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A homemade serum-free medium containing a low protein level under 0.1 g l−1 has been proved to support long-term cultures of VO 208 hybridoma cells successfully up to 50 days. The low protein level was achieved by supplying the lipids through liposomes containing cholesterol, oleic acid, - dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, and bovine serum albumin. The influence of the liposome content in the feeding medium was studied in a continuous culture performed with step variations of the liposomes level, from 7.5 to 30 ml l−1. The cell density decreased at the highest liposomes content while it became higher with 7.5 or 12 ml l−1 of liposomes. For each step variation appeared a transitory activation of the specific rates of nutrient consumption, metabolite production and antibody secretion, as well as a transitory decrease of the specific cell growth rate. The overall structure of the antibodies was not affected during the culture.  相似文献   
Chorismate synthase (EC, the seventh enzyme in the shikimate pathway, catalyzes the transformation of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) to chorismate, which is the last common precursor in the biosynthesis of numerous aromatic compounds in bacteria, fungi, and plants. The chorismate synthase reaction involves a 1,4-trans-elimination of phosphoric acid from EPSP and has an absolute requirement for reduced FMN as a cofactor. We have determined the three-dimensional x-ray structure of the yeast chorismate synthase from selenomethionine-labeled crystals at 2.2-A resolution. The structure shows a novel betaalphabetaalpha fold consisting of an alternate tight packing of two alpha-helical and two beta-sheet layers, showing no resemblance to any documented protein structure. The molecule is arranged as a tight tetramer with D2 symmetry, in accordance with its quaternary structure in solution. Electron density is missing for 23% of the amino acids, spread over sequence regions that in the three-dimensional structure converge on the surface of the protein. Many totally conserved residues are contained within these regions, and they probably form a structured but mobile domain that closes over a cleft upon substrate binding and catalysis. This hypothesis is supported by previously published spectroscopic measurements implying that the enzyme undergoes considerable structural changes upon binding of both FMN and EPSP.  相似文献   
Multilocus sequence typing with nine selected genes is shown to be a promising new tool for accurate identifications of Brevibacteriaceae at the species level. A developed microarray also allows intraspecific diversity investigations of Brevibacterium aurantiacum showing that 13% to 15% of the genes of strain ATCC 9174 were absent or divergent in strain BL2 or ATCC 9175.Brevibacteriaceae play a major part in the cheese smear community (6, 11). The classification and typing of cheese-related Brevibacteriaceae have been based mainly on molecular methods such as amplified ribosomal DNA restriction enzyme analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and ribotyping (8, 10, 12). Recently, the original Brevibacterium linens group was split into two species on the basis of their physiological and biochemical characteristics, the sugar and polyol composition of their teichoic acids, and their 16S rRNA sequence and DNA-DNA hybridization levels. One species remains B. linens and is represented by type strain ATCC 9172. The other, represented by type strain ATCC 9175, has been renamed Brevibacterium aurantiacum. Regarding this new classification, the taxonomic position of cheese-related isolates has to be revisited and potential relationships between phylogenetic affiliation and the potential occurrence of given metabolic characteristics redefined (7). The unfinished genome sequence of B. aurantiacum ATCC 9174 has recently been released by the Joint Genome Institute (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/draft_microbes/breli/breli.home.html). The development of focused phylogenetic approaches using multiple markers in conjunction with whole-genome screening techniques such as comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has proven to be useful for the detailed characterization of pathogenic species, including food pathogens (3, 5, 9). However, only a few technological species have been investigated at an intraspecies level (2). Our intention was thus to develop modern tools to facilitate the typing of strains of technological interest, for which Brevibacteriaceae could be used as a case study.  相似文献   
Remyelination of primary demyelinated lesions is a common feature of experimental models of multiple sclerosis (MS) and is also suggested to be the normal response to demyelination during the early stages of MS itself. Many lines of evidence have shown that remyelination is preceded by the division of endogenous oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in the lesion and its borders. It is suggested that this rapid response of OPCs to repopulate the lesion site and their subsequent differentiation into new oligodendrocytes is the key to the rapid remyelination. Antibodies to the NG2 chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan have proved exceedingly useful in following and quantitating the response of endogenous OPCs to demyelination. Here we review the literature on the response of NG2-expressing OPCs to demyelination and provide some new evidence on their response to the chronic inflammatory demyelinating environment seen in recombinant myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in the DA rat. NG2-expressing OPCs responded to the inflammatory demyelination in this model by becoming reactive and increasing in number in a very focal manner. Evidence of NG2+OPCs in lesioned areas beginning to express the oligodendrocyte marker CNP was also seen. The response of OPCs appeared to occur following successive relapses but did not always lead to remyelination, with areas of chronic demyelination observed in the spinal cord. The presence of OPCs in the adult human CNS is clearly of vital importance for repair in multiple sclerosis (MS). As in rat tissue, the antibody labels an evenly distributed cell population present in both white and grey matter, distinct from HLA-DR+microglia. NG2+cells are sparsely distributed in the centre of chronic MS lesions. These cells apparently survive demyelination and exhibit a multi-processed or bipolar morphology in the very hypocellular environment of the lesion.  相似文献   
Seventy-five years after the discovery of transformation with Streptococcus pneumoniae, it is remarkable how little we know of the proteins that interact with incoming single strands in the early processing of transforming DNA. In this work, we used as donor DNA in transformation a radioactively labelled homologous fragment to examine the fate of the single-stranded (ssDNA) products of uptake in cells mutant for DprA or RecA, two proteins essential for transformation. Fifteen minutes after uptake, the labelling of specific chromosomal restriction fragments that demonstrated homologous integration in the wild type was not detected in dprA or recA cells, indicating that in the mutants incoming ssDNA could not be processed into recombinants. Investigation of the fate of donor label 1 min after uptake revealed that incoming ssDNA was immediately degraded in the absence of DprA or RecA. Our results demonstrate that incoming ssDNA requires active protection prior to the RecA-driven search for homology and that both DprA and RecA are needed for this protection.  相似文献   
The exocyst complex tethers post‐Golgi secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane prior to docking and fusion. In this study, we identify Sec3, the missing component of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe exocyst complex (SpSec3). SpSec3 shares many properties with its orthologs, and its mutants are rescued by human Sec3/EXOC1. Although involved in exocytosis, SpSec3 does not appear to mark the site of exocyst complex assembly at the plasma membrane. It does, however, mark the sites of actin cytoskeleton recruitment and controls the organization of all three yeast actin structures: the actin cables, endocytic actin patches and actomyosin ring. Specifically, SpSec3 physically interacts with For3 and sec3 mutants have no actin cables as a result of a failure to polarize this nucleating formin. SpSec3 also interacts with actin patch components and sec3 mutants have depolarized actin patches of reduced endocytic capacity. Finally, the constriction and disassembly of the cytokinetic actomyosin ring is compromised in these sec3 mutant cells. We propose that a role of SpSec3 is to spatially couple actin machineries and their independently polarized regulators. As a consequence of its dual role in secretion and actin organization, Sec3 appears as a major co‐ordinator of cell morphology in fission yeast .  相似文献   
Dravet syndrome (DS) is a genetically determined epileptic encephalopathy mainly caused by de novo mutations in the SCN1A gene. Since 2003, we have performed molecular analyses in a large series of patients with DS, 27% of whom were negative for mutations or rearrangements in SCN1A. In order to identify new genes responsible for the disorder in the SCN1A-negative patients, 41 probands were screened for micro-rearrangements with Illumina high-density SNP microarrays. A hemizygous deletion on chromosome Xq22.1, encompassing the PCDH19 gene, was found in one male patient. To confirm that PCDH19 is responsible for a Dravet-like syndrome, we sequenced its coding region in 73 additional SCN1A-negative patients. Nine different point mutations (four missense and five truncating mutations) were identified in 11 unrelated female patients. In addition, we demonstrated that the fibroblasts of our male patient were mosaic for the PCDH19 deletion. Patients with PCDH19 and SCN1A mutations had very similar clinical features including the association of early febrile and afebrile seizures, seizures occurring in clusters, developmental and language delays, behavioural disturbances, and cognitive regression. There were, however, slight but constant differences in the evolution of the patients, including fewer polymorphic seizures (in particular rare myoclonic jerks and atypical absences) in those with PCDH19 mutations. These results suggest that PCDH19 plays a major role in epileptic encephalopathies, with a clinical spectrum overlapping that of DS. This disorder mainly affects females. The identification of an affected mosaic male strongly supports the hypothesis that cellular interference is the pathogenic mechanism.  相似文献   
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