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Inhibins are dimeric glycoproteins composed of an alpha () subunit and one of two possible beta (-) subunits (A or B). The aims of this study were to assess the frequency and tissue distribution patterns of the inhibin subunits in normal human endometrium. Samples from human endometrium from proliferative phase (PP; n=32), early secretory phase (ES; n=10) and late secretory phase (LS; n=12) were obtained. Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and a statistical analysis were performed. All three inhibin subunits were expressed by normal endometrium by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Inhibin- was primarily detected in glandular epithelial cells, while inhibin- subunits were additionally localised in stromal tissue. Inhibin- staining reaction increased significantly between PP and ES (P<0.05), PP and LS (P<0.01), and ES and LS (P<0.02). Inhibin-A and -B were significant higher in LS than PP (P<0.05) and LS than ES (P<0.05). All three inhibin subunits were expressed by human endometrium varying across the menstrual cycle. This suggests substantial functions in human implantation of inhibin- subunit, while stromal expression of the subunits could be important in the paracrine signalling for adequate endometrial maturation. The distinct expression in human endometrial tissue suggests a synthesis of inhibins into the lumen and a predominant secretion of activins into the stroma.I. Mylonas and U. Jeschke contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
The human uterine epithelium is characterised by remarkable plasticity with cyclic changes in differentiation that are controlled by ovarian steroid hormones to optimise conditions for embryo implantation. To understand whether and how cell-cell adhesion is affected, the localisation of junction proteins was studied throughout the menstrual cycle. Expression patterns were examined by immunofluorescence in 36 human endometrial specimens of different cycle stages. Antibodies against the desmosomal proteins desmoplakin 1/2 (Dp 1/2) and desmoglein 2 (Dsg 2), the adherens junction proteins E-cadherin and β-catenin and also the common junctional linker protein plakoglobin showed a strong subapical staining during the proliferative phase until the early luteal phase (day 20). In the mid- to late luteal phase, however, these junctional proteins redistributed over the entire lateral plasma membranes. In contrast, tight junction proteins (ZO-1, claudin 4) remained at their characteristic subapical position throughout the menstrual cycle. mRNA levels of Dp 1/2, E-cadherin and ZO-1 obtained by real time RT-PCR were not significantly changed during the menstrual cycle. The observed redistribution of desmosomes and adherens junctions coincides with the onset of the so called implantation window of human endometrium. We propose that this change is controlled by ovarian steroids and prepares the endometrium for successful trophoblast invasion.  相似文献   
The ability to unlearn a previously established association is an important component of behavioural flexibility and may vary according to species ecology. Previously, two closely related sympatric Darwin’s finches were found to differ in their learning abilities. Small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus) outperformed woodpecker finches (Cactospiza pallida) in reversal learning but performed worse in an operant task. We attributed this difference to the habit of woodpecker finches to engage in long bouts of energetic pecking during extractive foraging. Persistently repeating one action without reward could favour performance in operant tasks but also limit behavioural flexibility. Here, we tested whether perseverance is the reason for woodpecker finches’ depressed reversal learning performance. Two new reversal conditions allowed the disentanglement of two sources of error in reversal learning: perseverant choice of the previously rewarded stimulus and failure to respond to the previously non‐rewarded stimulus. For the within‐species comparison, we predicted that woodpecker finches should find it more difficult to learn to avoid the previously rewarded stimulus than learning to choose the previously non‐rewarded stimulus. For the species comparison, we predicted the woodpecker finches should make more errors of perseverance than small tree finches. As performance could also be influenced by reaction to novelty, we compared neophobic responses between species and related them to reversal learning proficiency. We found no significant difference in reversal learning in the predicted direction, but found a negative correlation between neophobia and reversal learning at the inter‐ and the intraspecific level, which points towards a general relationship between reaction to novelty and flexibility.  相似文献   


Birch bark has a long lasting history as a traditional medicinal remedy to accelerate wound healing. Recently, the efficacy of birch bark preparations has also been proven clinically. As active principle pentacyclic triterpenes are generally accepted. Here, we report a comprehensive study on the underlying molecular mechanisms of the wound healing properties of a well-defined birch bark preparation named as TE (triterpene extract) as well as the isolated single triterpenes in human primary keratinocytes and porcine ex-vivo wound healing models.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show positive wound healing effects of TE and betulin in scratch assay experiments with primary human keratinocytes and in a porcine ex-vivo wound healing model (WHM). Mechanistical studies elucidate that TE and betulin transiently upregulate pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and cyclooxygenase-2 on gene and protein level. For COX-2 and IL-6 this increase of mRNA is due to an mRNA stabilizing effect of TE and betulin, a process in which p38 MAPK and HuR are involved. TE promotes keratinocyte migration, putatively by increasing the formation of actin filopodia, lamellipodia and stress fibers. Detailed analyses show that the TE components betulin, lupeol and erythrodiol exert this effect even in nanomolar concentrations. Targeting the actin cytoskeleton is dependent on the activation of Rho GTPases.


Our results provide insights to understand the molecular mechanism of the clinically proven wound healing effect of birch bark. TE and betulin address the inflammatory phase of wound healing by transient up-regulation of several pro-inflammatory mediators. Further, they enhance migration of keratinocytes, which is essential in the second phase of wound healing. Our results, together with the clinically proven efficacy, identify birch bark as the first medical plant with a high potential to improve wound healing, a field which urgently needs effective remedies.  相似文献   
Munc18-1, a SEC1/Munc18 protein and key regulatory protein in synaptic transmission, can either promote or inhibit SNARE complex assembly. Although the binary inhibitory interaction between Munc18-1 and closed syntaxin 1 is well described, the mechanism of how Munc18-1 stimulates membrane fusion remains elusive. Using a reconstituted assay that resolves vesicle docking, priming, clamping, and fusion during synaptic exocytosis, we show that helix 12 in domain 3a of Munc18-1 stimulates SNAREpin assembly and membrane fusion. A single point mutation (L348R) within helix 12 selectively abolishes VAMP2 binding and the stimulatory function of Munc18-1 in membrane fusion. In contrast, targeting a natural switch site (P335A) at the start of helix 12, which can result in an extended α-helical conformation, further accelerates lipid-mixing. Together with structural modeling, the data suggest that helix 12 provides a folding template for VAMP2, accelerating SNAREpin assembly and membrane fusion. Analogous SEC1/Munc18-SNARE interactions at other transport steps may provide a general mechanism to drive lipid bilayer merger. At the neuronal synapse, Munc18-1 may convert docked synaptic vesicles into a readily releasable pool.  相似文献   
In the mouse Pax6 function is critical in a dose-dependent manner for proper eye development. Pax6 contiguous gene deletions were shown to be homozygous lethal at an early embryonic stage. Heterozygotes express belly spotting and extreme microphthalmia. The eye phenotype is more severe than in heterozygous Pax6 intragenic null mutants, raising the possibility that deletions are functionally different from intragenic null mutations or that a region distinct from Pax6 included in the deletions affects eye phenotype. We recovered and identified the exact regions deleted in three new Pax6 deletions. All are homozygous lethal at an early embryonic stage. None express belly spotting. One expresses extreme microphthalmia and two express the milder eye phenotype similar to Pax6 intragenic null mutants. Analysis of Pax6 expression levels and the major isoforms excluded the hypothesis that the deletions expressing extreme microphthalmia are directly due to the action of Pax6 and functionally different from intragenic null mutations. A region distinct from Pax6 containing eight genes was identified for belly spotting. A second region containing one gene (Rcn1) was identified for the extreme microphthalmia phenotype. Rcn1 is a Ca+2-binding protein, resident in the endoplasmic reticulum, participates in the secretory pathway and expressed in the eye. Our results suggest that deletion of Rcn1 directly or indirectly contributes to the eye phenotype in Pax6 contiguous gene deletions.CONTIGUOUS gene deletions account for a significant portion of human genetic syndromes. The application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) cytogenetics and array comparative genome hybridization (array-CGH) technologies have enabled more accurate localization of deletion breakpoints. This deletion information combined with the annotation of the human genome structure provides critical information to identify genes responsible for particular phenotypes associated with a syndrome. For example, deletions of the 11p11p12 and 11p13 regions on the short arm of human chromosome (Chr) 11 have been identified in the Potocki–Shaffer syndrome (Shaffer et al. 1993; Bartsch et al. 1996; Potocki and Shaffer 1996) and the Wilm''s tumor- aniridia- genitourinary abnormalities- mental retardation (WAGR) syndrome (Riccardi et al. 1978; Francke et al. 1979; Hittner et al. 1979; Fryns et al. 1981), respectively. Deletion analyses were important in identifying genes associated with clinical features of the syndromes: EXT2 for multiple exostoses and ALX4 for parietal foramina in Potocki–Shaffer syndrome (Ligon et al. 1998; Wu et al. 2000; Wakui et al. 2005), WT1 for Wilm''s tumor, and PAX6 for aniridia in WAGR syndrome (van Heyningen et al. 1985; Glaser et al. 1986, 1992; Fantes et al. 1992). Deletion analyses have also defined the extent of the deleted region in patients with combined Potocki–Shaffer and WAGR syndromes (McGaughran et al. 1995; Brémond-Gignac et al. 2005) as well as microdeletions 3′ to PAX6, which prevent expression of PAX6 and cause aniridia (Lauderdale et al. 2000; D''elia et al. 2007; Davis et al. 2008).The mouse Chr 2 region homologous to the human WAGR region contains the genes Wt1, Rcn1, Pax6, and Elp4. An extensive allelic series at Pax6 has been identified (Bult et al. 2008). Heterozygote Pax6 intragenic null mutants express microphthalmia, iris anomalies, corneal opacities, lens opacities, and lens-corneal adhesions. Homozygotes are anophthalmic and die shortly after birth (Roberts 1967; Hogan et al. 1986). Five deletions in the region have been identified: Pax6Sey-Dey, Pax6Sey-H, Pax6Sey-2H, Pax6Sey-3H, Pax6Sey-4H of which two, Pax6Sey-H (Hogan et al. 1986; Kent et al. 1997; Kleinjan et al. 2002; Webb et al. 2008) and Pax6Sey-Dey (Theiler et al. 1978; Hogan et al. 1987; Glaser et al. 1990), have been well characterized. Heterozygotes for both deletions express belly spotting and a more extreme eye phenotype than that observed for heterozygotes of intragenic Pax6 null mutations. Homozygotes for both deletions are lethal at an early embryonic stage.We were particularly interested in the extreme eye phenotype associated with the Pax6 deletions and considered two alternative hypotheses. Either Pax6 deletions are functionally different from Pax6 intragenic null mutations or deletion of a region linked to but distinct from the Pax6 structural gene affects the eye phenotype.In the present study we identify three new deletions encompassing the Pax6 region of the mouse. They have been assigned the mutant allele symbols Del(2)Pax611Neu/1Neu, Del(2)Pax612Neu/2Neu, and Del(2)Pax613Neu/3Neu and will be referred to throughout this publication as Pax611Neu, Pax612Neu, and Pax613Neu, respectively. All three deletions are homozygous lethal at an early embryonic stage. The deletions differentiate for the extent of the eye abnormality expressed: Pax611Neu heterozygotes express extreme microphthalmia similar to that observed in the Pax6Sey-Dey and Pax6Sey-H deletions. Pax612Neu and Pax613Neu heterozygotes express the milder eye abnormality seen in heterozygous intragenic null mutants. For all three deletions, heterozygotes do not express belly spotting. Genetic, phenotypic, and molecular characterization of the deletions allowed us to identify regions associated with the array of phenotypes in these contiguous gene deletions.  相似文献   
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease due to mutations of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator gene. A systematic approach to generate a protein expressional pattern in CF bronchial tissue has not been performed so far. It was the aim of this hypothesis-generating study to construct differential proteomes of bronchial biopsies in controls (n = 8) and CF patients (n = 9). Biopsies (pools of three per patient) were taken; proteins were extracted and run on 2-DE with subsequent in-gel digestion and mass spectrometrical identification and quantification of proteins using specific software. Three hundred sixty-six protein spots were identified and compared between groups. Following an approach for multiple testing correction, the chaperone 75 kDa glucose-regulated protein and ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex core protein I and one form of nidogen, a pseudogene of aconitase 2, were increased in CF (p < 0.005). Aberrant protein levels may reflect molecular changes of CF as well as CF-linked inflammation, infection and cellular stress response.  相似文献   
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