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We purified retinol dehydrogenase from bovine rod outer segments using polyethylene glycol precipitation and hydroxylapatite, concanavalin A-Sepharose CL-4B, and Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography in the presence of NADP. We obtained 13-fold purification of retinol dehydrogenase with specific activity of 61.8 nmol/min/mg and 3.8% recovery. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that retinol dehydrogenase had a molecular mass of 37,000 daltons. The Km values of purified retinol dehydrogenase for all-trans retinol and all-trans retinal were 6.6 mM and 0.085 mM, respectively. The purified enzyme reacted with the all-trans retinal but not with 13-, 11-, and 9-cis compounds. In addition, we prepared antibody to retinol dehydrogenase using rat. The anti-retinol dehydrogenase antibody precipitated retinol dehydrogenase activity and was confirmed to bind to 37-kDa protein by Western blotting. We also found that anti-retinol dehydrogenase antibody bound to bovine rod outer segments specifically by immunohistochemical technique. The molar ratio of retinol dehydrogenase to opsin in rod outer segments estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was 1:140.  相似文献   
Larval competition between contest and scramble strategists was investigated using the two bruchid species, C. analis (contest species) and C. phaseoli (scramble species) with two different sized mung beans (large and small beans). In both sized beans, the adult emergences of each species dependen on total density of the initial larval densities of the two species and the ratio of the two densities. The emergence of one species was suppressed by the existence of the other species when the initial larval density per bean of the former species was less than that of the latter one. There were many cases in which both C. analis and C. phaseoli emerged from one bean in large beans, but such cases were quite rare in small beans. C. analis performed interference behavior only at late larval stages, whereas C. phaseoli was superior in exploitative competition all through their larval stages. These, combined with the niche segregation inside a bean, are throught to be the major factors of observed density- and frequency-dependent competition results. Based on the above experimental results, long-term competition results between the contest and scramble species were predicted.  相似文献   
From bovine brain microtubules we purified tau protein kinase I (TPKI, Mr 45,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and tau protein kinase II (TPKII) whose activity was attributed to a 30-kDa protein on SDS-PAGE by affinity-labeling using an ATP analog. Both kinases were activated by tubulin. TPKII, but not TPKI, phosphorylated tau fragment peptides previously used for detection of a Ser/ThrPro kinase activity. Therefore, TPKII was considered to be the Ser/ThrPro kinase. TPKI was more effective than TPKII for producing the decrease of tau-1 immunoreactivity and mobility shift of tau on SDS-PAGE. Moreover, TPKI, but not TPKII nor other well-known protein kinases, generated an epitope present on paired helical filaments. These findings suggested that tau phosphorylated by TPKI resembled A-68, a component of paired helical filaments.  相似文献   
Nine bovine T-cell receptor (Tcr) chain (Tcrg) and three Tcr chain (Tcrd) cDNA clones were isolated from the cDNA libraries constructed from peripheral blood lymphocytes and thymocytes. Of nine Tcrg cDNA clones, only four were rearranged and contained specific V, J, and C gene segments, but the remaining five contained specific J and C or only C gene segments without the V gene segment. Three kinds of Tcrg-C, which were highly related at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, were found and designated as Tcrg-C1, Tcrg-C2, and Tcrg-C3. Compared with human and mouse Tcrg-C, bovine Tcrg-C sequences are much longer, with about 27–55 amino acids corresponding to the hinge and connector regions, where the characteristic repetitive 5-amino acid motif (TTEPP or TTKPP) exists in sheep Tcrg-C as previously reported. From three Tcrd cDNA clones, two Tcrd-V and three Tcrd-J segments were isolated. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of bovine Tcrd-C, especially the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, are well conserved among species. As in bovine Tcrg-C, diversity of amino acid residues in the Tcrd-C region is concentrated in the hinge regions. Southern blot analysis showed that there are at least three Tcrg-C genes and one Tcrd-C gene in the bovine genome. The analysis also revealed the presence of Tcrg-C- and Tcrd-C-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms among bovine breeds.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers D90409-20.  相似文献   
A temperature-sensitive mutation in the murH gene of Escherichia coli confers a lysis phenotype at the restrictive temperature. An extragenic suppressor of murH apparently representing a new locus at 12.5 min on the linkage map and designated smhB is described. The smhB mutation by itself also conferred a temperature-sensitive lysis phenotype. A mutation in another new locus designated lytD which arose spontaneously in the smhB mutant was mapped close to smhB at 12.7 min on the linkage map. The lytD mutation by itself conferred a temperature-sensitive lysis phenotype indistinguishable from that of the murH mutant. Thus, the suppression of lysis in the smhB murH and the smhB lytD double mutants suggests a mechanism involving the reciprocal suppression of the two individual lysis-causing mutant alleles. The suppressor activity of smhB was apparently relatively specific in that smhB failed to prevent lysis induced by either mutational (murE or murF) or antibiotic-induced blocks in peptidoglycan synthesis. This suggests that murH, smhB, and lytD may be functionally related.  相似文献   
Summary Lipase from Rhizopus delemar was immobilized by entrapment with photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymers or urethane prepolymers or by binding to various types of porous silica beads. The immobilized lipase preparations thus obtained were examined for their activity in converting olive oil to an interesterified fat (cacao butter-like fat), whose oleic acid moieties at 1- and 3-positions were replaced with stearic acid moieties, in the reaction solvent n-hexane. Although all of the immobilized preparations exhibited some activity, lipase adsorbed on Celite and then entrapped with a hydrophobic photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymer showed the highest activity, about 75% of that of lipase simply adsorbed onto Celite. Entrapment markedly enhanced the operational stability of lipase.Dedicated to Professor H. Holzer, Freiburg University, on his 60th birthday (June 13, 1981)  相似文献   
Summary Twenty to twenty-two days postcoitum mouse fetal pancreas organ bits were cultured on the dermal surface of irradiated pigskin as a substrate. The medium used for long term culture consisted of Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium with the addition of 10% bovine serum, 0.02 U/ml insulin, 0.025 μg/ml glucagon, 3.63 μg/ml hydrocortisone, 100 μg/ml soybean trypsin inhibitor or 10−8 M atropine. When the medium lacked trypsin inhibitor or atropine but contained the three hormones, the pigskin support began to be destroyed after 2 to 4 wk in culture. Thereafter, the cultured cells could not grow and survive on the digested pigskin. When 10−6 M atropine was added to the medium, amylase secretion from cultured cells and destruction of pigskin were inhibited completely but pancreas cells could not grow or survive. In contrast, 100 μg/ml soybean trypsin inhibitor or 10−8 M atropine permitted cell growth, permitted amylase secretion from the cultured acinar cells, and prevented the destruction of pigskin. Under these conditions pancreas cells migrated or grew or both from the organ bits onto the surface of the pigskin dermis and organoid aggregations formed. Hydrocortisone was needed to permit growth for more than 2 wk. Glucagon and insulin had additive effects. Light and electron microscopic observations indicated the culture of at least five kinds of cells, i.e., duct, acinar, centroacinar, endocrine, and mesenchymal. The majority of cultured cells were duct cells and acinar cells. There were few mesenchymal cells. Mouse pancreas cells were cultured for at least 12 wk by this method. This investigation was supported by PHS Grant CA 30220 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHHS, Grant 1203M awarded by the Council for Tobacco Research, Inc., and Grant RD-65 (for equipment) awarded by the American Cancer Society. Nude mice were provided by Dr. Wendall M. Farrow of Life Sciences, Inc., Resource Laboratory N01, CP6-1005 of the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   
The β-carbon of the acyl group of β-hydroxy-β-methylglutarylhydroxyabscisic acid was shown to possess R-configuration by HPLC analysis of the reduced product.  相似文献   
The effect of amino acid deprivation on the activities of D-alanine carboxypeptidase (CPase) and peptidoglycan transpeptidase in Escherichia coli was determined. Enzymes were assayed in ether-treated bacteria (ETB) which were permeable to peptidoglycan nucleotide precursors. ETB were prepared at intervals from cultures grown in the presence and absence of a required amino acid. The specific activity of CPase in ETB decreased 50 to 85% during amino acid deprivation. This was paralleled by a 60 to 70% decrease in the specific activity of peptidoglycan transpeptidase. Both enzymes reached their lowest level of activity about 40 min after the onset of amino acid deprivation. The decrease in CPase activity apparently was not due to degradation of the enzyme, since full activity was restored after disruption of ETB by sonication. A decrease in CPase activity was associated with an enhancement of transpeptidation. The peptidoglycan synthesized in vitro by amino acid-deprived ETB was 1.7 times more cross-linked than the peptidoglycan synthesized by control ETB These results support the proposal that CPase may be involved in regulating transpeptidation in E. coli.  相似文献   
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