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A comparison was made of results obtained with a Brucella agar--gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test and the standard tube-agglutination test on 612 human sera. Agreement between the tests was 97% when the titer was 1:160 or higher. Of 448 sera that showed no agglutination titer, 447 were negative with the AGID test. Results of the AGID test were also compared to those obtained with the 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) agglutination test on 148 sera that demonstrated a standard tube-agglutination titer of 1:20 or higher. All sera with a 2-ME-agglutination titer of 1:40 or higher were positive with the AGID test. Of 123 sera that showed no 2-ME-agglutination titer, 21 were positive with the AGID test. Two of these 21 sera were obtained from patients with bacteriologically proven brucellosis, and eight were from abattoir employees with suspected but not bacteriologically proven brucellosis.  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin 8 (CCK8) is an entero-octapeptide that participates in crosstalk with components of intestinal immunity via the CCK receptor (CCKR), but its role in modulation of the IgA response is not fully known under physiological conditions. Male eight-week-old BALB/c mice each were intraperitoneally injected once during 7 days with CCK8, devazapide (CCKR1 antagonist), L365,260 (CCKR2 antagonist) or vehicle (sham group). In intestinal lavages, total and secretory IgA (SIgA) were determined by ELISA; in lamina propria, IgA+ B lymphocytes and IgA+ plasma cells were analyzed by flow cytometry; mRNA levels of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) in epithelial cells and α chain, interleukins (ILs) in lamina propria cells were assessed by qRTPCR. Regarding the sham conditions, IgA+ plasma-cell percentage and IL-2, IL-5, IL-10 and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) mRNA levels were either increased by CCK8 or decreased by both CCKR antagonists. For IgA/SIgA responses, IL-4/IL-6 mRNA levels were decreased by all drugs and pIgR mRNA was increased by CCK8 and reduced by L365,260. IgA+ B cell percentage and α chain mRNA levels were elicited by CCK8 and L365,260. Data suggested a presumable differential role of CCK/CCKR on the IgA-response; outcome of L365,260 on the elicitation of IgA+ B cells and α chain mRNA needs further examination.  相似文献   
Prof. Dr. O. Renner 《Planta》1956,47(3):219-254
Zusammenfassung Neu beschrieben werdenOenothera biennis var.angustifolia von Mannheim und die heterogameOe. nuda aus dem Bas Dauphiné.Eine im Gebiet der oberen Loire eingebürgerte Form derstrigosa-Gruppe wird als derOe. hungarica Borb. (Oe. Bauri Boedijn) nahestehend, wenn nicht mit ihr identisch erkannt.Zur Kenntnis vonOe. parviflora L.,ammophila Focke,syrticola Bartlett,rubricuspis, nova von Zinna, sowie der synthetischen Artenalbipercurva, Issleri (=rubicurva), Hölscheri (=rubiundata) wird einiges Neue beigebracht.AusOe. nova von Zinna (quaerens·paravelans) geht viel häufiger als ausOe. Lamarckiana eine Translokationsmutante vomrubrisepala-Typus hervor. Auch in der Nachkommenschaft der (biennis x Zinna) albiparavelutina ist einerubrisepala entstanden, wie sie bei (biennis x Lamarckiana) albivelutina noch nie beobachtet worden ist. Oe. nova von Zinna ist nicht, wie bisher vermutet, identisch mitOe. erythrosepala Borb. (die zu,Lamarckiana gehört) und wird in Zukunft alsOe. coronifera bezeichnet werden.Die Entstehung neuer Arten durch Kreuzung wird wieder erörtert.Auf die verschiedene Lage der Taxonomie der Oenotheren in Europa und in den Vereinigten Staaten wird hingewiesen.Die Chromosomenformeln der europäischen Komplexe werden mit denen der nächststehenden amerikanischen verglichen.Mit 17 TextabbildungenDer Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft bin ich für Unterstützung verpflichtet. Elisabeth Schiemann proleptisch zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
A method was developed to study the biodegradation and oxidative biodehalogenation of fluorinated phenols by 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Characterization of the 19F NMR spectra of metabolite profiles of a series of fluorophenols, converted by purified phenol hydroxylase, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, and/or by the yeast-like fungus Exophiala jeanselmei, provided possibilities for identification of the 19F NMR chemical shift values of fluorinated catechol and muconate metabolites. As an example, the 19F NMR method thus defined was used to characterize the time-dependent metabolite profiles of various halophenols in either cell extracts or in incubations with whole cells of E. jeanselmei. The results obtained for these two systems are similar, except for the level of muconates observed. Altogether, the results of the present study describe a 19F NMR method which provides an efficient tool for elucidating the metabolic pathways for conversion of fluorine-containing phenols by microorganisms, with special emphasis on possibilities for biodehalogenation and detection of the type of fluorocatechols and fluoromuconates involved. In addition, the method provides possibilities for studying metabolic pathways in vivo in whole cells.  相似文献   
When protamine is added to actin, different supramolecular structures are formed depending on the molar ratio of the two proteins and of the ionic strength of the medium. At low ionic strength, and going from a molar ratio of protamine to G-actin of 4:1, 2:1 and 1:1, globular aggregates are first converted into extended structures and then to long threads in which the constituent ATP–G-actin is rapidly exchangeable with the actin of the medium. At high ionic strength {Tyrode [(1910) Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 20, 205–212] solution}, starting from G-actin and protamine in the 1:1 molar ratio, long ropes are formed that can be resolved into intertwining filaments of 4–5nm diameter. The addition of protamine in a 1:1 molar ratio to a solution of F-actin in Tyrode solution causes the breakage of the actin filaments, which is also revealed by the decrease of the viscosity of the solution and the formation of ordered latero-lateral aggregates. The structures formed by reaction of protamine with G-actin can be separated from free G-actin and protamine by filtration through 0.45μm-pore-size Millipore filters. This technique has been exploited to study the exchange reaction between free actin and the actin–protamine complexes. For these studies the 1:1 actin–protamine complex formed at low ionic strength and the 2:1 actin–protamine complex formed in the presence of 23nm-free Mg2+ have been selected. In the first case the exchange reaction is practically complete in the dead time of the experiment (20s). In the second case, where the complex operates like a true ATPase, the rate of the exchange is initially comparable with the rate of the ATP cleavage. Later on, however, the complex undergoes a change and the rate of the exchange between free actin and the actin bound to protamine becomes lower than the rate of the ATPase reaction. It is proposed that the ATP exchanges for ADP directly on the G-actin bound in the complex.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to synthesize data on the orogeny of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), with a focus on its elevation since the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates, and to review the arguments in 100 phylogeny‐cum‐biogeography papers that have linked young inferred divergence times to recent TP uplift phases. I surveyed the literature on the geological history of the TP, focusing on different types of data used to infer its past height. I also tabulated the supposed TP history (and supporting references) in papers since 1998. Since the early 1990s, evidence from tectonics, isotopes, fossils and climate simulations increasingly indicates that the TP has been 4–5 km high since the mid‐Eocene. The data also indicate that the Indian summer monsoon, South‐east Asian summer monsoon, and Central Asian winter monsoon arose at different times and are unrelated to Tibetan uplift. A growing number of studies by biologists, however, are linking node ages between 0.5 and 15 Ma to specific (author‐dependent) uplift phases of the TP citing geological papers that are outdated or miscited. Biogeography of the TP thus currently appears to be in a self‐created bubble that encloses hundreds of authors and referees. Our understanding of the biogeography of Tibet requires up‐to‐date interpretation of its geological history and more fieldwork on local ecological habitat diversity, the plateau's history during the Pleistocene and the distribution of possible refugia.  相似文献   
Increasing land use intensity and human influence are leading to a reduction in plant and animal species diversity. However, little is known about how these changes may affect higher trophic levels, apart from simply reducing species numbers. Here we investigated, over 3 years, the influence of different land practices on a tritrophic system in grassland habitats. The system consisted of the host plant Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), two monophagous weevils, Mecinus labilis Herbst and Mecinus pascuorum Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and their parasitoid Mesopolobus incultus Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). At over 70 sites across three geographic regions in Germany, we measured plant species diversity and vegetation structure, as well as abundance of P. lanceolata, the two weevils, and the parasitoid. Land use intensity (fertilization) and type (mowing vs. grazing) negatively affected not only plant species richness but also the occurrence of the two specialized herbivores and their parasitoid. In contrast, land use had a mostly positive effect on host plant size, vegetation structure, and parasitization rate. This study reveals that intensification of land use influences higher trophic organisms even without affecting the availability of the host plant. The observed relationships between land use, vegetation complexity, and the tritrophic system are not restricted locally; rather they are measureable along a broad range of environmental conditions and years throughout Germany. Our findings may have important implications for the conservation of insect species of nutrient‐poor grasslands.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are large modular enzymes responsible for the synthesis of a variety of microbial bioactive peptides. They consist of modules that each recognise and incorporate one specific amino acid into the peptide product. A module comprises several domains, which carry out the individual reaction steps. After activation by the adenylation domain, the amino acid substrate is covalently tethered to a 4'-phosphopantetheinyl cofactor of a peptidyl carrier domain (PCP) that passes the substrate to the reaction centres of the consecutive domains. RESULTS: The solution structure of PCP, a distinct peptidyl carrier protein derived from the equivalent domain of an NRPS, was solved using NMR techniques. PCP is a distorted four-helix bundle with an extended loop between the first two helices. Its overall fold resembles the topology of acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) from Escherichia coli fatty acid synthase and actinorhodin polyketide synthase from Streptomyces coelicolor; however, the surface polarity and the length and relative alignment of the helices are different. The conserved serine, which is the cofactor-binding site, has the same location as in the ACPs and is situated within a stretch of seven flexible residues. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of PCP reflects its character as a protein domain. The fold is well defined between residues 8 and 82 and the structural core of the PCP domain can now be defined as a region spanning 37 amino acids in both directions from the conserved serine. The flexibility of the post-translationally modified site might have implications for interactions with the cooperating proteins or NRPS domains.  相似文献   
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