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The plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) extrudes calcium from the cytosol to the extracellular space to terminate calcium-dependent signaling. Although the distribution of PMCA is crucial for its function, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the localization of PMCA isoforms are not well understood. PLEKHA7 is implicated by genetic studies in hypertension and the regulation of calcium handling. PLEKHA7 recruits the small adapter protein PDZD11 to adherens junctions, and together they control the trafficking and localization of plasma membrane associated proteins, including the Menkes copper ATPase. Since PDZD11 binds to the C-terminal domain of b-isoforms of PMCA, PDZD11 and its interactor PLEKHA7 could control the localization and activity of PMCA. Here, we test this hypothesis using cultured cell model systems. We show using immunofluorescence microscopy and a surface biotinylation assay that KO of either PLEKHA7 or PDZD11 in mouse kidney collecting duct epithelial cells results in increased accumulation of endogenous PMCA at lateral cell–cell contacts and PDZ-dependent ectopic apical localization of exogenous PMCA4x/b isoform. In HeLa cells, coexpression of PDZD11 reduces membrane accumulation of overexpressed PMCA4x/b, and analysis of cytosolic calcium transients shows that PDZD11 counteracts calcium extrusion activity of overexpressed PMCA4x/b, but not PMCA4x/a, which lacks the PDZ-binding motif. Moreover, KO of PDZD11 in either endothelial (bEnd.3) or epithelial (mouse kidney collecting duct) cells increases the rate of calcium extrusion. Collectively, these results suggest that the PLEKHA7–PDZD11 complex modulates calcium homeostasis by regulating the localization of PMCA.  相似文献   
BackgroundLeishmaniases are neglected tropical diseases that inflict great burden to poor areas of the globe. Intense research has aimed to identify parasite genetic signatures predictive of infection outcomes. Consistency of diagnostic tools based on these markers would greatly benefit from accurate understanding of Leishmania spp. population genetics. We explored two chromosomal loci to characterize a population of L. braziliensis causing human disease in Northeast Brazil.Methodology/Principal findingsTwo temporally distinct samples of L. braziliensis were obtained from patients attending the leishmaniasis clinic at the village of Corte de Pedra: (2008–2011) primary sample, N = 120; (1999–2001) validation sample, N = 35. Parasites were genotyped by Sanger’s sequencing of two 600 base pairs loci starting at nucleotide positions 3,074 and 425,451 of chromosomes 24 and 28, respectively. Genotypes based on haplotypes of biallelic positions in each locus were tested for several population genetic parameters as well as for geographic clustering within the region. Ample geographic overlap of genotypes at the two loci was observed as indicated by non-significant Cusick and Edward’s comparisons. No linkage disequilibrium was detected among combinations of haplotypes for both parasite samples. Homozygous and heterozygous genotypes displayed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) at both loci in the two samples when straight observed and expected counts were compared by Chi-square (p>0.5). However, Bayesian statistics using one million Monte-Carlo randomizations disclosed a less robust HWE for chromosome 24 genotypes, particularly in the primary sample (p = 0.04). Fixation indices (Fst) were consistently lower than 0.05 among individuals of the two samples at both tested loci, and no intra-populational structuralization could be detected using STRUCTURE software.Conclusions/SignificanceThese findings suggest that L. braziliensis can maintain stable populations in foci of human leishmaniasis and are capable of robust genetic recombination possibly due to events of sexual reproduction during the parasite’s lifecycle.  相似文献   
p24 proteins are assumed to play an important role in the transport of secreted and transmembrane proteins into membranes. However, only few cargo proteins are known that partially, but in no case completely require p24 proteins for membrane transport. Here, we show that two p24 proteins are essential for dorsoventral patterning of Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Mutations in the genes, eclair (eca) and baiser (bai), encoding two p24 proteins reduce signalling by the TGF-beta homologue, Dpp, in early embryos. This effect is strictly maternal and specific to early embryogenesis, as Dpp signalling in other contexts is not notably affected. We provide genetic evidence that in the absence of eca or bai function in the oocyte, the maternally expressed type I TGF-beta receptor Tkv is not active. We propose that during early embryogenesis eca and bai are specifically required for the activity of the maternal Tkv, while the zygotic Tkv is not affected in the mutant embryos. Mutations in either eca or bai are sufficient for the depletion of Tkv activity and no enhancement of the phenotypes was observed in embryos derived from oocytes mutant for both genes. The dependence of maternal Tkv protein on the products of p24 genes may serve as an in vivo model for studying p24 proteins.  相似文献   
Isolates of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea that carry the gene encoding Avirulence Conferring Enzyme1 (ACE1) are specifically recognized by rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars carrying the resistance gene Pi33. This recognition enables resistant plants to activate a defense response. ACE1 was isolated by map-based cloning and encodes a putative hybrid between a polyketide synthase and a nonribosomal peptide synthetase, enzymes involved in microbial secondary metabolism. ACE1 is expressed exclusively during fungal penetration of host leaves, the time point at which plant defense reactions are triggered. Ace1 appears to be localized in the cytoplasm of the appressorium. Mutation of the putative catalytic site of the beta-ketoacyl synthase domain of Ace1 abolishes recognition of the fungus by resistant rice. This suggests that Ace1 biosynthetic activity is required for avirulence. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the fungal signal recognized by resistant rice plants is the secondary metabolite whose synthesis depends on Ace1.  相似文献   
Cyclin-dependent kinase subunit (CKS) proteins bind to cyclin-dependent kinases and target various proteins to phosphorylation and proteolysis during cell division. Crystal structures showed that CKS can exist both in a closed monomeric conformation when bound to the kinase and in an inactive C-terminal beta-strand-exchanged conformation. With the exception of the hinge loop, however, both crystal structures are identical, and no new protein interface is formed in the dimer. Protein engineering studies have pinpointed the crucial role of the proline 90 residue of the p13(suc1) CKS protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe in the monomer-dimer equilibrium and have led to the concept of a loaded molecular spring of the beta-hinge motif. Mutation of this hinge proline into an alanine stabilizes the protein and prevents the occurrence of swapping. However, other mutations further away from the hinge as well as ligand binding can equally shift the equilibrium between monomer and dimer. To address the question of differential affinity through relief of the strain, here we compare the ligand binding of the monomeric form of wild-type S. pombe p13(suc1) and its hinge mutant P90A in solution by NMR spectroscopy. We indeed observed a 5-fold difference in affinity with the wild-type protein being the most strongly binding. Our structural study further indicates that both wild-type and the P90A mutant proteins adopt in solution the closed conformation but display different dynamic properties in the C-terminal beta-sheet involved in domain swapping and protein interactions.  相似文献   
The X-ray structures of human aldose reductase holoenzyme in complex with the inhibitors Fidarestat (SNK-860) and Minalrestat (WAY-509) were determined at atomic resolutions of 0.92 A and 1.1 A, respectively. The hydantoin and succinimide moieties of the inhibitors interacted with the conserved anion-binding site located between the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme and active site residues Tyr48, His110, and Trp111. Minalrestat's hydrophobic isoquinoline ring was bound in an adjacent pocket lined by residues Trp20, Phe122, and Trp219, with the bromo-fluorobenzyl group inside the "specificity" pocket. The interactions between Minalrestat's bromo-fluorobenzyl group and the enzyme include the stacking against the side-chain of Trp111 as well as hydrogen bonding distances with residues Leu300 and Thr113. The carbamoyl group in Fidarestat formed a hydrogen bond with the main-chain nitrogen atom of Leu300. The atomic resolution refinement allowed the positioning of hydrogen atoms and accurate determination of bond lengths of the inhibitors, coenzyme NADP+ and active-site residue His110. The 1'-position nitrogen atom in the hydantoin and succinimide moieties of Fidarestat and Minalrestat, respectively, form a hydrogen bond with the Nepsilon2 atom of His 110. For Fidarestat, the electron density indicated two possible positions for the H-atom in this bond. Furthermore, both native and anomalous difference maps indicated the replacement of a water molecule linked to His110 by a Cl-ion. These observations suggest a mechanism in which Fidarestat is bound protonated and becomes negatively charged by donating the proton to His110, which may have important implications on drug design.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus which causes fatal invasive aspergillosis among immunocompromised patients. To obtain a better understanding of the key elements involved in A. fumigatus virulence and to identify possible drug targets, it is necessary to be able to generate gene-deletion strains. Unfortunately, the molecular techniques available do not include a rapid method to disrupt and identify essential genes. RNA interference, a process in which the presence of double-stranded RNA homologous to a gene of interest results in specific degradation of the corresponding message, has been successfully tested on A. fumigatus. We have shown that expression of double stranded RNA corresponding to portions of the ALB1/PKSP and FKS1 genes results in reduced mRNA levels for those genes, with phenotypic consequences similar to that of gene disruption. The two genes could also be subjected to simultaneous interference through expression of chimeric double-stranded RNA. Use of RNA interference in Aspergillus will allow easier examination of the phenotypic consequences of reducing expression of a gene of interest, especially for essential genes.  相似文献   
Bioenergy is expected to play an important role in the future energy mix as it can substitute fossil fuels and contribute to climate change mitigation. However, large‐scale bioenergy cultivation may put substantial pressure on land and water resources. While irrigated bioenergy production can reduce the pressure on land due to higher yields, associated irrigation water requirements may lead to degradation of freshwater ecosystems and to conflicts with other potential users. In this article, we investigate the trade‐offs between land and water requirements of large‐scale bioenergy production. To this end, we adopt an exogenous demand trajectory for bioenergy from dedicated energy crops, targeted at limiting greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector to 1100 Gt carbon dioxide equivalent until 2095. We then use the spatially explicit global land‐ and water‐use allocation model MAgPIE to project the implications of this bioenergy target for global land and water resources. We find that producing 300 EJ yr?1 of bioenergy in 2095 from dedicated bioenergy crops is likely to double agricultural water withdrawals if no explicit water protection policies are implemented. Since current human water withdrawals are dominated by agriculture and already lead to ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, such a doubling will pose a severe threat to freshwater ecosystems. If irrigated bioenergy production is prohibited to prevent negative impacts of bioenergy cultivation on water resources, bioenergy land requirements for meeting a 300 EJ yr?1 bioenergy target increase substantially (+ 41%) – mainly at the expense of pasture areas and tropical forests. Thus, avoiding negative environmental impacts of large‐scale bioenergy production will require policies that balance associated water and land requirements.  相似文献   
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