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β-N-Acetylhexosaminidases were detected in 10 insects including species of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Orthoptera. Two enzymes were purified from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). EI was detected in larval and pharate pupal molting fluid, integument, and pupal hemolymph while EII was found in larval and pupal hemolymphs. They are acidic hydrolases with similar molecular weights (6.1 × 104), molar extinction coefficients at 280 nm (1.9 × 105 liters mol?1 cm?1), and pH optima (pH 6). They differ in the number of polypeptide chains per molecule (EI is a single chain and EII consists of two polypeptide chains), amino acid composition, extent of glycosylation (EII is probably a glycoprotein), isoelectric point (pIEI = 5.9 and pIEII ~- 5.1), tissue distribution, and reactivities toward nitrophenylated N-acetylglucosamine (kcat,I = 328 s?1 and kcat,II = 103 s?1) and N,N′-diacetylchitobiose (kcat,I = 307 s?1 and kcat,II = 3 s?1). These results suggest that EI is a chitinase and that EII may function as a hexosaminidase in vivo.  相似文献   
Karl R. Kranz 《Zoo biology》1982,1(3):237-241
The pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis), like the Nile hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), defecates by backing into vertical objects while making a series of rapid, propellerlike tail movements that spread a mixture of urine and feces in a wide swath. Split hairs from the distal ventral surface of the pygmy hippopotamus tail were studied with the scanning electron microscope to determine whether the splitting was a normal character of the hair or was due to damage. The results suggest that splitting is a normal feature of the hair that may facilitate the dispersal of urine and feces.  相似文献   
Clonal mouse skeletal muscle cells which differentiate in culture and from synpases with neuronal cells were found to secrete high levels of protease activity as measured with an 125I-fibrin assay. The secreted proteolytic activity was more than 90% dependent upon the presence of plasminogen in the medium, and had a pH optimum at 7 to 8. This activity was not inhibited by n-ethylmaleimide, pepstatin, EDTA, or EGTA. At millimolar concentrations, greater than 90% inhibition was obtained with either soybean typsin inhibitor, epsilon aminocaproic acid, Trasylol, or leupeptin. Almost complete inhibition occured with 1 mM diisopropylfluorophosphate suggesting the presence of a serine residue at the catalytic site. In contrast to the high levels of secreted activity, a lower steady-state level of cell-associated protease activity was detected in cell lysates. The high level of plasminogen activator secreted into the medium of cultured muscle cells suggests a role for such extracellular protease activity in myogenesis during development and remodeling following muscle injury. Such information may be useful in understanding the initial degeneration of neuromusclar contacts in experimental and pathologic denervation.  相似文献   
The Rhinoceros Beetle Project in Western Samoa has developed and successfully applied biological methods to control the rhinoceros beetle, a serious pest of coconut palms, by using two specific pathogens, a baculovirus (Family Baculoviridae), and an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The application of virus particularly has markedly suppressed the beetle population and helped revive the copra industry. The virus disease had established itself in the wild beetle population several years after its introduction at a level between 30 and 50%. At the same time an increase in beetle numbers and damage to palm trees was experienced. Therefore, a continuous release of virus into beetle-infested areas was proposed. It was argued that, considering the relatively high level of “natural” virus incidence, further releases of virus into the population would be futile. In a combined research and control program, virus was again re-released into the wild beetle population which was already virus infected. The results show that through re-release the virus level can be raised and the number of beetles and consequently the damage can be reduced. The techniques of the control methods are described. The virus release is very easy and cheap; it requires no chemicals, no special equipment, and it is particularly recommended in situations where breeding places are inaccessible or other methods such as plantation sanitation are either impossible or economically impractical. Above all, the methods are absolutely safe from the standpoint of environmental protection.  相似文献   
Synaptosomes were isolated from rat cerebral cortex and incubated with [U-14C]-, [1-14C]- or [6-14C]glucose. Glucose utilization and the metabolic partitioning of glucose carbon in products were determined by isotopic methods. From the data obtained a carbon balance was constructed, showing lactate to be the main product of glucose metabolism, followed by CO2, amino acids and pyruvate. Measuring the release of 14CO2 from glucose labelled in three different positions allowed the construction of a flow diagram of glucose carbon atoms in synaptosomes, which provides information about the contribution of the various pathways of glucose metabolism. Some 2% of glucose utilized was calculated to be degraded via the pentose phosphate pathway. Addition of chlorpromazine, imipramine or haloperidol at concentrations of 10(-5) M reduced glucose utilisation by 30% without changing the distribution pattern of radioactivity in the various products.  相似文献   
Zomepirac sodium is a new inhibitor of prostaglandin cyclooxygenase with an in vitro potency equivalent to indomethacin. Since inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis have marked effects on renal hemodynamics, zomepirac may be expected to reduce renal blood flow (RBF) in a manner similar to indomethacin. This study compares the effects of zomepirac and indomethacin on RBF and electrolyte excretion in anesthetized Rhesus monkeys. Each experiment consisted of a control period followed by 3 or 4 drug treatment periods in which increasing doses of zomepirac (0.5 to 20 mg/kg) or indomethacin (0.5 to 10 mg/kg were given. Indomethacin (5 mg/kg) reduced RBF by 22% and the higher dose (10 mg/kg) reduced RBF by an additional 13%. Zomepirac had little effect on RBF in doses as high as 20 mg/kg. At any given dose the mean plasma concentration of zomepirac was equal to or greater than indomethacin. Peak indomethacin concentration was 48 μg/ml after the 10 mg/kg dose while the peak zomepirac, after 20 mg/kg, was 158 μg/ml. Neither drug had a significant effect on either glomerular filtration rate or excretion rate of sodium or potassium. Thus, zomepirac had only minimal effects on RBF while indomethacin decreased RBF of anesthetized monkeys in a manner qualitatively similar to its effect in other species. The minimal renal effects caused by zomepirac relative to indomethacin in this primate may indicate a therapeutic advantage for zomepirac in man.  相似文献   
Cells of Coccolithus huxleyi which fail to deposit CaCO3 and form coccoliths often occur as unwanted components in cultures used for studies of calcification. Non-calcified cells generally cannot be made to recalcify, but they can be removed from cultures by treatment at elevated pH or by a method based on faster sinking of calcified cells. Lowering the concentrations of nitrate, phosphate, or trace metals in the medium did not restore calcifying ability of non-calcified cells. However, addition of strontium did promote recalcification of decalcified Cricosphaera carterae grown under calcium limitation. Strontium seemed to promote coccolith attachment to cells rather than to affect calcium uptake or coccolith formation itself.  相似文献   
The nucleo-free erythrocyte is presented as the simplest differentiated cell whose energy-exchange has the single purpose of preserving the cell structure; this structure is based on the regular quasi-crystalline state of intracellular water, which is expressed by the negative entropy(-S W )and the temperature T W which is higher than the temperature of the extracellular water T. The information content of intracellular water, J W is proportional to the temperature difference: J W T=T W -T. The regular state of intracellular water is maintained by the basal metabolism that takes place in the membrane of the differentiated cell. The energy exchange, i.e., the absorption of free energy and the liberation of an equivalent amount of heat, occurs in the form of work cycles of the enzym-water-complexes in the cell membrane. The differentiated cell of the multicellular animal organism is the result of embryogenetic processes accompanied by heat-liberation. The specific heat-liberation, i.e., the heat produced by a single cell, begins with a quasi-zero value of the fertilized egg cell and grows with acceleration to a maximum value at the end of embryogenesis. This process of acceleration of heat-liberation is caused by the entrance of the water from the outer medium into the embryonic cell; the water undergoes the phasechange fluid crystal with heat-liberation. The intracellular water within the embryonic cell becomes structurated; this is also accompanied by growing heatliberation. The thermodynamic characteristic of embryo genetic development is expressed by the principle of the maximum of velocity of entropy production of the cell at the end state of the process of differentiation. This principle applied to phylogenetics, leads to the formulation of the principle of accumulation of biological information: J(t). In the course of evolution living systems are able not only to store information of past generations, but also to create information: J(t)eIntl where t is the time of phylogenesis.  相似文献   
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