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Carcinogenic and toxic molecules produce DNA adducts that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Genetic polymorphisms of xenobiotic-detoxified enzymes, which control the level of DNA adducts, may affect both enzymatic activity and individual susceptibility to coronary artery disease (CAD). In this study we investigated the effects of genetic polymorphisms of the CYP1A1*2C, GSTT1, and GSTM1 enzymes on CAD risk in a Turkish population. Genotypes were determined for 132 CAD patients and 151 healthy controls by the polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism method. There were no significant differences between patients and controls in terms of CYP1A1, GSTT1, and GSTM1 genotypes. Analysis of the possible interactions between the genotypes, after adjustment for the risk factors, demonstrated that individuals carrying CYP1A1 variant GSTT1 null genotypes had an 8.907-fold increased CAD risk compared to their wild status (p<0.05). We suggest that genetic polymorphisms of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes could play an important role in CAD. Therefore, CYP1A1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms should be considered as important parameters for the prediction of CAD.  相似文献   
Development and reproductive traits of Tetranychus macfarlanei Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae) were investigated on kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., at eleven constant temperatures. Tetranychus macfarlanei was able to develop and complete its life cycle at temperatures ranging from 17.5 to 37.5°C. At 15 and 40°C, a few eggs (2–4%) hatched but further development was arrested. Development from egg to adult was slowest at 17.5°C and fastest at 35°C for both females and males. Using Ikemoto and Takai’s linear model, the estimated lower developmental thresholds for egg-to-female adult, egg-to-male adult and egg-to-egg development were 12.9–13.0°C. The thermal constants for the respective stages were 110.85, 115.99 and 125.32 degree-days (DD). The intrinsic optimum temperatures (T Φ) calculated by non-linear SSI model were determined as 24.4, 24.4 and 24.2°C for egg-to-female adult, egg-to-male adult and egg-to-egg development, respectively. The net reproductive rate (R 0) was highest at 25°C (167.4 females per female) and lowest at 17.5°C (42.6 females per female). The intrinsic rate of natural increase, r m, increased linearly with the rising of temperature from 0.102 at 17.5°C to 0.441 day−1 at 35°C. These values suggested that T. macfarlanei could be growing quickly in response to increasing temperatures from 17.5 to 35°C and provide a basis for predicting its potential geographical range.  相似文献   
Summary As the initial step in a project to provide a more cost-effective source of the phytase enzyme, this paper reports on the use of a polyclonal antibody raised to phytase purified from an isolate of Aspergillus niger (A. ficuum) to screen an A. niger lambda gt11 expression library and the use of amino acid sequencing to identify a clone containing part of the fungal phytase gene. The described use of amino acid sequence fragments to verify the cloning of a gene has potential applications in other cloning projects.Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable Offprint requests to: E. Mullaney  相似文献   
Honey bee is vital for pollination and ecological services, boosting crops productivity in terms of quality and quantity and production of colony products: wax, royal jelly, bee venom, honey, pollen and propolis. Honey bees are most important plant pollinators and almost one third of diet depends on bee’s pollination, worth billions of dollars. Hence the role that honey bees have in environment and their economic importance in food production, their health is of dominant significance. Honey bees can be infected by various pathogens like: viruses, bacteria, fungi, or infested by parasitic mites. At least more than 20 viruses have been identified to infect honey bees worldwide, generally from Dicistroviridae as well as Iflaviridae families, like ABPV (Acute Bee Paralysis Virus), BQCV (Black Queen Cell Virus), KBV (Kashmir Bee Virus), SBV (Sacbrood Virus), CBPV (Chronic bee paralysis virus), SBPV (Slow Bee Paralysis Virus) along with IAPV (Israeli acute paralysis virus), and DWV (Deformed Wing Virus) are prominent and cause infections harmful for honey bee colonies health. This issue about honey bee viruses demonstrates remarkably how diverse this field is, and considerable work has to be done to get a comprehensive interpretation of the bee virology.  相似文献   
生物入侵过程中的植物-土壤反馈:一种入侵植物的凋落物分解对其本地近缘植物的影响植物入侵可通过正或负的植物-土壤反馈效应改变土壤的生物和非生物性质,从而影响入侵栖息地的土壤理化性质。许多入侵物种的凋落物分解可增加土壤养分,降低本地植物多样性,并导致进一步的植物入侵。关于入侵植物凋落物在不同土壤类型及深度分解及反馈效应的研究依然很少。本研究旨在明确入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊(Sphagneticola trilobata)凋落物在不同土壤类型和不同土壤深度条件下的分解情 况及其对本地近缘植物蟛蜞菊(S. calendulacea)生理生长的影响。将装有南美蟛蜞菊凋落物的尼龙袋加入到不同深度(即0、2、4 和6 cm)的砂土、营养土和粘土中,经6个月的分解后,回收凋落物袋并计算分解速率,随后在凋落物分解处理后的土壤中种植本地蟛蜞菊,并在生长期结束时测量其生理生态指标。研究结果表明,所有处理土壤类型中,凋落物在土壤深度为2和4 cm处分解后显著增加了土壤养分,而对本 地蟛蜞菊的叶片叶绿素、叶氮含量等生长指标表现为负效应。因此,入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊凋落物分解对土壤养分表现为正的反馈效应,而对本地植物蟛蜞菊的生长表现为负效应。我们的研究结果还表明,入侵植物的凋落物分解对土壤和本地物种的影响还因凋落物分解所在的土壤深度而显著不同。未来的研究应侧重于入侵栖息地中更多本地和入侵物种的植物-土壤反馈效应,以及更多土壤类型和土壤深度的入侵植物凋落物效应。  相似文献   
BackgroundNumerous risk prediction algorithms based on conventional risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) are available but provide only modest discrimination. The inclusion of genetic information may improve clinical utility.MethodsWe tested the use of two gene scores (GS) in the prospective second Northwick Park Heart Study (NPHSII) of 2775 healthy UK men (284 cases), and Pakistani case-control studies from Islamabad/Rawalpindi (321 cases/228 controls) and Lahore (414 cases/219 controls). The 19-SNP GS included SNPs in loci identified by GWAS and candidate gene studies, while the 13-SNP GS only included SNPs in loci identified by the CARDIoGRAMplusC4D consortium.ResultsIn NPHSII, the mean of both gene scores was higher in those who went on to develop CHD over 13.5 years of follow-up (19-SNP p=0.01, 13-SNP p=7x10-3). In combination with the Framingham algorithm the GSs appeared to show improvement in discrimination (increase in area under the ROC curve, 19-SNP p=0.48, 13-SNP p=0.82) and risk classification (net reclassification improvement (NRI), 19-SNP p=0.28, 13-SNP p=0.42) compared to the Framingham algorithm alone, but these were not statistically significant. When considering only individuals who moved up a risk category with inclusion of the GS, the improvement in risk classification was statistically significant (19-SNP p=0.01, 13-SNP p=0.04). In the Pakistani samples, risk allele frequencies were significantly lower compared to NPHSII for 13/19 SNPs. In the Islamabad study, the mean gene score was higher in cases than controls only for the 13-SNP GS (2.24 v 2.34, p=0.04). There was no association with CHD and either score in the Lahore study.ConclusionThe performance of both GSs showed potential clinical utility in European men but much less utility in subjects from Pakistan, suggesting that a different set of risk loci or SNPs may be required for risk prediction in the South Asian population.  相似文献   
The Mycoplasma phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system consists of three components: a membrane-bound enzyme II, a soluble phosphocarrier protein (HPr), and a soluble enzyme I. The soluble enzyme I was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation; Bio-Gel P-10 gel filtration; acid precipitation; diethylaminoethyl-Bio-Gel A; and Bio-Gel HTP column chromatography. The enzyme I was shown to be homogeneous by electrophoresis in a pH 8.9 non-sodium dodecyl sulfate gel and by isoelectric focusing. Whereas the protein moved as a single component in both the non-sodium dodecyl sulfate gel and isoelectric focusing, on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, it moved as three subcomponents. The molecular weights of the three subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma, were 44,500, 62,000 and 64,500, respectively. The holoprotein moved as a single component, in the region of 220,000 daltons, in a Bio-Gel A 0.5-agarose column. The molar ratio of subunits was estimated to be 2alpha:1beta:1gamma. The elution characteristics on a diethylaminoethyl column at pH 7.4 and 6.8, acid precipitation data, and amino acid composition indicated that the protein is acidic. Isoelectric focusing occurred at pH 4.8. N-terminal amino acids determined by the dansyl chloride method indicated that glycine, alanine, and tyrosine are N-terminal amino acids of the three subunits. Although the protein was stable for at least 14 months at -20 degrees C, it was irreversibly inactivated by the thiol reagent N-ethyl-maleimide.  相似文献   
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