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An electronic analog that models the burst generating neuronR 15 of theAplysia abdominal ganglion is described. The analog is based on the four branch Hodgkin-Huxley equivalent circuit for a patch of squid axon membrane, with a choice of parameter values appropriate to theAplysia cell membrane. To realize the slow subthreshold oscillations seen in cellR 15 upon exposure to the drug tetrodotoxin (TTX), it was necessary to include two additional conductance branches,g Na andg K, to the basic Hodgkin-Huxley circuit. Without these, the analog was capable of generating only action potentials and hence termed the suprathreshold analog. With all six branches operative, bursts very similar to those seen inR 15 were realized, and subsequent inhibition of the Hodgkin-Huxley sodium conductanceg Na resulted in the desired subthreshold oscillations. The electronic circuitry and the performance of the suprathreshold and complete analog are described. An explanation is offered for the progressive widening of the action potentials within a burst seen inR 15. The analog also simulates the phenomenon of potassium ion accumulation outside the cell membrane during a burst, using a local feedback loop to reduce the potassium equilibrium potential in a manner roughly proportional to the logarithm of the time integral of the outward potassium current. Some consequences of this effect are also discussed.  相似文献   
Viburtinal (4-methyl-7-formylcyclopenta(c)pyrane), yet unknown, was obtained by acid hydrolysis of the esters extracted from Viburnum tinus. Its structure was deduced by spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   
AH 22216 is a new histamine-H2-receptor antagonist which possesses a triazole ring. When compared to cimetidine, AH 22216 is about 100 times more potent (Ki = 0.21×10–8 M) in inhibiting histamine-stimulated acid secretion in isolated rabbit gastric cells. These two antihistamines have no effect on carbachol-stimulated acid secretion in the system. The data indicate that AH 22216 interacts directly and specifically on the gastric H2-receptor of the parietal cell and are consistent with the reported pharmacological potencies of AH 22216 and cimetidine on histamine-induced gastric-acid secretion in vivo. AH 22216 could thus be a useful therapeutic agent in patients with peptic ulcers.  相似文献   
Human Xeroderma pigmentosum “normal” fibroblasts AS16 (XP4 VI) were transformed after transfection with a recombinant v-myb clone. In this clone (pKXA 3457) derived from avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV), the expression of the oncogene sequences is driven by the AMV U-5 LTR promoter. The transformed cells (ASKXA), which have integrated a rearranged v-myb oncogene, grow in agar, are not tumorigenic in nude mice, and express a 45-kDa v-myb protein. The HMW DNA of these cells transform chicken embryo fibroblasts. The c-Ha-ras oncogene is overexpressed in the ASKXA cells but not in the parental “normal” AS16 cells and a revertant clone (ASKXA Cl 1.1 G). Our results lead to the conclusion that the XP fibroblasts are phenotipically transformed by the presence of the transfected v-myb oncogene, which is able to induce an overexpression of the c-Ha-ras gene.  相似文献   
The mechanisms involved in the parasitic castration of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis by the trematode parasite Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905, have been investigated in vitro with two bioassays employing dissociated host tissues. There is no conclusive evidence that P. squamatus affects the secretion of two host neuroendocrine factors, viz., gonial mitosis-stimulating factor and glycogen mobilization hormone, involved in the gametogenesis/nutrient storage cycles of the mussel. In contrast, extracts of P. squamatus sporocysts and cercariae significantly stimulated glycogen mobilization in host glycogen cells and strongly inhibited host gonial mitosis. A gonial mitosis-inhibiting factor (GMIF) was found in the hemolymph of parasitized mussels. The existence of an endogenous GMIF in mantle tissue of uninfected mussels has been demonstrated. This factor appeared to be secreted into the hemolymph during the period of sexual maturity. Whether the parasite acts directly on the host gonia, or by provoking the liberation of this endogenous GMIF, has yet to be ascertained. It would appear, however, that the parasite acts directly on host glycogen cells.  相似文献   
A sensitive and specific capillary gas chromatographic method has been developed to measure trace amounts of 2,2′-dichlorodiethyl sulphide (sulphur mustard) in environmental or biological samples. Sulphur mustard was isolated from water or plasma by a solid-phase extraction procedure and from blood by liquid—liquid extraction. The accuracy and precision of the methods were demonstrated using replicate analyses of spiked water, plasma or blood: within-run and between-run variabilities were less than 20%. These analytical methods were used to evaluate the rate of sulphur mustard degradation in water or plasma. Good linear calibration curves, with a detection limit of 45 ng/ml, were obtained for quantitation and determination of sulphur mustard in blood following its intravenous administration to rats. Initial toxicokinetic data were obtained.  相似文献   
Thrombin-stimulated normal platelets contain a membrane system of dilated channels with openings to the exterior. Whether these membranes originate from the surface connected system (SCS), the alpha-granules or internalized portions of the plasmalemma has not yet been defined. The present study traces in series of ultrathin sections the rearrangement of these membranes during shape change, degranulation and internalization of surface membranes in washed normal and "gray" platelets upon the stimulation with thrombin (1 IU/ml). Cationized ferritin (CF) was used as a surface marker in order to recognize internalized portions of the plasmalemma. Within the first seconds after stimulation, both normal and gray platelets changed their shape by extrusion of the SCS membranes. Simultaneously they started to internalize surface membrane and formed surface membrane invaginations closely attached to the outer rim of the cytoskeletal sphere which developed during the internal contraction. CF was internalized in these invaginations. CF was not observed within the system of dilated channels of stimulated platelets, however. Thrombin-stimulated gray platelets showed a markedly reduced number of dilated channels or none at all. This observation may be due to the fact "gray" platelets are deficient in alpha-granules. It is concluded that the dilated system of membranes in degranulated normal platelets originates from membranes of the alpha-granules which have performed compound exocytosis.  相似文献   
In Crustacea the central pattern generator for the pyloric motor rhythm (filtration to the midgut) is known to be located within the stomatogastric ganglion (STG); its cycling activity is known to be organized by three endogenous burster neurons acting as pacemakers and driving 11 follower neurons. In Homarus, recordings from the isolated stomatogastric nervous system (Fig. 1) indicate that (1) the pyloric output can be generated only when the STG is afferented (i.e., connected to the more rostral oesophageal and commissural ganglia) (Fig. 2) and (2) the deafferntation of the STG results in a complete loss of the bursting properties of the pacemaker neurons (Fig. 4). Manipulation of the STG inputs responsible for unmasking the properties of the pacemakers strongly suggests that (1) they are not phasic inputs (Fig. 5) and (2) they are long-term acting inputs (Fig. 6). These results provide evidence for a neural all-or-none control of the bursting properties of the pacemaker neurons of a motor pattern generator.  相似文献   
The motion of both mitral cusps and the presence of valvular regurgitation during ventricular contractions were investigated in seven experiments on dogs in which radiopaque markers had been sutured to the cusps and the valve annulus 1-32 wk before the studies. Cineangiograms of the left ventricle were obtained during ventricular ectopic beats, interposed throughout the cardiac cycle (20-99% of cycle length) and during induced variations in the P-R interval (0-200 ms). Mitral regurgitation was observed only during a) weak, early ectopic beats (peak pressure below 34 mmHg) which were incapable of closing the cusps and b) when ventricular contractions suddenly interrupted normal leaflet motion toward the ventricle, during three well-defined periods of diastole (diastolic valve opening, diastolic rebound, and atrial opening). Valve closure following sudden reversal of cusp opening was slow and the leaflets often did not arrive simultaneously at their closed positions. These findings suggest that sudden interruption of leaflet opening by ventricular contractions is an important mechanism of transient mitral regurgitation in the normal heart.  相似文献   
The mechanistic link between avian oxidative physiology and plumage coloration has attracted considerable attention in past decades. Hence, multiple proximal hypotheses were proposed to explain how oxidative state might covary with the production of melanin and carotenoid pigments. Some hypotheses underscore that these pigments (or their precursors, e.g., glutathione) have antioxidant capacities or function as molecules storing the toxic excess of intracellular compounds, while others highlight that these pigments can act as pro‐oxidants under specific conditions. Most studies addressing these associations are at the intraspecific level, while phylogenetic comparative studies are still scarce, though needed to assess the generality of these associations. Here, we tested whether plumage and bare part coloration were related to oxidative physiology at an interspecific level by measuring five oxidative physiology markers (three nonenzymatic antioxidants and two markers of lipid peroxidative damage) in 1387 individuals of 104 European bird species sampled during the breeding season, and by scoring plumage eumelanin, pheomelanin, and carotenoid content for each sex and species. Only the plasma level of reactive oxygen metabolites was related to melanin coloration, being positively associated with eumelanin score and negatively with pheomelanin score. Thus, our results do not support the role of antioxidant glutathione in driving variation in melanin synthesis across species. Furthermore, the carotenoid scores of feathers and bare parts were unrelated to the measured oxidative physiology parameters, further suggesting that the marked differences in pigmentation across birds does not influence their oxidative state.  相似文献   
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