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Summary Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was used to produce butanol and acetone by fermenting acid whey. Results showed that both autoclaving and agitation played roles in solvent production. Maximum production was obtained in 120 h using autoclaved, pH adjusted (6.0) acid whey at 37 °C in a fermentor that was not agitated.  相似文献   
An account is given of the morphology and the taxonomy of the Asian, Australian and Pacific genus Archidendron (Leguminosae – Mimosoideae). A new infrageneric classification based on morphological data is presented, the genus being subdivided in 8 series. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed, the base of discussion being all available morphological, palynological and wood–anatomical characters. The presence/absence of stipules, the length of the staminal tube compared with that of the corolla–tube, the sessile/stipitate ovary(–ies), the morphology of the pods and the wood–anatomy have been particularly useful in determining the evolutionary trends within the genus. Analyses of the geographical range of selected character states are presented. The data suggest a Central – W. Malesian origin of the genus. The series endemic to the E. Malesian – Australian area have probably evolved more recently. The pluricarpellate condition of the flowers in several species endemic to the E. Malesian and Australian area is considered to be a derived character state. The following new taxa are proposed: Ser. Calycinae Nielsen, ser. Ptenopae Nielsen, ser. Bellae Nielsen, Archidendron falcatum Nielsen, A. cockburnii Nielsen, A. sabahense Nielsen, A. fagifolium (Bl. ex Miq.) Nielsen var. borneense Nielsen, A. kunsrteri (Prain) Nielsen subsp. ashtonii Nielsen, A. ellipticum (Bl.) Nielsen subsp. cordifoliolatum Nielsen. New combinations are proposed in the Malesian species formerly referred to Abarema, Zygia and Morolobium by Kostermans. Keys to and an enumeration of the species are presented.  相似文献   
Wistar-derived rats were raised and maintained either on a normal- (25% casein) or on a low-protein (8% casein) diet until the age of 100 to 114 days. Both diets were isocaloric and contained an adequate supply of salts and vitamins. There were gross differences in body, brain and pituitary weight between the two groups. In addition, the brain and pituitary content of β-endorphin like immunoreactivity was lower in the protein malnourished rats, and three different forms of training (50 tone-footshock shuttle avoidance trials; 50 tones alone (habituation); 50 footshocks alone) caused a depletion of brain β-endorphin like immunoreactivity in the normal, but not in the malnourished rats. Footshock stimulation caused, in addition, a pituitary decrease and a plasma increase of β-endorphin like immunoreactivity, also restricted to the normal diet group. Performance in the habituation and in the shuttle avoidance tasks was similar in the two groups, despite the different responsiveness of their brain and pituitary β-endorphin systems to training and/or stimulation. In view of the possible involvement of these systems in learning suggested by these and by previous data, it seems likely that the neurohumoral regulation of habituation and avoidance learning may be different in rats submitted to protein malnutrition when compared to controls.  相似文献   
The effect of ethylene on petiole growth of the Fringed Waterlily (Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmelin) O. Kuntze) changes during leaf ontogeny. During early development (before expansion of laminae), ethylene causes an increase in both cell number and cell size; later in development, promotion of rapid cell expansion is the dominant effect. The early effects may contribute to the accommodation of new leaves to water columns of different depth. The later effects on cell expansion only are shown to contribute to the rapid accommodation of floating leaves when changes in water level submerge the laminae. This kind of accommodation results from an interaction between accumulated ethylene, which increases wall extensibility, and the tension in petioles due to natural buoyancy which, it is suggested, supplements the driving force for cell expansion. Cell age (position) within a petiole and age of the whole petiole influence the growth response to ethylene alone and the amount of extra growth produced by applying tension when ethylene is present. In young petioles, apical cells are highly sensitive to ethylene and tension causes little further growth; older cells in both immature and mature petioles show little response to ethylene unless the petiole is under tension. Young (but not mature) petioles respond slowly to applied tension even in the absence of ethylene. It is concluded that as cells age the driving force for expansion limits increasingly their capacity to respond to the wall-loosening effects of ethylene. Dual sensitivity to ethylene and buoyant tension facilitates rapid accommodation responses but sensitivity of young petioles to tension alone may exclude Nymphoides from habitats where current velocity is appreciable.  相似文献   
Summary The Mishell-Dutton culture system for in vitro primary antibody response of mouse spleen cells was used to optimize the amino acid composition of RPMI 1640 media. Each of the 20 amino acids was tested over a broad range of concentrations always leaving the remaining 19 amino acids unaltered (i.e. at the formula recommended concentration). In several instances, higher plaque-forming cell responses were obtained with an amino acid concentration that was either higher or lower than that recommended: (a) the optimum concentration for valine, glutamine, and lysine lies considerably above the recommended one, (b) the optimum concentration for leucine as well as for several other amino acids lies below the recommended concentration, and (c) the optimum concentration for arginine corresponds exactly to the recommended concentration. The second round of optimization, i.e. combining of two conditions that individually yielded an improved response often caused a decrease of response. The possibility is discussed that for an optimal response a ratio of two or several amino acids rather than the absolute concentration of any one amino acid is of importance. The Basel Institute for Immunology was founded and is supported by F. Hoffman-La Roche & Co., Ltd.  相似文献   
Lectin histochemistry of human placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The human placenta was studied histochemically using 23 fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectins Distinct patterns of staining, as well as some differences between first-trimester and term placenta, were discerned. Eleven lectins (HPA, VVA, BPA, HAA, SBA, PNA, GSA-I, MPA, RCA-I, RCA-II, and UEA-I) did not react with the trophoblast. Two lectins (LCA and PEA) reacted with the trophoblast of first-trimester placenta but not with the trophoblast of third-trimester placenta. The remaining ten lectins (ConA, Suc.ConA, WGA, GSA-II, LAA, STA, DBA, LBA, PHA-E, and PHA-L) reacted with the trophoblast of both first- and third-trimester placenta, and two of these lectins (ConA and Suc.ConA) reacted preferentially with the syncytiotrophoblast. Five lectins (LAA, STA, DBA, GSA-II, and LBA) reacted with nuclei of the cytotrophoblast. The nuclei of some stromal and syncytiotrophoblastic cells were also reactive. Eighteen lectins reacted with the trophoblastic basement membrane, and all reacted with Hofbauer cells and the stroma of the villi. Latin binding was influenced by the mode of fixation and tissue processing. These data show that some lectins can be used to identify components of the placental villi (e.g., basement, membrane) to characterize differences between the first- and third-trimester trophoblast, and to distinguish the cytotrophoblast from the syncytiotrophoblast.  相似文献   
Summary Peripheral blood lymphocytes from three patients with Down syndrome (DS; trisomy 21; aged 5–6 years) and three age-matched control children were studied for the induction of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs).Cells in G0 were exposed to bleomycin (20–100 g/ml) for 3 h, and then cultured in medium containing 5-bromodeoxyuridine and phytohemagglutinin for 66 h. By the sister chromatid differential staining method, chromosome analyses were performed on metaphase cells that had divided one, two, or three or more times after treatment. The results indicate that DS cells exposed to bleomycin are hypersensitive to the production of dicentric and ring chromosomes compared to normal cells. Bleomycin also led to a dose-related increase in the frequency of SCEs, but no difference was found between the SCE frequencies in DS or normal lymphocytes exposed to bleomycin.  相似文献   
Summary Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. (Asteraceae, tribe Astereae) is one of the few native Californian plant species increasing its range as a weed. The production of dimorphic seed, together with flexible development in either the annual or biennial habit, may contribute to its range expansion. Well dispersed disc achenes germinate rapidly to high percentages while poorly dispersed ray achenes show considerable dormancy, germinating at a much lower rate to lower final percentages. Ray achenes appear more sensitive to environmental factors and have more specific germination requirements than do disc achenes. Thus, germination is distributed in space and time. Plants growing as annuals have one flowering period while those acting as biennials may flower up to three times, although seed production differs greatly among the stages. These factors aid in forming the general purpose genotype so frequently encountered in weedy species.  相似文献   
Ivan T. Beck 《CMAJ》1983,129(10):1143-1144
The light-harvesting chlorophyll ab-protein complexes (LHCP) of spinach, pea, and barley thylakoids apparently contain four nonidentical polypeptide subunits of between 29,000 and 23,000 daltons on highly resolving sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gels. Trypsin treatment of the spinach complex degraded at least the two major subunits by approximately 2000 daltons and resulted in a three-subunit pattern on gels. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with LHCP and the chloroplast diacyl lipids aggregated markedly in the presence of cations but vesicles containing LHCP prepared from trypsin-treated thylakoids did not. Amino acid analysis of native- and trypsin-treated LHCP indicated that the fragment(s) released by trypsin, which is essential for cation-induced stacking of thylakoids, contains lysine and arginine, but not aspartate or glutamate, and is thus cationic. Carboxyl groups on the surface of LHCP were charge neutralized using a water-soluble carbodiimide (1-ethyl-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide) plus [14C]glycine ethyl ester. Only two or three sites were labeled per 26,000-dalton polypeptide equivalent and only a minor fraction of this (22–24%) was located in the surface fragment(s) released by trypsin. Both LHCP and LHCP proteoliposomes, after carboxyl modification, aggregated avidly at low salt concentrations. The findings suggest that exposed anionic groups on the surface of LHCP contribute to an electrostatic repulsive force between membranes which must be attenuated, either by cation binding or chemical neutralization, before membrane-membrane adhesion can occur. In line with this the binding of Mn2+ by LHCP (approximately four Mn2+ bound/26,000-dalton polypeptide equivalent) was sharply decreased after carboxyl modification.  相似文献   
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