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The effect of 7-fluoro proscyclilin (PGI2-F), a chemically stable analogue of prostacyclin, on cAMP accumulation in and [3H]PGE binding to mastocytoma P-815 cells was compared with those of the Na salt and methyl ester of prostacyclin (PGI2Na or PGI2Me), which are rapidly inactivated in aqueous solution or metabolized in the tissue.PGIF was as effective as PGI2Me, and slightly less effective than PGI2Na in stimulating cAMP accumulation in mastocytoma cells and rabbit platelets. PGI2F was also more stable than PGI2Me or PGI2Na, and retained its original cAMP elevating activity even after incubation with or without cells for 4 h at 37°C. Cells which had been exposed to PGI2F and then washed free of unbound reagent continued to produced cAMP for more than 3 h. PGI2F was also as effective as PGE1 or PGE2 in displacing [3H]PGE2 bound to the cells. Non-competitive inhibition by PGI2F or PGI2Me of [3H]PGE2 binding to the cells, with apparent Kis of 1.29 μM and 1.13 μM, respectively, indicates the presence of different receptors for PGE2 and for PGI2F or PGI2Me in mastocytoma P-815 cells.  相似文献   
A neutral α-glucosidase (EC activity was shown to be associated with granules which are sedimentable at 10 000 g after differential centrifugation of mouse peritoneal macrophage homogenates. When the post-nuclear supernatant was centrifuged in a sucrose density gradient, high activities for neutral α-glucosidase and β-glucuronidase (EC were detected in the bottom fractions because of aggregation of the granules. Neutral α-glucosidase-containing granules were completely disaggregated by the addition of 20 units/ml of heparin and 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.2), which caused only a partial disaggregation of β-glucuronidase-containing granules. The addition of a high concentration of heparin, Tris buffer, or KCl to the gradient gave the same patterns of disaggregation of the granules. Under the condition in which about 50% of the total β-glucuronidase activity was released into the medium, depending on phagocytosis, very little α-glucosidase was released. These observations suggested that neutral α-glucosidase may localize in non-lysosomal granules.  相似文献   
GLUT1 glucose transporter cDNA was modified to introduce a single amino acid substitution of leucine for tryptophan 412, a putative cytochalasin B photo-affinity labeling site. Although the mutated transporter was expressed into plasma membranes of Chinese hamster ovary cells, glucose transport activity of the mutated transporter was observed to be only 15-30% of that of the wild-type GLUT1 when glucose transport activity was assessed by 2-deoxyglucose uptake at 0.1-10 mM concentrations. Analysis of glucose uptake kinetics depict that a mutation induced a 3-fold decrease in turnover number and a 2.5-fold increase in Km compared with the wild-type GLUT1. Importantly, cytochalasin B labeling was not abolished but decreased by 40%, and cytochalasin B binding was also decreased. In addition, the results obtained with side-specific glucose analogs suggested that the outer glucose binding site of the mutant appeared intact but the inner binding site was modulated. These results indicate 1) tryptophan 412 is not a cytochalasin B labeling site(s), although this residue is located in or close to the inner glucose binding site of the GLUT1 glucose transporter, 2) substitution of leucine for tryptophan 412 decreases the intrinsic activity of GLUT1 glucose transporter, which is definable as the turnover number/Km, to approximately 15% of that of the wild-type.  相似文献   
In the presence of 1 nM retinoic acid (RA), pentobarbital markedly enhanced differentiation of HL-60 cells to granulocytic cells. In the absence of RA, pentobarbital by itself did not induce cell differentiation. Similarly, pentobarbital enhanced the action of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 to induce differentiation of HL-60 cells into monocyte/macrophage lineage. The potency of various barbiturates to enhance cell differentiation was closely correlated with their activity to inhibit protein kinase C of HL-60 cells. In contrast to staurosporine, however, barbiturates did not affect the action of differentiation inducers of other types such as dimethyl sulfoxide, dibutyryl cyclic AMP or actinomycin D.  相似文献   
Leafy thalli of the red algaPorphyra yezoensis Ueda, initiated from conchospores released from free-living conchocelis, were cultured using aeration with high CO2. It was found that the higher the CO2 concentration, the faster the growth of the thalli. Aeration with elevated CO2 lowered pH in dark, but raised pH remarkably in light with the thalli, because the photosynthetic conversion of HCO 3 ? to OH? and CO2 proceeded much faster than the dissociation of hydrated CO2 releasing H+. Photosynthesis of the alga was found to be enhanced in the seawater of elevated dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, CO2 + HCO 3 ? + CO 3 ? ). It is concluded that the increased pH in the light resulted in the increase of DIC in the culture media, thus enhancing photosynthesis and growth. The relevance of the results to removal of atmospheric CO2 by marine algae is discussed.  相似文献   
cDNA clones coding for hemoprotein H-450 were isolated from a rat liver cDNA library using anti-H-450 antibody. The molecular weight calculated from the deduced amino acid sequence comprising 547 amino acid residues was 60,085. The N-terminal sequence and a partial internal amino acid sequence of purified H-450, which were determined chemically, were both found in the amino acid sequence of H-450 deduced from the nucleotide sequence. H-450 mRNA is expressed in liver, kidney, and brain. A homology search of amino acid sequences indicated that H-450 shows no homology with cytochrome P-450, but shows significant homology with bacterial O-acetylserine (thiol)-lyases. However, H-450 has no O-acetylserine (thiol)-lyase activity.  相似文献   
Effects of the administration of heat treated cells of intestinal lactic acid bacteria were examined in rats fed a deoxycholic acid (DCA) diet. Male Wistar rats were given a 0.25% DCA diet with or without the heat treated cells of Enterococcus faecalis AD 1001 (EFH-1) or Lactobacillus reuteri AD 0002 (LRH-2) for 4 weeks. Abnormal increases in serum GOT, GPT, UN and lipoproteins were observed in the rats fed the DCA diet. Furthermore, severe lesions in the kidney as well as in the liver were found in these rats. On the contrary, the increases in serum GOT, UN, VLDL and LDL were significantly suppressed, and markedly fewer lesions in the liver and the kidney were observed in the rats fed the DCA diet plus EFH-1 or LRH-2.  相似文献   
The product of the malE—lacZ gene fusion was reported to compete with some proteins including outer membrane lipoprotein in the protein translocation across the Echerichia coli membrane. The fusion product also inhibited colicin E1 export. Furthermore, globomycin, which accumulated prolipoprotein in the membrane, inhibited the translocation of colicin E1 in the wild-type cells, but not in lipoprotein-negative mutant cells. Since colicin E1 contains the internal signal-like sequence [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1982) 79, 2827–2831], these results suggest that colicin E1 is exported by the aid of this sequence at a common site for maltose-binding protein and lipoprotein translocation.  相似文献   
Protoplasts prepared from suspension-cultured Vinca rosea cellswere cultured for 5 days. The cell walls regenerated from theprotoplasts were mainly composed of glucans having 1,3- and1,4-linkages. To investigate the molecular species, these glucanswere separated into four fractions: EDTA (50 mM, pH 4.5)-soluble(fraction E), KOH (24%)- soluble but not precipitatable by neutralizationwith acetic acid (fraction K-S), KOH (24%)-soluble and precipitatableby neutralization with acetic acid (fraction K-P), and KOH (24%)-insoluble(fraction C). By means of sugar composition analysis, methylationanalysis, periodate oxidation and enzymatic digestion, the molecularspecies of the glucans contained in the regenerated cell wallswere deduced to be ß-1,4-glucan (cellulose) and ß-1,3-glucan.Fraction C was mainly composed of ß-1,4-glucan; ß-1,3-glucanwas mainly recovered in fraction K-P. The ß-l,3-glucanwas soluble in dilute alkali solution, but was only slightlysoluble in water. The ß-1,3-glucan had an essentiallyunbranched structure, and its weight average molecular weightestimated by gel permeation chromatography was 4.5–5.0x 104. 1 Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Yatabe, Tsukuba, Ibaraki305, Japan (Received May 21, 1981; Accepted October 13, 1981)  相似文献   
The histamine contents were very low in the whole bodies of various types of mutant mice (Wv/Wv, Wv/W, W/W), in which the number of mast cells was decreased, but the L-histidine decarboxylase activities in these mutant mice were not much lower than in control wild type mice. These findings suggest the presence of high histidine decarboxylase activity in cells other than mast cells. Histidine decarboxylase in the whole body of mice was difficult to assay, because the enzyme was rapidly destroyed by proteases, but inclusion of a protease inhibitor, such as Leupeptin, Antipain, Chymostatin, or Pepstatin in the assay mixture permitted the accurate assay of histidine decarboxylase in crude extracts.  相似文献   
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