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Autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islets in Type 1 diabetes is mediated by both increased proinflammatory (Teff) and decreased regulatory (Treg) T lymphocytes resulting in a significant decrease in the Treg:Teff ratio. The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse is an excellent in vivo model for testing potential therapeutics for attenuating the decrease in the Treg:Teff ratio and inhibiting disease pathogenesis. Here we show for the first time that a bioreactor manufactured therapeutic consisting of a complex of miRNA species (denoted as TA1) can effectively reset the NOD immune system from a proinflammatory to a tolerogenic state thus preventing or delaying autoimmune diabetes. Treatment of NOD mice with TA1 resulted in a systemic broad-spectrum upregulation of tolerogenic T cell subsets with a parallel downregulation of Teff subsets yielding a dramatic increase in the Treg:Teff ratio. Moreover, the murine-derived TA1 was highly effective in the inhibition of allorecognition of HLA-disparate human PBMC. TA1 demonstrated dose-responsiveness and exhibited equivalent or better inhibition of allorecognition driven proliferation than etanercept (a soluble TNF receptor). These findings demonstrate that miRNA-based therapeutics can effectively attenuate or arrest autoimmune disease processes and may be of significant utility in a broad range of autoimmune diseases including Type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   
Complexation of bilirubin (BR) and biliverdin (BV) with biogenic and toxic metals (Mn, Cu, Cd, Co, Fe, Ni, Zn, and Ag) has been studied by means of electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD). Poly-l-lysine and β-cyclodextrin in water were chosen as matrices capable of recognizing the single stereoconformer of the pigments with defined M-helicity. Such systems allow structural changes caused by complexation of pigments with metals in aqueous solution at pH 10-11 to be followed using chiroptical methods, which are intrinsically sensitive to spatial structure. These and other spectroscopic techniques have revealed that BV and BR form monomeric complexes with Cd, Cu, and Zn and dimeric complexes with Mn. The stabilities of the complexes with Fe, Ni, Co, and Ag are remarkably lower. The sign of the ECD and VCD patterns of the complexed BV does not change for the chelates of any of the studied metals other than Zn, this exception being interpreted in terms of manifestation of the opposite helicity of BV in its chelate with Zn. In the case of BR, the observed inversion of ECD signal after complexation, together with the analysis of VCD spectra, reveals that a flattening of the molecule takes place, i.e., an increase in the angle between the pyrrinone chromophores without an inversion of helicity. This chiral stereoselectivity, which is very specific in the case of the Zn chelates, is discussed in connection with the specific inhibition of Zn-required enzymes by bile pigments.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effect of mono/bicyclic terpenoids and phenol derivatives on the viability of Drosophila melanogaster and their influence on the multiplication of the nuclear genome. The fertility and viability of fruit flies were assessed after oral administration and inhalation exposure of compounds 15: guaiacol, eugenol, borneol, menthol and carvacrol. The influence of terpenoids and phenols on the degree of chromosomes polyteny in salivary gland cells of D. melanogaster larvae was determined. Among all tested compounds, carvacrol demonstrated the most significant impact on fecundity and insect survival when inhaled or adding to the culture medium. Oral administration of carvacrol had an impact on giant chromosomes increasing their average level of chromosome polyteny degree while eugenol adding to culture medium had the opposite effect. The possible mechanism of terpenoids and phenols action is discussed.  相似文献   
The AP-3 adaptor complex targets selected transmembrane proteins to lysosomes and lysosome-related organelles. We reconstituted its preferred interaction with liposomes containing the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-1 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), specific cargo tails, and phosphatidylinositol-3 phosphate, and then we performed a proteomic screen to identify new proteins supporting its sorting function. We identified ≈30 proteins belonging to three networks regulating either AP-3 coat assembly or septin polymerization or Rab7-dependent lysosomal transport. RNA interference shows that, among these proteins, the ARF-1 exchange factor brefeldin A-inhibited exchange factor 1, the ARF-1 GTPase-activating protein 1, the Cdc42-interacting Cdc42 effector protein 4, an effector of septin-polymerizing GTPases, and the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase IIIC3 are key components regulating the targeting of lysosomal membrane proteins to lysosomes in vivo. This analysis reveals that these proteins, together with AP-3, play an essential role in protein sorting at early endosomes, thereby regulating the integrity of these organelles.  相似文献   
Autophagy is a catabolic process employed by eukaryotes to degrade and recycle intracellular components. When this pathway is induced by starvation conditions, part of the cytoplasm and organelles are sequestered into double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes, and delivered into the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. In addition to the random bulk elimination of cytoplasmic contents, the selective removal of specific cargo molecules has also been described. These selective types of autophagy are characterized by the recruitment of the cargo destined for degradation in close proximity to the forming double-membrane vesicle that results in an exclusive incorporation (that is, without bulk cytoplasm). A number of factors required for selective types of autophagy have been identified. In particular, we have recently shown that actin and the actin-binding Arp2/3 protein complex are involved in the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, a yeast selective type of autophagy. The contribution at a molecular level of these factors, however, remains unknown. In this addendum, we present mechanistic models that take into account possible roles of actin and the Arp2/3 complex in the Cvt pathway.  相似文献   
Retrotransposons and their remnants often constitute more than 50% of higher plant genomes. Although extensively studied in monocot crops such as maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa), the impact of retrotransposons on dicot crop genomes is not well documented. Here, we present an analysis of retrotransposons in soybean (Glycine max). Analysis of approximately 3.7 megabases (Mb) of genomic sequence, including 0.87 Mb of pericentromeric sequence, uncovered 45 intact long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons. The ratio of intact elements to solo LTRs was 8:1, one of the highest reported to date in plants, suggesting that removal of retrotransposons by homologous recombination between LTRs is occurring more slowly in soybean than in previously characterized plant species. Analysis of paired LTR sequences uncovered a low frequency of deletions relative to base substitutions, indicating that removal of retrotransposon sequences by illegitimate recombination is also operating more slowly. Significantly, we identified three subfamilies of nonautonomous elements that have replicated in the recent past, suggesting that retrotransposition can be catalyzed in trans by autonomous elements elsewhere in the genome. Analysis of 1.6 Mb of sequence from Glycine tomentella, a wild perennial relative of soybean, uncovered 23 intact retroelements, two of which had accumulated no mutations in their LTRs, indicating very recent insertion. A similar pattern was found in 0.94 Mb of sequence from Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean). Thus, autonomous and nonautonomous retrotransposons appear to be both abundant and active in Glycine and Phaseolus. The impact of nonautonomous retrotransposon replication on genome size appears to be much greater than previously appreciated.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural studies on the synaptology of dendritic arborizations of motoneurones have been problematic because dendrites are very thin in relation to their great length, and most of the studies on this topic have therefore dealt with only small parts of the dendritic tree. Here we compared the ultrastructural characteristics of the axon terminals distributed along the various dendrites of a single motoneurone. For this purpose, the light microscopic 3D reconstruction of the dendritic arborization of an intracellularly labelled abducens motoneurone was combined with an electron microscopic analysis of its synaptic contacts. Dendritic profiles were randomly sampled along the various dendrites and the axon terminals they received were classified on the basis of their ultrastructural features and their GABA-immunoreactivity. It emerged that the various dendrites differed according to the type and local arrangement of their synaptic inputs. Our second aim was to incorporate the morphological data obtained into a model giving the charge transfer effectiveness T(x) of the dendritic sites. The sensitivity S(x) of T(x) to changes in the membrane resistivity (Rm) simulating various levels of tonic synaptic activity was calculated. It turned out that both the proximal and distal regions of the dendritic arborization have a dense synaptic covering and a weak sensitivity to changes in the Rm, whereas the intermediate dendrites have a sparse synaptic covering and a high sensitivity to changes in tonic synaptic activity. This pattern of organisation might mediate the “gating” of a population of synapses covering some dendritic regions in a state-dependent fashion.  相似文献   
Several studies have reported the up-regulation of EphB receptor-tyrosine kinases and ephrin-B ligands in a variety of tumors, suggesting a functional relation between EphB/ephrin-B signaling and tumor progression. The ability of the EphB receptors to regulate cell migration and promote angiogenesis likely contributes to tumor progression and metastasis. Here we show that EphB receptors, and especially EphB4, regulate the migration of murine melanoma cells. Highly malignant melanoma cells express the highest levels of EphB4 receptor and migrate faster than less malignant melanoma cells. Furthermore, inhibition of EphB receptor forward signaling by overexpression of a form of EphB4 lacking the cytoplasmic portion or by treatment with competitively acting soluble EphB2-Fc results in slower melanoma cell migration. In contrast, overexpression of active EphB4 significantly enhances cell migration. The effects of EphB4 receptor on cell migration and cell morphology require its kinase activity because the inhibition of EphB4 kinase activity by overexpression of kinase dead EphB4 inhibits cell migration and affects the organization of actin cytoskeleton. Activation of EphB4 receptor with its ligand ephrin-B2-Fc enhances the migratory ability of melanoma cells and increases RhoA activity, whereas inhibiting EphB receptor forward signaling decreases RhoA activity. Moreover, expression of dominant negative RhoA blocks the effects of active EphB4 on cell migration and actin organization. These data suggest that EphB4 forward signaling contributes to the high migratory ability of invasive melanoma cells by influencing RhoA-mediated actin cytoskeleton reorganization.  相似文献   
The development of alternative strategies to prevent HIV infection is a global public health priority. Initial efforts in anti-HIV microbicide development have met with poor success as the strategies have relied on a non-specific mechanism of action. Here, we report the development of a microbicide aimed at specifically blocking HIV entry by displaying molecular components of the HIV/host cell attachment complex on the surface of Caulobacter crescentus, a harmless aquatic bacterium. This bacterium can be readily manipulated to present heterologous proteins at high density on its surface by genetic insertion into its crystalline surface layer protein [1], [2]. In separate constructions, we generated bacteria displaying domain 1 of CD4 and MIP1α. Each moiety reacted with specific antibodies by Western immunoblot and immuno-fluorescence microscopy. Microbicide functionality was assessed using an HIV pseudotype virus assay system representing Clade B subtypes. Bacteria displaying MIP1α reduced infectivity by 35–78% depending on the specific subtype while CD4 display reduced infection by as much as 56%. Combinations of both constructs reduced infectivity by nearly 98%. We demonstrated that HIV infection could be inhibited using a strategy aimed at HIV-specific molecular interactions with Caulobacter surface protein display, and that sufficient protein folding and conformation could be mimicked to bind and block entry. Further, this is the first demonstration that Caulobacter surface protein display may be a useful approach to preventing HIV infection or other viruses as a microbicide. We propose that this harmless bacterium, which is inexpensive to produce and formulate, might be suitable for topical applications as a viable alternative in the search for effective microbicides to counteract the world wide incidence of HIV infection.  相似文献   
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