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In previous studies we have investigated octapeptides backbone-cyclized by (4-amino)phenyl azobenzoic acid (APB) or (4-aminomethyl)phenylazobenzoic acid (AMPB) and containing the active-site sequence Cys-Ala-Thr-Cys-Asp from the thioredoxin reductase. The conformational and redox properties of these peptides were strongly dependent on the isomeric state of the azobenzene chromophore. Using the same approach we were successful in constructing photoresponsive ligands for alphavbeta3 integrin containing the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence as binding motif. For achieving maximal conformational restriction of the peptide a reduced ring size compared to our previous azobenzene peptides was employed in the cyclic peptide c[Asp-D-Phe-Val-AMPB-Lys-Ala-Arg-Gly-]. Conformational properties of the trans and cis isomers of this peptide in solution were investigated by CD and NMR and were found to differ markedly from the thioredoxin derived azobenzene peptides. In a second peptide, c[Asp-D-Phe-Val-Lys-AMPB-Ala-Arg-Gly-], shifting the position of the chromophore lead to a marked decrease in affinity. With the availability of the x-ray structure of a cyclic RGD-pentapeptide bound to alphavbeta3 integrin (PDB entry 1L5G) modeling of possible bound conformations for trans and cis isomers of both azobenzene peptides was possible. Notably, both peptides in either isomeric form share the same overall conformation in the bound state according to our molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   
Cultured fibroblasts from the dermis of normal subjects and of Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) patients were analysed for enzyme activity, protein and mRNA expression of metalloproteases (MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, MT1-MMP) and of their specific inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and TIMP-3). MMP-3, MMP-9 and TIMP-3 mRNAs and proteins failed to be detected in both the medium and the cell layer of both controls and PXE patients. MMP-2 mRNA was significantly more expressed in PXE than in control cell lines, whereas MT1-MMP, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 mRNAs appeared unchanged. MMP-2 was significantly higher in the cell extracts from PXE fibroblasts than in control cells, whereas differences were negligible in the cell medium. Data suggest that PXE fibroblasts have an increased proteolytic potential, and that MMP-2 may actively contribute to connective tissue alterations in this genetic disorder.  相似文献   
Social stress is frequently used as a model for studying the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying stress-induced behavioral inhibition, depression, and fear conditioning. It has previously been shown that social subordination may result in increased glucocorticoid release and changes in brain signaling systems. However, it is still an open question which neuroendocrine and behavioral differences are causes, and which are consequences of social status. Using juvenile rainbow trout of similar size and with no apparent differences in social history, we demonstrate that the ability to win fights for social dominance can be predicted from the duration of a behavioral response to stress, in this case appetite inhibition after transfer to a new environment. Moreover, stress responsiveness in terms of confinement-induced changes in plasma cortisol was negatively correlated to aggressive behavior. Fish that exhibited lower cortisol responses to a standardized confinement test were markedly more aggressive when being placed in a dominant social position later in the study. These findings support the view that distinct behavioral-physiological stress coping styles are present in teleost fish, and these coping characteristics influence both social rank and levels of aggression.  相似文献   
In the physiological form, the prion protein is a glycoprotein tethered to the cell surface via a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor, consisting of a largely alpha-helical globular C-terminal domain and an unstructured N-terminal portion. This unstructured part of the protein contains four successive octapeptide repeats, which were shown to bind up to four Cu(2+) ions in a cooperative manner. To mimic the location of the protein on the cell membrane and to analyze possible structuring effects of the lipid/water interface, the conformational preferences of a single octapeptide repeat and its tetrameric form, as well of the fragment 92-113, proposed as an additional copper binding site, were comparatively analyzed in aqueous and dodecylphosphocholine micellar solution as a membrane mimetic. While for the downstream fragment 92-113 no conformational effects were detectable in the presence of DPC micelles by CD and NMR, both the single octapeptide repeat and, in an even more pronounced manner, its tetrameric form are restricted into well-defined conformations. Because of the repetitive character of the rigid structural subdomain in the tetrarepeat molecule, the spatial arrangement of these identical motifs could not be resolved by NMR analysis. However, the polyvalent nature of the repetitive subunits leads to a remarkably enhanced interaction with the micelles, which is not detectably affected by copper complexation. These results strongly suggest interactions of the cellular form of PrP (PrP(c)) N-terminal tail with the cell membrane surface at least in the octapeptide repeat region with preorganization of these sequence portions for copper complexation. There are sufficient experimental facts known that support a physiological role of copper complexation by the octapeptide repeat region of PrP(c) such as a copper-buffering role of the PrP(c) protein on the extracellular surface.  相似文献   
A new biogeographic scenario for Melastomataceae (Morley and Dick, American Journal of Botany 90(11) pp. 1638-1645, 2003) accepts an ndhF-based phylogeny for the family by Renner et al. (American Journal of Botany 88(7): 1290-1300, 2001), but rejects those authors' divergence time estimates. Morley and Dick concluded that Gondwanan vicariance, rather than the more recent long dispersal proposed by Renner et al. explains the presence of the family in Africa and Madagascar. To assess the strength of this conclusion, a Bayesian analysis was conducted on three times the amount of sequence data used before (ndhF, rbcL, rpl16; 3100 base pairs [bp], excluding all gaps). The Bayesian approach to divergence time estimation does not rely on a strict molecular clock and employs multiple simultaneous minimal or maximal bounds on node ages. Reliance on northern mid-latitude fossils of Melastomataceae for calibrations was avoided or reduced by using alternative fossil and tectonic calibrations, including all those suggested by Morley and Dick. Results reaffirm the relatively recent spread of melastome lineages among the southern continents and refute the breakup of Gondwana as a plausible explanation for the presence of Dissochaeteae/Sonerileae in Madagascar and Africa and the presence of Melastomeae in Africa and Southeast Asia. Melastomeae appear to have reached Africa around 17-15 million years (my) ago, while Dissochaeteae and Sonerileae apparently reached Madagascar at 17-15 and 20-18 my ago. I also explored the effects of constraining Melastomeae to minimally 76 my old (to have reached Africa by island hopping as postulated by Morley and Dick). This resulted in an estimate for their arrival in Africa of 35 my ago and for Dissochaeteae and Sonerileae in Madagascar of 28 and 33 my ago, still implying long-distance dispersal. The Bayesian 95% credibility ranges around these dates, however, are large. Regardless of the increasing sophistication of molecular estimates of divergence time, Gondwanan scenarios will remain untestable as long as biases in the fossil record can justifiably be invoked to explain away the absence of fossils.  相似文献   
DNA rich in nonmethylated CG motifs (CpGs) greatly facilitates induction of immune responses against coadministered Ags. CpGs are therefore among the most promising adjuvants known to date. Nevertheless, CpGs are characterized by two drawbacks. They have unfavorable pharmacokinetics and may exhibit systemic side effects, including splenomegaly. We show in this study that packaging CpGs into virus-like particles (VLPs) derived from the hepatitis B core Ag or the bacteriophage Qbeta is a simple and attractive method to reduce these two problems. CpGs packaged into VLPs are resistant to DNase I digestion, enhancing their stability. In addition, and in contrast to free CpGs, packaging CpGs prevents splenomegaly in mice, without affecting their immunostimulatory capacity. In fact, vaccination with CpG-loaded VLPs was able to induce high frequencies of peptide-specific CD8(+) T cells (4-14%), protected from infection with recombinant vaccinia viruses, and eradicated established solid fibrosarcoma tumors. Thus, packaging CpGs into VLPs improves both their immunogenicity and pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the oxidative damage in rats of different ages. Weaned rats of 25 g and adults of 300 g were used in groups of 6, a single i.p. dose of morphine sulfate of 3, 6 or 12 mg/kg was administered. All animals were sacrificed to measure GSH and 5-HT levels in brain by liquid chromatography, as well as Na+, K+-ATPase and total ATPase enzymatic activity. 5-HT levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in adult animals that received 3 and 6 mg morphine. Na+, K+-ATPase activity increased significantly (p<0.05) in all groups of weaned animals. In adult animals, Na+, K+-ATPase and total ATPase partially diminished. GSH levels diminished significantly (p<0.05) both in weaned and in adult groups. The results indicate age-induced changes in cellular regulation and biochemical responses to oxidative stress induced by morphine.  相似文献   
The European rewardless, bee-pollinated orchidDactylorhiza sambucina commonly produces yellow-flowered and purple-flowered individuals in frequencies that range from balanced (per population) to very unbalanced, with parts of the species’ range entirely monochromatic. We studied male and female reproductive success of the two morphs in 22 populations in the Czech Republic, relating it to morph frequency, population size and density, and presence and abundance of yellow and purple co-flowering nectar-providing species visited by the same bee species. Cumulative abundances of yellow nectar-producing co-flowering species (of which, on average,Primula veris made up 56%) had a negative effect on male reproductive success of the yellow morph, and spectral analyses showed that to bumblebees the colours ofP. veris and yellowD. sambucina are different, permitting ready visual discrimination. The cumulative abundance of purple co-flowering species had no significant effect on morph reproductive success. Morph frequencies were unrelated to reproductive success and population size, and there was no evidence of frequency-dependent selection except in one highly unbalanced population. Density of flowering conspecifics was negatively correlated with male reproductive success of the purple morph. Seed mass, viability, and germination success depended on whether seeds resulted from outcrossed or selfed matings and on morph colour. Selfed seeds and seeds produced by the yellow morph from yellow × yellow and yellow × purple crosses had zero germination (after three months), providing the first hint that differential vegetative fitness, rather than differential reproductive fitness via pollinator selection, may explain morph frequencies inD. sambucina.  相似文献   
Glycolysis is for some cells, such as erythrocytes, neutrophil granulocytes and many cancer cells, the only or most important source of energy (ATP) production. Based on previous studies we developed an isotachophoretic (ITP) method which allows, in principle, the simultaneous determination of all metabolites of glycolysis. Since glucose metabolites are small anions, mobility of some of them may overlap in isotachophoresis and, therefore, partial mixed zones are generated. By variation of the leading/terminating system, however, it is possible to separate the compounds of interest. In this communication, we describe a method for analysis of glucose metabolites in erythrocytes from healthy donors during storage in blood bags, and from patients with thalassemia, with special respect to intracellular 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate, lactate and ATP/ADP. The well known characteristic changes of glycolysis in erythrocytes during blood storage and in erythrocytes from thalassemia patients, which are often analysed by separate enzymatic assays, could be confirmed with this isotachophoretic procedure. The method is currently adapted for analysis of glycolysis in neutrophil granulocytes and cancer cells which requires some modifications of sample preparation and performance of the isotachophoretic analysis.  相似文献   
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate a training programme for physician-patient communication required the analysis of paired count data. The impact of departures from the Poisson assumption when paired count data are analysed through use of a conditional likelihood is illustrated. A simple approach to providing robust inference is outlined and illustrated.  相似文献   
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