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The term ‘metabolome’ was introduced to the scientific literature in September 1998.

Aim and key scientific concepts of the review

To mark its 18-year-old ‘coming of age’, two of the co-authors of that paper review the genesis of metabolomics, whence it has come and where it may be going.


The chemical sensitivity of urine metabolomics analysis is greatly compromised due to the large amounts of inorganic salts in urine (NaCl, KCl), which are detrimental to analytical instrumentation, e.g. chromatographic columns or mass spectrometers. Traditional desalting approaches applied to urine pretreatment suffer from the chemical losses, which reduce the information depth of analysis.


We aimed to test a simple approach for the simultaneous preconcentration and desalting of organic solutes in urine based on the collection of induced bursting bubble aerosols above the surface of urine samples.


Bursting bubbles were generated at ambient conditions by feeding gas through an air diffuser at the bottom of diluted (200 times in ultrapure water) urine solution (50–500 mL). Collected aerosols were analyzed by the direct-infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI–MS).


The simultaneous preconcentration (ca. 6–12 fold) and desalting (ca. six–tenfold) of organic solutes in urine was achieved by the bursting bubble sample pretreatment, which allowed ca. three-times higher number of identified urine metabolites by high-resolution MS analysis. No chemical losses due to bubbling were observed. The increased degree of MS data clustering was demonstrated on the principal component analysis of data sets from the urine of healthy people and from the urine people with renal insufficiency. At least ten times higher sensitivity of trace drug detection in urine was demonstrated for clenbuterol and salbutamol.


Our results indicate the high versatility of bubble bursting as a simple pretreatment approach to enhance the chemical depth and sensitivity of urine analysis. The approach could be attractive for personalized medicine as well as for the diagnostics of renal disorders of different etiology (diabetic nephropathy, chronic renal failure, transplant-associated complications, oncological disorders).

Graphical Abstract

Urine desalting and preconcentration in bursting bubbles.


Metabolomics has become a valuable tool in many research areas. However, generating metabolomics-based biochemical profiles without any related bioactivity is only of indirect value in understanding a biological process. Therefore, metabolomics research could greatly benefit from tools that directly determine the bioactivity of the detected compounds.


We aimed to combine LC–MS metabolomics with a cell based receptor assay. This combination could increase the understanding of biological processes and may provide novel opportunities for functional metabolomics.


We developed a flow through biosensor with human cells expressing both the TRPV1, a calcium ion channel which responds to capsaicin, and the fluorescent intracellular calcium ion reporter, YC3.6. We have analysed three contrasting Capsicum varieties. Two were selected with contrasting degrees of spiciness for characterization by HPLC coupled to high mass resolution MS. Subsequently, the biosensor was then used to link individual pepper compounds with TRPV1 activity.


Among the compounds in the crude pepper fruit extracts, we confirmed capsaicin and also identified both nordihydrocapsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin as true agonists of the TRPV1 receptor. Furthermore, the biosensor was able to detect receptor activity in extracts of both Capsicum fruits as well as a commercial product. Sensitivity of the biosensor to this commercial product was similar to the sensory threshold of a human sensory panel.


Our results demonstrate that the TRPV1 biosensor is suitable for detecting bioactive metabolites. Novel opportunities may lie in the development of a continuous functional assay, where the biosensor is directly coupled to the LC–MS.


Human primary cells originating from different locations within the body could differ greatly in their metabolic phenotypes, influencing both how they act during physiological/pathological processes and how susceptible/resistant they are to a variety of disease risk factors. A novel way to monitor cellular metabolism is through cell energetics assays, so we explored this approach with human primary cell types, as models of sclerotic disorders.


In order to better understand pathophysiological processes at the cellular level, our goals were to measure metabolic pathway activities of endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and determine their metabolic phenotype profiles.


Biolog Phenotype MicroArray? technology was used for the first time to characterize metabolic phenotypes of diverse primary cells. These colorimetric assays enable detection of utilization of 367 specific biochemical substrates by human endothelial cells from the coronary artery (HCAEC), umbilical vein (HUVEC) and normal, healthy lung fibroblasts (NHLF).


Adenosine, inosine, d-mannose and dextrin were strongly utilized by all three cell types, comparable to glucose. Substrates metabolized solely by HCAEC were mannan, pectin, gelatin and prevalently tricarballylic acid. HUVEC did not show any uniquely metabolized substrates whereas NHLF exhibited strong utilization of sugars and carboxylic acids along with amino acids and peptides.


Taken together, we show for the first time that this simple energetics assay platform enables metabolic characterization of primary cells and that each of the three human cell types examined gives a unique and distinguishable profile.
The study was designed to investigate whether crown ether containing dipeptide Boc-12-crown-4-l-DOPA-Gly-OMe has potential to induce meiotic cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in rat eggs cultured in vitro. The immature female rats were subjected to superovulation induction protocol and ovulated eggs were collected from ampulla of the fallopian tube. Ovulated eggs arrested at metaphase-II (M-II) stage of meiotic cell cycle were cultured in media-199 with or without various concentrations (0.0, 0.025, 0.050, 0.10, and 0.20 mM) of dipeptide for 3 h in vitro. Morphological apoptotic changes, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration, cytochrome c level, caspase-3 level as well as activity and DNA fragmentation were analysed in eggs cultured in vitro. Culture of M-II arrested eggs in plain medium for 3 h in vitro induced meiotic exit from M-II arrest in majority of eggs as evidenced by initiation of extrusion of second polar body (II PB). The dipeptide induced maintenance of M-II arrest and morphological apoptotic features in a concentration-dependent manner prior to degeneration. The dipeptide-induced morphological features were associated with increased H2O2 and cytochrome c levels in treated eggs. The increased cytochrome c induced caspase-3 level and activity and thereby DNA fragmentation as evidenced by DAB positive staining in treated eggs. Our results suggest that dipeptide Boc-12-C-4-l-DOPA-Gly-OMe induces cell cycle arrest at M-II stage and apoptosis in rat eggs cultured in vitro.  相似文献   
The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is the best understood member of the superfamily of serine–threonine protein kinases and is involved in controlling a variety of cellular processes. Measurements of PKA activity traditionally relied on the use of [32P]-labeled ATP as the phosphate donor and a protein or peptide substrate as the phosphoaceptor. Recently non-isotopic assays for the PKA have been developed and this paper presents an improvement of a fluorometric assay for measuring the activity of PKA. Three peptides were synthesized with the following sequences: LRRASLG (Kemptide), LRRASLGK (Kemptide-Lys8) and LRRASLGGGLRRASLG (Bis-Kemptide), these have in common the substrate sequence recognized by the PKA (RRXS/TΨ), where X is any amino acid and Ψ is a hydrophobic amino acid. Optimal conditions were established for the non-radioactive assay to detect the PKA activity by phosphorylation of these three peptides that are covalently linked to fluorescamine at their N-terminus. The phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated peptides were easily separated by electrophoresis, identified and quantified with optical densitometry and ultraviolet light. The fluorescamine-labeled Kemptide-Lys8 substrate (Fluram-Kemptide-Lys8) was used to calculate the Km and Vmax of the catalytic subunit of PKA from pig heart and showed a detection limit of 260 pmol, a linear range between 700 and 1150 pmol with a linear regression R 2 = 0.956.  相似文献   


The adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene is a tumor suppressor gene that is inactivated in the initiation of colorectal neoplasia. Apc Min/+ mice, which possess a heterozygous APC mutation, develop numerous adenomatous polyps, which are similar to those observed in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) in humans. However, unlike FAP patients, Apc Min/+ mice predominantly develop adenomatous polyps in the small intestine. The metabolic changes associated with the development of polyps in the small and large intestine remain to be investigated.


The objective of this study was to elucidate the metabolic changes associated with intestinal polyp formation.


We compared the metabolite levels of pairs of polyp and non-polyp tissues obtained from the small intestines (n = 12) or large intestines (n = 7) of Apc Min/+ mice. To do this, we analyzed the tissue samples using two methods, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (1) with a pentafluorophenylpropyl column for cation analysis, and (2) with a C18 reversed phase column coupled to an ion-pair reagent for anion analysis.


Pathway mapping of the metabolites whose levels were significantly altered revealed that the polyp tissue of the small intestine contained significantly higher levels of intermediates involved in glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, nucleotide metabolism, or glutathione biosynthesis than in the equivalent non-polyp tissue. In addition, significantly higher levels of methionine cycle intermediates were detected in the polyp tissues of both the large and small intestines. Organ-dependent (small vs. large intestine) differences were also detected in the levels of most amino acids and urea cycle intermediates.


Our results indicate that various metabolic changes are associated with polyp development, and understanding these alterations could make it possible to evaluate the treatment response of colorectal cancer earlier.
Biomarker studies for metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus (DM) are an important approach towards a better understanding of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases (Roberts and Gerszten in Cell Metab 18:43–50, 2013; Wilson et al. in Proteome Res 4:591–598, 2005). Furthermore, screening of potential metabolic biomarkers opens the opportunity of early diagnosis as well as therapy and drug monitoring of metabolic disorders (Rhee et al. in J Clin Invest 10:1–10, 2011; Wang et al. in Nat Med 17:448–458, 2011; Wenk in Nat Rev Drug Discov 4:594–610, 2005). The aim of the present study was to develop methods for the quantitative determination of 74 potential metabolite biomarkers for DM and diabetic nephropathy (DN) in serum. Several studies have shown that the concentrations of many polar metabolites like amino or organic acids are changed in subjects suffering from diabetes (Wang et al. in Nat Med 17:448–458, 2011; Yuan et al. in J Chromatogr B 813:53–58, 2007). Analyzing polar analytes presents a challenge in liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with ESI–MS/MS (Gika et al. in J Sep Sci 31:1598–1608, 2008; Spagou et al. in J Sep Sci 33:716–727, 2010). Considering those reasons we decided to develop a specific HILIC–ESI–QqQ–MS/MS-method for quantitative determination of these polar metabolites. A subsequent method validation was carried out for both HILIC and RP chromatography with respect to the guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA in Food and Drug Administration: Guidance for industry, bioanalytical method validation, 2001). The HILIC and RP LC–MS methods were successfully validated. Furthermore, the HILIC method presented here was applied to serum samples of GIPRdn transgenic mice, a diabetic strain developing DN, and non transgenic littermate controls. Significant, diabetes-associated changes were observed for the concentrations of 21 out of 62 metabolites. The new methods described here accurately quantify 74 metabolites known to be regulated in diabetes, allowing for direct comparison between studies and laboratories. Thus, these methods may be highly adoptable in clinical research, providing a starting point for early diagnosis and metabolic screening.  相似文献   
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