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Events that are essential for progression through the G1 period begin immediately or shortly after resting chick embryo cells are given fresh medium with serum. The following observations support the contention that the critical events include the production of non-ribosomal RNAs: (1) Addition to the “shift-up” medium of either of two inhibitors of RNA formation, comptothecin or 5, 6-dichloro?1-β-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole, delays the onset of DNA replication by about the length of time the cells are exposed to the drugs. (2) Although entry into the S phase is delayed by the inhibitors, the slopes of the DNA response curves are identical to that of control cultures. (3) Neither drug reduces significantly the rate of overall protein synthesis. Observations (2) and (3) are taken to mean that expansion of the G1 period is not due to cell damage. (4) A third inhibitor of RNA synthesis, cordycepin, also delays passage of stimulated cells throgh the G1 phase, but, in this case, the length of the delay period is greater than that of the exposure period. (5) A low dose of actinomycin D does not impede movement towards the S phase, even though the synthesis of preribosomal RNA is considerably reduced. The possibility is considered that the essential G1 molecules are mRNAs.  相似文献   
X-ray diffraction patterns from live vertebrate striated muscles were analyzed to elucidate the detailed structural models of the myosin crown arrangement and the axial disposition of two-headed myosin crossbridges along the thick filaments in the relaxed and contracting states. The modeling studies were based upon the previous notion that individual myosin filaments had a mixed structure with two regions, a "regular" and a "perturbed". In the relaxed state the distributions and sizes of the regular and perturbed regions on myosin filaments, each having its own axial periodicity for the arrangement of crossbridge crowns within the basic period, were similar to those reported previously. A new finding was that in the contracting state, this mixed structure was maintained but the length of each region, the periodicities of the crowns and the axial disposition of two heads of a crossbridge were altered. The perturbed regions of the crossbridge repeat shifted towards the Z-bands in the sarcomere without changing the lengths found in the relaxed state, but in which the intervals between three successive crowns within the basic period became closer to the regular 14.5-nm repeat in the contracting state. In high resolution modeling for a myosin head, the two heads of a crossbridge were axially tilted in opposite directions along the three-fold helical tracks of myosin filaments and their axial orientations were different from each other in perturbed and regular regions in both states. Under relaxing conditions, one head of a double-headed crossbridge pair appeared to be in close proximity to another head in a pair at the adjacent crown level in the axial direction in the regular region. In the perturbed region this contact between heads occurred only on the narrower inter-crown levels. During contraction, one head of a crossbridge oriented more perpendicular to the fiber axis and the partner head flared axially. Several factors that significantly influence the intensities of the myosin based-meridional reflections and their relative contributions are discussed.  相似文献   
Serpins are metastable proteinase inhibitors. Serpin metastability drives both a large conformational change that is utilized during proteinase inhibition and confers an inherent structural flexibility that renders serpins susceptible to aggregation under certain conditions. These include point mutations (the basis of a number of important human genetic diseases), small changes in pH, and an increase in temperature. Many studies of serpins from mesophilic organisms have highlighted an inverse relationship: mutations that confer a marked increase in serpin stability compromise inhibitory activity. Here we present the first biophysical characterization of a metastable serpin from a hyperthermophilic organism. Aeropin, from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, is both highly stable and an efficient proteinase inhibitor. We also demonstrate that because of high kinetic barriers, aeropin does not readily form the partially unfolded precursor to serpin aggregation. We conclude that stability and activity are not mutually exclusive properties in the context of the serpin fold, and propose that the increased stability of aeropin is caused by an unfolding pathway that minimizes the formation of an aggregation-prone intermediate ensemble, thereby enabling aeropin to bypass the misfolding fate observed with other serpins.  相似文献   
Factor Xa (FXa) is a key protease of the coagulation pathway whose activity is known to be in part modulated by binding to factor Va (FVa) and sodium ions. Previous investigations have established that solvent-exposed, charged residues of the FXa alpha-helix 163-170 (h163-170), Arg(165) and Lys(169), participate in its binding to FVa. In the present study we aimed to investigate the role of the other residues of h163-170 in the catalytic functions of the enzyme. FX derivatives were constructed in which point mutations were made or parts of h163-170 were substituted with the corresponding region of either FVIIa or FIXa. Purified FXa derivatives were compared with wild-type FXa. Kinetic studies in the absence of FVa revealed that, compared with wild-type FXa, key functional parameters (catalytic activity toward prothrombin and tripeptidyl substrates and non-enzymatic interaction of a probe with the S1 site) were diminished by mutations in the NH(2)-terminal portion of h163-170. The defective amidolytic activity of these FXa derivatives appears to result from their impaired interaction with Na(+) because using a higher Na(+) concentration partially restored normal catalytic parameters. Furthermore, kinetic measurements with tripeptidyl substrates or prothrombin indicated that assembly of these FXa derivatives with an excess of FVa in the prothrombinase complex improves their low catalytic efficiency. These data indicate that residues in the NH(2)-terminal portion of the FVa-binding h163-170 are energetically linked to the S1 site and Na(+)-binding site of the protease and that residues Val(163) and Ser(167) play a key role in this interaction.  相似文献   
Serotonin receptors are potential targets for treating functional bowel disorders. This study investigated the functional roles and expression of the 5-HT4 and the 5-HT7 receptor, which coexist in human colon circular smooth muscle. 5-HT3 receptor expression was also investigated. Part of the relaxant response to 5-HT was due to activation of 5-HT4 receptors as the apparent pKB value of the selective 5-HT4 antagonist, GR 113808, was 9.36. 5-HT4 mRNA levels were low in five tissues and undetectable in four others, but all responded to 5-HT with an EC50 value of 102.54+/-19.32 nM. The contribution of 5-HT7 receptors to the response was not readily demonstrated using the selective 5-HT7 antagonist, SB-269970, as its apparent pKB value of 7.19 (5-HT4 block with 1 microM GR 113808) was lower than the value obtained using the 5-HT7 guinea pig ileum assay (8.62). Nevertheless, the 5-HT7 receptor was expressed more consistently than the 5-HT4, but at similar levels. The 5-HT(3Ashort) and 5-HT(3B) subunits were co-expressed at similar levels, but the 5-HT(3Along) subunit was detected in only five of the nine samples tested. The findings show that 5-HT4-induced relaxation occurs at low to undetectable levels of tissue mRNA, as measured by qPCR. Although 5-HT7 receptor mRNA is detected at low, but consistent levels, the functional activity of this receptor is not readily identified given the currently available drugs.  相似文献   
Two putative autotransporter proteins, CapA and CapB, were identified in silico from the genome sequence of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168. The genes encoding each protein contain homopolymeric tracts, suggestive of phase variation mediated by a slipped-strand mispairing mechanism; in each case the gene sequence contained frameshifts at these positions. The C-terminal two-thirds of the two genes, as well as a portion of the predicted signal peptides, were identical; the remaining N-terminal portions were gene specific. Both genes were cloned and expressed; recombinant polypeptides were purified and used to raise rabbit polyclonal monospecific antisera. Using immunoblotting, expression of the ca.116-kDa CapA protein was demonstrated for in vitro-grown cells of strain NCTC11168, for 4 out of 11 recent human fecal isolates, and for 2 out of 8 sequence-typed strains examined. Expression of CapB was not detected for any of the strains tested. Surface localization of CapA was demonstrated by subcellular fractionation and immunogold electron microscopy. Export of CapA was inhibited by globomycin, reinforcing the bioinformatic prediction that the protein is a lipoprotein. A capA insertion mutant had a significantly reduced capacity for association with and invasion of Caco-2 cells and failed to colonize and persist in chickens, indicating that CapA plays a role in host association and colonization by Campylobacter. In view of this demonstrated role, we propose that CapA stands for Campylobacter adhesion protein A.  相似文献   
Self-protecting Ti6Al4V alloy pins were prepared by covalent bonding of bis(ethylene glycol) linkers, then vancomycin to the oxidized, aminopropylated Ti6Al4V alloy surface. Fluorescence modification-enabled estimation of yields of free amines on the metallic surface monolayer at each reaction step. The vancomycin-protected Ti6Al4V pins were not colonized by Staphylococcus aureus, even after 44days storage in physiological buffer. These results provide a basis for testing self-protection against S. aureus colonization in animal models.  相似文献   
Cancer stem cells in solid tumors   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are cells that drive tumorigenesis, as well as giving rise to a large population of differentiated progeny that make up the bulk of the tumor, but that lack tumorigenic potential. CSCs have been identified in a variety of human tumors, as assayed by their ability to initiate tumor growth in immunocompromised mice. Further characterization studies have demonstrated that gene expression profiles in breast cancer correlate with patient prognosis, and brain CSCs are specifically resistant to radiation through DNA damage repair. In addition, specific signaling pathways play a functional role in CSC self renewal and/or differentiation, and early studies indicate that CSCs are associated with a microenvironmental niche. Thus the biological properties of CSCs are just beginning to be revealed, and the continuation of these studies should lead to the development of CSC-targeted therapies for cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Serpins fold to a metastable native state and are susceptible to undergoing spontaneous conformational change to more stable conformers, such as the latent form. We investigated conformational change in tengpin, an unusual prokaryotic serpin from the extremophile Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. In addition to the serpin domain, tengpin contains a functionally uncharacterized 56-amino-acid amino-terminal region. Deletion of this domain creates a variant--tengpinDelta51--which folds past the native state and readily adopts the latent conformation. Analysis of crystal structures together with mutagenesis studies show that the N terminus of tengpin protects a hydrophobic patch in the serpin domain and functions to trap tengpin in its native metastable state. A 13-amino-acid peptide derived from the N terminus is able to mimick the role of the N terminus in stabilizing the native state of tengpinDelta51. Therefore, the function of the N terminus in tengpin resembles protein cofactors that prevent mammalian serpins from spontaneously adopting the latent conformation.  相似文献   
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