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Extraction is one of the commonest procedures in dentistry. Therefore, it is of interest to evaluate the post extraction complications in patients undergoing extractions of permanent teeth. A total of 70 adult patients who had undergone dental extractions and presented with post -operative complications were included in the study and evaluated. Data collected was statistically analyzed using SPSS software and results obtained. Most of the patients with post extraction complications were in the age group of 31-40 years (21.6%), followed by 21-30 (20.2%) and 61-70 years (20.2%). Dry socket (39.19%) was the common post extraction complication in our study especially in the age group of 31-40 years. There was a statistically significant association between age of the patients and the post extraction complications (p<0.001). In our study, post extraction complications were commonly observed in age group of 31-40 years with a predilection for males. Dry socket was the most common post extraction complication. Age of the patient has a significant effect on post extraction complications. However, gender, smoking habits and systemic diseases have no influence on post extraction complications.  相似文献   
Protein docking algorithms aim to predict the 3D structure of a protein complex from the structures of its separated components. In the past, most docking algorithms focused on docking pairs of proteins to form dimeric complexes. However, attention is now turning towards the more difficult problem of using docking methods to predict the structures of multicomponent complexes. In both cases, however, the constituent proteins often change conformation upon complex formation, and this can cause many algorithms to fail to detect near-native binding orientations due to the high number of atomic steric clashes in the list of candidate solutions. An increasingly popular way to retain more near-native orientations is to define one or more restraints that serve to modulate or override the effect of steric clashes. Here, we present an updated version of our “EROS-DOCK” docking algorithm which has been extended to dock arbitrary dimeric and trimeric complexes, and to allow the user to define residue-residue or atom-atom interaction restraints. Our results show that using even just one residue-residue restraint in each interaction interface is sufficient to increase the number of cases with acceptable solutions within the top 10 from 51 to 121 out of 173 pairwise docking cases, and to successfully dock 8 out of 11 trimeric complexes.  相似文献   
It is of interest to evaluate the prevalence of systemic disorders in patients undergoing minor oral surgeries at a dental hospital. This will help to take necessary precautions prior to oral surgeries. We used the digital case records of 1288 patients who underwent minor oral surgeries in a hospital. Demographic details and systemic diseases of the patients were recorded from digital case records. Data shows that 103 patients (7.9%) of the total number of patients undergoing minor oral surgeries had systemic diseases with 3.8% of patients diagnosed with diabetes. Statistically significant associations were found between type of minor oral surgery and the type of systemic disease (p<0.001); age of patients and type of minor oral surgery (p<0.001); age and type of systemic diseases (p<0.001) and gender of patient and type of minor oral surgery (p = 0.005). Thus, data shows the prevalence of systemic diseases in patients undergoing minor oral surgeries was 7.9%.  相似文献   
Protein-protein docking programs can give valuable insights into the structure of protein complexes in the absence of an experimental complex structure. Web interfaces can facilitate the use of docking programs by structural biologists. Here, we present an easy web interface for protein-protein docking with the ATTRACT program. While aimed at nonexpert users, the web interface still covers a considerable range of docking applications. The web interface supports systematic rigid-body protein docking with the ATTRACT coarse-grained force field, as well as various kinds of protein flexibility. The execution of a docking protocol takes up to a few hours on a standard desktop computer.  相似文献   
In this study we describe the sociodemographic characteristics of people participating in a clinical trial on the safety and immunogenicity of a H5N1 influenza vaccine and we identify the main motivations for joining it.  相似文献   
The following 3 new species of the Philometridae (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) are described from freshwater centrarchid fishes (Centrarchidae: Perciformes) from eastern North America on the basis of museum and newly collected specimens: Philometra orbitalensis n. sp. and Philometroides aphanonaris n. sp. from the oculo-orbits and subcutaneous tissues of the head, respectively, of the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, and Philometroides wellborni n. sp. from the oculo-orbits of the bluegill Lepomis macrochirus (type host) and the redbreast sunfish Lepomis auritus. Whereas P. wellborni is described from both males and gravid females, the males of P. aphanonaris and P. orbitalensis remain unknown. The type locality of all 3 species is the West Point Reservoir, Alabama-Georgia; P. aphanonaris and P. wellborni have also been recorded from the Santee River in South Carolina. In contrast to other Philometra spp. parasitizing North American freshwater fishes, the gravid females of P. orbitalensis are characterized by large cephalic papillae of the external circle, yellowish body color, location (oculo-orbits) in the host, and by the host type (Centrarchidae). Philometroides aphanonaris and P. wellborni differ from North American congeners from freshwater fishes in the absence of esophageal teeth or a different embossment of the caudal end in gravid females; P. wellborni differs from P. aphanonaris in the absence of cuticular bosses from the caudal end of gravid females and in some other features (extent of embossment, body color, location, and host type).  相似文献   
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) plants were exposed to toxic levels of zinc (Zn). Zn exposure resulted in toxicity signs in plants, and these damages were partly reduced by a calcium (Ca) supplement. Confocal imaging of intracellular Zn using Zinquin showed that Zn was preferentially accumulated in trichomes. Exposure to Zn and Zn + Ca increased the trichome density and induced the production of Ca/Zn mineral grains on the head cells of trichomes. These grains were aggregates of submicrometer-sized crystals and poorly crystalline material and contained Ca as major element, along with subordinate amounts of Zn, manganese, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, silicon, and magnesium. Micro x-ray diffraction revealed that the large majority of the grains were composed essentially of metal-substituted calcite (CaCO3). CaCO3 polymorphs (aragonite and vaterite) and CaC2O4 (Ca oxalate) mono- and dihydrate also were identified, either as an admixture to calcite or in separate grains. Some grains did not diffract, although they contained Ca, suggesting the presence of amorphous form of Ca. The presence of Zn-substituted calcite was confirmed by Zn K-edge micro-extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Zn bound to organic compounds and Zn-containing silica and phosphate were also identified by this technique. The proportion of Zn-substituted calcite relative to the other species increased with Ca exposure. The production of Zn-containing biogenic calcite and other Zn compounds through the trichomes is a novel mechanism involved in Zn detoxification. This study illustrates the potential of laterally resolved x-ray synchrotron radiation techniques to study biomineralization and metal homeostasis processes in plants.  相似文献   


A polarized light scattering technique was used to monitor the performance of a continuously operated foam fractionation process. The S 11 and S 12 parameters, elements of the light scattering matrix, combined together (S 11 +S 12) have been correlated with the bubble size and liquid content for the case of a freely draining foam. The performance of a foam fractionation column is known to have a strong dependence on the bubble size distribution and liquid hold up in foam. In this study the enrichment is used as a metric, representative of foam properties and column performance, and correlated to the S 11 +S 12 parameter.  相似文献   
This is the first report of the philometrid nematode Margolisianum bulbosum Blaylock and Overstreet, 1999 from the southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma on the east coast of the USA. Observation of adult female worms was used as an indication of the parasite's presence in the fish. Adult females were found only in P. lethostigma >50 mm total length. The overall prevalence was 74%, with a mean intensity of 5 female nematodes per parasitized fish. Infected flounders were found throughout the year with a statistically significant decrease in intensity in the winter months. Neither salinity, water temperature, fish gender nor fish age were found to influence either prevalence or intensity of infection in the flounder. While larvigerous (gravid) females were found throughout the year, the significant decrease in their occurrence during the summer through fall, in concert with an observed decrease in intensity of infection during the winter, indicated that the life cycle of this philometrid species is likely to be annual.  相似文献   
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