo wheat peroxidases seem to be in chromosomes of the homoeology group 3. The rye endosperm ones should be in chromosome 7R, although it is hypothesized that a duplication of gene EPer1 is located in chromosomes 4R and 7R.  相似文献   
Colchicine and related drugs are known to inhibit milk secretion. They are also able to prevent stimulation of casein and DNA synthesis by prolactin in the mammary gland. The present report reports data obtained with tubulozole, a new antimitotic drug. Tubulozole C added to culture medium of isolated rabbit epithelial mammary cells strongly inhibited their multiplication. Simultaneously, at a concentration of 1 microM, it prevented almost completely the induction of beta-casein mRNA. Induced cells were rapidly deinduced by addition of the drug to the medium. A similar inhibition was observed when the induction was obtained with prolactin alone or with its two stimulators insulin and glucocorticoids. Tubulozole T, an isomer of tubulozole C which is known to be ineffective in disrupting microtubules, did not alter prolactin actions. These data and those obtained with other tubulin-binding drugs strongly suggest that the integrity of microtubules is required for prolactin to deliver its message to the mammary cell.  相似文献   
The interaction of normal and acute-phase high-density lipoproteins of the subclass 3 (N-HDL3 and AP-HDL3) with human neutrophils and the accompanying degradation of HDL3 apolipoproteins have been studied in vitro. The chemical composition of normal and acute-phase HDL3 was similar except that serum amyloid A protein (apo-SAA) was a major apolipoprotein in AP-HDL3 (approx. 30% of total apolipoproteins). 125I-labelled AP-HDL3 was degraded 5-10 times faster than 125I-labelled N-HDL3 during incubation with neutrophils or neutrophil-conditioned medium. Apo-SAA, like apolipoprotein A-II (apo-A-II), was more susceptible than apolipoprotein A-I (apo-A-I) to the action of proteases released from the cells. The amounts of cell-associated AP-HDL3 apolipoproteins at saturation were up to 2.8 times greater than N-HDL3 apolipoproteins; while apo-A-I was the major cell-associated apolipoprotein when N-HDL3 was bound, apo-SAA constituted 80% of the apolipoproteins bound in the case of AP-HDL3. The associated intact apo-SAA was mostly surface-bound as it was accessible to the action of exogenous trypsin. alpha 1-Antitrypsin-resistant (alpha 1-AT-resistant) cellular degradation of AP-HDL3 apolipoproteins also occurred; experiments in which pulse-chase labelling was performed or lysosomotropic agents were used indicated that insignificant intracellular degradation occurred which points to the involvement of cell-surface proteases in this degradation.  相似文献   
Human lung fibroblasts produce heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG) that are associated with the plasma membrane. A monoclonal-antibody (Mab)-secreting hybridoma, S1, was produced by fusion of SP 2/0-AG 14 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice immunized with partially purified cellular HSPG fractions. The HSPG character of the material carrying the epitope recognized by Mab S1 was demonstrated by: (i) the co-purification of the S1 epitope with the membrane HSPG of human lung fibroblasts; (ii) the decrease in size of the material carrying the S1 epitope upon treatment with heparinase or heparitinase, and the resistance of this material to heparinase treatment after N-desulphation. The S1 epitope appears to be part of the core protein, since it was destroyed by proteinase treatment and by disulphide-bond reduction, but not by treatments that depolymerize the glycosaminoglycan chains and N-linked oligosaccharide chains. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of non-reduced heparitinase-digested membrane HSPG followed by Western blotting and immunostaining with Mab S1 revealed a single band with apparent molecular mass of 64 kDa. Membrane proteoglycans isolated from detergent extracts or from 4 M-guanidinium chloride extracts of the cells yielded similar results. Additional digestion with N-glycanase lowered the apparent molecular mass of the immunoreactive material to 56 kDa, suggesting that the core protein also carries N-linked oligosaccharides. Fractionation of 125I-labelled membrane HSPG by immuno-affinity chromatography on immobilized Mab S1, followed by heparitinase digestion and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the bound material, yielded a single labelled band with apparent molecular mass 64 kDa. Treatment with dithiothreitol caused a slight increase in apparent molecular mass, suggesting that the core protein of this membrane proteoglycan of a single subunit containing (an) intrachain disulphide bond(s).  相似文献   
Solid-state 13C magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy has been employed to study the conformation of the 11-cis-retinylidene Schiff base chromophore in bovine rhodopsin. Spectra were obtained from lyophilized samples of bovine rhodopsin selectively 13C-labeled at position C-5 or C-12 of the retinyl moiety, and reconstituted in the fully saturated branched-chain phospholipid diphytanoyl glycerophosphocholine. Comparison of the NMR parameters for carbon C-5 presented in this paper with those published for retinyl Schiff base model compounds and bacteriorhodopsin by Harbison and coworkers [Harbison et al. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6955-6962], indicate that in bovine rhodopsin the C-6-C-7 single bond has the unperturbed cis conformation. This is in contrast to the 6-S-trans conformation found in bacteriorhodopsin. The NMR parameters for bovine [12-13C]rhodopsin present evidence for the presence of a negative charge interacting with the retinyl moiety near C-12, in agreement with the model for the opsin shift presented by Honig and Nakanishi and coworkers [Kakitani et al. (1985) Photochem. Photobiol. 41, 471-479].  相似文献   
The effect of arsenate on the partial reactions of the catalytic cycle of the Ca2+ ATPase of skeletal muscle of sarcoplasmic reticulum was studied. With the use of native vesicles it was found that arsenate accelerates the rate of ITP hydrolysis and inhibits both Ca2+ or Sr2+ uptake. These effects were not observed when ATP was used as substrate or, with the use of ITP, when leaky vesicles were assayed. Activation of ITP hydrolysis is related to an increase of the enzyme's apparent affinity for ITP. Arsenate increases the steady-state level of the phosphoenzyme formed from ITP. This depends on the concentration of both Pi and Ca2+, in the medium. Ca2+ and Sr2+ efflux were accelerated by arsenate. The fast Ca2+ efflux promoted by arsenate is impaired by external Ca2+. Arsenate competes with Pi for the phosphorylating site of the enzyme.  相似文献   
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