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RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains bind both nucleic acids and proteins. Several proteins that contain two closely spaced RRM domains were previously found in protein complexes formed by the cap region of human topoisomerase I, a nuclear enzyme responsible for DNA relaxation or phosphorylation of SR splicing proteins. To obtain molecular insight into specific interactions between the RRM proteins and the cap region of topo I we examined their binary interactions using the yeast two-hybrid system. The interactions were established for hnRNP A1, p54(nrb) and SF2/ASF, but not for hnRNP L or HuR. To identify the amino acid pattern responsible for binding, experimental mutagenesis was employed and computational modelling of these processes was carried out. These studies revealed that two RRM domains and six residues of the consensus sequence are required for the binding to the cap region. On the basis of the above data, a structural model for the hnRNP A1-topoisomerase I complex was proposed. The main component of the hnRNP A1 binding site is a hydrophobic pocket on the beta-surface of the first RRM domain, similar to that described for Y14 protein interacting with Mago. We demonstrated that the interaction between RRM domains and the cap region was important for the kinase reaction catalyzed by topoisomerase I. Together with the previously described inhibitory effect of RRM domains of SF2/ASF on DNA cleavage, the above suggests that the binding of RRM proteins could regulate the activity of topoisomerase I.  相似文献   
It is known that metallic elements of joint endoprostheses undergo elastic strain due to their mechanical function. This is one of the factors which may be responsible for the loosening of endoprostheses. Since mechanisms involved in it remain unclear, it seems valuable to verify if cells responsible for bone regeneration are affected by a strain of the implant. Our experiment examines the influence of elastic strain applied to Ti6Al4V samples on osteoblasts cultured on their surface in vitro. Human bone-derived cells are observed in contact with metallic plates. Titanium alloy was chosen as a support since it is one of the most commonly used materials for stems in joint endoprostheses. Cyclic elastic deformation of 0.1% was applied to the support once daily for 7 days. Two thousand cycles were applied each time. Samples which were not subject to strain served as control. After the observation period XTT assay was performed, alkaline phosphatase activity as well as osteocalcin concentration and nitric oxide secretion were determined and compared with the results obtained in the control group. It was found that the number of viable cells in the mechanically stimulated population was significantly higher than in control, while both alkaline phosphatase activity and osteocalcin concentration were significantly lower in the experimental group. Nitric oxide secretion was found in the culture which was subject to elastic strain, but not in the control. The possible clinical implication is that elastic strain of the metallic endoprostheses may influence osteoblasts which are in contact with the implant in vivo.  相似文献   
It can be supposed that relation between HLA-G polymorphism and sHLA-G protein expression are associated with successful embryo implantation and pregnancy maintenance. The aim of the study was the estimation specific differences in expression of sHLA-G and sHLA- class I antigens in women with reproductive failure in comparison with fertile women. The study sample enrolled 80 women, divided into 2 groups. The study group (B) enrolled 60 women with reproductive failure including 20 women with 3 recurrent spontaneous abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (RSA), 20 women with empty sac (ES) and 20 women with 3 consecutive in-vitro fertilization failures (IVFf). The control group (C) enrolled 20 fertile women with at least 2 children. Soluble HLA- class I antigens (sHLA-I) and soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) were determined using ELISA test kits from IBio Vendor Labolatory Medicine, Inc. HLA-G allele found in individuals in our study were identified by comparing the obtained bp sequences of exon 2., 3. and 4. with bp sequences of HLA-G antigen published at the Nolan Research Institute website. The highest concentration of sHLA-I is noted among women with HLA-G 10401 allele which differed significantly for the mean sHLA-I concentration calculated for all the remaining alleles (p<0.0001). The most prevalent alleles were: HLA-G 10101, 10102 and 10108 with sHLA-I concentrations among women bearing those alleles significantly lower in comparison to the HLA-G 10401 carriers (p<0.001). Allele 10101 and 10102 was related to the lower significantly plasma sHLA-I concentrations than 10108 allele (p<0.02). Lowest mean sHLA-G values were observed in the IVFf group with significant difference from the remaining groups (p<0.05). To conclude, sHLA-G molecules is associated to certain HLA-G alleles and imply that sHLA-G levels are under genetic control. Low concentration sHLA-G seems to be prognostically important in IVF failure.  相似文献   
Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) is a plasma zymogene (procarboxypeptidase B) which can decrease fibrinolysis and thus act as a haemostatic factor. TAFI is now extensively studied in many complications as well as in physiological and complicated pregnancy. The question we posed in the present study was whether TAFI antigen is present in cord blood plasma. The study group consisted of 38 parturient women, 26 primiparous and 12 multiparous with normal course of pregnancy and delivery. The cord blood was sampled from the cord vein, and the mother's blood from the antecubital vein. 3.2% sodium citrate was used as an anticoagulant. TAFIa/ai antigen was measured by ELISA method. TAFIa/ai antigen was identified in all samples of cord blood plasma. Its level was 91.50 ng/ml (range: 71.76 - 160.77 ng/ml) vs. 55.46 ng/ml (range: 39.77 - 68.54 ng/ml ) in the mother's blood, which means that the level of TAFIa/ai antigen was significantly higher in fetal blood than in maternal blood (p<0.00001). TAFIa/ai antigen is an integral component of cord blood plasma. The concentration of TAFIa/ai antigen is about two times higher in fetal blood than in maternal blood.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to compare two different embryo culture methods in the course of in vitro fertilization program by means of fertilization rate, embryo development, total time and cost. 98 patients undergoing assisted reproduction procedures due to infertility were analyzed. The inclusion criteria for the study: first IVF-ET program, at least 10 MII oocytes, no indications for ICSI. Oocytes were divided into two study groups: group A- open culture (oocytes placed in four-well dishes together, then inseminated and cultured in successive wells) and group B - a closed culture (oocytes placed in microdroplets, each embryo cultured separately). The fertilization rate was assessed around 18 hours from insemination. The embryos were classified into four classes. The best embryos were chosen for transfer. In the group A the fertilization rate obtained was lower than in group B (68% vs. 78%, respectively). The microdroplet culture required more time on the insemination day and on the second day of culture, while the four-well dish method required more time on the first day of culture and on the day of transfer. On analyzing the total cost of the above procedures (MI medium and oil costs) it occurred that the microdroplet culture was more expensive than the four-well dish method (due to the intake of paraffin oil). However, the difference was of no practical importance. In the conclusion, microdroplet culture gives a higher fertilization rate than four-well dish culture, probably due to a homogenous sperm distribution. Despite the differences in time outside the incubator and laboratory expenses (which are after all insignificant) microdroplet culture allows a better control over the embryo development. The embryos of best developmental potential can therefore be chosen for ET.  相似文献   
Functional and structural properties of several truncated or mutated variants of Candida albicans Gfa1p (glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase) were compared with those of the wild-type enzyme. Fragments encompassing residues 1-345 and 346-712 of Gfa1p, expressed heterogeneously in bacterial host as His6 fusions, were identified as the functional GAH (glutamine amidehydrolysing) and ISOM (hexose phosphate-isomerizing) domains respectively. It was found that the native GAH domain is monomeric, whereas the native ISOM domain forms tetramers, as does the whole enzyme. Spectrofluorimetric and kinetic studies of the isolated domains, the Delta218-283Gfa1p mutein and the wild-type enzyme revealed that the binding site for the feedback inhibitor, uridine 5'-diphospho-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, is located in the ISOM domain. Inhibitor binding affects amidohydrolysing activity of the GAH domain and, as a consequence, the GlcN-6-P (D-glucosamine-6-phosphate)-synthetic activity of the whole enzyme. The fragment containing residues 218-283 is neither involved in ligand binding nor in protein oligomerization. Comparison of the catalytic activities of Gfa1p(V711F), Delta709-712Gfa1p, Gfa1p(W97F) and Gfa1p(W97G) with those of the native Gfa1p and the isolated domains provided evidence for an intramolecular channel connecting the GAH and ISOM domains of Gfa1p. The channel becomes leaky upon deletion of amino acids 709-712 and in the W97F and W97G mutants. The Trp97 residue was found to function as a molecular gate, opening and closing the channel. The W97G and V711F mutations resulted in an almost complete elimination of the GlcN-6-P-synthetic activity, with the retention of the amidohydrolase and sugar phosphate-isomerizing activities.  相似文献   
Interactive playback experiments were used to study the signal value to the corn bunting, Miliaria calandra, of alternating and overlapping singing. We subjected 15 males to two stimuli that differed in the temporal pattern of song playback (alternating or overlapping). We measured eight characteristics of the males’ response in two categories—song output and movements. Overlapping and alternating playback elicited a similar song response, characteristic of highly aroused males. Song response correlated positively with males’ singing activity before playback, irrespective of stimulus. There were significant differences between latency of approach to the loudspeaker and number of flights. Birds approached the loudspeaker more quickly and spent more time close to it when playback alternated with their songs. The results suggest overlapping song could be interpreted as a stronger threat but elicits a more cautious, rather than stronger, response than the alternating pattern. Males were found to shorten songs during the playback compared with songs sung before and after stimulation. The only predictor of degree of song shortening was song activity before the playback began. It should, therefore, be regarded as a signal which is related to escalated, close-distance counter-singing.  相似文献   
Protein kinase CK2 is a highly conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase that is ubiquitous among eucaryotic organisms and appears to play an important role in many cellular functions. This enzyme in yeast has a tetrameric structure composed of two catalytic (α and/or α′) subunits and two regulatory β and β′ subunits. Previously, we have reported isolation from yeast cells four active forms of CK2, composed of αα′ββ′, α2ββ′, α′2ββ′ and a free α′-catalytic subunit. Now, we report that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CK2 holoenzyme regulatory β subunit cannot substitute other β′ subunit and only both of them can form fully active enzymatic unit. We have examined the subunit composition of tetrameric complexes of yeast CK2 by transformation of yeast strains containing single deletion of the β or β′ regulatory subunits with vectors carrying lacking CKB1 or CKB2 genes. CK2 holoenzyme activity was restored only in cases when both of them were present in the cell. Additional, co-immunoprecypitation experiments show that polyadenylation factor Fip1 interacts with catalytic α subunits of CK2 and interaction with beta subunits in the holoenzyme decreases CK2 activity towards this protein substrate. These data may help to elucidate the role of yeast protein kinase CK2β/β′ subunits in the regulation of holoenzyme assembly and phosphotransferase activity.  相似文献   
The subject of this report was to investigate headgroup hydration and mobility of two types of mixed lipid vesicles, containing nonionic surfactants; straight chain Brij 98, and polysorbat Tween 80, with the same number of oxyethylene units as Brij, but attached via a sorbitan ring to oleic acid. We used the fluorescence solvent relaxation (SR) approach for the purpose and revealed differences between the two systems. Fluorescent solvent relaxation probes (Prodan, Laurdan, Patman) were found to be localized in mixed lipid vesicles similarly as in pure phospholipid bilayers. The SR parameters (i.e. dynamic Stokes shift, Δν, and the time course of the correlation function, C(t)) of such labels are in the same range in both kinds of systems. Each type of the tested surfactants has its own impact on water organization in the bilayer headgroup region probed by Patman. Brij 98 does not modify the solvation characteristics of the dye. In contrast, Tween 80 apparently dehydrates the headgroup and decreases its mobility. The SR data measured in lipid bilayers in presence of Interferon alfa-2b reveal that this protein, a candidate for non-invasive delivery, affects the bilayer in a different way than the peptide melittin. Interferon alfa-2b binds to mixed lipid bilayers peripherally, whereas melittin is deeply inserted into lipid membranes and affects their headgroup hydration and mobility measurably.  相似文献   
The effects of acute pretreatment of rats with corticosterone (5 and 20 mg/kg, s.c.) on emotional behavior, expression of c-Fos protein in brain structures, and serum concentration of corticosterone were studied to model the short-term glucocorticoid-dependent changes in brain functions. Corticosterone was administered 90 min before training of a conditioned fear reaction (a freezing response), and behavioral, hormonal and immunocytochemical effects were examined 1 day later, on the test day. Pretreatment of rats with corticosterone significantly attenuated the freezing reaction in the conditioned fear test. The effect of the corticosterone was accompanied by a selective enhancement of the aversive context-induced c-Fos expression in some brain structures: the parvocellular and magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (pPVN and mPVN), the medial amygdala nucleus (MeA), and the cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), as well as an increase in the concentration of aversive context-induced endogenous serum glucocorticoid, 1.5 h and 10 min after the test session, respectively. It is suggested that the behavioral effects of acute pretreatment of rats with corticosterone could be due to changes in the mnemonic processes in the brain, inhibition of brain corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) synthesis, or stimulation of GABA-A receptor modulating neurosteroids synthesis. It is hypothesized that the enhanced activity of Cg1, MeA, pPVN, and mPVN, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis with concomitant increased serum glucocorticoid concentration, might serve to facilitate active coping behavior in a threatening situation.  相似文献   
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