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Zusammenfassung An Hand von 229 Brutbeginn-Daten von freilebenden Gänsen, die während der Jahre 1956–1966 in Seewiesen (Obb.) (48°N, 11°11E) brüteten, wurden die mittleren Brutbeginn-Daten von 5 Gänsearten und von Artbastarden bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, daß die untersuchten Arten unter diesen Bedingungen in derselben Reihenfolge brüteten, wie ihre Artgenossen in freier Wildbahn. Die mittleren Brutbeginn-Termine wurden allerdings um so mehr vorverlegt, je später die Art normalerweise brütet (Abb. 1). , die mit artfremden verpaart waren, brüteten zur selben Zeit wie ihre Artgenossen, die mit artgleichen verpaart waren (Abb. 1). GraugansxSchneegans-Bastard-, die mit Schneegantern verpaart waren, begannen meist nach den Graugänsen, aber stets vor den Schneegänsen zu brüten (Abb. 1, 2). Das intermediäre Brüten dieser wird als starkes Argument für die Richtigkeit der Hypothese gewertet, nach welcher die artspezifisch verschiedenen Brutzeiten wenigstens zum Teil genetisch bedingt sind. In der Diskussion wird die Frage kritisch erörtert, wie weit schon allein die Tatsache, daß die verschiedenen Arten über Generationen hinweg in derselben Reihenfolge wie ihre wildlebenden Artgenossen zu brüten beginnen, als Beweis für derartige genetische Unterschiede angesehen werden kann.
Summary In 229 cases onset of breeding was recorded from free-living geese of 5 species and of some hybrids of these species, kept in Seewiesen/Obb. (48° N, 11° 11E) from 1956 to 1966. It was found that the species under these conditions bred in the same seasonal sequence as did wild birds. The mean breeding times, however, were found to be advanced in relation to the onset of breeding in the wild (Fig. 1). This was especially evident in the case of late-breeding species. paired with of another species came into breeding condition at the same time as paired with of the same species (Fig. 1). GraylegxSnowgoose hybrid paired with Snowgoose in most cases started to breed later than Greyleg geese but always earlier than the mean breeding time for Snowgeese (Fig. 1, 2). This intermediate breeding time is taken as a strong argument for the hypothesis that the species specific differences in breeding times are, at least in part, genetic in origin. The question as to the extent to which the differences in breeding times alone, persisting for generations in the same sequence as those of wild birds, can be attributed to genetic differences between the species, is critically discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die drei hochalpinen Polster-ZwergsträucherVeronica caespitosa Boiss.,V. bombycina Boiss. &Kotschy aus Kleinasien und dem Libanon sowieV. thessalica aus Nord-Griechenland und Albanien haben polytele Rumpfsynfloreszenzen (Troll, 1963), das heißt eine oder wenige laterale (axilläre) wenigblütige Trauben, deren Abstammungsachse in einen sterilen, wenige Blattpaare tragenden Gipfelsproß endet, der in der nächsten Vegetationsperiode monopodial weiterwächst und gegen die Spitze zu abermals laterale Trauben hervorbringt (Prolifikation). Diese Bauverhältnisse wurden bisher übersehen, da die blühenden Sprosse dieser hochalpinen Zwergstrauch-Polsterpflanzen gestaucht und dicht beblättert sind und der sterile Sproßgipfel von den Blütentrauben zur Seite gedrängt wird, so daß bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung der Eindruck eines endständigen köpfchenartig gedrängten Blütenstandes entsteht. Da die Stellung der Infloreszenzen für die GattungVeronica phylogenetisch und taxonomisch wichtig zu sein scheint, können die behandelten drei Arten nicht in der (akrobotryschen) SektionVeronicastrum verbleiben, die durch terminale Infloreszenzen charakterisiert ist, sondern müssen in die pleurobotrysche, durch ausschließlich laterale Infloreszenzen ausgezeichnete SektionenVeronica=(Chamaedrys) eingereiht werden.Ein fälschlich alsV. satureioides Vis. bestimmter Beleg in den Herbarien W und WU vonV. thessalica vom Gipfel des Berges Gjalica e Lumës (zirka 2470 m s. m.) in Nord-Albanien erweitert das bekannte Areal beträchtlich, denn die Art war bisher nur von dem etwa 250 Kilometer weiter südöstlich gelegenen Thessalischen Olymp in Griechenland bekannt.
Summary The three speciesVeronica caespitosa Boiss. andV. bombycina Boiss. &Kotschy from high mountains of Asia Minor and the Lebanon andV. thessalica from high mountains of Northern Greece and Albania have not terminal but only one or a few lateral (axillary) raceme(s), the shoot ending sterile, continuing (prolificating) next year monopodially and developping again (a) lateral raceme(s) (fig. 1a, b). This fact hitherto has been concealed by the habit of these dwarfish undershrubs with densly crowded foliation, the raceme(s) overlapping and putting aside the short terminal shoot (fig. 1a). Thus the three species mentioned have to be transferred from the sectionVeronicastrum with terminal racemes to the sectionVeronica (=Chamaedrys), characterized by bearing only lateral racemes. V. thessalica until now was recorded only from the Thessalic Olympos (Greece). A speciemen in the herbaria W and WU from the peak of the mountain Gjalica e Lumës (2470 m s. m.) in Northern Albania, misidentified asV. satureioides Vis., makes it probable, that the area of this species covers also the high mountains between Albania and the Thessalic Olympos.
The rate of incorporation of [35S]methionine and the turnover rate of proteins in spinal motoneurons were studied in adolescent and old rats. The radioactivity of proteins was estimated by quantitative autoradiography and direct counting of beta radiation from samples of neurons isolated by free hand dissection. Both methods showed that the rate of incorporation into spinal motoneurons was significantly lower in old animals. By measuring the turnover rate of proteins in spinal motoneurons at least two protein components could be distinguished by their different turnover rates. The short-lived component had an average half-life of 2-2-2-8 days, the long-lived protein component had an average half-life of 27-38 days. Neither in the short-lived component, nor in the long-lived component was it possible to detect a significant difference between adolescent and old rats.  相似文献   
Although CD45 resembles the low Mr protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) from human placenta in its specificity for phosphotyrosyl residues and absolute dependence on sulfhydryl compounds for activity, it also exhibits a number of distinguishing features. Most notably, it displayed substrate specificity in vitro, preferentially dephosphorylating myelin basic protein, over the other substrates tested, with high specific activity. Limited trypsinization of CD45 generated active fragments of approximately 65 kDa that were apparently derived exclusively from the intracellular segment of the molecule. These retained high activity against myelin basic protein, suggesting that this is an intrinsic feature of the PTPase domains and not the result of secondary interactions between the substrate and the putative ligand binding structure. With reduced carboxamidomethylated and maleylated lysozyme as substrate, CD45 was stimulated up to 12-fold by basic compounds such as spermine; divalent metal ions were also stimulatory, most notably Zn2+, which was previously identified as a potent inhibitor of the low Mr PTPases. CD45 was phosphorylated to high stoichiometry by casein kinase-2 (up to 1.5 mol/mol) and also by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (approximately 0.3 mol/mol) and protein kinase C (approximately 0.1 mol/mol); in all cases, no alteration in enzyme activity was detected following these modifications. Autophosphorylated preparations of epidermal growth factor receptor, insulin receptor, and p56lck protein tyrosine kinases were also substrates for CD45 in vitro.  相似文献   
The gene which encodes the mannitol-specific enzyme III (EIIImtl) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system of Staphylococcus carnosus, has been cloned. Genomic libraries of S. carnosus DNA were constructed using the expression vector pUC19 and EIIImtl-producing clones were identified using rabbit polyclonal antiserum. A 700-bp Dde I fragment, containing the complete gene encoding EIIImtl, was sequenced by the dideoxy chain-termination technique. Upstream from the ORF for EIIImtl one can find a sequence analogous to that of the Escherichia coli promoter. This region acts as a strong promoter when subcloned into the promoter test vector M13HDL17. EIIImtl was overproduced using the inducible T7 polymerase system and purified to homogeneity. Amino acid sequence comparison confirmed a 38% similarity to the hydrophilic enzyme-III-like portion of enzyme IImtl of E. coli. There is also a 36% similarity to the N terminus of the fructose-specific phospho-carrier protein from E. coli.  相似文献   
Cloning and characterization of the mouse histone H1(0) promoter region   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B Breuer  J Fischer  A Alonso 《Gene》1989,81(2):307-314
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