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In the last larval instar of Lepidoptera, ecdysteroid in the absence of juvenile hormone (JH) is believed to cause the shift from larval to pupal development. In Manduca sexta, tissues such as the Verson's gland and crochet epidermis become pupally committed before the earliest pulse of ecdysteroid that occurs on day 2. What causes the change in commitment in these tissues? First it was necessary to determine at what stage these tissues become competent to express the pupal program. Last instar larvae of different ages were induced to molt prematurely by feeding the ecdysteroid analog RH5992 and Verson's gland proteins were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Glands became competent to make pupal proteins between 24 and 32 h after the last larval ecdysis. Next, hormonal regulation of competence was examined in ligated abdomens of 12h last instar larvae. Treatment with JH II acid or methoprene acid plus a low dose (1/50th of the molt inducing dose) of RH5992 induced competence, whereas RH5992 alone, methoprene acid alone or methoprene plus RH5992 did not. Verson's glands maintained in vitro produced pupal proteins in response to methoprene acid together with RH5992 but not with RH5992 alone. Likewise, crochet epidermis lost the ability to make crochets (metamorphic change) only in isolated abdomens treated with JH II acid or methoprene acid and low doses of RH5992. In conclusion, JH acid in the presence of basal levels of ecdysteroid induces tissue competence for metamorphosis. Metamorphic competence is followed by commitment, induced by a small pulse of ecdysteroid in the absence of JH, and finally by expression caused by a high titer of ecdysteroid. It is proposed that JH acid is an essential metamorphic hormone.  相似文献   
Cultivated rye (Secale cereale L., 2n = 2x = 14, RR) is an important source of genes for insect and disease resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42). Rye chromosome arm 1RS of S. cereale 'Kavkaz' originally found as a 1BL.1RS translocation, carries genes for disease resistance (e.g., Lr26, Sr31, Yr9, and Pm8), while 1RS of the S. cereale 'Amigo' translocation (1RSA) carries a single resistance gene for greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) biotypes B and C and also carries additional disease-resistance genes. The purpose of this research was to identify individual plants that were recombinant in the homologous region of.1AL.1RSV and 1AL.1RSA using both molecular and phenotypic markers. Secale cereale 'Nekota' (1AL.1RSA) and S. cereale 'Pavon 76' (1AL.1RSV) were mated and the F1 was backcrossed to 'Nekota' (1AL.1AS) to generate eighty BC1F2:3 families (i.e., ('Nekota' 1AL.1RSA x 'Pavon 76' 1AL.1RSV) x 'Nekota' 1AL.1AS). These families were genotyped using the secalin-gliadin grain storage protein banding pattern generated with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to discriminate 1AL.1AS/1AL.1RS heterozygotes from the 1AL.1RSA+V and 1AL.1AS homozygotes. Segregation of the secalin locus and PCR markers based on the R173 family of rye specific repeated DNA sequences demonstrated the presence of recombinant 1AL.1RSA+V families. Powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) and greenbug resistance genes on the recombinant 1RSA+V arm were mapped in relation to the Sec-1 locus, 2 additional protein bands, 3 SSRs, and 13 RFLP markers. The resultant linkage map of 1RS spanned 82.4 cM with marker order and spacing showing reasonable agreement with previous maps of 1RS. Fifteen markers lie within a region of 29.7 cM next to the centromere, yet corresponded to just 36% of the overall map length. The map position of the RFLP marker probe mwg68 was 10.9 cM distal to the Sec-1 locus and 7.8 cM proximal to the powdery mildew resistance locus. The greenbug resistance gene was located 2.7 cM proximal to the Sec-1 locus.  相似文献   
Triazine-2-14C metsulfuron–methyl is a selective, systemic sulfonylurea herbicide. Degradation studies in soils are essential for the evaluation of the persistence of pesticides and their breakdown products. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the degradation of triazine-2-14C metsulfuron–methyl in soil under laboratory conditions. A High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with an UV detector and an on-line radio-chemical detector, plus a Supelco Discovery column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm), and PRP–1 column (305 x 7.0 mm, 10 μm) was used for the HPLC analysis. The radioactivity was determined by a Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) in scintillation fluid. The soil used was both sterilized and non-sterilized in order to observe the involvement of soil microbes. The estimated DT50 and DT90 values of metsulfuron-methyl in a non-sterile system were observed to be 13 and 44 days, whereas in sterilized soil, the DT50 and DT90 were 31 and 70 days, respectively. The principal degradation product after 60 days was CO2. The higher cumulative amount of 14CO2 in 14C- triazine in the non-sterilized soil compared to that in the sterile system suggests that biological degradation by soil micro-organisms significantly contributes to the dissipation of the compound. The major routes of degradation were O-demethylation, sulfonylurea bridge cleavage and the triazine “ring-opened.”  相似文献   


Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant public health problem and the diagnosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)—infected individuals is challenging. The use of mycobacterial culture remains an important complementary tool and optimizing it has important benefits. We sought to determine the effect of an increase in the number of specimens evaluated, addition of nutritional supplementation to the culture medium, sputum appearance and volume on diagnostic yield and time to detection of pulmonary TB among smear-negative, HIV-infected adults.


In this prospective study conducted at the Tshwane District Hospital and Academic TB Laboratory, Pretoria, South Africa we collected three sputum specimens an hour apart from presumptive TB cases at an antiretroviral treatment site. We analysed specimens from 236 patients. Specimen appearance and volume were recorded. All specimens were processed for culture using both standard and supplemented media.


A single specimen identified 79% of PTB cases using standard media; the second and third specimens added 12.5% and 8.3% respectively. Media supplementation, sputum appearance and specimen volume had no effect on culture yield or contamination rates. The mean time to detection was reduced from 19.8 days in standard cultures to 11.8 days in nutrient supplemented cultures (p = 0.002). For every 1 ml increase in sputum volume, time to detection was decreased by a factor of 0.797 (p = 0.011).


Use of an inexpensive culture supplement substantially reduced time to detection and could contribute to reducing treatment delay among HIV-infected cases.  相似文献   


Recent evidence suggests that suicidal ideation is increased among university students, it is essential to increase our knowledge concerning the etiology of suicidal ideation among university students. This study was conducted to examine the relationships between problem-solving skills appraisal, hardiness, and suicidal ideation among university students. In addition, this study was conducted to examine problem-solving skills appraisal (including the three components of problem-solving confidence, approach-avoidance style, and personal control of emotion) as a potential mediator between hardiness and suicidal ideation.


The participants consisted of 500 undergraduate students from Malaysian public universities.


Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) estimated that undergraduate students with lower hardiness, poor problem-solving confidence, external personal control of emotion, and avoiding style was associated with higher suicidal ideation. Problem-solving skills appraisal (including the three components of problem-solving confidence, approach-avoidance style, and personal control of emotion) partially mediated the relationship between hardiness and suicidal ideation.


These findings underline the importance of studying mediating processes that explain how hardiness affects suicidal ideation.  相似文献   
The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) is one of the most harmful pests to pine species in Mediterranean countries including Turkey. Caterpillars of T. pityocampa are not only significantly harmful to forest trees but also responsible for various allergic reactions in humans and animals. In this study, in order to find a more effective and safe biological control agent against T. pityocampa, we investigated fungal pathogens of T. pityocampa in the Black Sea Region of Turkey and tested their pathogenicity on it. Five different fungi were isolated and identified based on their morphological and molecular characteristics including ITS and partial sequence of EF1-[alpha]. Based on these characteristics, four isolates were identified as Beauveria bassiana cf. Clade C (Rehner and Buckley in Mycologia 97:84–98, 2005) and one isolate was identified as Beauveria bassiana. Among these isolates, B. bassiana KTU-24, B. bassiana cf. Clade C KTU-66 and KTU-67 showed the highest virulence with 100% mortality within 10 days after application. B. bassiana isolate KTU-24 produced the highest mycosis value with %100. Consequently, B. bassiana KTU-24 seems to be good candidate for further investigation as a possible biological control agent against this pest.  相似文献   
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) from lactic acid bacteria contribute to specific rheology and texture of fermented milk products and finds applications even in non-dairy foods and in therapeutics. Box-Behnken model of response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to formulate the production medium for exopolysaccharide (EPS). FT-IR spectral analysis of the purified EPS from Lactobacillus plantarum MTCC 9510 revealed prominent characteristic groups corresponding to polyhydric alcohols. The degradation temperature (Td) of the polysaccharide was found to be 260°C with the help of thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). Structure elucidation of the EPS showed that it consists of a trisaccharide repeating unit of α-d-glucose, β-d-glucose and α-d-mannose.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Micronutrient malnutrition, particularly zinc and iron deficiency, afflicts over three billion people worldwide due to low dietary intake. In the current study, wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the progenitor of domesticated wheat, was tested for (1) genetic diversity in grain nutrient concentrations, (2) associations among grain nutrients and their relationships with plant productivity, and (3) the association of grain nutrients with the eco-geographical origin of wild emmer accessions.


A total of 154 genotypes, including wild emmer accessions from across the Near Eastern Fertile Crescent and diverse wheat cultivars, were characterized in this 2-year field study for grain protein, micronutrient (zinc, iron, copper and manganese) and macronutrient (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur) concentrations.

Key Results

Wide genetic diversity was found among the wild emmer accessions for all grain nutrients. The concentrations of grain zinc, iron and protein in wild accessions were about two-fold greater than in the domesticated genotypes. Concentrations of these compounds were positively correlated with one another, with no clear association with plant productivity, suggesting that all three nutrients can be improved concurrently with no yield penalty. A subset of 12 populations revealed significant genetic variation between and within populations for all minerals. Association between soil characteristics at the site of collection and grain nutrient concentrations showed negative associations between soil clay content and grain protein and between soil-extractable zinc and grain zinc, the latter suggesting that the greatest potential for grain nutrient minerals lies in populations from micronutrient-deficient soils.


Wild emmer wheat germplasm offers unique opportunities to exploit favourable alleles for grain nutrient properties that were excluded from the domesticated wheat gene pool.  相似文献   
In this study, a new Pirkle‐type chiral column stationary phase for resolution of β‐methylphenylethyl amine was described by using activated Sepharose 4B as a matrix, L ‐tyrosine as a spacer arm, and an aromatic amine derivative of L ‐glutamic acid as a ligand. The binding capacities of the stationary phase were determined at different pH values (pH = 6, 7, and 8) using buffer solutions as mobile phase, and enantiomeric excess (ee) was determined by HPLC equipped with chiral column. The ee was found to be 47%. Chirality, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to clarify the effects of high dietary supplementation with boric acid and borax, called boron (B) compounds, on lipid peroxidation (LPO), antioxidant activity, some vitamin levels, and DNA damage in rats. Thirty Sprague Dawley male rats were divided into three equal groups: the animals in the first group (control) were fed with a standard rodent diet containing 6.4 mg B/kg, and the animals in the experimental group were fed with a standard rodent diet added with a supra-nutritional amount of boric acid and borax (100 mg B/kg) throughout the experimental period of 28 days. The B compounds decreased malondialdehyde (MDA), DNA damage, the protein carbonyl content (PCO) level in blood, and glutathione (GSH) concentration in the liver, Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activity in the kidney. The B compounds increased GSH concentration in blood and the vitamin C level in plasma. Consequently, our results demonstrate that B supplementation (100 mg/kg) in diet decreases LPO, and enhances the antioxidant defense mechanism and vitamin status. There are no differences in oxidant/antioxidant balance and biochemical parameters except for serum vitamin A and liver GSH concentration, between the boron compounds used in this study.  相似文献   
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