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The mutualistic nature of cleaning symbioses has long remainedunconfirmed because of the difficulty in showing net benefitsfor clients. We have previously shown that cleaning gobies (Elacatinusspp.) within territories of Caribbean longfin damselfish (Stegastesdiencaeus) reduce the number of gnathiid isopod ectoparasiteson territory owners. We now investigate whether this benefitof being cleaned has reproductive consequences for male longfindamselfish. The mating success, rate of egg loss, and parentalaggression of 40 nest-guarding males were assessed during sixconsecutive monthly reproductive periods. Ten males had cleaningstations within their territory, 10 males were without cleaningstations, and 20 males initially with a cleaning station hadtheir cleaners removed half-way through the study. Ectoparasiteloads on our focal fish were very low; however, damselfish withcleaning stations still had significantly fewer ectoparasitesthan did fish without cleaning stations. There was, however,no significant difference in the number of eggs, clutches, orarea of clutches received, or in the number of eggs lost beforehatching between damselfish with and without cleaners. We alsofound no difference in parental male aggression between damselfishwith and without cleaners. We conclude that although ectoparasiteremoval appears to have no direct consequence for reproduction,at least for the levels of infestations observed on our studysite, it may still affect other aspects of damselfish fitnesssuch as survival.  相似文献   
Flow cytometry (FCM) was used to assess microbial community abundances and patterns in three natural, large and deep peri-alpine hydrosystems, i.e., lakes Annecy (oligotrophic), Bourget, and Geneva (mesotrophic). Picocyanobacteria, small eukaryotic autotrophs, heterotrophic prokaryotes, and viruses were studied in the 0–50 m surface layers to highlight the impact of both physical and chemical parameters as well as possible biotic interactions on the functioning of microbial communities. Some specificities were recorded according to the trophic status of each ecosystem such as the higher number of viruses and heterotrophic bacteria in mesotrophic environments (i.e., Lakes Geneva and Bourget) or the higher abundance of picocyanobacteria in the oligotrophic Lake Annecy. However, both seasonal (temperature) and spatial (depth) variations were comparatively more important than the trophic status in driving the microbial communities’ abundances in these three lakes, as revealed by principal component analysis (PCA). A strong viral termination of the heterotrophic bacterial blooms could be observed in autumn for each lake, in parallel to the mixing of the upper lit layers. As virus to bacteria ratio (VBR) was indeed very high at this period with values varying between 87 and 114, such important relationships between viruses and bacteria were likely. The magnitudes of seasonal variations in VBR, with the highest values ever reported so far, were largely greater than the magnitude of theoretical variations due to the trophic status, suggesting also a strong seasonality in virioplankton production associated to prokaryotic dynamics. FCM analyses allowed discriminating several viral groups. Virus-Like Particles group 1 (VLP1) and group 2 (VLP2) were always observed and significantly correlated to bacteria for the former and chlorophyll a and picocyanobacteria for the latter, suggesting that most of VLP1 and VLP2 could be bacteriophages and cyanophages, respectively. On the basis of these results, new ways of investigation emerge concerning the study of relationships between specific picoplanktonic groups; and overall these results provide new evidence of the necessity to consider further viruses for a better understanding of lake plankton ecology. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are capable of both self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation into mesoderm-type cells such as osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes and myocytes. Together the multipotent nature of MSCs and the facility to expand them in vitro make these cells ideal resources for regenerative medicine, particularly for bone reconstruction, and therefore research efforts focused on defining efficient protocols for directing their differentiation into the requisite lineage. Despite much progress in identifying mechanisms and factors that direct and control in vitro osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, a rapid and simple model to evaluate in vivo tissue formation is still lacking. Here, we describe the unique capacity of the murine bone marrow-derived D1 MSC cell line, which differentiates in vitro into at least three cell lineages, to form in vivo a structure resembling bone. This bone-like structure was obtained after subcutaneous grafting of D1 cells into immunocompetent mice without the need of neither an osteogenic factor nor scaffold material. These data allow us to propose this cell model as a tool for exploring in vivo the mechanisms and/or factors that govern and potentially regulate osteogenesis.  相似文献   
In insects, biogenic amines have been shown to play an important role in olfactory plasticity. In a first attempt to decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms, we report the molecular cloning and precise expression pattern of a newly identified octopamine/tyramine-receptor-encoding gene in the antennae of the noctuid moth Mamestra brassicae (MbraOAR/TAR). A full-length cDNA has been obtained through homology cloning in combination with rapid amplification of cDNA ends/polymerase chain reaction; the deduced protein exhibits high identities with previously identified octopamine/tyramine receptors in other moths. In situ hybridization within the antennae has revealed that MbraOAR/TAR is expressed at the bases of both pheromone-sensitive and non-sensitive olfactory sensilla and in cells with a neurone-like shape. In accordance with previous physiological studies that have revealed a role of biogenic amines in the electrical activity of the receptor neurones, our results suggest that biogenic amines (either octopamine or tyramine) target olfactory receptor neurones to modulate olfactory coding as early as the antennal level.  相似文献   
Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (Tdt) and DNA polymerase μ (pol μ) are two eukaryotic highly similar proteins involved in DNA processing and repair. Despite their high sequence identity, they differ widely in their activity: pol μ has a templated polymerase activity, whereas Tdt has a non-templated one. Loop1, first described when the Tdt structure was solved, has been invoked as the major structural determinant of this difference. Here we describe attempts to transform Tdt into pol μ with the minimal number of mutations in and around Loop1. First we describe the effect of mutations on six different positions chosen to destabilize Tdt Loop1 structure, either by alanine substitution or by deletion; they result at most in a reduction of Tdt activity, but adding Co++ restores most of this Tdt activity. However, a deletion of the entire Loop1 as in pol λ does confer a limited template-dependent polymerase behavior to Tdt while a chimera bearing an extended pol μ Loop1 reproduces pol μ behavior. Finally, 16 additional substitutions are reported, targeted at the two so-called ‘sequence determinant’ regions located just after Loop1 or underneath. Among them, the single-point mutant F401A displays a sequence-specific replicative polymerase phenotype that is stable upon Co++ addition. These results are discussed in light of the available crystal structures.  相似文献   
Brain cells are especially rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly the n-3 PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the n-6 PUFA arachidonic acid (AA). They are released from membranes by PLA2 during neurotransmission, and may regulate glutamate uptake by astroglia, involved in controlling glutamatergic transmission. AA has been shown to inhibit glutamate transport in several model systems, but the contribution of DHA is less clear and has not been evaluated in astrocytes. Because the high DHA content of brain membranes is essential for brain function, we investigated the role of DHA in the regulation of astroglial glutamate transport.We evaluated the actions of DHA and AA using cultured rat astrocytes and suspensions of rat brain membranes (P1 fractions). DHA reduced d-[3H]aspartate uptake by cultured astrocytes and cortical membrane suspensions, while AA did not. This also occurred in astrocytes enriched with α-tocopherol, indicating that it was not due to peroxidation products. The reduction of d-[3H]aspartate uptake by DHA did not involve any change in the concentrations of membrane-associated astroglial glutamate transporters (GLAST and GLT-1), suggesting that DHA reduced the activity of the transporters. In contrast with the inhibition induced by free-DHA, we found no effect of membrane-bound DHA on d-[3H]aspartate uptake. Indeed, the uptake was similar in astrocytes with varying amount of DHA in their membrane (induced by long-term supplementation with DHA or AA). Therefore, DHA reduces glutamate uptake through a signal-like effect but not through changes in the PUFA composition of the astrocyte membranes. Also, reactive astrocytes, induced by a medium supplement (G5), were insensitive to DHA. This suggests that DHA regulates synaptic glutamate under basal condition but does not impair glutamate scavenging under reactive conditions.These results indicate that DHA slows astroglial glutamate transport via a specific signal-like effect, and may thus be a physiological synaptic regulator.  相似文献   
Multilocus sequence typing with nine selected genes is shown to be a promising new tool for accurate identifications of Brevibacteriaceae at the species level. A developed microarray also allows intraspecific diversity investigations of Brevibacterium aurantiacum showing that 13% to 15% of the genes of strain ATCC 9174 were absent or divergent in strain BL2 or ATCC 9175.Brevibacteriaceae play a major part in the cheese smear community (6, 11). The classification and typing of cheese-related Brevibacteriaceae have been based mainly on molecular methods such as amplified ribosomal DNA restriction enzyme analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and ribotyping (8, 10, 12). Recently, the original Brevibacterium linens group was split into two species on the basis of their physiological and biochemical characteristics, the sugar and polyol composition of their teichoic acids, and their 16S rRNA sequence and DNA-DNA hybridization levels. One species remains B. linens and is represented by type strain ATCC 9172. The other, represented by type strain ATCC 9175, has been renamed Brevibacterium aurantiacum. Regarding this new classification, the taxonomic position of cheese-related isolates has to be revisited and potential relationships between phylogenetic affiliation and the potential occurrence of given metabolic characteristics redefined (7). The unfinished genome sequence of B. aurantiacum ATCC 9174 has recently been released by the Joint Genome Institute (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/draft_microbes/breli/breli.home.html). The development of focused phylogenetic approaches using multiple markers in conjunction with whole-genome screening techniques such as comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has proven to be useful for the detailed characterization of pathogenic species, including food pathogens (3, 5, 9). However, only a few technological species have been investigated at an intraspecies level (2). Our intention was thus to develop modern tools to facilitate the typing of strains of technological interest, for which Brevibacteriaceae could be used as a case study.  相似文献   
We present a new high resolution speleothem stable isotope record from the Villars Cave (SW-France) that covers part of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3. The Vil14 stalagmite grew between ~ 52 and 29 ka. The δ13C profile is used as a palaeoclimate proxy and clearly shows the interstadial substages 13, 12 and 11. The new results complement and corroborate previously published stalagmite records Vil9 and Vil27 from the same site. The Vil14 stalagmite chronology is based on 12 Th-U dating by MC-ICP-MS and 3 by TIMS. A correction for detrital contamination was done using the 230Th/232Th activity ratio measured on clay collected in Villars Cave. The Vil14 results reveal that the onset of Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events 13 and 12 occurred at ~ 49.8 ka and ~ 47.8 ka, respectively. Within uncertainties, this is coherent with the latest NorthGRIP time scale (GICC05-60 ka) and with speleothem records from Central Alps. Our data show an abrupt δ13C increase at the end of DO events 14 to 12 which coincides with a petrographical discontinuity probably due to a rapid cooling. As observed for Vil9 and Vil27, Vil14 growth significantly slowed down after ~ 42 ka and finally stopped ~ 29 ka ago where the δ13C increase suggests a strong climate deterioration that coincides with both North Atlantic sea level and sea surface temperature drop.  相似文献   
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