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Mar Chiquita, a brackish coastal lagoon in central Argentina, is inhabited by dense populations of two intertidal grapsid crab species,Cyrtograpsus angulatus andChasmagnathus granulata. During a preliminary one-year study and a subsequent intensive sampling programme (November–December 1992), the physical properties and the occurrence of decapod crustacean larvae in the surface water of the lagoon were investigated. The lagoon is characterized by highly variable physical conditions, with oligohaline waters frequently predominating over extended periods. The adjacent coastal waters show a complex pattern of semidiurnal tides that often do not influence the lagoon, due to the existence of a sandbar across its entrance. Besides frequently occurring larvae (exclusively freshly hatched zoeae and a few megalopae) of the two dominating crab species, those of three other brachyurans (Plathyxanthus crenulatus, Uca uruguayensis, Pinnixa patagonica) and of one anomuran (the porcellanidPachycheles haigae) were also found occasionally. Caridean shrimp (Palaemonetes argentinus) larvae occurred in a moderate number of samples, with a maximum density of 800·m−3. The highest larval abundance was recorded inC. angulatus, with almost 8000°m−3. Significantly moreC. angulatus andC. granulata zoeae occurred at night than during daylight conditions, and more larvae (statistically significant only in the former species) during ebb (outflowing) than during flood (inflowing) tides. In consequence, most crab zoeae were observed during nocturnal ebb, the least with diurnal flood tides. Our data suggest that crab larvae do not develop in the lagoon, where the adult populations live, but exhibit an export strategy, probably based upon exogenously coordinated egg hatching rhythms. Zoeal development must take place in coastal marine waters, from where the megalopa eventually returns for settlement and metamorphosis in the lagoon. Significantly higher larval frequency ofC. granulata in low salinities (≤12‰) and at a particular sampling site may be related to local distribution patterns of the reproducing adult population. Unlike crab larvae, those of shrimp (P. argentinus) are retained inside the lagoon, where they develop from hatching through metamorphosis. They significantly prefer low salinity and occur at the lagoon surface more often at night. These patterns cannot be explained by larval release rhythms like those in brachyuran crabs, but may reflect diel vertical migrations to the bottom. It is concluded that osmotic stress as well as predation pressure exerted by visually directed predators (small species or life-cycle stages of estuarine fishes) may be the principal selection factors for the evolution of hatching and migration rhythms in decapod larvae, and that these are characteristics of export or retention mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary Applying the concept of epidemiological chain, it is successively analyzed: the etiologic agent, Sporothrix schenckii and its natural reservoirs (sources of infection); the different ways that infecting particles may reach man (mechanisms of infection); the susceptible population and the population at risk; the incidence and distribution by sex and age in countries of Latin America; the prevalence of the disease according to clinical cases in dermatological clinics and the variation of incidence rates in some countries with time; the influence of the environment mainly climatic conditions on the geographic distribution of the disease.Finally, according to Mackinnon's hypothesis, the climate could have a determining role on the predominance of a certain clinical form on another in different countries.This paper was presented at the Xth ISHAM Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 1988.  相似文献   
The agonist effect of the dihydropyridine (DHP) (-)Bay K 8644 and the inhibitory effects of nine antagonist DHPs were studied at a constant membrane potential of 0 mV in Ca channels of skeletal muscle transverse tubules incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Four phenylalkylamines (verapamil, D600, D575, and D890) and d-cis-diltiazem were also tested. In Ca channels activated by 1 microM Bay K 8644, the antagonists nifedipine, nitrendipine, PN200-110, nimodipine, and pure enantiomer antagonists (+)nimodipine, (-)nimodipine, (+)Bay K 8644, inhibited activity in the concentration range of 10 nM to 10 microM. Effective doses (ED50) were 2 to 10 times higher when HDPs were added to the internal side than when added to the external side. This sidedness arises from different structure-activity relationships for DHPs on both sides of the Ca channel since the ranking potency of DHPs is PN200-110 greater than (-)nimodipine greater than nifedipine approximately S207-180 on the external side while PN200-110 greater than S207-180 greater than nifedipine approximately (-)nimodipine on the internal side. A comparison of ED50's for inhibition of single channels by DHPs added to the external side and ED50's for displacement of [3H]PN200-110 bound to the DHP receptor, revealed a good quantitative agreement. However, internal ED50's of channels were consistently higher than radioligand binding affinities by up to two orders of magnitude. Evidently, Ca channels of skeletal muscle are functionally coupled to two DHP receptor sites on opposite sides of the membrane.  相似文献   
Single-channel properties of a polypeptide fraction from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans highly enriched in binding sites were studied in planar bilayers. [3H]Ryanodine binding sites were purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation of C. elegans microsomes solubilized in CHAPS detergent. The highest [3H]ryanodine binding activity sedimented at approximately 18% sucrose (wt/vol), and was composed of a major polypeptide with a M(r) of 360,000 and a minor polypeptide with a M(r) of 170,000. The ryanodine-binding polypeptide(s) formed a Ca(2+)-permeable channel with a permeability ratio P(divalent)/P(monovalent) = 4 and two conductance states of 215 pS and 78 pS in 0.25 M KCl. Ryanodine locked the channel in the 78 pS state and inhibited transitions between the 215 pS and 78 pS states. These data demonstrated the presence of a ryanodine receptor in C. elegans with functional properties comparable to those described in mammalian muscle.  相似文献   
Potassium channels inhibited by adenosine-5'-trisphosphate, K(ATP), found in the transverse tubular membrane of rabbit skeletal muscle were studied using the planar bilayer recording technique. In addition to the single-channel properties of K(ATP) we report its regulation of Mg2+ and by the guanosine-5'-trisphosphate analogue, GTP-y(gamma)-S. The K(ATP) channel (a) has a conductance of 67 pS in 250 mM internal, 50 mM external KCl, and rectifies weakly at holding potentials more positive than 50 mV, (b) is not activated by internal Ca2+ or membrane depolarization, (c) has a permeability ratio PK/PNa greater than 50, and (d) is inhibited by millimolar internal ATP. Activity of K(ATP), measured as open channel probability as a function of time, was unstable at all holding potentials and decreases continuously within a few minutes after a recording is initiated. After a decrease in activity, GTP-y-S (100 microM) added to the internal side reactivated K(ATP) channels but only transiently. In the presence of internal 1 mM Mg2+, GTP-y-S produced a sustained reactivation lasting 20-45 min. Incubation of purified t-tubule vesicles with AlF4 increased the activity of K(ATP) channels, mimicking the effect of GTP-y-S. The effect of AlF4 and the requirement of GTP-y-S plus Mg2+ for sustained channel activation suggests that a nucleotide-binding G protein regulates ATP-sensitive K channels in the t-tuble membrane of rabbit skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Lake Tanganyika (LT) is the largest tropical freshwater lake, and the largest body of anoxic freshwater on Earth’s surface. LT’s mixed oxygenated surface waters float atop a permanently anoxic layer and host rich animal biodiversity. However, little is known about microorganisms inhabiting LT’s 1470 meter deep water column and their contributions to nutrient cycling, which affect ecosystem-level function and productivity. Here, we applied genome-resolved metagenomics and environmental analyses to link specific taxa to key biogeochemical processes across a vertical depth gradient in LT. We reconstructed 523 unique metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from 34 bacterial and archaeal phyla, including many rarely observed in freshwater lakes. We identified sharp contrasts in community composition and metabolic potential with an abundance of typical freshwater taxa in oxygenated mixed upper layers, and Archaea and uncultured Candidate Phyla in deep anoxic waters. Genomic capacity for nitrogen and sulfur cycling was abundant in MAGs recovered from anoxic waters, highlighting microbial contributions to the productive surface layers via recycling of upwelled nutrients, and greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide. Overall, our study provides a blueprint for incorporation of aquatic microbial genomics in the representation of tropical freshwater lakes, especially in the context of ongoing climate change, which is predicted to bring increased stratification and anoxia to freshwater lakes.Subject terms: Biogeochemistry, Limnology, Microbial ecology, Freshwater ecology  相似文献   
We document a case of intraspecific variation in plumage colouration in Bearded Vultures that may have arisen as a functional response to climate conditions. Two subspecies, Gypaetus barbatus barbatus (Eurasia and North Africa populations) and Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis (Eastern and Southern Africa), have been described on the basis of plumage colour differences. The plumage of G. b. barbatus tends to be darker in comparison with that of G. b. meridionalis. The plumage of the two subspecies differ in the feathering of the tarsi (more abundant in G. b. barbatus) and presence/absence of dark ear tufts (only present in G. b. barbatus, and this being the most useful character to distinguish adult specimens of both subspecies). When exposing skins under the sun or to electric bulbs in a cold room, temperature increases were significantly higher in the black ear tufts than in the frontal region of the head, suggesting that the melanized ear patch of G. b. barbatus serves, at least, to heat up the air entering the ear channel and perhaps also the underlying skin. In addition, G. b. barbatus, which inhabits mountainous regions with harsh and long winters, would benefit more from feathered tarsi to prevent heat loss through the legs.  相似文献   
The present case–control study evaluates the role of the progesterone receptor (PR) polymorphism known as PROGINS as a risk factor for ovarian cancer development and investigates the association between these genetic variants and clinical/pathologic variables of ovarian cancer. PROGINS polymorphism was examined, by polymerase chain reaction, in a total of 80 patients with ovarian cancer and 282 control subjects. The frequencies of PROGINS polymorphism T1/T1, T1/T2, and T2/T2 were 71.3, 15.0 and 13.8% in ovarian cancer patients and 78.37, 21.63 and 0% in controls, respectively. The χ2-test showed a higher incidence of the T2/T2 genotype (P = 0.001) in the ovarian cancer group. In addition, women carrying a mutated allele (T2) showed approximately 2.2 times higher risk of ovarian cancer development as compared to women who have a variant allele (odds ratio (OR) = 2.2; 95% CI = 1.80–3.54). Regarding the clinical and pathologic findings observed within the cancer group, there was a significant correlation between PROGINS polymorphism and patients with a familial history (χ2 = 6.776; P = 0.009; Fischer exact test, P = 0.01). In this regard, patients with familial antecedents have a 4.7 times higher likelihood to have at least one risk allele (T2) as compared with patients without familial antecedents (OR = 4.69; 95% CI = 1.38–15.87). No correlations were observed among the other variables. These data suggest that the PROGINS polymorphism T2/T2 genotype might be associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   
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