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Overwintering habits of hatchling Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) are unknown. To determine whether these turtles are able to survive winter in aquatic habitats, we submerged hatchlings in normoxic (155 mmHg Po2) and hypoxic (6 mmHg Po2) water at 4 degrees C, recording survival times and measuring changes in key physiological variables. For comparison, we simultaneously studied hatchling softshell (Apalone spinifera) and snapping (Chelydra serpentina) turtles, which are known to overwinter in aquatic habitats. In normoxic water, C. serpentina and A. spinifera survived to the termination of the experiment (76 and 77 d, respectively). Approximately one-third of the E. blandingii died during 75 d of normoxic submergence, but the cause of mortality was unclear. In hypoxic water, average survival times were 6 d for A. spinifera, 13 d for E. blandingii, and 19 d for C. serpentina. Mortality during hypoxic submergence was probably caused by metabolic acidosis, which resulted from accumulated lactate. Unlike the case with adult turtles, our hatchlings did not increase plasma calcium and magnesium, nor did they sequester lactate within the shell. Our results suggest that hatchling E. blandingii are not particularly well suited to hibernation in hypoxic aquatic habitats.  相似文献   
The fifth domain (DV) of beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) is important for binding a number of ligands including phospholipids and factor XI (FXI). Beta2GPI is proteolytically cleaved in DV by plasmin but not by thrombin, VIIa, tissue plasminogen activator, or uPA. Following proteolytic cleavage of DV by plasmin, beta2GPI retains binding to FXI but not to phospholipids. Native beta2GPI, but not cleaved beta2GPI, inhibits activation of FXI by thrombin and factor XIIa, attenuating a positive feedback mechanism for additional thrombin generation. In this report, we have defined the FXI/FXIa binding site on beta2GPI using site-directed mutagenesis. We show that the positively charged residues Lys284, Lys286, and Lys287 in DV are essential for the interaction of beta2GPI with FXI/FXIa. We also demonstrate that FXIa proteolytically cleaves beta2GPI at Lys317-Thr318 in DV. Thus, FXIa cleavage of beta2GPI in vivo during thrombus formation may accelerate FXI activation by decreasing the inhibitory effect of beta2GPI.  相似文献   
One barrier to the construction of nanoscale devices is the ability to place materials into 2D- and 3D-ordered arrays by controlling the assembly and ordering of connections between nanomaterials. Ordered assembly of nanoscale materials may potentially be achieved using biological tools that direct specific connections between individual components. Recently, viruses were successfully employed as scaffolds for the nucleation of nanoparticles and nanowires (Mao et al., 2004); however, there is a paucity of methods for the higher order assembly of phage-templated materials. Here we describe a general strategy for the assembly of filamentous bacteriophages into long, wire-like or into tripod-like structures. To prepare the linear phage assemblies, dimeric leucine zipper protein domains, fused to the p3 and p9 proteins of M13 bacteriophage, were employed to direct the specific end-to-end self-association of the bacteriophage particles. Electron microscopy revealed that up to 90% of the phage displaying complementary leucine zipper domains formed linear multi-phage assemblies, composed of up to 30 phage in length. To prepare tripod-like assemblies, phage were engineered to express trimeric leucine zippers as p3 fusion proteins. This resulted in 3D assembly with three individual phages attached at a single point. These ordered phage structures should provide a foundation for self-assembly of virally templated nanomaterials into useful devices.  相似文献   
Cetoleic acid (22:1n-11) is a good indicator of diet in marine predators and has proven to be an important fatty acid (FA) when using adipose tissue FA composition to study diet in marine mammals and seabirds. Feeding studies have shown that 22:1 isomers are predictably underrepresented in adipose tissue relative to diet, implying that metabolism within the predator strongly influences the relationship between the level of these FAs in diet and adipose tissue. Fully understanding such metabolic processes for individual FAs is important for the quantitative estimation of predator diets. We employed a dual-label radioisotope tracer technique to investigate the potential modification of 22:1n-11 and its recovery in the blubber of gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) and in the adipose tissue and liver of mink (Mustela vison), a smaller model carnivore also accustomed to fish-based diets. In both seals and mink, (3)H radioactivity was found in the chain-shortened products of 22:1n-11, with 18:1 being the dominant product. We also found (3)H radioactivity in saturated FAs. The distribution patterns of (3)H radioactivity across the FAs isolated from seal blubber and mink subcutaneous adipose tissue were comparable, indicating that mink are a good model for the investigation of lipid metabolism in marine carnivores.  相似文献   
We investigated environmental factors influencing cold hardiness in hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) indigenous to northeastern Indiana and the Sandhills of west-central Nebraska. In both locations, hatchlings overwinter in their natal nests. Survival of hatchlings chilled to minimum temperatures between -2.5 and -6.0 degrees C inside explanted natal nests ranged from 30 to 100%. Mortality likely was caused by freezing of the turtles that was induced by contact with ice nuclei in the surrounding soil. Susceptibility to inoculative freezing was strongly influenced by moisture content (7.5-25%, w/w) of the frozen soil in which hatchlings were cooled. When chilled in soil containing 15% moisture, turtles from Indiana resisted inoculative freezing better than hatchlings from Nebraska, but this variation was due to physical characteristics of the soils indigenous to each locale rather than genetic differences between populations. Soil in which the Indiana turtles nested contained relatively higher amounts of clay and organic matter, and bound more moisture, than the loamy sand at the Nebraska site. Soil collected from both locales contained potent ice nuclei that may constrain supercooling of the hatchlings, even in the absence of soil moisture. In addition to temperature and precipitation, local and regional variation in soils is an important determinant of overwintering survival of hatchling C. picta.  相似文献   

Insufficient sleep in children predicts emotional and behavioral problems, poorer school performance, and health problems. Child sleep durations have declined in recent decades, suggesting a need to identify and understand predictors of short sleep. The present study investigated whether aspects of parental employment (i.e. parental work hours, and non-standard work hours) were associated with sleep in children. Data collected from 2477 children aged 6-7 years as part of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children were used in this paper. Child sleep duration, bedtimes, and wake times were determined from parent self-report using time-use diaries. Parents completed a survey assessing their work patterns as well as a range of other demographic and social factors. The results indicated that long mother work hours were associated with later bedtimes and increased odds of <9.5 h sleep in children. Long father work hours were associated with earlier waketimes, earlier bedtimes, and reduced odds of long sleep. Non-standard work hours were associated with longer sleep and earlier bedtimes. The present results indicate the need to develop strategies to limit any adverse effects of parental work on child sleep, perhaps by promoting earlier and regular bedtimes. These findings warrant further investigation given the importance of sleep in healthy child development.

Global warming and the loss of sea ice threaten to alter patterns of productivity in arctic marine ecosystems because of a likely decline in primary productivity by sea ice algae. Estimates of the contribution of ice algae to total primary production range widely, from just 3 to >50%, and the importance of ice algae to higher trophic levels remains unknown. To help answer this question, we investigated a novel approach to food web studies by combining the two established methods of stable isotope analysis and fatty acid (FA) analysis--we determined the C isotopic composition of individual diatom FA and traced these biomarkers in consumers. Samples were collected near Barrow, Alaska and included ice algae, pelagic phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, seabirds, pinnipeds and cetaceans. Ice algae and pelagic phytoplankton had distinctive overall FA signatures and clear differences in delta(13)C for two specific diatom FA biomarkers: 16:4n-1 (-24.0+/-2.4 and -30.7+/-0.8 per thousand, respectively) and 20:5n-3 (-18.3+/-2.0 and -26.9+/-0.7 per thousand, respectively). Nearly all delta(13)C values of these two FA in consumers fell between the two stable isotopic end members. A mass balance equation indicated that FA material derived from ice algae, compared to pelagic diatoms, averaged 71% (44-107%) in consumers based on delta(13)C values of 16:4n-1, but only 24% (0-61%) based on 20:5n-3. Our estimates derived from 16:4n-1, which is produced only by diatoms, probably best represented the contribution of ice algae relative to pelagic diatoms. However, many types of algae produce 20:5n-3, so the lower value derived from it likely represented a more realistic estimate of the proportion of ice algae material relative to all other types of phytoplankton. These preliminary results demonstrate the potential value of compound-specific isotope analysis of marine lipids to trace C flow through marine food webs and provide a foundation for future work.  相似文献   
Kirk M  Esler D  Iverson SA  Boyd WS 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):859-867
The distribution of predators is widely recognized to be intimately linked to the distribution of their prey. Foraging theory suggests that predators will modify their behaviors, including movements, to optimize net energy intake when faced with variation in prey attributes or abundance. While many studies have documented changes in movement patterns of animals in response to temporal changes in food, very few have contrasted movements of a single predator species naturally occurring in dramatically different prey landscapes. We documented variation in the winter movements, foraging range size, site fidelity, and distribution patterns of a molluscivorous sea duck, the surf scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), in two areas of coastal British Columbia with very different shellfish prey features. Baynes Sound has extensive tidal flats with abundant clams, which are high-quality and temporally stable prey for scoters. Malaspina Inlet is a rocky fjord-like inlet where scoters consume mussels that are superabundant and easily accessible in some patches but are heavily depleted over the course of winter. We used radio telemetry to track surf scoter movements in both areas and found that in the clam habitats of Baynes Sound, surf scoters exhibited limited movement, small winter ranges, strong foraging site fidelity, and very consistent distribution patterns. By contrast, in mussel habitats in the Malaspina Inlet, surf scoters displayed more movement, larger ranges, little fidelity to specific foraging sites, and more variable distribution patterns. We conclude that features associated with the different prey types, particularly the higher depletion rates of mussels, strongly influenced seasonal space use patterns. These findings are consistent with foraging theory and confirm that predator behavior, specifically movements, is environmentally mediated.  相似文献   
Potential changes in tree species richness and forest community types were evaluated for the eastern United States according to five scenarios of future climate change resulting from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). DISTRIB, an empirical model that uses a regression tree analysis approach, was used to generate suitable habitat, or potential future distributions, of 80 common tree species for each scenario. The model assumes that the vegetation and climate are in equilibrium with no barriers to species migration. Combinations of the individual species model outcomes allowed estimates of species richness (from among the 80 species) and forest type (from simple rules) for each of 2100 counties in the eastern United States. Average species richness across all counties may increase slightly with climatic change. This increase tends to be larger as the average temperature of the climate change scenario increases. Dramatic changes in the distribution of potential forest types were modeled. All five scenarios project the extirpation of the spruce–fir forest types from New England. Outputs from only the two least severe scenarios retain aspen–birch, and they are largely reduced. Maple–beech–birch also shows a large reduction in area under all scenarios. By contrast, oak–hickory and oak–pine types were modeled to increase by 34% and 290%, respectively, averaged over the five scenarios. Although many assumptions are made, these modeled outcomes substantially agree with a limited number of predictions from researchers using paleoecological data or other models. Received 12 May 2000; accepted 20 October 2000.  相似文献   
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