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Ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) is activated by an array of mitogenic stimuli and is a key player in the regulation of cell growth. The activation process of S6 kinase involves a complex and sequential series of multiple Ser/Thr phosphorylations and is mainly mediated via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) and mTor-dependent pathways. Upstream regulators of S6K, such as PDK1 and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt), are recruited to the membrane via their pleckstrin homology (PH) or protein-protein interaction domains. However, the mechanism of integration of S6K into a multi-enzyme complex around activated receptor tyrosine kinases is not clear. In the present study, we describe a specific interaction between S6K with receptor tyrosine kinases, such as platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR). The interaction with PDGFR is mediated via the kinase or the kinase extension domain of S6K. Complex formation is inducible by growth factors and leads to S6K tyrosine phosphorylation. Using PDGFR mutants, we have shown that the phosphorylation is exerted via a PDGFR-src pathway. Furthermore, src kinase phosphorylates and coimmunoprecipitates with S6K in vivo. Inhibitors towards tyrosine kinases, such as genistein and PP1, or src-specific SU6656, but not PI3K and mTor inhibitors, lead to a reduction in tyrosine phosphorylation of S6K. In addition, we mapped the sites of tyrosine phosphorylation in S6K1 and S6K2 to Y39 and Y45, respectively. Mutational and immunofluorescent analysis indicated that phosphorylation of S6Ks at these sites does not affect their activity or subcellular localization. Our data indicate that S6 kinase is recruited into a complex with RTKs and src and becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine/s in response to PDGF or serum.  相似文献   
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder characterised by hypertension and proteinuria occurring after the 20th week of gestation. Delivery of the placenta results in resolution of the condition, implicating the placenta as a central culprit in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. In preeclampsia, an inadequate placental trophoblast invasion of the maternal uterine spiral arteries results in poor placental perfusion, leading to placental ischaemia. This could result in release of factors into the maternal circulation that cause widespread activation or dysfunction of the maternal endothelium. Factors in the maternal circulation might induce oxidative stress and/or elicit an inflammatory response in the maternal endothelium, resulting in the altered expression of several genes involved in the regulation of vascular tone. This review addresses the potential circulating factors and the molecular mechanisms involved in the alteration of vascular function that occurs in preeclampsia.  相似文献   
Rate-limiting millisecond motions in wild-type (WT) Ribonuclease A (RNase A) are modulated by histidine 48. Here, we incorporate an unnatural amino acid, thia-methylimidazole, at this site (H48C-4MI) to investigate the effects of a single residue on protein motions over multiple timescales and on enzyme catalytic turnover. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that H48C-4MI retains some crucial WT-like hydrogen bonding interactions but the extent of protein-wide correlated motions in the nanosecond regime is decreased relative to WT. NMR Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiments demonstrate that millisecond conformational motions in H48C-4MI are present over a similar pH range compared to WT. Furthermore, incorporation of this nonnatural amino acid allows retention of WT-like catalytic activity over the full pH range. These studies demonstrate that the complexity of the protein energy landscape during the catalytic cycle can be maintained using unnatural amino acids, which may prove useful in enzyme design efforts.  相似文献   
Wheat production will be impacted by increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 [CO2], which is expected to rise from about 400 μmol mol?1 in 2015 to 550 μmol mol?1 by 2050. Changes to plant physiology and crop responses from elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]) are well documented for some environments, but field‐level responses in dryland Mediterranean environments with terminal drought and heat waves are scarce. The Australian Grains Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility was established to compare wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and yield under ambient (~370 μmol?1 in 2007) and e[CO2] (550 μmol?1) in semi‐arid environments. Experiments were undertaken at two dryland sites (Horsham and Walpeup) across three years with two cultivars, two sowing times and two irrigation treatments. Mean yield stimulation due to e[CO2] was 24% at Horsham and 53% at Walpeup, with some treatment responses greater than 70%, depending on environment. Under supplemental irrigation, e[CO2] stimulated yields at Horsham by 37% compared to 13% under rainfed conditions, showing that water limited growth and yield response to e[CO2]. Heat wave effects were ameliorated under e[CO2] as shown by reductions of 31% and 54% in screenings and 10% and 12% larger kernels (Horsham and Walpeup). Greatest yield stimulations occurred in the e[CO2] late sowing and heat stressed treatments, when supplied with more water. There were no clear differences in cultivar response due to e[CO2]. Multiple regression showed that yield response to e[CO2] depended on temperatures and water availability before and after anthesis. Thus, timing of temperature and water and the crop's ability to translocate carbohydrates to the grain postanthesis were all important in determining the e[CO2] response. The large responses to e[CO2] under dryland conditions have not been previously reported and underscore the need for field level research to provide mechanistic understanding for adapting crops to a changing climate.  相似文献   
Different pathways of propagation and dispersal of non‐native species into new environments may have contrasting demographic and genetic impacts on established populations. Repeated introductions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to Chile in South America, initially through stocking and later through aquaculture escapes, provide a unique setting to contrast these two pathways. Using a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms, we found contrasting genetic metrics and patterns among naturalized trout in Lake Llanquihue, Chile's largest producer of salmonid smolts for nearly 50 years, and Lake Todos Los Santos (TLS), a reference lake where aquaculture has been prohibited by law. Trout from Lake Llanquihue showed higher genetic diversity, weaker genetic structure, and larger estimates for the effective number of breeders (Nb) than trout from Lake TLS. Trout from Lake TLS were divergent from Lake Llanquihue and showed marked genetic structure and a significant isolation‐by‐distance pattern consistent with secondary contact between documented and undocumented stocking events in opposite shores of the lake. Multiple factors, including differences in propagule pressure, origin of donor populations, lake geomorphology, habitat quality or quantity, and life history, may help explain contrasting genetic metrics and patterns for trout between lakes. We contend that high propagule pressure from aquaculture may not only increase genetic diversity and Nb via demographic effects and admixture, but also may impact the evolution of genetic structure and increase gene flow, consistent with findings from artificially propagated salmonid populations in their native and naturalized ranges.  相似文献   
This new century addresses several environmental challenges among which distribution of drinking water, global warming and availability of novel renewable energy sources to substitute for fossil fuels are of utmost importance. The last two concerns are closely related because the major part of carbon dioxide (CO(2)), considered as the main cause of the greenhouse effect, is widely produced from fossil fuel combustion. Renewable energy sources fully balanced in CO(2) are therefore of special interest, especially the issue of biological production from organic wastes. Among the possibilities of bioenergy production from wastes, two approaches are particularly interesting: The first one is relatively old and related to the production of biomethane by anaerobic digestion while the second one, more recent and innovative, relies on biohydrogen production by microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   
We examined the variability of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, species identities, and functional feeding group composition in relation to stream size, tributary position, and in-stream factors in a boreal watershed in Finland. Our study included three riffle sites in each of three stream sections in each of three stream size classes. Multi-response permutation procedure, indicator value method, and canonical correspondence analysis revealed clear differences in assemblage structure among the stream size classes, with a gradual increase of species richness as the stream size increased. Significant differences in assemblage structure were also found among the tributary river systems. The functional feeding group composition broadly followed the river continuum concept, i.e., headwaters were dominated by shredders, gatherers, or filterers, whereas scrapers increased in relative abundance with stream size. There was, however, considerable variation in the functional feeding group composition both among and within the headwater stream sections. Our findings refer to a strong influence of stream size on macroinvertebrate assemblages, but also factors prevailing at the scale of individual riffles should be considered in biodiversity conservation of lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Gut microbiome–host metabolic interactions affect human health and can be modified by probiotic and prebiotic supplementation. Here, we have assessed the effects of consumption of a combination of probiotics (Lactobacillus paracasei or L. rhamnosus) and two galactosyl‐oligosaccharide prebiotics on the symbiotic microbiome–mammalian supersystem using integrative metabolic profiling and modeling of multiple compartments in germ‐free mice inoculated with a model of human baby microbiota. We have shown specific impacts of two prebiotics on the microbial populations of HBM mice when co‐administered with two probiotics. We observed an increase in the populations of Bifidobacterium longum and B. breve, and a reduction in Clostridium perfringens, which were more marked when combining prebiotics with L. rhamnosus. In turn, these microbial effects were associated with modulation of a range of host metabolic pathways observed via changes in lipid profiles, gluconeogenesis, and amino‐acid and methylamine metabolism associated to fermentation of carbohydrates by different bacterial strains. These results provide evidence for the potential use of prebiotics for beneficially modifying the gut microbial balance as well as host energy and lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   
PGI is a housekeeping gene encoding phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) a glycolytic enzyme that also functions as a cytokine (autocrine motility factor (AMF)/neuroleukin/maturation factor) upon secretion from the cell and binding to its 78 kDa seven-transmembrane domain receptor (gp78/AMF-R). PGI contains a CXXC motif, characteristic of redox proteins and possibly evolutionarily related to the CC and CXC motif of the chemokine gene family. Using site-directed mutagenesis, single- and double-deletion (CXC, CC) mutants were created by deleting amino acids 331 and 332 of human PGI, respectively. The mutant proteins lost their enzymatic activity; however, neither of the deletions augmented the proteins' binding affinity to the receptor and all maintained cytokine function. The results demonstrate that the enzymatic activity of PGI is not essential for either receptor binding or cytokine function of human PGI.  相似文献   
Fibrosis is considered as a central factor in the loss of renal function in chronic kidney diseases. The origin of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts that accumulate in the interstitium of the diseased kidney is still a matter of debate. It has been shown that accumulation of myofibroblasts in inflamed and fibrotic kidneys is associated with upregulation of fibroblast-specific protein 1 (FSP1, S100A4), not only in the renal interstitium but also in the injured renal epithelia. The tubular expression of FSP1 has been taken as evidence of myofibroblast formation by epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). The identity of FSP1/S100A4 cells has not been defined in detail. We originally intended to use FSP1/S100A4 as a marker of putative EMT in a model of distal tubular injury. However, since the immunoreactivity of FSP1 did not seem to fit with the distribution and shape of fibroblasts or myofibroblasts, we undertook the characterization of FSP1/S100A4-expressing cells in the interstitium of rodent kidneys. We performed immunolabeling for FSP1/S100A4 on thin cryostat sections of perfusion-fixed rat and mouse kidneys with peritubular inflammation, induced by thiazides and glomerulonephritis, respectively, in combination with ecto-5-nucleotidase (5NT), recognizing local cortical peritubular fibroblasts, with CD45, MHC class II, CD3, CD4 and Thy 1, recognizing mononuclear cells, with alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA), as marker for myofibroblasts, and vimentin for intracellular intermediate filaments in cells of mesenchymal origin. In the healthy interstitium of rodents the rare FSP1/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45 or lymphocyte surface molecules. Around the injured distal tubules of rats treated for 3–4 days with thiazides, FSP1+/S100A4+, 5NT+, SMA+, CD45+ and MHC class II+ cells accumulated. FSP1+/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45. In the inflamed regions, SMA was co-expressed by 5NT+ cells. In glomerulonephritic mice, FSP1+/S100A4+ cells co-expressed Thy 1, CD4 or CD3. Thus, in the inflamed interstitium around distal tubules of rats and of glomerulonephritic mice, the majority of FSP1+ cells express markers of mononuclear cells. Consequently, the usefulness of FSP1/S100A4 as a tool for detection of (myo)fibroblasts in inflamed kidneys and of EMT in vivo is put into question. In the given rat model the consistent co-expression of SMA and 5NT suggests that myofibroblasts originate from resident peritubular fibroblasts.Ivan Hegyi and Michel Le Hir contributed equally to the study  相似文献   
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