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Effects of a series of antihypertensive drugs on the activity of δ-aminolevulinate synthase and on the formation of porphyrins and cytochrome P-450 were examined in the 18-day-old chick embryo liver in ovo. Hydralazine, pargyline, phenoxybenzamine, clonidine, and spironolactone were found to induce δ-aminolevulinate synthase in this system. These drugs therfore have the potential to precipitate clinical expression in human hereditary hepatic porphyrias and should be avoided or used with caution in patients with these disorders. Differential effects of these and other drugs were observed in the avian liver, in that δ-aminolevulinate synthase was more commonly induced thatn were porphyrins and cytochrome -450; the synthase was usually highest 6–12 h after injection, whereas porphyrins and cytochrome P-450 were highest at 24 h. Furthermore marked porphyrin accumulation was not seen with many drugs that induce σ-aminolevulinate synthase and cytochrome P-450 but was more characteristic of compounds that reduced the metabolism of protoporphyrin to heme, such as 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dicarbethoxycollidne (DDC) and high dose of hydralazine. A sensitive and convenient method to test for capacity to induce heme biosynthesis was adapted for use in the chick embryo liver. This employed a relatively small “priming” dose (0.25 mg) of DDC given with a drug being tested and a fluorometric assay of porphyrins in a liver homogenate obtained at 24 h. This simple method should facilitate screening for those drugs which induce the synthesis of δ-aminolevulinate synthase and/or cytochrome P-450 and are potentially dangerous to patients with hereditary hepatic porphyria.  相似文献   
Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) proteins play fundamental roles in higher-order chromosome dynamics from bacteria to humans. It has been proposed that the Bacillus subtilis SMC (BsSMC) homodimer is composed of two anti-parallel coiled-coil arms, each having an ATP-binding domain at its distal end. It remains totally unknown, however, how the two-armed structure supports ATP-dependent actions of BsSMC. By constructing a number of mutant derivatives including 'single-armed' BsSMC, we show here that the central hinge domain provides a structural flexibility that allows opening and closing of the two arms. This unique structure brings about bimodal regulation of the SMC ATPase cycle. Closing the arm can trigger ATP hydrolysis by allowing an end-end interaction within a dimer (intramolecular mode). When bound to DNA, ATP promotes a dimer-dimer interaction, which in turn activates their DNA-dependent ATPase activity (intermolecular mode). Our results reveal a novel mechanism of ATPase regulation and provide mechanistic insights into how eukaryotic SMC protein complexes could mediate diverse chromosomal functions, such as chromosome condensation and sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   
The effects of irradiances of 920 and 1200 mW m(-2) (biologically effective weighted irradiance) were examined in 2 Metarhizium album strains, 26 M. anisopliae strains, 1 M. flavoviride strain, and 1 M. taii strain isolated from sites located at latitudes from 61 degrees N to 54 degrees S. Conidia were exposed to UV-B from 1 to 6 h and subsequently examined for relative percentage culturability. Total dosage received at the end of the exposure periods ranged from 3.3 to 19.9 kJ m(-2) for the lower irradiance and from 4.3 to 25.9 kJ m(-2) for the higher irradiance. Both the irradiance values and the doses are environmentally realistic and can be observed even in temperate regions. The relationships between latitude of origin and UV-B tolerance were compared for the two levels of irradiance for the data from 1 and 2 h exposure. Exposure to both irradiances drastically reduced the relative percentage culturability of all strains. Tolerance to UV-B varied widely among strains and high variation was observed for both irradiances after all periods of exposure. After 1 h of exposure, a difference between the two irradiance levels was detectable, and this difference was magnified at longer irradiations. A significant quadratic relationship of decreasing UV-B tolerance with increasing latitude was observed after exposure of 1 and 2 h. The shape of the relationship did not differ for the two levels of irradiance. Also, we studied the effect of 1200 mW m(-2) irradiance on conidial germination time in 1 M. album strain, 7 M. anisopliae strains, and 1 M. taii strain. Exposure to UV-B delayed the germination of surviving conidia of all strains. In general, the delay in germination was directly proportional to the dose.  相似文献   
The direct identification of the intracellular site where proinsulin is proteolytically processed into insulin has been achieved by immunocytochemistry using an insulin-specific monoclonal antibody. Insulin immunoreactivity is absent from the Golgi stack of pancreatic B-cells and first becomes detectable in clathrin-coated secretory vesicles released from the trans Golgi pole. Clathrin-coated secretory vesicles transform into mature noncoated secretory granules which contain the highest concentration of insulin immunoreactive sites. Maturation of clathrin-coated secretory vesicles is accompanied by a progressive acidification of the vesicular milieu, as evidenced by a cytochemical probe that accumulates in acidic compartments whereupon it can be revealed by immunocytochemistry. Thus packaging of the prohormone in secretory vesicles, and acidification of this compartment, are critical steps in the proper proteolytic maturation of insulin.  相似文献   
The incidence of morphologically abnormal foetuses in the litters of cyclophosphamide (CP)-treated male mice was investigated and compared with control values. In two experiments (100 mg/kg) CP was shown to increase the incidence of grossly abnormal foetuses over that seen in the controls, although neither was statistically significant in isolation. When the probabilities from the two tests of significance were combined using the method of Fisher the result was significant (P = 0.02). These results suggest that an acute exposure to a mutagen in male mice can cause genetic damage that results in an increased incidence of phenotypically abnormal offspring. However, the large numbers of animals required and the variable control level of abnormalities, indicate that this dosing regimen is an inefficient method of studying the genetic mechanisms responsible for the effects seen.  相似文献   
Immuno-gold labelling using a monoclonal antibody (PCBC3) with a primary specificity for -L-arabinofuranosyl residues was used to locate these residues in pollen tubes of Nicotiana alata grown in vivo. The antibody bound to the outer fibrillar layer of the pollen-tube wall: the inner, non-fibrillar wall layer was not labelled. Cytoplasmic vesicles (0.2 m diameter) were also labelled. The antibody may bind to an arabinan in the pollen-tube wall.  相似文献   
Disobutamide (D), an antiarrhythmic cationic amphiphilic amine (CAA), was withdrawn from clinical testing when clear cytoplasmic vacuoles (CCV) were found in the rat and dog during toxicity studies. To delineate the structural determinants of amines that induce CCV, we exposed cultured rat urinary bladder carcinoma and rabbit aorta muscle cells to numerous cationic drugs and chemicals and examined cells by phase light microscopy. The cationic moiety of these CAA was responsible for the induction of CCV. The very potent inducers were compounds that had two strongly basic amine (cationic) centers. The bis tertiary amines were particularly potent inducers. Aliphatic diamines of minimal lipophilicity-induced CCV, thus showing that an "amphiphilic" structural feature, though present in many CAA drugs, is not necessary for CCV induction. The distance between the two cationic centers was irrelevant to the induction of CCV. These results support the concept that CCV are a manifestation of intracellular (e.g., intralysosomal) drug storage. These structural delineations will be useful in future drug design and for further understanding of drug-cell interactions. Based on these findings, we were able to synthesize an antiarrhythmic CAA which did not induce CCV.  相似文献   
The dependence of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root and nodule nonphotosynthetic CO2 fixation on the supply of currently produced photosynthate and nodule nitrogenase activity was examined at various times after phloem-girdling and exposure of nodules to Ar:O2. Phloemgirdling was effected 20 hours and exposure to Ar:O2 was effected 2 to 3 hours before initiation of experiments. Nodule and root CO2 fixation rates of phloem-girdled plants were reduced to 38 and 50%, respectively, of those of control plants. Exposure to Ar:O2 decreased nodule CO2 fixation rates to 45%, respiration rates to 55%, and nitrogenase activities to 51% of those of the controls. The products of nodule CO2 fixation were exported through the xylem to the shoot mainly as amino acids within 30 to 60 minutes after exposure to 14CO2. In contrast to nodules, roots exported very little radioactivity, and most of the 14C was exported as organic acids. The nonphotosynthetic CO2 fixation rate of roots and nodules averaged 26% of the gross respiration rate, i.e. the sum of net respiration and nonphotosynthetic CO2 assimilation. Nodules fixed CO2 at a rate 5.6 times that of roots, but since nodules comprised a small portion of root system mass, roots accounted for 76% of the nodulated root system CO2 fixation. The results of this study showed that exposure of nodules to Ar:O2 reduced nodule-specific respiration and nitrogenase activity by similar amounts, and that phloem-girdling significantly reduced nodule CO2 fixation, nitrogenase activity, nodule-specific respiration, and transport of 14C photoassimilate to nodules. These results indicate that nodule CO2 fixation in alfalfa is associated with N assimilation.  相似文献   
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