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Mutant Arabidopsis thaliana taeniata (tae) plants are characterized by an altered morphology of leaves and the inflorescence. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescence produces fertile flowers morphologically intermediate between a shoot and a flower. The recessive mutation tae also causes the formation of ectopic meristems and shoot rosettes on leaves. The expressivity of the mutant characters depend on the temperature and photoperiod. Analysis of the activity of KNOX class I genes in the leaves of the tae mutant has demonstrated the expression of genes KNAT2 and STM and an increase in the expression of genes KNAT1 and KNAT6 compared to wild-type leaves. These data indicate that the TAE gene negatively regulates the KNAT1, KNAT2, KNAT6, and STM genes.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 8, 2005, pp. 1068–1074.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lebedeva, Ezhova, Melzer.  相似文献   
The Second International Workshop on CMV & Immunosenescence was held in Cambridge, UK, 2-4th December, 2010. The presentations covered four separate sessions: cytomegalovirus and T cell phenotypes; T cell memory frequency, inflation and immunosenescence; cytomegalovirus in aging, mortality and disease states; and the immunobiology of cytomegalovirus-specific T cells and effects of the virus on vaccination. This commentary summarizes the major findings of these presentations and references subsequently published work from the presenter laboratory where appropriate and draws together major themes that were subsequently discussed along with new areas of interest that were highlighted by this discussion.  相似文献   
Huntington’s disease (HD) is caused by an expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat within the gene encoding the protein huntingtin. The resulting elongated glutamine (poly-Q) sequence of mutant huntingtin (mhtt) affects both central neurons and skeletal muscle. Recent reports suggest that ryanodine receptor–based Ca2+ signaling, which is crucial for skeletal muscle excitation–contraction coupling (ECC), is changed by mhtt in HD neurons. Consequently, we searched for alterations of ECC in muscle fibers of the R6/2 mouse, a mouse model of HD. We performed fluorometric recordings of action potentials (APs) and cellular Ca2+ transients on intact isolated toe muscle fibers (musculi interossei), and measured L-type Ca2+ inward currents on internally dialyzed fibers under voltage-clamp conditions. Both APs and AP-triggered Ca2+ transients showed slower kinetics in R6/2 fibers than in fibers from wild-type mice. Ca2+ removal from the myoplasm and Ca2+ release flux from the sarcoplasmic reticulum were characterized using a Ca2+ binding and transport model, which indicated a significant reduction in slow Ca2+ removal activity and Ca2+ release flux both after APs and under voltage-clamp conditions. In addition, the voltage-clamp experiments showed a highly significant decrease in L-type Ca2+ channel conductance. These results indicate profound changes of Ca2+ turnover in skeletal muscle of R6/2 mice and suggest that these changes may be associated with muscle pathology in HD.  相似文献   
The activity of the pentose phosphate shunt pathway in brain is thought to be linked to neurotransmitter metabolism, glutathione reduction, and synthetic pathways requiring NADPH. There is currently no method available to assess flux of glucose through the pentose phosphate pathway in localized regions of the brain of conscious animals in vivo. Because metabolites of deoxy[1-14C]glucose are lost from brain when the experimental period of the deoxy[14C]glucose method exceeds 45 min, the possibility was considered that the loss reflected activity of this shunt pathway and that this hexose might be used to assay regional pentose phosphate shunt pathway activity in brain. Decarboxylation of deoxy[1-14C]glucose by brain extracts was detected in vitro, and small quantities of 14C were recovered in the 6-phosphodeoxygluconate fraction when deoxy[14C]glucose metabolites were isolated from freeze-blown brains and separated by HPLC. Local rates of glucose utilization determined with deoxy[1-14C]glucose and deoxy[6-14C]glucose were, however, similar in 20 brain structures at 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after the pulse, indicating that the rate of loss of 14CO2 from deoxy[1-14C]glucose-6-phosphate in normal adult rat brain is too low to permit assay pentose phosphate shunt activity in vivo. Further metabolism of deoxy[1-14]glucose-6-phosphate via this pathway does not interfere during routine use of the deoxyglucose method or explain the progressive decrease in calculated metabolic rate when the experimental period exceeds 45 min.  相似文献   
Functional impacts of the skeletal muscle-specific Ca2+ channel subunit gamma1 have previously been studied using coexpression with the cardiac alpha1C polypeptide in nonmuscle cells and primary-cultured myotubes of gamma1-deficient mice. Data from single adult muscle fibers of gamma-/- mice are not yet available. In the present study, we performed voltage clamp experiments on enzymatically isolated mature muscle fibers of the m. interosseus obtained from gamma+/+ and gamma-/- mice. We measured L-type Ca2+ inward currents and intracellular Ca2+ transients during 100-ms step depolarizations from a holding potential of -80 mV. Ratiometric Ca2+ transients were analyzed with a removal model fit approach to calculate the flux of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca2+ current density, Ca2+ release flux, and the voltage dependence of activation of both Ca2+ current and Ca2+ release were not significantly different. By varying the holding potential and recording Ca2+ current and Ca2+ release flux induced by 100-ms test depolarizations to +20 mV, we studied quasi-steady-state properties of slow voltage-dependent inactivation. For the Ca2+ current, these experiments showed a right-shifted voltage dependence of inactivation. Importantly, we could demonstrate that a very similar shift occurred also in the inactivation curve of Ca2+ release. Voltages of half maximal inactivation were altered by 16 (current) and 14 mV (release), respectively. Muscle fiber bundles, activated by elevated potassium concentration (120 mM), developed about threefold larger contracture force in gamma-/- compared with gamma+/+. This difference was independent of the presence of extracellular Ca2+ and likely results from the lower sensitivity to voltage-dependent inactivation of Ca2+ release. These results demonstrate a specific alteration of voltage-dependent inactivation of both Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ release by the gamma1 subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor in mature muscle fibers of the mouse.  相似文献   
The activity of the enzymes catalyzing the first two steps of sulfate assimilation, ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), are confined to bundle sheath cells in several C(4) monocot species. With the aim to analyze the molecular basis of this distribution and to determine whether it was a prerequisite or a consequence of the C(4) photosynthetic mechanism, we compared the intercellular distribution of the activity and the mRNA of APR in C(3), C(3)-C(4), C(4)-like, and C(4) species of the dicot genus Flaveria. Measurements of APR activity, mRNA level, and protein accumulation in six Flaveria species revealed that APR activity, cysteine, and glutathione levels were significantly higher in C(4)-like and C(4) species than in C(3) and C(3)-C(4) species. ATP sulfurylase and APR mRNA were present at comparable levels in both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C(4) species Flaveria trinervia. Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of APR protein in chloroplasts of both cell types. These findings, taken together with results from the literature, show that the localization of assimilatory sulfate reduction in the bundle sheath cells is not ubiquitous among C(4) plants and therefore is neither a prerequisite nor a consequence of C(4) photosynthesis.  相似文献   
In order to comparatively analyze curtain-like septa in the eyes of visually orientated "close-to-surface-predators" among atherinomorph teleosts, we examined the eyes of 24 atherinomorph species under a binocular microscope with regard to the falciform process and related structures in the vitreous cavity. Additionally, falciform process samples were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. All the studied representatives of the Cyprinodontiformes and Atheriniformes, and of one of the beloniform suborder, Adrianichthyioidei, possess a "typical" processus falciformis. In the eyes of the representatives of the other beloniform suborder, Belonoidei, however, pigmented structures that originate in the region of the optic disc and protrude into the vitreous cavity were noted. In the Hemiramphidae (halfbeaks) and Exocoetidae (flying fishes) these pigmented structures have a more cone-like shape, whereas in the Belonidae (needlefishes) and Scomberesocidae (sauries) horizontally oriented heavily pigmented curtain-like septa occur that divide the vitreous cavity dorsoventrally. It is suggested that the "typical" processus falciformis represents a plesiomorphic feature within the Atherinomorpha, whereas the pigmented modifications of the falciform process must be seen as a synapomorphic character state of the Belonoidei. The curtain-like septum of the Belonidae and Scomberesocidae might have evolved from the cone-like structures that are found in the Exocoetoidea. The functional significance of the pigmented structures in the eye is as yet not clear, except for the curtain-like septum found in Belonidae. It might play a role in visual orientation near the water surface at Snell's window.  相似文献   
Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) mediate two distinct transport processes, a stoichiometrically coupled transport of glutamate, Na+, K+, and H+, and a pore-mediated anion conductance. We studied the anion conductance associated with two mammalian EAAT isoforms, hEAAT2 and rEAAT4, using whole-cell patch clamp recording on transfected mammalian cells. Both isoforms exhibited constitutively active, multiply occupied anion pores that were functionally modified by various steps of the Glu/Na+/H+/K+ transport cycle. Permeability and conductivity ratios were distinct for cells dialyzed with Na(+)- or K(+)-based internal solution, and application of external glutamate altered anion permeability ratios and the concentration dependence of the anion influx. EAAT4 but not EAAT2 anion channels displayed voltage-dependent gating that was modified by glutamate. These results are incompatible with the notion that glutamate only increases the open probability of the anion pore associated with glutamate transporters and demonstrate unique gating mechanisms of EAAT-associated anion channels.  相似文献   
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