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No significant change was found in the electrolytes and lipids of the brain analyzed after glutaraldehyde fixation by perfusion of laboratory animals; such fixation also satisfactorily preserves neural tissues for electron microscopy. The brains of normal and tumor-bearing C3H mice, Wistar rats, and New Zealand rabbits were studied. Little difference was found in the dry weight and the content of sodium, potassium, total lipid and lipid fractions, and in the sulfate space (S35O4) between specimens from unperfused and perfused animals, whether normal or tumor-bearing. The results suggest the possibility of using selected regions of the nervous system, dissected after fixation, for chemical study and at the same time characterizing similar regions morphologically with the electron microscope.  相似文献   
Advances in technological development have produced an ever-increasing pressure for new and different raw materials to keep pace with changing industrial needs. Many new and useful properties of plants may be discovered through the modern chemistry and technology of utilization research. The U. S. Department of Agriculture’s search for new industrial crops is a coordinated botanical and utilization research program.  相似文献   
The polymorphism of the dictyosomes in the root meristeme ofFagopyrum is connected with their various functions in secretory processes and cell differentiation. The dictyosomes containing vesicular dilatations of the cisternae, which in this object occur more frequently than in others, probably participate in a similar way as the Golgi apparatus of the animal cell in the formation of lysozomes, in the formation of elements belonging to the group of dense bodies analogical lysozomes. These bodies are present in large numbers in the cytoplasm of cells, containing dictyosomes with vesicular dilatations. The other forms of the dictyosomes reveal indications of their participation in the production of the carbohydrate material of the cell walls, like most dictyosomes of other plant objects. However, no fusion of the Golgi vesicles with the plasmalemma was observed. According to their morphological appearance the typical forms of dictyosomes were classified on the basis of their relationship to secretory processes. Simultaneously the morphology and function of the Golgi apparatus was compared in the animal and plant cell. Several morphological varieties of the dictyosomes of plant cells, observed after the action of pathogenic factors and the effect of the fixation procedures, were also noticed in small quantities in the cells of the investigated objects.  相似文献   
Summary Human recombinant interleukin-1 (HrIL-1) inhibited WEHI-3B cell growth in a dose-related manner (10–10000 U/ml). Prostaglandin E2 at high concentrations (1000 ng/ml) also inhibited cell growth. When added together, HrIL-1 and prostaglandin E2 inhibited WEHI-3B growth in a synergistic manner (HrIL-1 concentrations of 10–10000 U/ml and prostaglandin E2 concentrations of 10–1000 ng/ml). In contrast to the effects of the cyclooxygenase metabolite of arachidonic acid leukotriene C4, a lipoxygenase metabolite, reversed the cytostatic action of HrIL-1.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic activities on coastal watersheds increase nutrient concentrations of groundwater. As groundwater travels downslope it transports these nutrients toward the adjoining coastal water. The resulting nutrient loading rates can be significant because nutrient concentrations in coastal groundwaters may be several orders of magnitude greater than those of receiving coastal waters. Groundwater-borne nutrients are most subject to active biogeochemical transformations as they course through the upper 1 m or so of bottom sediments. There conditions favor anaerobic processes such as denitrification, as well as other mechanisms that either sequester or release nutrients. The relative importance of advective vs. regenerative pathways of nutrient supply may result in widely different rates of release of nutrients from sediments. The relative activity of denitrifiers also may alter the ratio of N to P released to overlying waters, and hence affect which nutrient limits growth of producers. The consequences of nutrient (particularly nitrate) loading include somewhat elevated nutrient concentrations in the watercolumn, increased growth of macroalgae and phytoplankton, reduction of seagrass beds, and reductions of the associated fauna. The decline in animals occurs because of habitat changes and because of the increased frequency of anoxic events prompted by the characteristically high respiration rates found in enriched waters.  相似文献   
Amphipathic helices, which play important roles in protein structure,occur in a wide variety of lengths. Yet existing methods employfixed window lengths. We present a hierarchical procedure thatidentifies the Q most significant amphipathic helices regardlessof length. Since the observed hydrophobicities are not normallydistributed, test statistics usually employed for least-squaresregression are inappropriate for assessing statistical significanceof amphipathic helices. We show that an adjusted F statisticprovides a good test. An application to the envelope proteinof HIV finds an unexpected long amphipathic helix in gp41. Received on July 12, 1989; accepted on February 28, 1990  相似文献   
The peptide galanin (GAL), when injected into the rat hypothalamus, is known to stimulate feeding behavior and affect the secretion of various hormones, including insulin and the adrenal steroid, corticosterone. To determine whether endogenous peptide levels shift in relation to natural rhythms of feeding and circulating hormone levels, rats were sacrificed at different times of the light/dark cycle, and their GAL levels were measured, via radioimmunoassay, in medial hypothalamic dissections and micropunched hypothalamic areas. The results suggest the existence of two distinct diurnal rhythms for hypothalamic GAL. One rhythm, detected exclusively in the area of the SCN, is characterized by bimodal peaks of GAL, threefold higher than basal peptide levels, around the onset of the dark and light periods. The second rhythm shows a single peak of GAL towards the middle of the nocturnal feeding cycle, specifically between the third and sixth hour. This latter rhythm is evident in the dorsal region of the medial hypothalamus, localized specifically to the lateral portion of the PVN. Moreover, it is inversely related to circulating insulin but unrelated to the adrenal steroids, suggesting a possible association between this pancreatic hormone and GAL in the PVN.  相似文献   
Since the reactor accident of Chernobyl, cesium depth profiles and nuclide-specific kerma rates in air have been determined for various grassland sites in south Bavaria and in Ukraine. The sites are described by soil characteristics, annual precipitation, distance from release point, mode of deposition, and activity per unit area. The effects of surface roughness and migration of cesium into the soil on the kerma rate in air over grasslands was determined by two methods. The kerma rates in air obtained by the evaluations of in situ gamma-ray spectrometry results and of measured activity distributions in the soil showed only negligible differences for the observation period of 6 years after deposition. For the sites in Ukraine the kerma rate in air per activity per unit area was found to be systematically 40% higher than in Bavaria. The results from Bavaria on the attenuation of the kerma rate and a data set, including experiences from the weapons test fallout, are analytically approximated as a function of time up to 25 years after deposition.  相似文献   
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