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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an increasingly popular technique for examining neurobiology in rodents because it is both noninvasive and nondestructive. MRI scans can be acquired from either live or post mortem specimens. In vivo scans have a key advantage in that subjects can be scanned at multiple time-points in longitudinal studies. However, repeated exposure to anesthesia and stress may confound studies. In contrast, post mortem scans offer improved image quality and increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to several key advantages: First, the images are not disrupted by motion and pulsation artifacts. Second, they allow the brain tissue to be perfused with contrast agents, enhancing tissue contrast. Third, they allow longer image acquisition times, yielding higher resolution and/or improved SNR. Fourth, they allow assessment of groups of animals at the same age without scheduling complications. Despite these advantages, researchers are often skeptical of post mortem MRI scans because of uncertainty about whether the fixation process alters the MRI measurements. To address these concerns, we present a thorough comparative study of in vivo and post mortem MRI scans in healthy male Wistar rats at three age points throughout adolescence (postnatal days 28 through 80). For each subject, an in vivo scan was acquired, followed by perfusion and two post mortem scans at two different MRI facilities. The goal was to assess robustness of measurements, to detect any changes in volumetric measurements after fixation, and to investigate any differential bias that may exist between image acquisition techniques. We present this volumetric analysis for comparison of 22 anatomical structures between in vivo and post mortem scans. No significant changes in volumetric measurements were detected; however, as hypothesized, the image quality is dramatically improved in post mortem scans. These findings illustrate the validity and utility of using post mortem scans in volumetric neurobiological studies.  相似文献   


Gene duplication provides raw material for the generation of new functions, but most duplicates are rapidly lost due to the initial redundancy in gene function. How gene function diversifies following duplication is largely unclear. Previous studies analyzed the diversification of duplicates by characterizing their coding sequence divergence. However, functional divergence can also be attributed to changes in regulatory properties, such as protein localization or expression, which require only minor changes in gene sequence.  相似文献   
Motivated by cycles of intergroup revenge in real-world conflicts, we experimentally test the hypothesis that humans practice group-based reciprocity: if someone harms or helps them, they harm or help other members of that person's group. Subjects played a trust game, then allocated money between other people. Senders whose partners returned more in the trust game gave more to that partner's group members. The effect was about half as large as the effect of direct reciprocity. Receivers' allocations to group members were not affected by their partners' play in the trust game, suggesting that group reciprocity was only triggered by strong norm violations. We discuss the role of group reciprocity in conflict among early humans.  相似文献   
To examine the role of nucleosome occupancy in the evolution of gene expression, we measured the genome-wide nucleosome profiles of four yeast species, three belonging to the Saccharomyces sensu stricto lineage and the more distantly related Candida glabrata. Nucleosomes and associated promoter elements at C. glabrata genes are typically shifted upstream by ~20 bp, compared to their orthologs from sensu stricto species. Nonetheless, all species display the same global organization features first described for Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a stereotypical nucleosome organization along genes and a division of promoters into those that contain or lack a pronounced nucleosome-depleted region (NDR), with the latter displaying a more dynamic pattern of gene expression. Despite this global similarity, however, nucleosome occupancy at specific genes diverged extensively between sensu stricto and C. glabrata orthologs (~50 million years). Orthologs with dynamic expression patterns tend to maintain their lack of NDR, but apart from that, sensu stricto and C. glabrata orthologs are nearly as similar in nucleosome occupancy patterns as nonorthologous genes. This extensive divergence in nucleosome occupancy contrasts with a conserved pattern of gene expression. Thus, while some evolutionary changes in nucleosome occupancy contribute to gene expression divergence, nucleosome occupancy often diverges extensively with apparently little impact on gene expression.  相似文献   
Eco1p/Ctf7p is an essential acetyltransferase required for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Eco1p acetylates Smc3p and Mcd1p (Scc1p or Rad21p) to establish cohesion during S phase and in response to DNA damage, respectively. In addition to its acetyltransferase domain, Eco1p harbors a conserved zinc finger domain. The zinc finger has been implicated in the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion in S phase, yet its function on the molecular level and its contribution to damage-induced cohesion are unknown. Here, we show that the zinc finger is essential for the establishment of cohesion in both S phase and in response to DNA damage. Our results suggest that the zinc finger augments the acetylation of Eco1p itself, Smc3p and likely Mcd1p. We propose that the zinc finger is a general enhancer of substrate recognition, thereby enhances the ability of Eco1p to acetylate its substrates above a threshold needed to generate cohesion during DNA replication and repair. Finally our studies of the zinc finger led to the discovery that Eco1 is a multimer, a property that could be exploited to coordinate acetylation of substrates either spatially or temporally for establishment of sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   
Understanding why genes evolve at different rates is fundamental to evolutionary thinking. In species of the budding yeast, the rate at which genes diverge in expression correlates with the organization of their promoter nucleosomes: genes lacking a nucleosome-free region (denoted OPN for "Occupied Proximal Nucleosomes") vary widely between the species, while the expression of those containing NFR (denoted DPN for "Depleted Proximal Nucleosomes") remains largely conserved. To examine if early evolutionary dynamics contributes to this difference in divergence, we artificially selected for high expression of GFP-fused proteins. Surprisingly, selection was equally successful for OPN and DPN genes, with -80% of genes in each group stably increasing in expression by a similar amount. Notably, the two groups adapted by distinct mechanisms: DPN-selected strains duplicated large genomic regions, while OPN-selected strains favored trans mutations not involving duplications. When selection was removed, DPN (but not OPN) genes reverted rapidly to wild-type expression levels, consistent with their lower diversity between species. Our results suggest that promoter organization constrains the early evolutionary dynamics and in this way biases the path of long-term evolution.  相似文献   
LC MS/MS has become an established technology in proteomic studies, and with the maturation of the technology the bottleneck has shifted from data generation to data validation and mining. To address this bottleneck we developed Experimental Peptide Identification Repository (EPIR), which is an integrated software platform for storage, validation, and mining of LC MS/MS-derived peptide evidence. EPIR is a cumulative data repository where precursor ions are linked to peptide assignments and protein associations returned by a search engine (e.g. Mascot, Sequest, or PepSea). Any number of datasets can be parsed into EPIR and subsequently validated and mined using a set of software modules that overlay the database. These include a peptide validation module, a protein grouping module, a generic module for extracting quantitative data, a comparative module, and additional modules for extracting statistical information. In the present study, the utility of EPIR and associated software tools is demonstrated on LC MS/MS data derived from a set of model proteins and complex protein mixtures derived from MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Emphasis is placed on the key strengths of EPIR, including the ability to validate and mine multiple combined datasets, and presentation of protein-level evidence in concise, nonredundant protein groups that are based on shared peptide evidence.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships within sponge classes are highly debated. The low phylogenetic signal observed with some current molecular data can be attributed to the use of few markers, usually slowly-evolving, such as the nuclear rDNA genes and the mitochondrial COI gene. In this study, we conducted a bioinformatics search for a new molecular marker. We sought a marker that (1) is likely to have no paralogs; (2) evolves under a fast evolutionary rate; (3) is part of a continuous exonic region; and (4) is flanked by conserved regions. Our search suggested the nuclear ALG11 as a potential suitable marker. We next demonstrated that this marker can indeed be used for solving phylogenetic relationships within sponges. Specifically, we successfully amplified the ALG11 gene from DNA samples of representatives from all four sponge classes as well as from several cnidarian classes. We also amplified the 18S rDNA and the COI gene for these species. Finally, we analyzed the phylogenetic performance of ALG11 to solve sponge relationships compared to and in combination with the nuclear 18S rDNA and the COI mtDNA genes. Interestingly, the ALG11 marker seems to be superior to the widely-used COI marker. Our work thus indicates that the ALG11 marker is a relevant marker which can complement and corroborate the phylogenetic inferences observed with nuclear ribosomal genes. This marker is also expected to contribute to resolving evolutionary relationships of other apparently slow-evolving animal phyla, such as cnidarians.  相似文献   
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