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Resveratrol is a bioactive polyphenol enriched in red wine that exhibits many beneficial health effects via multiple mechanisms. However, it is unclear whether resveratrol is beneficial for the prevention of food allergy. This study investigated whether resveratrol inhibited the development of food allergy by using a mouse model of the disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Mice fed standard diet or standard diet plus resveratrol were sensitized by intragastric administration of ovalbumin (OVA) and mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin (CT). Several manifestations of food allergy were then compared between the mice. The effects of resveratrol on T cells or dendritic cells were also examined by using splenocytes from OVA-specific T cell-receptor (TCR) transgenic DO11.10 mice or mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) in vitro. We found that mice fed resveratrol showed reduced OVA-specific serum IgE production, anaphylactic reaction, and OVA-induced IL-13 and IFN-ã production from the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and spleens in comparison to the control mice, following oral sensitization with OVA plus CT. In addition, resveratrol inhibited OVA plus CT-induced IL-4, IL-13, and IFN-ã production in splenocytes from DO11.10 mice associated with inhibition of GATA-3 and T-bet expression. Furthermore, resveratrol suppressed the OVA plus CT-induced CD25 expression and IL-2 production in DO11.10 mice-splenocytes in association with decreases in CD80 and CD86 expression levels. Finally, resveratrol suppressed CT-induced cAMP elevation in association with decreases in CD80 and CD86 expression levels in BMDCs.


Ingestion of resveratrol prevented the development of a food allergy model in mice. Given the in vitro findings, resveratrol might do so by inhibiting DC maturation and subsequent early T cell activation and differentiation via downregulation of CT-induced cAMP activation in mice. These results suggest that resveratrol may have potential for prophylaxis against food allergy.  相似文献   
The P1B-type heavy metal ATPases (HMAs) are diverse in terms of tissue distribution, subcellular localization, and metal specificity. Functional studies of HMAs have shown that these transporters can be divided into two subgroups based on their metal-substrate specificity: a copper (Cu)/silver (Ag) group and a zinc (Zn)/cobalt (Co)/cadmium (Cd)/lead (Pb) group. Studies on Arabidopsis thaliana and metal hyperaccumulator plants indicate that HMAs play an important role in the translocation or detoxification of Zn and Cd in plants. Rice possesses nine HMA genes, of which OsHMA1–OsHMA3 belong to the Zn/Co/Cd/Pb subgroup. OsHMA2 plays an important role in root-to-shoot translocation of Zn and Cd, and participates in Zn and Cd transport to developing seeds in rice. OsHMA3 transports Cd and plays a role in the sequestration of Cd into vacuoles in root cells. Modification of the expression of these genes might be an effective approach for reducing the Cd concentration in rice grains.  相似文献   
Five monoclonal antibodies AS17, 22, 25, 38 and 48, a single monoclonal antibody ACH55, and three monoclonal antibodies NAH33, 43, 46, that recognize acharan sulfate (IdoA2S-GlcNAc)n, acharan (IdoA-GlcNAc)n and N-acetyl-heparosan (GlcA-GlcNAc)n, respectively, were generated by immunization of mice with keyhole limpet hemocyanin-conjugated polysaccharides. Specificity tests were performed using a panel of biotinylated GAGs that included chemically modified heparins. Each antibody bound avidly to the immunized polysaccharide, but did not bind to chondroitin sulfates, keratan sulfate, chondroitin nor hyaluronic acid. AS antibodies did not bind to heparan sulfate or heparin, but bound to 6-O-desulfated, N-desulfated and re-N-acetylated heparin to varying degrees. ACH55 bound to tri-desulfated and re-N-acetylated heparin but hardly bound to other modified heparins. NAH antibodies did not bind to heparin and modified heparins but bound to heparan sulfate to varying degrees. NAH43 and NAH46 also bound to partially N-de-acetylated N-acetyl-heparosan. Immunohistochemical analysis in rat cerebella was performed with the antibodies. While NAH46 stained endothelia, where heparan sulfate is typically present, neither ACH55 nor AS25 stained endothelia. On the contrary ACH55 and AS25 stained the molecular layer of the rat cerebella. Furthermore, ACH55 specifically stained Purkinje cells. These results suggest that there is unordinary expression of IdoA2S-GlcNAc and IdoA-GlcNAc in specific parts of the nervous system. Suzuki and Yamamoto contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   
To estimate the productivity and grazing impact of a commonappendicularian species Oikopleura dioica in Tokyo Bay, monthlyobservations on its abundance and vertical distribution wereconducted during 2000. The abundance peaked in February andOctober, but was low during summer. Seasonal fluctuations inproductivity were similar to those of the abundance, with maximumvalues of 92, 134 and 508 mg C m–2 day–1 for somatic,new house and discarded house productivity in October and 206mg C m–2 day–1 for fecal pellet productivity inFebruary, respectively. The averaged biomass of O. dioica wasonly 2.5% of that of copepods; however, the secondary productivityof the former corresponded to 12.4% of the latter. Daily grazingimpact on particulate organic carbon ranged from 0.05% to 5%,which is close to the impact by copepods. These results implythat in Tokyo Bay, where small copepods and jellyfish are abundant,O. dioica is an important component of the ecosystem becauseit bridges between small primary producers and higher consumers.  相似文献   
In most animals, the gonads develop symmetrically, but most birds develop only a left ovary. A possible role for estrogen in this asymmetric ovarian development has been proposed in the chick, but the mechanism underlying this process is largely unknown. Here, we identify the molecular mechanism responsible for this ovarian asymmetry. Asymmetric PITX2 expression in the left presumptive gonad leads to the asymmetric expression of the retinoic-acid (RA)-synthesizing enzyme, RALDH2, in the right presumptive gonad. Subsequently, RA suppresses expression of the nuclear receptors Ad4BP/SF-1 and estrogen receptor alpha in the right ovarian primordium. Ad4BP/SF-1 expressed in the left ovarian primordium asymmetrically upregulates cyclin D1 to stimulate cell proliferation. These data suggest that early asymmetric expression of PITX2 leads to asymmetric ovarian development through up- or downregulation of RALDH2, Ad4BP/SF-1, estrogen receptor alpha and cyclin D1.  相似文献   
We have constructed a rice function map by collating the results on quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 23 important physiological and agronomic characters (including 13 newly measured traits) obtained using backcross inbred lines of japonica Nipponbare×indica Kasalath. Using these materials, The Rice Genome project (RGP) has developed a high-density genetic map. QTLs controlling yield did not overlap with those controlling the morphological and physiological traits supposed to relate to yield, such as photosynthetic ability. This result suggests that these traits do not influence yield, at least in this genetic background and environment. QTLs controlling yield also did not overlap with the structural genes controlling carbon metabolism (rbcS, cytosolic or plastidic fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, R-enzyme, and sucrose synthase).The combination of a function map and results from the RGP can be advantageous. The utility of this map is discussed. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 2000  相似文献   
Systemic or topical application of glucocorticoid is the treatment of choice for olfactory disturbance. Recently, Na(+)/K(+) ATPase and glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactivity in the olfactory mucosa was reported. To elucidate a glucocorticoid action on Na(+)/K(+) ATPase production, an animal model was produced by an intra-nasal application of 5% ZnSO(4) solution to Wistar rats. Dexamethasone was injected i.p. (0.01 mg/100 g) for 14 days after the insult. Histologically, the regeneration process was completed on day 14 in both dexamethasone- and saline-injected control rats. We used a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to evaluate mRNA production of Na(+)/K(+) ATPase and glucocorticoid receptor. In dexamethasone-injected rats, up-regulation of glucocorticoid receptor mRNA (95% more than control rats, P = 0.00068, unpaired t-test) and of Na(+)/K(+) ATPase mRNA expression (76% more than control rats, P = 0.0042) was observed on day 14. The increased Na(+)/K(+) ATPase expression in the regenerated olfactory mucosa is thought to be beneficial for an active uptake of K(+), which is released during excitation, around olfactory neurons and for the transepithelial absorption of Na(+) from olfactory mucus. Dexamethasone may thus contribute to the recovery of function after the morphological regeneration in part, at least, through its receptor by regulation of the ionic concentration in the olfactory mucosal microenvironment.  相似文献   
Diaphus theta is one of the most common myctophid fish species in the subarctic and transitional waters of the North Pacific. The growth of larval and juvenile D. theta was investigated using sagittal otolith increment analysis of specimens caught in transitional waters of the western North Pacific. Samples taken over a 24-h period demonstrated that otoliths exhibited daily growth cycles, allowing accurate determination of age. Calcification of the incremental zone of otoliths took place only at night, suggesting that the formation cycle of the increment of juvenile D. theta was different from that of shallow-water fishes and would be related to their diel vertical migration. The relationships between standard length (SL) and daily growth increment (D) were expressed as linear equations: SL = 2.65 + 0.141D (r 2 = 0.942) for larvae of 5.1–9.6 mm SL and SL = 3.54 + 0.129D (r 2 = 0.933) for juveniles of 13.7–27.6 mm SL. The growth rates were 0.14 mm d−1 in larvae and 0.13 mm d−1 in juveniles; this is slow compared with tropical or subtropical mycto-phid species, in which growth occurs at about twice these rates. The larval period, including the metamorphic stage, was long compared with species at lower latitudes and was estimated to be 71 days. The slow growth rate and long period of larval stage of D. theta would be the life history pattern of high-latitudinal species adapted to a low-temperature habitat. Received: March 23, 2001 / Revised: July 5, 2001 / Accepted: July 19, 2001  相似文献   
Plasma estradiol concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay in various endocrine disorders using antiserum to estradiol-17beta succinyl bovine serum albumin. Clinical significance and diagnostic value of plasma estradiol were assessed in hypothalamic-pituitary, adrenal and gonadal disorders. In general, estradiol concentration was correlated well with the degree of sexual maturity and was of great diagnostic use. Plasma estradiol in females mainly originated from the ovary, while the testis is the principal source of estradiol in males. The adrenal gland seemed to play a minor role as a source of estradiol at least in normal males and females. The role of estradiol in gynecomastia and in liver disease was also investigated. More than a half of the cases with gynecomastia had elevated concentrations of plasma estradiol, which probably explains the pathogenesis of this manifestation. Cirrhotic patients showed frequently hyperestrogenemia probably due to delayed disappearance of estradiol. In the study of stimulation with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), 3,000 IU daily for three days in ten normal men, the peripheral concentrations of esradiol showed maximum and fourfold increases 24 hours after the 1st injection of HCG. The testosterone levels, on the other hand, increased stepwise and reached a maximum of about two times preinjection levels 24 hours after the 3rd injection. In gonadal disorders, HCG produced various patterns of plasma estradiol and testosterone in accordance with the gonadal conditions and dissociated response patterns of both sex hormones were frequently found. The determination of plasma estradiol was useful in the study of the function of not only the ovary, but also the testis and the simultaneous measurement of plasma estradiol and testosterone after HCG administration presented interesting informations about pathophysiology of gonadal disorders.  相似文献   
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